Generate an RSA key pair


Given a positive integer \$N >= 4\$, output an RSA key pair (both the private and the public key) whose key length is \$N\$ bits.

The RSA key generation algorithm is as follows:

  1. Choose an \$N\$-bit semiprime \$n\$. Let the prime factors of \$n\$ be \$p\$ and \$q\$.
  2. Compute \$\lambda(n) = LCM(p-1, q-1)\$.
  3. Choose an integer \$e\$ such that \$1 < e < \lambda(n)\$ and \$GCD(e, \lambda(n)) = 1\$.
  4. Compute \$d \equiv e^{−1} \pmod {\lambda(n)}\$.

The public key is composed of \$n\$ and \$e\$. The private key is \$d\$.


  • You may assume that there exists at least one semiprime \$n\$ with bit length \$N\$.
  • Output may be in any consistent and unambiguous format.
  • \$e\$ and \$n\$ must be chosen from discrete uniform distributions.
  • You may assume that \$N\$ is less than or equal to the maximum number of bits for integers representable in your language, if your language has such a restriction.


Posted 2018-11-06T01:23:44.853

Reputation: 32 998

Sandbox – Mego – 2018-11-06T01:24:05.157

Am I allowed to use existing RSA utils in a bash submission? – Pavel – 2018-11-06T01:30:11.260

@Pavel Yes, though, as always, including a solution that doesn't use builtins is encouraged. – Mego – 2018-11-06T01:33:55.047

1So you specifically want the uniform distribution over all N-bit semiprimes? – Misha Lavrov – 2018-11-06T01:42:49.887

@MishaLavrov Yes. – Mego – 2018-11-06T01:43:35.817

Are we required to make sure that $p\neq q$? – Arnauld – 2018-11-06T06:54:26.500

1Is there really a solution for $N=3$? I think we have $\lambda(n)\le2$ in that case, which makes it impossible to choose $e$. – Arnauld – 2018-11-06T07:26:37.463

But "4.Compute d≡e −1 (modλ(n)) d≡e−1(modλ(n))" would require invmod function, and not many programming languages have one invmod function... or I remember wrong? – RosLuP – 2018-11-06T09:23:49.153

@Arnauld A semiprime can be the product of two equal primes. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-11-06T16:35:11.867

@EriktheOutgolfer Sure, but my concern was that if $n$ is a perfect square, it can be trivially factorized -- making it a very inefficient RSA key. That said, I realize that such issues are probably off-topic for this challenge. :) – Arnauld – 2018-11-06T16:40:20.923

@Arnauld You're right - there is not a solution for $N = 3$. Also, distinctness is not necessary - RSA technically only requires that $p$ and $q$ are both prime, but if they are equal, it is very weak, so it is usually stated that they are distinct. – Mego – 2018-11-06T19:39:28.807

Are you sure that you have private and public keys the right way around? Given $n$ and $e$, it is relatively trivial to compute $d$... – None – 2018-11-06T19:39:50.443

@Rogem It is not trivial, because it requires factoring $n$. – Mego – 2018-11-06T19:40:58.007

Also, you might want to require that programs must finish in a reasonable time. Else picking random $n$, factoring the primes, etc. becomes a very attractive option in certain languages. – None – 2018-11-06T19:49:01.810


Furthermore, I highly recommend linking to the crypto stack for an explanation on N-bit primes in the context of RSA, or better explaining the concept in the question, as it is not an obvious one.

– None – 2018-11-06T19:57:14.517

The 'uniform distribution' for me it is better not on n but on the 2 primes because one time one has n 'uniform distribution' one has to factor n and more can be n=3*(n/3) if n is divisible for 3 and n/3 is prime (possible I not know what semi-prime means) – RosLuP – 2018-11-07T07:17:52.200

If a number has length in bit one number not divisible for 2, is it possible break it in 2 number both have exact bit length? – RosLuP – 2018-11-08T11:46:48.940



JavaScript (ES7), 190 bytes

Returns [n,e,d].


Try it online!

Because of the limited size of the call stack, this may fail for \$N>13\$.


f = N =>
    R = Math.random,
    // helper function returning the highest divisor of p
    g = d => d && p % --d ? g(d) : d
    // choose n and compute its highest divisor p
    p = g(p = n = R() * 2 ** N | 0)
  // make sure that p is prime
  < 2 &
  // and that n is greater than 1
  n > 1 &
  // compute L = λ(n) = LCM(p - 1, q - 1) = (p - 1) * (q - 1) / GCD(p - 1, q - 1),
  // using the helper function G that returns GCD(a, b)
  (L = (q = n / p - 1) * --p / (G = (a, b) => b ? G(b, a % b) : a)(p, q))
  // make sure that L > 2
  > 2 ?
    // helper function to choose e such that GCD(e, L) = 1
    (g = _ => G(L, e = R() * (L - 2) + 2 | 0) < 2 ?
      // helper function to compute d such that d * e mod L = 1
      (h = d => d * e % L < 2 ? [n, e, d] : h(-~d))()


Posted 2018-11-06T01:23:44.853

Reputation: 111 334


Jelly, 30 29 27 26 bytes


Try it online!


2*µrHÆfL2=ƲƇXṄÆcµgÐṂ`ḊXṄæi    Main link. Arg: N
2*                            Compute 2^N
  µ                           Begin a new chain. Arg: 2^N
    H                         Compute 2^N/2
   r                          Get all N-bit numbers (plus 2^N)
          Ʋ                     Group the following. Arg: num
     Æf                         Prime factors of num
       L                        Number of prime factors of num
        2=                      See if it is 2
           Ƈ                  Filter by the above block
                              This gets N-bit semiprimes
            X                 Choose n at random
             Ṅ                Print n
              Æc              Compute λ(n)
                µ             Begin a new chain. Arg: λ(n)
                 gÐṂ`         Find all 1≤x≤λ(n) with minimal GCD(x,λ(n))
                     Ḋ        Remove the 1 from the candidates
                              This gets candidates for e
                      X       Choose e at random
                       Ṅ      Print e
                        æi    Compute d = e⁻¹ mod λ(n)


Posted 2018-11-06T01:23:44.853

Reputation: 16 699


Axiom, 230 bytes

b(x)==(1+floor log_2 x)::INT
R(n)==(n<4=>-1;k:=n quo 2;repeat(p:=P(k+1);q:=P(k);b(p*q)=n=>break);l:=lcm(p-1,q-1);repeat(e:=2+randnum(l-2);gcd(e,l)=1=>break);[p*q,e,invmod(e,l)])

b in b(x) would find the bit len of x; randnum(x) with x one positive integer would be one function that return one pseudorandom number in the range 0..(x-1); P in P(n) would find one pseudorandom prime in range 2^(n-1)..(2^n-1) [lenght of that range 2^n-1-2^(n-1)=2^(n-1)-1]; R in R(n) would find [n,e,d] as the exercise says.

(15) -> a:=R 23
   Compiling function P with type Integer -> Integer
   Compiling function b with type Integer -> Integer
   Compiling function R with type PositiveInteger -> Any
   Compiling function G1452 with type Integer -> Boolean
   (15)  [4272647,824717,1001213]
                                                       Type: List Integer
(16) -> b %.1
   Compiling function b with type PositiveInteger -> Integer
   (16)  23
                                                    Type: PositiveInteger
(17) -> factor a.1
   (17)  1061 4027
                                                   Type: Factored Integer
(18) -> (a.2*a.3) rem lcm(1061-1,4027-1)
   (18)  1
                                                    Type: PositiveInteger
(19) -> a:=R 23
   (19)  [5215391,932257,1728433]
                                                       Type: List Integer
(20) -> R 2048
                                                       Type: List Integer


Posted 2018-11-06T01:23:44.853

Reputation: 3 036