Convert a decimal to a fraction



Write a program that converts a decimal to a mixed, simplified fraction.

Sample input:


Sample output:

5 + (1/5)

The code with the shortest length in bytes wins.


Posted 2014-01-02T21:43:58.660

Reputation: 367

5Easy: 1.2345 = 12345/10000. You give me the precision & I'll give you the fraction! – – 2014-01-02T21:52:07.913

Do you mean simplified fractions? – hkk – 2014-01-02T21:53:04.673

i meant mixed fractions – belvi – 2014-01-02T21:58:15.503

basically: find how many spaces the decimal goes beyond the decimal point (e.g. 2.357 is 3 digits after decimal), then turn it into improper, unsimplified: 2357/1000 and then, have a list of primes, starting at lowest, try to divide both numbers by it without remainder, then try it on that until at least one of the numbers is a prime and the other is not divisible by that number, and you're done – markasoftware – 2014-01-02T22:04:17.200

@CrowdStar: Does the fractional part need to be simplified? – Gelatin – 2014-01-02T22:09:43.633

Yep, it has to be. @Gelatin – belvi – 2014-01-02T22:11:49.520

25.2 != 5+1/2... – Kevin – 2014-01-02T22:28:46.643

@Markasoftware: That won't necessarily work (the factor might not be prime) and it could take a long time. The best way (AFAIK) is to find the gcd of both (using the Euclidean algorithm) and divide through. – Gelatin – 2014-01-02T22:36:11.593

Is there a convention for negative mixed fractions? What about proper fractions?: 0+3/7 or simply 3/7 ? – DavidC – 2014-01-02T23:44:34.400

@Gelatin I'm pretty sure all whole numbers which are greater than 1 and are not prime have at least one factor that is prime. – markasoftware – 2014-01-03T17:16:13.497

@Markasoftware: I guess it would work if you did it more than once. – Gelatin – 2014-01-03T17:22:52.657



Ruby, 43

y=gets.to_r;puts"#{y.to_i} + (#{y-y.to_i})"

Pretty straightforward.

Ibrahim Tencer

Posted 2014-01-02T21:43:58.660

Reputation: 321

Interesting solution. I'm honestly surprised you can make such short program with correct output format. – Konrad Borowski – 2014-01-03T17:47:29.133

Ruby has a lot of Lispy features and the Rational class is probably one of the lesser-known ones. However, if the input is a float you're liable to get something like "2 + (1499999999999999/5000000000000000)" – Ibrahim Tencer – 2014-01-04T04:01:20.947


GolfScript, 40


Requires no line terminator in the input. Can probably be golfed further.

aditsu quit because SE is EVIL

Posted 2014-01-02T21:43:58.660

Reputation: 22 326


Golf-Basic 84, 32 characters

Executed from a TI-84 calculator



Posted 2014-01-02T21:43:58.660

Reputation: 12 038


Mathematica 73

No cigar this time. Numerator, Denominator and Rationalize are big words.






Posted 2014-01-02T21:43:58.660

Reputation: 24 524


GTB, 28



Posted 2014-01-02T21:43:58.660

Reputation: 12 038

The source code for your compiler cannot be run since iX2Web is not available. The link in your site is bad as well. – mbomb007 – 2015-04-13T20:58:54.103


OK, this isn't the shortest. But the proper way to convert decimals to fractions is to use continued fractions.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  double f = 152/147.;
  int temp, i, cf[50], n=0, d=1;
  double prec = 1e-6;


  for (i=0;i<50 && prec<1;i++) {
    cf[i] = f;
/* Next line assumes division by zero evaluates to inf */
    f = 1/(f-cf[i]);

  for (;i>=0;i--) {
    temp = n;
    n = n*cf[i] + d;
    d = temp;
  if (cf[0] == 0)
    printf("%d %d/%d\n",cf[0],d,n);


Stephen Montgomery-Smith

Posted 2014-01-02T21:43:58.660

Reputation: 231


python 3, 84

from fractions import*
print("%s + (%s)"%(a,Fraction("."+b)))


Posted 2014-01-02T21:43:58.660

Reputation: 1 682

Doesn't return the output in correct format. + should be returned (but otherwise, it's close to expected format). – Konrad Borowski – 2014-01-03T07:03:05.233

@GlitchMr Edited the format. – Wasi – 2014-01-03T07:52:42.987

Also, there are parens. Dunno why, but the OP put them. – Konrad Borowski – 2014-01-03T12:42:54.753

@GlitchMr Added those creepy parens. Now the code size raised to 84 :-( – Wasi – 2014-01-03T12:58:09.197


Perl 6 (53 bytes)

Does the output in right, expected format. Would be way shorter if output in invalid format would be allowed. This gets a number, converts it to rational. nude method returns denominator and numerator (there are separate denominator and numerator methods, but they are crazily long.

[] is a reduce operator which takes operator between square brackets, and in this case, I use it to shorten the code (so I wouldn't have to specify both array elements, because they are already in correct order (but if they wouldn't, there are R operators (like R/, R%, Rdiv, and Rmod) that reverse the order of arguments for operator)). {} in double quotes puts the result of code in string (like #{} in Ruby).

my \ is declaration of sigilless variable. In this case it doesn't save characters, but it doesn't waste them either, so why not use it. I could have used my@, and it would use identical number of characters.

my \n=get.Rat.nude;say "{[div] n} + ({[%] n}/{n[1]})"

Sample output (just to show the correct format):

~ $ perl6 -e 'my \n=get.Rat.nude;say "{[div] n} + ({[%] n}/{n[1]})"'
42 + (21/50)

If negative number support is needed, this would work (2 bytes more).

~ $ perl6 -e 'my \n=get.Rat.nude;say "{[div] n} + ({[mod] n}/{n[1]})"'
-42 + (-21/50)

Konrad Borowski

Posted 2014-01-02T21:43:58.660

Reputation: 11 185


R, several lines

How about the way they tought us at grammar school?

  gcd=function(a,b)if(!b)a else gcd(b,a%%b)
  cat(a[1]," + (",x/d,"/",p/d,")",sep="");

Vaguely: works for positive decimals with finite decimal fraction.

> f("23.872")
23 + (109/125)

Input must be a string matching "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+" regular expression.


Posted 2014-01-02T21:43:58.660

Reputation: 31



Isn't pretty, but whatever

import Data.Ratio
main=let r '%'='/';r c=c in interact$(\(x,y)->show x++" + "++map r(show$approxRational y 1e-9))


Posted 2014-01-02T21:43:58.660

Reputation: 7 484


kind of cheating, but pressing these characters in a mathematica notebook looks it up in wolfram alpha, which gives the mixed fraction form among other information



Posted 2014-01-02T21:43:58.660

Reputation: 199