This runs an ensemble of related models. The individual models consider different amounts of history, and have the option of either always choosing the move that will optimize the expected payout difference, or will randomly select a move in proportion to expected payout difference.
Each member of the ensemble then votes on their preferred move. They get a number of votes equal to how much more they've won than the opponent (which means that terrible models will get negative votes). Whichever move wins the vote is then selected.
(They should probably split their votes among the moves in proportion to how much they favor each, but I don't care enough to do that right now.)
It beats everything posted so far except EvaluaterBot and PatternFinder. (One-on-one, it beats EvaluaterBot and loses to PatternFinder).
from collections import defaultdict
import random
class Number6:
class Choices:
def __init__(self, C = 0, N = 0, D = 0):
self.C = C
self.N = N
self.D = D
def __init__(self, strategy = "maxExpected", markov_order = 3):
self.MARKOV_ORDER = markov_order;
self.my_choices = ""
self.opponent = defaultdict(lambda: self.Choices())
self.choice = None # previous choice
self.payoff = {
"C": { "C": 3-3, "N": 4-1, "D": 0-5 },
"N": { "C": 1-4, "N": 2-2, "D": 3-2 },
"D": { "C": 5-0, "N": 2-3, "D": 1-1 },
self.total_payoff = 0
# if random, will choose in proportion to payoff.
# otherwise, will always choose argmax
self.strategy = strategy
# maxExpected: maximize expected relative payoff
# random: like maxExpected, but it chooses in proportion to E[payoff]
# argmax: always choose the option that is optimal for expected opponent choice
def update_opponent_model(self, last):
for i in range(0, self.MARKOV_ORDER):
hist = self.my_choices[i:]
self.opponent[hist].C += ("C" == last)
self.opponent[hist].N += ("N" == last)
self.opponent[hist].D += ("D" == last)
def normalize(self, counts):
sum = float(counts.C + counts.N + counts.D)
if 0 == sum:
return self.Choices(1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0)
return self.Choices(
counts.C / sum, counts.N / sum, counts.D / sum)
def get_distribution(self):
for i in range(0, self.MARKOV_ORDER):
hist = self.my_choices[i:]
#print "check hist = " + hist
if hist in self.opponent:
return self.normalize(self.opponent[hist])
return self.Choices(1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0)
def choose(self, dist):
payoff = self.Choices()
# We're interested in *beating the opponent*, not
# maximizing our score, so we optimize the difference
payoff.C = (3-3) * dist.C + (4-1) * dist.N + (0-5) * dist.D
payoff.N = (1-4) * dist.C + (2-2) * dist.N + (3-2) * dist.D
payoff.D = (5-0) * dist.C + (2-3) * dist.N + (1-1) * dist.D
# D has slightly better payoff on uniform opponent,
# so we select it on ties
if self.strategy == "maxExpected":
if payoff.C > payoff.N:
return "C" if payoff.C > payoff.D else "D"
return "N" if payoff.N > payoff.D else "D"
elif self.strategy == "randomize":
payoff = self.normalize(payoff)
r = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
if (r < payoff.C): return "C"
return "N" if (r < payoff.N) else "D"
elif self.strategy == "argMax":
if dist.C > dist.N:
return "D" if dist.C > dist.D else "N"
return "C" if dist.N > dist.D else "N"
assert(0) #, "I am not a number! I am a free man!")
def update_history(self):
self.my_choices += self.choice
if len(self.my_choices) > self.MARKOV_ORDER:
assert(len(self.my_choices) == self.MARKOV_ORDER + 1)
self.my_choices = self.my_choices[1:]
def round(self, last):
if last: self.update_opponent_model(last)
dist = self.get_distribution()
self.choice = self.choose(dist)
return self.choice
class Ensemble:
def __init__(self):
self.models = []
self.votes = []
self.prev_choice = []
for order in range(0, 6):
self.models.append(Number6("maxExpected", order))
self.models.append(Number6("randomize", order))
#self.models.append(Number6("argMax", order))
for i in range(0, len(self.models)):
self.payoff = {
"C": { "C": 3-3, "N": 4-1, "D": 0-5 },
"N": { "C": 1-4, "N": 2-2, "D": 3-2 },
"D": { "C": 5-0, "N": 2-3, "D": 1-1 },
def round(self, last):
if last:
for i in range(0, len(self.models)):
self.votes[i] += self.payoff[self.prev_choice[i]][last]
# vote. Sufficiently terrible models get negative votes
C = 0
N = 0
D = 0
for i in range(0, len(self.models)):
choice = self.models[i].round(last)
if "C" == choice: C += self.votes[i]
if "N" == choice: N += self.votes[i]
if "D" == choice: D += self.votes[i]
self.prev_choice[i] = choice
if C > D and C > N: return "C"
elif N > D: return "N"
else: return "D"
Test Framework
In case anyone else finds it useful, here's a test framework for looking at individual matchups. Python2. Just put all the opponents you're interested in in opponents.py, and change the references to Ensemble to your own.
import sys, inspect
import opponents
from ensemble import Ensemble
def count_payoff(label, them):
if None == them: return
me = choices[label]
payoff = {
"C": { "C": 3-3, "N": 4-1, "D": 0-5 },
"N": { "C": 1-4, "N": 2-2, "D": 3-2 },
"D": { "C": 5-0, "N": 2-3, "D": 1-1 },
if label not in total_payoff: total_payoff[label] = 0
total_payoff[label] += payoff[me][them]
def update_hist(label, choice):
choices[label] = choice
opponents = [ x[1] for x
in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules['opponents'], inspect.isclass)]
for k in opponents:
total_payoff = {}
for j in range(0, 100):
A = Ensemble()
B = k()
choices = {}
aChoice = None
bChoice = None
for i in range(0, 100):
count_payoff(A.__class__.__name__, bChoice)
a = A.round(bChoice)
update_hist(A.__class__.__name__, a)
count_payoff(B.__class__.__name__, aChoice)
b = B.round(aChoice)
update_hist(B.__class__.__name__, b)
aChoice = a
bChoice = b
print total_payoff
1How are bots put against each other? I get from the Grudger that there are always two bots against/with each other and the enemy's last choice is passed to the bot. How many rounds are played? And for a game: Does only the result count (i.e. who won) or also the points? – Black Owl Kai – 2018-11-12T17:52:33.483
1You would get more entries if you made this language-agnostic, or at least broader. You could have a wrapper python class that spawns a process and sends it text commands to get back text responses. – Sparr – 2018-11-12T17:54:26.463
1Done. This was on the sandbox for like a month! – SIGSTACKFAULT – 2018-11-12T17:56:25.770
proposal: normalize scores so that adding more bots or more rounds doesn't inflate the numbers – Sparr – 2018-11-12T23:18:38.603
Depending on how popular this gets, you might want to throw in a "Must run under x ms" to fend off some of the nuttier sim bots. Probably not needed considering this isn't grid-scanning, though. – Veskah – 2018-11-13T00:21:29.270
@Veskah i had to limit the O(n^2) piece of PatternFinder to n=100 to avoid exploding runtime for longer matches – Sparr – 2018-11-13T00:40:30.177
@Black Owl Kai: Knowing how many rounds breaks the game. You just don't know it yet. – Joshua – 2018-11-13T01:59:44.793
We can just do trial and error at home to match the leaderboard and figure out the number of rounds being run. Normalized scores would help, but still not solve the problem. – Sparr – 2018-11-13T07:22:53.517
The game is symmetric, why run every match twice with swapped bots? Seems like a waste of time. – Sparr – 2018-11-13T07:32:40.597
2If you wrap most of main.py in
while len(botlist) > 1:
at the bottom of the loop, you get an elimination tournament with interesting results. – Sparr – 2018-11-13T07:39:57.9471Another version of this someday might pass the entire interaction history rather than just the last move. It doesn't change much although it simplifies user code slightly. But it would allow for extensions, such as noisy communication channels that clarify over time: "Really, a D, even though I've said C four times in a row? No, I didn't say D; what do you take me for? Oh, sorry, can we just forget that round?" – Scott Sauyet – 2018-11-13T13:31:51.150
@ScottSauyet Have fun; I was going for simplicity in the API. – SIGSTACKFAULT – 2018-11-13T13:32:56.860
@Sparr too lazy. – SIGSTACKFAULT – 2018-11-13T13:34:47.157
Should we give a second submission in an edit or new post? Would you find the new one in an edit? – Bridgeburners – 2018-11-15T18:41:38.340
@Bridgeburners if it's fundamentally different and you want both versions to compete separately, you need to submit a second answer. – Sparr – 2018-11-15T20:33:31.997