Different combinations possible




Given a value n, imagine a mountain landscape inscribed in a reference (0, 0) to (2n, 0). There musn't be white spaces between slopes and also the mountain musn't descend below the x axis. The problem to be solved is: given n (which defines the size of the landscape) and the number k of peaks (k always less than or equal to n), how many combinations of mountains are possible with k peaks?


n who represents the width of the landscape and k which is the number of peaks.


Just the number of combinations possible.


Given n=3 and k=2 the answer is 3 combinations.

Just to give a visual example, they are the following:

   /\     /\      /\/\
/\/  \   /  \/\  /    \

are the 3 combinations possible using 6 (3*2) positions and 2 peaks.

Edit: - more examples -

n  k  result
2  1  1
4  1  1
4  3  6
5  2  10

Winning condition

Standard rules apply. The shortest submission in bytes wins.


Posted 2018-09-30T20:10:45.827

Reputation: 91

4Is this the same as, "find the number of expressions of n matched parentheses pairs that contain exactly k instances of ()"? – xnor – 2018-09-30T20:36:46.103

4https://oeis.org/A001263? – xnor – 2018-09-30T20:40:15.067

@xnor yes it is. – Jonathan Allan – 2018-09-30T21:30:30.757

4You may want to update the challenge with a more explicit title such as Compute Narayana Numbers. – Arnauld – 2018-10-01T09:16:02.647

Could you confirm whether or not an input with k of zero must be handled? If so must an input with n equal to zero (with k also zero by definition) be handled? – Jonathan Allan – 2018-10-01T11:28:49.813



Python, 40 bytes

f=lambda n,k:k<2or~-n*n*f(n-1,k-1)/~-k/k

Try it online!

Uses the recurrence \$a_{n,1} = 1\$, \$a_{n,k} = \frac{n(n-1)}{k(k-1)}a_{n-1,k-1}\$.

Anders Kaseorg

Posted 2018-09-30T20:10:45.827

Reputation: 29 242


Jelly, 7 bytes


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Takes input as n then k. Uses the formula


which I found on Wikipedia.

c        Binomial coefficient of n and...
 Ɱ       each of 1..k
  ṫ-     Keep the last two. ṫ is tail, - is -1.
    P    Product of the two numbers.
     ÷   Divide by
      ⁸  n.

7 bytes

Each line works on it's own.


Takes input as k then n.

7 bytes

  • Thanks to Jonathan Allan for this one.


Posted 2018-09-30T20:10:45.827

Reputation: 4 993

Wait... tail is automatically defined as 2 numbers? (Don't know Jelly at all, just a silly question) – Quintec – 2018-09-30T21:51:55.033

@Quintec There are two tail functions. One () that just takes the last element of a single argument and the one I used () which takes two arguments. The fist argument is a list and the second one is a number (In my case -1 represented by a - in the code) which tells you how many elements to save. Having -1 give two elements was the golfiest way to define – dylnan – 2018-09-30T21:56:40.683

Gotcha, thanks! I see how jelly was built for golf... hehe – Quintec – 2018-09-30T21:59:48.397

1Another variant for 7 f(n,k): cⱮ×ƝṪ÷⁸ – Jonathan Allan – 2018-09-30T22:14:28.377


JavaScript (ES6), 33 30 bytes

Saved 3 bytes thanks to @Shaggy

Takes input as (n)(k).


Try it online!

Implements the recursive definition used by Anders Kaseorg.

JavaScript (ES7), 59 58 49 45 bytes

Takes input as (n)(k).


Try it online!



Derived from A001263 (first formula).


Posted 2018-09-30T20:10:45.827

Reputation: 111 334

-3 bytes with currying. – Shaggy – 2018-09-30T22:55:45.327

@Shaggy Doh... Thanks. Revision #7 finally looks like revision #1 should have. :p – Arnauld – 2018-09-30T22:59:19.820


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 27 bytes

Three versions, all the same length:




Try it online! (Just the first version, but you can copy and paste to try the others.)

All of these are some sort of variant on $$\frac{n!(n-1)!}{k!(k-1)!(n-k)!(n-k-1)!}$$ which is the formula that's been going around. I was hoping to get somewhere with the Beta function, which is a sort of binomial reciprocal, but then there was too much division happening.

Misha Lavrov

Posted 2018-09-30T20:10:45.827

Reputation: 4 846


APL(Dyalog), 19 18 16 12 bytes


Thanks to @Galen Ivanov for -4 bytes

Uses the identity in the OEIS sequence. Takes k on the left and n on the right.



Posted 2018-09-30T20:10:45.827

Reputation: 2 801

⊢÷⍨!×⊢!⍨¯1+⊣ for 12 bytes, argument reversed – Galen Ivanov – 2018-10-01T10:38:49.463

@GalenIvanov Thanks, my tacit APL is extremely weak – Quintec – 2018-10-01T12:51:23.400

My APL as not good, I just took the opportunity to give it a try, after my J solution :) – Galen Ivanov – 2018-10-01T12:53:52.080


J, 17 11 bytes


Try it online!

Takes n as the right argument, k as the left one. Uses the same formula as dylnan's Jelly answer and Quintec's APL solution.


            ] - n  
           !  - choose
       <:@[   - k-1
      *       - multiplied by
     !        - n choose k
   %~         - divided by
  ]           - n   

Galen Ivanov

Posted 2018-09-30T20:10:45.827

Reputation: 13 815


Ruby, 50 bytes

->l,n{eval [[*n..l]*2*?*,l,n,[*1..l-=n]*2,l+1]*?/}

Try it online!


Posted 2018-09-30T20:10:45.827

Reputation: 11 099


Perl 6, 33 bytes

{[*] ($^n-$^k X/(2..$k X-^2))X+1}

Try it online!

Uses the formula



{[*]                            }  # Product of
     ($^n-$^k X/                   # n-k divided by
                (2..$k X-^2))      # numbers in ranges [1,k-1], [2,k]
                             X+1   # plus one.

Alternative version, 39 bytes

{combinations(|@_)²/(1+[-] @_)/[/] @_}

Try it online!

Uses the formula from Arnauld's answer:



Posted 2018-09-30T20:10:45.827

Reputation: 10 037


Common Lisp, 76 bytes

(defun x(n k)(cond((= k 1)1)(t(*(/(* n(1- n))(* k(1- k)))(x(1- n)(1- k))))))

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Posted 2018-09-30T20:10:45.827

Reputation: 231

You can save 2 bytes by removing the spaces after \ and after x – Galen Ivanov – 2018-10-01T12:21:50.877

1Just updated thanks – JRowan – 2018-10-01T12:24:21.443

Suggest (*(1- x)x) instead of (* x(1- x)) – ceilingcat – 2018-10-18T04:26:58.873


Jelly, 8 bytes


A dyadic Link accepting n on the left and k on the right which yields the count.

Try it online!

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2018-09-30T20:10:45.827

Reputation: 67 804


Stax, 9 bytes


Run and debug it

I'm using dylnan's formula in stax.

Unpacked, ungolfed, and commented the program looks like this.

        program begins with `n` and `k` on input stack
{       begin block for mapping
  [     duplicate 2nd element from top of stack (duplicates n)
  |C    combinatorial choose operation
m       map block over array, input k is implicitly converted to [1..k]
O       push integer one *underneath* mapped array
E       explode array onto stack
*       multiply top two elements - if array had only element, then the pushed one is used
,/      pop `n` from input stack and divide

Run this one


Posted 2018-09-30T20:10:45.827

Reputation: 8 616


APL(NARS), 17 chars, 34 bytes



  (2 f 1)(4 f 1)(4 f 3)(5 f 2)    
1 1 6 10 


Posted 2018-09-30T20:10:45.827

Reputation: 3 036