What did we forget?



Your task is to write a non-empty computer program comprised of some sequence of bytes. If we choose a particular byte in the program and remove all instances of it from the program, the modified program should output the removed byte.

For example if our program were


Then bcb would output a, aaaca would need to output b and aababa would output c.

It does not matter what the unmodified program does.

Answers will be scored in bytes with the goal being to minimize the number of bytes.

Post Rock Garf Hunter

Posted 2018-09-05T22:06:29.217

Reputation: 55 382

4Since this challenge isn't tagged quine, may we read our own source code? – Dennis – 2018-09-05T22:56:51.970

1@Dennis Sure. Be my guest – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2018-09-05T23:12:12.537

2If all the bytes in our program represent digits, may we output via exit code? – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-09-06T06:04:54.103

15I think this would be better as a code challenge where you have to maximise the number of discrete characters used. – Notts90 supports Monica – 2018-09-06T11:07:09.913

@tsh that’d be pretty interesting! – Notts90 supports Monica – 2018-09-06T11:27:55.723

2Should've specified more than 1 byte instead of non-empty :P. Or what Notts90 said. – Magic Octopus Urn – 2018-09-06T13:54:30.207

1@Notts90 Probably. The radiation hardening already makes the non-trivial answers quite hard. – user202729 – 2018-09-06T14:17:22.563

1@MagicOctopusUrn The votes agree with you... this is a case of code-golf with the 548 byte answer getting the lion's share of upvotes! – JayCe – 2018-09-06T15:38:23.033

1@MagicOctopusUrn More than 1 byte would mean that all the one byte answers would just be two bytes, e.g. 11 for retina. Unless you mean more than one distinct byte. Which would probably have improved the challenge. – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2018-09-06T20:25:01.330

Is output with a trailing newline acceptable? (If so, would the output when the newline character is removed have to be two newlines?) – Doorknob – 2018-09-06T23:07:06.133

There is no clear meta consensus on this, and in any case whether two newlines would be required if a newline was removed is a challenge-specific question (as it essentially amounts to "is it okay to only sometimes add a trailing newline). – Doorknob – 2018-09-06T23:37:03.910

@Doorknob Ok you can add an extra new line. – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2018-09-06T23:39:22.247

Would the output when a newline is removed have to be two newlines, then, or would a single newline be acceptable (when all other outputs have trailing newlines)? – Doorknob – 2018-09-06T23:51:23.207

@Doorknob It should probably be 2. – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2018-09-06T23:54:13.760



zsh, 603 594 566 561 548 440 415 399 378 370 bytes

ho \\n;ca t<<<$'\x20';exi t
d$c -e8BC6P
d0c -eKp
$'\172\163\150' $'\055\143' $'\146\157\162 v \151\156 \173\043\056\056\134\175\175\073\173 \146\147\162\145\160 \055\161 $\166 '$0$'\174\174\074\074\074$\166\073\175'
$'\145v\141\154' $':\073\072\046\046\145\170\151\164';#%&()*+,/9=>?@ADEFGHIJLMNOQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`jklmsuwy
0# $#;for b in {$..z};{ fgrep -q $b $0||<<<$b;}

Depends on coreutils + dc.

Try it online!

That was... a journey.

This answer has three parts. The first 4 lines handle certain special cases to simplify the code that follows. The next 2 lines and the last line both accomplish essentially the same thing, but exactly one is run with any given character removal. They are written with mostly complementary character sets, so that removing any character breaks only one at most, allowing the other to continue to function.

Looking at the first part, we first handle

  • newline removal with ec\nho \\n
  • space removal with ca t<<<$'\x20' (followed by exi t to avoid running later code, which would result in extraneous output)
  • $ removal with d$c -e8BC6P (8BC6 = 9226 is 36*256 + 10, and 36 and 10 are the byte values of the $ and newline characters respectively; we use hex digits in decimal to avoid having to include them in the large comment in line 6)
  • 0 removal with d0c -eKp (K gets the decimal precision, which is 0 by default)

In the next part, the only characters used (aside from the garbage at the end of the second line) are $'\01234567v;, space, and newline. Of these, four have been accounted for, so the remainder ('\1234567v) cannot occur in the last line. Expanding the octal escapes ($'\123' represents the ASCII character with value 1238), we get:

zsh -c 'for v in {#..\}};{ fgrep -q $v '$0'||<<<$v;}'
eval ':;:&&exit'

The first line loops through all characters used in the program and searches for each one in its own source code ($0 is the filename of the script being run), printing any character that is not found.

The second line looks a little strange, and appears to do the same thing as exit with a bunch of nops. However, encoding exit as octal directly results in $'\145\170\151\164', which does not contain 2 or 3. We actually need to make this less resilient to removals. This is because if any of '\014567v are removed, breaking the first line, the second line also breaks, allowing the remainder of the code to execute. However, we need it to also break if 2 or 3 are removed so that lines 3 and 4 can run. This is accomplished by shoehorning in : and ;, which have a 2 and 3 in their octal representation respectively.

The junk at the end of line 2 is simply there to ensure every printable ASCII character appears at least once, as the way the checking is done by looping through each one requires this.

If exit was not called in the first section (i.e. it was mangled by the removal of one of '\01234567v), we move on to the second, in which we must accomplish the same thing without using any of these characters. The last line is similar to the decoded first line, except that we can contract the range of the loop to save a few bytes, because we already know that all characters except for '\01234567v have been covered. It also has 0# $# before it, which comments it out and prevents it from producing extraneous output if 0 or $ were removed.


Posted 2018-09-05T22:06:29.217

Reputation: 68 138

5Wow, very impressive considering the amount of distinct characters involved! Definitely looking forward seeing that explanation. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-09-06T07:28:51.380

3@KevinCruijssen here you go :) – Doorknob – 2018-09-06T13:35:46.427

1@Doorknob if this doesn't win you 548 internets, I don't know what does. Honestly, the 603 byte version is just as impressive hah! – Magic Octopus Urn – 2018-09-06T16:09:54.243

3The only interesting answer so far. – htmlcoderexe – 2018-09-07T19:00:29.167


Retina, 1 byte


Try it online!

When all instances of the single byte (1) are removed, the output is 1. Simple enough.

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2018-09-05T22:06:29.217

Reputation: 36 228

6I was browsing TIO to find something like this - you beat me to it. Btw this is a polyglot, works with Snails – JayCe – 2018-09-05T23:43:56.243

IMO, this answer should be upgraded to a polyglot answer as the first one (possibly with a forever-incomplete list of languages), and the other two downvoted to oblivion. Oh, and this also works in *C*.

– None – 2018-09-11T21:20:49.917

@Rogem I'm not sure what you mean by "this works in C." do you have a C compiler which outputs 1 for the empty program? Regardless, I think the answers in question utilize different approaches and behaviours. IMO a polyglot answer is only warranted if the approach remains the same. (Objectively, this isn't a polyglot as the actual code is different, for the answers below.) Feel free to vote how you want, but a valid answer is a valid answer. I will keep my answer as it is, I don't wish to house a collection of answers on it. – Conor O'Brien – 2018-09-11T21:40:19.757


Lenguage, 216173027061157310 bytes

216173027061157310 = (144115617572598740 + 144115241762960340 + 144115194786755540) / 2. There are 216173027061157310 - 144115617572598740 $s, 216173027061157310 - 144115241762960340 #s and 216173027061157310 - 144115194786755540 spaces.

The 144115617572598740 #s and spaces encode the following BF program:


Try it online!

The 144115241762960340 $s and spaces encode the following BF program:


Try it online!

The 144115194786755540 $s and #s encode the following BF program:


Try it online!

Edit: Saved 72057832274401770 bytes thanks to @Nitrodon.


Posted 2018-09-05T22:06:29.217

Reputation: 95 035

Why not use U and byte 127? Try it online! Or even just the nul byte and soh?

– Jo King – 2018-09-07T09:47:50.567

@JoKing I didn't know that U was the shortest printable ASCII byte that could be output. I didn't want to use unprintable bytes. – Neil – 2018-09-07T10:51:02.413

Even without taking advantage of wrapping cells or unprintable characters, you can get this down to 216173027061157310 bytes by including the space character as a third distinct byte. – Nitrodon – 2018-09-07T18:46:28.747

7I can't help but upvote because of "Edit: Saved 72057832274401770 bytes..." – Mr Lister – 2018-09-08T11:41:48.417


Jelly, 1 byte


Completely different from the Retina answer. whistles

Try it online!


Posted 2018-09-05T22:06:29.217

Reputation: 196 637

7Polyglot with M and Enlist. – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-09-06T05:59:55.977


Polyglot*, 1 byte (awaiting confirmation)


Try it online! (using Triangularity)

*: This works in a (rather wide) variety of languages (except for esolangs like 4, ><> and the like and some other exceptions). Identical to the Jelly answer in source code, but the method of I/O is different – Output is via exit code. When one removes 0 from the source code, they're left with an empty program, which often doesn't error and yields exit code 0 in the majority of languages.

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-09-05T22:06:29.217

Reputation: 39 774


sed, 1 byte

Try it online!

Completely different from the Retina answer, or the Jelly answer.


Posted 2018-09-05T22:06:29.217

Reputation: 13 072

I don't see any code. Wouldn't that make it a 0 byte answer? How does this work? – Mast – 2018-09-06T10:06:23.600


@Mast There is a newline..... you will have difficulty reading programs written in Whitespace if you keep thinking like that.

– user202729 – 2018-09-06T10:14:49.500


Unary (non-competitive), 96 bytes

00000000: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
00000010: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
00000020: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
00000040: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
00000050: 0000 0000 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101  ................

Here is xxd dump.

A wider definition of Unary language allows any characters in its source code. But I havn't find a compiler or interpreter which would work for this. So I marked this answer as non-competitive. If you can find one which posted before this question asked, I will link to it.


Posted 2018-09-05T22:06:29.217

Reputation: 13 072

4This is the smallest Unary program I've ever seen. – Draco18s no longer trusts SE – 2018-09-09T16:40:24.123