Without using numbers, Calculate Pi


Inspired by Nicola Sap's Challenge


Your challenge is to simply produce π with 232-1 digits. However today's twist, like the title implies, is to produce it without using any numbers or any π constants in your source-code.


Your program will not be provided usable input. It can output in any reasonable format.


  • Standard Loop-Holes forbidden
  • You cannot use numbers in your source code nor can you use a pi constant if it exists. If your language also has tau defined as 2pi, that's also banned. Numbers are in the range [0-9]
  • You must output as many digits as you can You must output 2^32-1 digits of pi, including the 3. (This has been changed due to the arbitrary nature of the original task)
  • Your Program must terminate, or at least theoretically terminate given enough time. Crashing is an acceptable way to terminate.


This is code golf so shortest answer wins.

A Million Digits of Pi for your use


Posted 2018-09-15T01:19:24.623

Reputation: 3 580

Question was closed 2018-09-15T21:55:40.433

2Just acknowledging that it's been done to death doesn't mean that you're not killing it more. – Jo King – 2018-09-15T01:25:56.413

2How do you define numbers? – Jo King – 2018-09-15T01:29:35.840

@JoKing It might prove to be a fresh enough spin to be interesting. If not, so it goes. Besides, if I didn't say it, someone else would've. Also added – Veskah – 2018-09-15T01:31:06.287

3Given that there are algorithms for computing pi to an arbitrary precision I think there need to be some more limits imposed on the problem. Otherwise the winner is just whoever uses the largest target precision. Working around the no-numbers restriction just requires casting char to int – SamYonnou – 2018-09-15T01:32:24.147

@user202729 Yeah, I overlooked that aspect. I guess to salvage this, the goal shall be changed to generating 2^32-1 digits – Veskah – 2018-09-15T02:09:00.830

2It's unfortunate that Shakespeare doesn't have arbitrary precision, or else the Shakespeare Programming Language would be a shoo-in. – JosiahRyanW – 2018-09-15T03:18:35.490

@JosiahRyanW I guess implementing arbitrary precision in SPL is not very hard. But how is that related? – user202729 – 2018-09-15T13:01:23.700

@user202729 Shakespeare doesn't have numbers in its source code anyways. – JosiahRyanW – 2018-09-15T21:31:24.880



Perl 6, 67 bytes

{$!=.FatRat²/$!+$_+$_-?e}for ²…¹;say substr ⁴/$!,^²³²

Try it online!

Takes a very long time to compute. As an example here's an altered version that only prints the first 1000 digits.

Jo King

Posted 2018-09-15T01:19:24.623

Reputation: 38 234

Can you not remove the braces? – H.PWiz – 2018-09-15T19:47:46.723


Mathematica, 42 39 bytes


Output Returns exactly 4294967295 digits as requested.

If more digits were allowed, then by outputting 7.76e17 digits (if even possible lol), 26 bytes would be possible:


Sorry but Pi = Ln(-1)/i.

Shieru Asakoto

Posted 2018-09-15T01:19:24.623

Reputation: 4 445

The OP has changed the challenge to produce 2^32-1 digits of Pi – Jo King – 2018-09-15T02:36:06.557

@JoKing You mean 2147483647 digits exactly? – Shieru Asakoto – 2018-09-15T02:38:57.647

14,294,967,295 actually. – Veskah – 2018-09-15T02:45:22.543

@Veskah I though it was 2^(32-1)-1 lol – Shieru Asakoto – 2018-09-15T02:50:10.027


GolfScript, 70 85 bytes

;''!..):t{](..+.*:a@~@*\a(*@)\@}t.+.+t+:T t..*.*t*?(:b?*@;\{.@[\].~/\~%T*@}b*;;]("."@

+15 bytes because I can't read.

Try it online!

Or, actually, don't. Try this online instead, which calculates 4 digits.


Posted 2018-09-15T01:19:24.623

Reputation: 2 600