Blind Random Sort



Here's a pretty common pattern for sorting algorithms:

def sort(l):
    while not is_sorted(l):
         choose indices i, j
         assert i < j
         if l[i] > l[j]:
             l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i]

These algorithms work well because the indices i and j are chosen carefully, based on the state of the list l.

However, what if we couldn't see l, and just had to choose blindly? How fast could we sort the list then?

Your challenge is to write a function that outputs a random pair of indices, given only the length of l. Specifically, you must output two indices, i, j, with 0 <= i < j < len(l). Your function should work on any length of list, but it will be scored on a list of length 100.

Your score is the mean number of index choices necessary to sort a uniformly randomly shuffled list according to the above pattern, where the indices are chosen according to your function.

I will score submissions, taking the mean number of index choices over 1000 trials on a uniformly randomly shuffled list of length 100 with no repeated entries.

I reserve the right to run less trials if the submission is clearly non-competitive or does not terminate, and I will run more trials to differentiate the top competitors to find a single winner. If multiple top submissions remain within the margin of error at the limit of my computational resources, I will declare the earlier submission the winner, until further computational resources can be brought to bear.

Here's an example scoring program, in Python:

import random
def is_sorted(l):
    for x in range(len(l)-1):
        if l[x] > l[x+1]:
            return False
    return True

def score(length, index_chooser):
    steps = 0
    l = list(range(length))

    while not is_sorted(l):
        i, j = index_chooser(length)
        assert (i < j)
        if l[i] > l[j]:
            l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i]
        steps += 1
    return steps

Your function may not maintain any mutable state, interact with global variables, affect the list l, etc. Your function's only input must be the length of the list l, and it must output a ordered pair of integers in the range [0, len(l)-1] (or appropriate for your language's list indexing). Feel free to ask whether something's allowed in the comments.

Submissions may be in any free-to-use language. Please include a scoring harness if one has not already been posted for your language. You may post a provisional score, but I will leave a comment with the official score.

Scoring is the mean number of steps to a sorted list on a uniformly randomly shuffled list of length 100. Good luck.


Posted 2018-10-17T03:50:27.807

Reputation: 39 268

If we can't maintain a mutable state, then is the submission just based on whatever distribution we implement? – Jo King – 2018-10-17T04:00:07.487

2@JoKing Indeed - your submission is a distribution – isaacg – 2018-10-17T04:03:47.270

2Why don't you allow mutable state? Allowing it means that submissions can better fine-tune their algorithms, as opposed to hoping that the right items get picked. – Nathan Merrill – 2018-10-17T04:07:42.060


@NathanMerrill If mutable state were allowed, the winner would just be a sorting network which is already a well studied problem.

– Anders Kaseorg – 2018-10-17T04:13:08.293

1Isn't finding efficient sorting networks of a large size a really hard problem? As long as N > 20, I don't see that being an issue. – Nathan Merrill – 2018-10-17T04:19:29.683

But a random number generator is a mutable state? Am I right? – tsh – 2018-10-17T05:03:58.940

1@tsh A standard random number generator is allowed, as exception to the mutable state rule. Don't use this to transfer information between iterations. – isaacg – 2018-10-17T05:34:26.370

3@NathanMerrill If you want to post that question, feel free. It's not this question, however. – isaacg – 2018-10-17T05:34:49.763

@isaacg I wasn't proposing you actually change the challenge, I was asking what your reasoning was :) – Nathan Merrill – 2018-10-17T06:23:22.723

3@NathanMerrill Oh, sure. The challenge "Design the best sorting network", while an interesting question, has been studied a lot in the CS research world. As a result, the best submissions would probably just consist of implementations of research papers, such as Batcher's bitonic sort. The question I've asked here is original as far as I know, and so should have more room for innovation. – isaacg – 2018-10-17T06:31:20.953

1@Lynn Switched, thanks. – isaacg – 2018-10-18T00:01:01.173



Python, score = 4508

def half_life_3(length):
    h = int(random.uniform(1, (length / 2) ** -3 ** -0.5) ** -3 ** 0.5)
    i = random.randrange(length - h)
    return i, i + h

Half-Life 3 confirmed.

Python, score = 11009

def bubble(length):
    i = random.randrange(length - 1)
    return i, i + 1

Apparently a randomized bubble sort doesn’t do all that much worse than a normal bubble sort.

Optimal distributions for small length

There’s no way this could be extended to length 100, but it’s interesting to look at anyway. I computed optimal distributions for small cases (length ≤ 7) using gradient descent and lots of matrix algebra. The kth column shows the probability of each swap at distance k.



0.5000 0.0000

0.2957 0.0368 0.0000 
0.3351 0.0368 

0.2019 0.0396 0.0000 0.0000 
0.2279 0.0613 0.0000 
0.2279 0.0396 

0.1499 0.0362 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 
0.1679 0.0558 0.0082 0.0000 
0.1721 0.0558 0.0000 
0.1679 0.0362 

0.1168 0.0300 0.0041 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 
0.1313 0.0443 0.0156 0.0000 0.0000 
0.1355 0.0450 0.0155 0.0000 
0.1355 0.0443 0.0041 
0.1313 0.0300 

Anders Kaseorg

Posted 2018-10-17T03:50:27.807

Reputation: 29 242

Your score: 11009 – isaacg – 2018-10-17T06:13:19.620

2Can you explain your half life 3 answer a bit? Is the point just to bias the random number towards the front of the list? – Max – 2018-10-17T16:04:17.883

1The optimal distributions for small length are very interesting - I notice that biasing towards the center is useful, especially for larger swap distance. – isaacg – 2018-10-17T17:02:36.583

@Max The entire problem is about biasing the random numbers in useful ways; this way happened to be useful. Note that h is the distance between the swapped elements; it doesn’t represent the front or the back. – Anders Kaseorg – 2018-10-17T23:18:00.980

1Your half life score: 4508 on 10000 samples. – isaacg – 2018-10-18T00:19:34.570


Score: 4627

def rand_step(n):
	step_size = random.choice([1, 1, 4, 16])
	if step_size > n - 1:
		step_size = 1 
	start = random.randint(0, n - step_size - 1)
	return (start, start + step_size)

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Outputs random indices whose distance apart is chosen uniformly from [1,1,4,16]. The idea is to have a mix of 1-step swaps with swaps at larger scales.

I hand-tweaked these values for lists of length 100, and they are likely far from optimal. Some machine search could probably optimize the distribution over distances for the random-pair-with-chosen-distance strategy.


Posted 2018-10-17T03:50:27.807

Reputation: 115 687

1Your score: 4627 on 10,000 samples. I'll run it again with more samples if you're among the leaders after a few days. – isaacg – 2018-10-17T06:14:01.713


Score: 28493

def x_and_y(l):
    x = random.choice(range(l))
    y = random.choice(range(l))
    while y == x and l != 1: y = random.choice(range(l))
    return sorted([x,y])

Try it online!

This solution just selects distinct values for x and y randomly from the range and returns them in sorted order. As far as I can tell, this performs better than choosing x then choosing y from the remaining values.

Jo King

Posted 2018-10-17T03:50:27.807

Reputation: 38 234

Your score: 28493 – isaacg – 2018-10-17T06:13:03.713


Python, score: 39525

def get_indices(l):
    x = random.choice(range(l-1))
    y = random.choice(range(x+1,l))
    return [x,y]

First it chooses a random value in the range \$[0, l-1)\$ for the \$x\$-index.
After that it will choose another random value larger than \$x\$ in the range \$[x+1, l)\$ for the \$y\$-index.

Try it online.

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2018-10-17T03:50:27.807

Reputation: 67 575

Your score: 39525 – isaacg – 2018-10-18T00:18:11.000


Python, score ≈ 5000

def exponentialDistance(n):
    epsilon = 0.25
    for dist in range(1, n):
        if random.random() < epsilon:
        dist = 1
    low = random.randrange(0, n - dist)
    high = low + dist
    return low, high

Tried with a bunch of epsilon values, 0.25 seems to be the best.

Score ≈ 8881

def segmentedShuffle(n):
    segments = 20
    segmentLength = (n - 1) // segments + 1

    if random.random() < 0.75:
        a = b = 0
        while a == b or a >= n or b >= n:
            segment = random.randrange(segments)
            a = random.randrange(segmentLength) + segment * segmentLength
            b = random.randrange(segmentLength) + segment * segmentLength
        return sorted([a, b])

    highSegment = random.randrange(1, segments)
    return highSegment * segmentLength - 1, highSegment * segmentLength

A different approach. Not as good, and it dies horribly with length not divisible by the number of segments, but still fun to build.


Posted 2018-10-17T03:50:27.807


Your scores: Exponential distance: 5055. Segmented shuffle: 8901 – isaacg – 2018-10-18T00:17:52.910


Score: 4583

def rand_shell(l):
    steps = [1, 3, 5, 9, 17, 33, 65, 129]
    candidates = [(left, left + step)
            for (step, nstep) in zip(steps, steps[1:])
            for left in range(0, l - step)
            for i in range(nstep // step)
    return random.choice(candidates)

Try it online!

I've no idea why. I just tried sequences listed on wikipedia artical for shellsort. And this one seem works best. It get similar score with the one xnor posted.


Posted 2018-10-17T03:50:27.807

Reputation: 13 072

Your score: 4583 on 10,000 samples. I'll run it again with more samples if you're among the leaders in a few days. – isaacg – 2018-10-17T06:14:53.493

Also, I'm running a faster program that samples the same distribution, so I can get more samples. – isaacg – 2018-10-17T06:18:10.717

2@isaacg For better testing performance, moving candidates out of the function as a global variable should work. – tsh – 2018-10-17T06:21:57.760

1Thanks, that's much faster than what I was doing. – isaacg – 2018-10-17T06:26:01.480


Python 2, 4871

import random
def index_chooser(length):
    e= random.choice([int(length/i) for i in range(4,length*3/4)])
    s =random.choice(range(length-e))
    return [s,s+e]
def score(length, index_chooser):
    steps = 0
    l = list(range(length))
    while True:
        for x in range(length-1):
            if l[x] > l[x+1]:
            return steps
        i, j = index_chooser(length)
        assert(i < j)
        if l[i] > l[j]:
            l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i]
        steps += 1

print sum([score(100, index_chooser) for t in range(100)])

Try it online!


Posted 2018-10-17T03:50:27.807

Reputation: 5 985

Your score: 4871 on 10000 samples – isaacg – 2018-10-18T00:18:57.607