Are all three integers distinct?



You will be given 3 integers as input. The inputs may or may not be different from each other. You have to output 1 if all three inputs are different from each other, and 0 if any input is repeated more than once.

This is , so make your code as short as possible!

subin saju

Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 309

1Welcome to PPCG. Nice first challenge. We are quite strict about objective winning criteria on this site. [tag:code-golf] seems to be the obvious choice here, so I will add that to your post. Correct me if I'm wrong. – Adám – 2018-09-03T10:11:40.380

1Some test cases would be nice. – Adám – 2018-09-03T10:17:08.097

19Whoever is downvoting all answers should at least explain why... – Arnauld – 2018-09-03T10:41:42.660

1@Adám I think a more accurate title would be Are all three integers distinct? – Arnauld – 2018-09-03T10:45:56.040

1@Arnauld Yes, you're right. Fixed. – Adám – 2018-09-03T10:53:48.960


My dupe-vote is a hammer, but Possible duplicate of "Determine if all decimal digits are unique" Slightly different, but most answers can still be ported.

– Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-09-03T11:02:13.460

@Adám According to the meta consensus, we should tell the OP to add the winning criteria themself. – user202729 – 2018-09-05T13:02:35.433

1its not a duplicate, the small amount of input yields to different solutions. id wager if you asked this to electrical engineers youd get a whole different approach to the answer (primarily due to the small number of inputs).. i realize the golfing languages all have de-dup but there is still something to be said for the 'normal' languages and what people's backgrounds are. – don bright – 2019-01-01T00:32:18.920



Python 3, 23 21 20 bytes


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Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 19 246

OP asked for 1 vs. 0, so maybe you need one more byte: lambda*a:len({*a})//3 – tsh – 2018-09-04T02:53:08.083

@tsh in Python 1 == True, I think there's a meta post about it somewhere – Stephen – 2018-09-04T04:14:36.647


@tsh - relevant meta "if it quacks like a number, it's a number" - in Python: False * True is 0; False + True is 1; etc...

– Jonathan Allan – 2018-09-04T07:09:30.973

From the relevant meta: "this does not apply to challenges where an exact string output is required", so I'm not sure what really applies here. – G B – 2018-09-06T06:39:24.163


Perl 6, 7 bytes


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Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 10 037


R, 13 bytes

A different solution to @Kirill by using mad() for an unintended purpose!


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Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 2 379

1Well input is not specified at all, so IMO accepting 3 values as input means we can accept a vector – digEmAll – 2018-09-04T10:14:50.600

2R almost competing with golf languages ! :D – digEmAll – 2018-09-05T15:59:35.247

1I believe Gauss invented mad exactly for this purpose. – ngm – 2018-09-07T14:21:45.053


JavaScript, 22 bytes

If we can output boolean values then the last 2 bytes can be removed.

a=>new Set(a).size>2&1

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For the same byte count, this works on arrays of any size but assumes the input will never contain a 0 and output is a boolean.

a=>!a[new Set(a).size]

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Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 24 623

Assuming that we can take the input as an array and return a Boolean: a=>new Set(a).size>2 – Arnauld – 2018-09-03T10:42:33.030

@Arnauld, yeah I had that too but as it stands the spec won't allow it - will be updating if the spec changes, though. – Shaggy – 2018-09-03T10:46:56.347

Oh, wait. I can just tack on &1 for 22 bytes. – Shaggy – 2018-09-03T10:48:12.133


R, 24 22 20 bytes


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Returns a boolean, but as folks have already discussed on the Python answer, this should be OK.

Thanks to digEmAll for saving 2 bytes.

Kirill L.

Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 6 693

220 bytes porting the R solution to a very similar question – digEmAll – 2018-09-04T13:28:21.947

11 bytes - if you are allowed to have any number > 0 as truthey. Otherwise, append >0 for TRUE/FALSE output in 13 bytes. – J.Doe – 2018-09-05T08:22:39.477

1Wow, didn't even know about this function. I'd suggest you post it separately (edit and revive your deleted answer), but I think you have to stick with 13 bytes - while T/F indeed acts like 1/0, 1.48 doesn't. – Kirill L. – 2018-09-05T08:52:58.790


Ruby, 16 bytes


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Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 11 099

-3 bytes with uniq! – benj2240 – 2018-09-07T21:11:57.813

Boolean and Integer are different types in Ruby. – G B – 2018-09-10T10:11:21.067

Ah, you're right. I didn't read the challenge closely enough, and assumed a truthy/falsey output would suffice. – benj2240 – 2018-09-10T16:16:11.283


Cubix, 55 25 bytes

-29 thanks to Jo King


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It should be possible to golf off quite a few bytes.


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 4 675

26 bytes – Jo King – 2018-09-04T12:23:48.163

Thanks a lot. I managed to shave off 1 more byte to arrive at 25 bytes in total – Luke – 2018-09-04T14:52:58.680

I think you might be missing a @ in place of the . in the 9th spot. Makes it do some funky things for 1 2 2. – MickyT – 2018-09-04T19:02:49.673


05AB1E, 2 bytes


Try it online or verify some more cases.


Ù     # Uniquify the (implicit) input
 Q    # Check if it's still equal to the (implicit) input

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 67 575

Using standard truthy/falsy rules for [tag:decision-problem], keeping in mind that 1 is the only truthy value in 05AB1E, ¢P works as well as an alternative 2-byter. – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-09-03T11:13:19.613

1@Mr.Xcoder I'm not sure that's actually currently valid - the question asks for outputs 1 and 0 - 4, for example, is neither 1 nor 0, nor does not act like 1 or 0 (like True and False do in Python). The question should probably ask for Truthy/Falsey but at present it does not. – Jonathan Allan – 2018-09-04T07:24:20.717


Mathematica, 13 bytes


Pure function. Takes three integers as input and returns 0 or 1 as output. I know that this is rather similar to David G. Stork's answer, but it exploits SlotSequence to shave off a byte (as compared to Boole@*Unequal).


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 15 731


brainfuck, 91 bytes


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How it works

,>,>,                   'read input as A, B, and C
[-<-<->>]>>+            'compute A-C, B-C
++++++[>+++++++<-]+     'prepare output
<<<<[>]>>               'if A-C != 0 && B-C != 0
    <<<[-<->]           'compute A-B
    <[>]>>->            'if A-B != 0
    [>.<<<->>-]         'print 1
[                       'else (this else is for both of the if statements, even though they are nested... wierd, I know)
    <-.>                'print 0


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 121


Japt -N, 3 bytes


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deduplicates the input and e tests if it's equal to the original.


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 24 623


C (gcc), 25 26 bytes


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Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 3 264

Fails on [4,2,3] – G B – 2018-09-05T08:17:32.883

@GB Quite right! – gastropner – 2018-09-05T13:53:13.347


J, 4 bytes


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Is the argument equal -: to itself after removing the duplicates ~.

Galen Ivanov

Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 13 815


Powershell, 27 25 bytes

-2 bytes thanks @AdmBorkBork


Test script:

$f = {

&$f 1 2 3
&$f 3 2 1
&$f 2 1 3
&$f 2 2 3
&$f 2 1 1
&$f 2 1 2


    $args|group           # Group arguments
   (           ).Count    # Count of groups 
  (                   -3) # is 0 if inputed integers are unique
 !                        # operator not converts int to boolean: true if integers are unique
+                         # converts boolean to int: 1 if integers are unique, otherwise 0


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 4 832

126 bytes -- +(($args|group).count-eq3) – AdmBorkBork – 2018-09-10T17:50:52.877

great! and thanks – mazzy – 2018-09-10T17:53:13.610


K (oK), 4 bytes


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Does the count of the distinct elements equal 3?


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 3 635


Jelly, 2 bytes

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Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 4 993


Common Lisp, 25 2 bytes


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-23 bytes thanks to @ceilingcat!


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 2 260

Thanks, @ceilingcat, I've updated the answer! – Renzo – 2018-09-22T13:06:20.483


APL (Dyalog Unicode), 3 bytesSBCS

Anonymous tacit prefix function. Takes list as argument.


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 does the set of unique elements from the argument


 the unmodified argument?


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 37 779


Clean, 32 bytes

import Data.List
$l|hasDup l=0=1

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Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 7 916


Java 9, 43 27 bytes

thanks to @Olivier Grégoire


Previous attempt:



Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 2 801

1Why not count it as 43 bytes – ASCII-only – 2018-09-04T02:06:53.077

127 bytes: (a,b,c)->a!=b&b!=c&a!=c?1:0. – Olivier Grégoire – 2018-09-04T09:03:05.010

Also, the first code (100 bytes) doesn't compile and uses == which is not applicable on String without issues which you encounter here (after compilation fix), and in the second code, Set.of method will throw IllegalArgumentException if any duplicate is provided. I'm tempted to -1 for not testing at all.

– Olivier Grégoire – 2018-09-04T09:11:54.127

@olivier Apologies-it was late and I mixed up a few different ideas in my head. As for Set.of, I was just experimenting with Java 9 kinks and don’t have Java 9 myself. I should’ve read the documentation more carefully, sorry about that. I’ll edit once I get on my computer. – Quintec – 2018-09-04T11:38:03.010


Attache, 10 bytes


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This is a fork of the operator `== and Unique, equivalent to:

{ _ == Unique[_] }


{#_=#Unique[_]} (15 bytes)

Any##Same=>Pairs@Sort (21 bytes)

Any@{`=&>_[[0'1,1'2,2'0]]} (26 bytes)

&${not(x=y or y=z or x=z)} (26 bytes)

&${x/=y and y/=z and x/=z} (26 bytes)

{Any!Same=>Chop&2!_[0'1'1'2'2'0]} (33 bytes)

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 36 228


><>, 19 17 bytes

-2 bytes by Jo King.


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Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 631

17 bytes – Jo King – 2018-09-04T12:13:50.757

I should have definitely caught that, thanks! – PidgeyUsedGust – 2018-09-06T12:36:48.863

@RushabhMehta Please do not golf other user's posts using other user's golfing suggestions. – Jonathan Frech – 2018-09-06T16:20:00.267


Red, 21 bytes

func[b][b = unique b]

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Galen Ivanov

Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 13 815


T-SQL, 39 bytes

SELECT IIF(a=b OR b=c OR c=a,0,1)FROM s

Input is taken as separate columns a, b, c from a pre-existing table s, per our IO standards.

Tried a variation using COUNT DISTINCT from input taken as separate rows, but that was a couple bytes longer.


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 6 099


Jelly, 5 6 bytes


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From 5 to 6 bytes because this is my first time and I messed up (whoops) fixed it now

||||Is it equal to three?
|||How many unique numbers do we have? (length of unique numbers array)
||Sort By Unique
|Split by Spaces
Read Input

Kitten Hugger

Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 11

1Hello and welcome to PPCG. Does your code also work for 3 integers, or is it only functional for three digits? – Jonathan Frech – 2018-09-07T16:58:51.050

@Jonathan Frech Sadly, it only works for three 1 Digit numbers, it does this by sorting the input by unique characters, then testing if the amount of unique characters is the same length as the input. Maybe there is a way to get it to work with any 3 integers, but I think this is a good attempt for me at least! – Kitten Hugger – 2018-09-20T16:00:39.720

2The challenge specifies You will be given 3 integers as input. which seems to render your answer invalid. – Jonathan Frech – 2018-09-20T16:43:54.580

@JonathanFrech Fixed it now! Was my first time doing this sort of thing so, I'm not the greatest at it. – Kitten Hugger – 2018-09-23T21:25:36.637


Pyth, 3 bytes


Takes input as a list.
Try it here


 {IQ     Check if the (implicit) input is invariant under deduplication.
s        Cast to int.

If we're allowed to treat True and False as 1 and 0 (which they are under the hood in Pyth), we can drop the s to get down to 2 bytes.


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710



SmileBASIC, 25 24 bytes



Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 6 110


Brachylog, 6 bytes


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short explanation

d? deduplcates input an test if still equal to input(?)

∧1 if true return 1

|0 else return 0


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 1 558


JavaScript (Node.js), 67 bytes


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Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710


Sorry, but J answer is already here and the code is exactly the same.

– Bubbler – 2018-09-21T06:21:54.700

my bad @Bubbler didn't see that coming. – None – 2018-09-21T06:36:17.267

changed to JS answer – None – 2018-09-21T09:14:25.040

@Bubbler Duplicate entries are not disallowed.

– Jonathan Frech – 2018-09-21T23:51:03.493


q 14 bytes

{x~distinct x}

Technically this solution will return '1b' or '0b', which is the way a boolean value is distinguished from a numeric type, though it retains all arithmetic functionality, and so is in essence a 1 or 0:

q)1b +35

To return 1 or 0 non-boolean you have the below, which takes the byte count to 21

{$[x~distinct x;1;0]}


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 421

1{1&/0N>':x?x} – ngn – 2018-09-28T01:39:07.640


Triangularity, 17 bytes


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How it works

Excluding the mandatory triangular padding, we're left with:


Which can minimally be explained as: Push all STDIN as an array of strings (representing each line of input), count the occurrences of all of STDIN's elements in itself (which, in case all are distinct, should yield [1, 1, 1]), sum, then check whether the sum is equal to 3. There are 2 tricks here (which together save no less than 14 bytes):

  • Using i and treating the inputs as strings rather than integers – which is quite uncommon, as )IE is frequently used instead, taking input as a list.
  • Instead of checking whether they all are equal to 1 and then taking the product – or equivalently, taking the product and checking whether it is equal to 1 – this takes the sum and compares it with 3. Proving the validity of this method is obviously trivial: [1, 1, 1] is the only valid way to partition 3 into 3 positive integers summing to it and the contents of this list are always positive, as every element of a collection must occur at least once in it :P.

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 39 774


Charcoal, 14 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. 5 bytes could be saved by using a slightly non-standard input format [[x, y, z]]. Explanation:


Input 3 numbers and make a list.


Count the number of occurrences of each number in the list. Take the maximum, subtract 1, take the logical not, then cast to string for implicit print.


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 95 035


PHP, 30 bytes


takes input from command line arguments; prints 1 for truthy, empty string for falsy


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 13 814


Flobnar, 25 bytes


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Given integers a,b,c, evaluates !!((c-b)*(b-a)*(c-a))

Jo King

Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 38 234


C (gcc), 50 41 bytes

-9 bytes thanks to GB !


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No built-in sets in C, and iterating is too long, but at least i can shave off a few bytes by taking advantage of the fact that *a == a[0] ...


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 448

141 bytes – G B – 2018-09-04T08:46:16.200

Thanks, I had thought about incrementing the pointer but couldn't figure out how to make it as short ! – etene – 2018-09-04T09:24:11.820


SWIFT 37 Bytes

Set(Array(readLine()!)).count==3 ?1:0


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 131

Your current answer is a snippet; either put a wrapper around it or call your language Swift REPL. – Jonathan Frech – 2018-09-07T14:31:07.033


Julia 1.0, 24 bytes


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Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 1 715


Ruby, 11 bytes


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Assuming we can return a boolean. Which everyone is doing nowadays.


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 11 099


Pari/GP, 12 bytes


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Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 23 988


Stax, 3 bytes


Run and debug it


ux=         #Full program, unpacked, implicit input as array
u           #Keep only unique elements in array, maintaining first order of appearance
 x=         #Copy original input onto stack, is it equal to unique-ified array.

Short and sweet. Wish Stax would implicitly check against "X" register if there was nothing to check against, but it works out regardless.


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 425


Haskell, 26 bytes

g a b c=and$map(==)[a,b,c]

Matt R

Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 31

2I don't think this works, can you provide an example on how your function is used? – flawr – 2018-09-22T15:51:11.370


Math++, 40 29 bytes



Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 11 342


I think the non-competing rule is a thing of the past.

– Jonathan Frech – 2018-09-21T23:48:14.303

1Also, could you provide an implementation link for Math++? – Jonathan Frech – 2018-09-21T23:49:55.977

@JonathanFrech OK, I just added a link to the esolang page; the article includes a link to the reference implementation. – SuperJedi224 – 2018-09-22T01:30:42.480


Lua, 38 bytes

x,y,z=...print(x~=y and x~=z and y~=z)

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Marcio Medeiros

Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 51


Unfortunately, this doesn't work for the case when y==z (returns true, should be false). You'll need to add a third test to check for that possibility.

– DLosc – 2018-09-21T21:16:19.137

Opposed to equality, inequality is not transitive, so $x\neq y\neq z$ does not imply $x\neq z$. – Jonathan Frech – 2018-09-21T23:45:10.920

Your answer in its current form is invalid. Please either fix or delete it. – Jonathan Frech – 2018-09-23T05:47:27.180

Thank you guys, I really didn't noticed it. – Marcio Medeiros – 2018-09-24T16:15:36.997


C (clang), 32 bytes

f(a,b,c){return a!=b&b!=a&a!=c;}

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Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 845

The integers 0, 1, 2 are distinct, yet 0&... = 0. – Jonathan Frech – 2018-09-22T14:43:28.130


JavaScript, 25 24 28 27 23 bytes

Using bitwise, comparison and logical operators Try it online!

(4 bytes saved courtesy of Jonathan Frech)



Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 1

1You can pull the 1^ inside the parentheses, changing == to != and | to & and then remove said parentheses to save four bytes. – Jonathan Frech – 2018-09-23T07:26:12.093

@JonathanFrech Updated – guest271314 – 2018-09-23T14:58:11.203


Pepe, 85 77 bytes


Try it online! Input is a,b,c. Change the "separated by" box to , to make it work!


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 1 253


Rust, 29 bytes

|a,b,c|(a!=b&&b!=c&&a!=c)as _

as _ means casting to a type determined by type inference. The function result needs to be assigned to a variable declared to store integers.

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Konrad Borowski

Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 11 185


MathGolf, 2 bytes


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▀    Get unique elements
 =   Check if equal to the input


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 5 754


Braingolf, 5 bytes


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Edit: fixed from identical -> distinct


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 119


Pyth, 5 bytes


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Looks like someone already did pyth but I didn't know about the I for testing invariants.


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 71


[Rust], 17 bytes

Anything XORd with itself yields zero. So. Any language with multiplication and XOR can do this:


Since input specifics were rather vague I chose a liberal interpretation. Or if you want to be more strict, we can define it as a closure (kind of like a lambda function),

24 bytes


Try it on the Rust Playground

don bright

Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 1 189


Python 2

def e(a,b,c):return 1 if len(set([a,b,c]))>2 else 0

...could be shortened to

def e(a,b,c):return len(set([a,b,c]))>2


Posted 2018-09-03T10:00:53.710

Reputation: 1

2I'm afraid you misunderstood the task. Your code should check whether all 3 integers are distinct not identical. – manatwork – 2018-09-19T14:08:18.530

what if a==b but a!=c? – Jo King – 2018-09-19T14:15:12.863

1I'm afraid that is not all. Now it says correctly that 1,1,1 is false (not all distinct) and 1,2,3 is true (all distinct), but for 1,2,2 gives also true, though they are not all distinct. – manatwork – 2018-09-19T14:17:43.570

Fixed it with a set. Should be working correctly now. – Milbrae – 2018-09-19T14:24:58.787

@Milbrae I think your ternary if is nigh a no-op. – Jonathan Frech – 2018-09-19T14:25:37.053

if the 3 integers are provided in a list: lambda a:len(set(a))>2 – FatalError – 2018-09-27T04:28:03.010