Extract and Divide



For a given positive integer \$n\$:

  1. Repeat the following until \$n < 10\$ (until \$n\$ contains one digit).
  2. Extract the last digit.
  3. If the extracted digit is even (including 0) multiply the rest of the integer by \$2\$ and add \$1\$ ( \$2n+1\$ ). Then go back to step 1 else move to step 4.
  4. Divide the rest of the integer with the extracted digit (integer / digit) and add the remainder (integer % digit), that is your new \$n\$.

Note: In case n < 10 at the very beginning obviously you don't move to step 2. Skip everything and print \$[n, 0]\$.


n: Positive integer.


[o, r]: o: the last n, r: number of repeats.

Step-by-step example

For input n = 61407:

Repeat 1: 6140_7 -> 6140 / 7 = 877, 6140 % 7 = 1 => 877  + 1 = 878
Repeat 2: 87_8   -> 2 * 87 + 1 = 175 (even digit)
Repeat 3: 17_5   -> 17   / 5 = 3,   17   % 5 = 2 => 3    + 2 = 5 ( < 10, we are done )

The output is [5, 3] (last n is 5 and 3 steps repeats).


There are really no rules or restrictions just assume n > 0. You can either print or return the output.


Posted 2018-09-01T15:26:09.880

Reputation: 916

I'm pretty sure that most answers from here can be trivially modified to answer this question.

– Don Thousand – 2018-09-01T16:00:33.213

@Arnauld No, the output needs to be two numbers (returned or printed). I guess you could convert the decimal number to string, replace . with whitespace and print it. – DimChtz – 2018-09-01T16:06:17.840

1Do we enter step 2 if n<10? – AlexRacer – 2018-09-01T16:55:45.823

@Arnauld That is not the same for n=2 and n=4. – AlexRacer – 2018-09-01T17:00:55.457

@Arnauld Let me know if it's any better :) – DimChtz – 2018-09-01T23:39:51.670

1Yes. It's much clearer now. :) – Arnauld – 2018-09-01T23:42:27.273



R, 93 bytes


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Posted 2018-09-01T15:26:09.880

Reputation: 441


Save some bytes by getting rid of second "if", reversing n<10 condition and using %/% in d definition : TIO

– Kirill L. – 2018-09-01T20:24:56.257

agree with @KirillL. . Also unfortunately f= needs to be included in the bytecount since the function is called recursively. – JayCe – 2018-09-13T17:03:44.387


Python 2, 78 77 76 73 bytes

Recursive version. Saved 3 bytes thanks to Jonathan Frech.

f=lambda n,r=0:n>9and f(n%2*sum(divmod(n/10,n%10))or n/10*2+1,-~r)or[n,r]

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74 bytes

Full program.

while n>9:i+=1;r,R=n/10,n%10;n=[r-~r,r/R+r%R][R&1]
print n,i

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Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-09-01T15:26:09.880

Reputation: 39 774

1Since 2 divides 10, is n%10%2 not equivalent to n%2? – Jonathan Frech – 2018-09-01T23:47:34.280

1Great point by @JonathanFrech that will get you to 73 bytes. I think the following form would also work, and is also 73 bytes: def g(n,r=0):u,v=n/10,n%10;return u and g([u-~u,u/v+u%v][v&1],r+1)or(n,r) – mathmandan – 2018-09-02T21:16:11.117

Somehow Jonathan's message did not appear in my inbox... Indeed, you're right, editing ASAP. – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-09-02T21:17:17.587


JavaScript (ES6), 62 59 bytes


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f = (n, r = 0) =>         // n = input, r = number of iterations
  (x = n / 10 | 0) ?      // x = floor(n / 10); if x is not equal to 0:
    f(                    //   do a recursive call:
      (n %= 10) & 1 ?     //     n = last digit; if odd:
        x / n + x % n | 0 //       use quotient + remainder of x / n
      :                   //     else:
        x - ~x,           //       use x - (-x - 1) = x + x + 1 = 2x + 1
      r + 1               //     increment the number of iterations
    )                     //   end of recursive call
  :                       // else:
    [n, r]                //   return [ final_result, iterations ]


Posted 2018-09-01T15:26:09.880

Reputation: 111 334


05AB1E (legacy), 19 bytes



[                     Start infinite loop
 DgD                  Get the length
    –#                If it's 1, print the loop index and break.
      ÁćD             Extract: "hello" -> "hell", "o"
         Èi           if even,
           \·>        Double and increment
              ë       else,
               ‰O     Divmod, and sum the result (div and mod).
                 ]    End if statement & infinite loop
                  ?   Print

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Posted 2018-09-01T15:26:09.880

Reputation: 15 025


Julia 1.0, 81 80 79 bytes

function d(n,c=0)l,r=n÷10,n%10;n>9 ? d(r%2<1 ? 2l+1 : l÷r+l%r,c+1) : [n,c]end

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  • -1 (thanks Mr. Xcoder)

Rustem B.

Posted 2018-09-01T15:26:09.880

Reputation: 51

Whis is my first golfcode :) – Rustem B. – 2018-09-01T19:11:00.477

Welcome to PPCG! – Giuseppe – 2018-09-01T19:45:56.310

@Giuseppe thanks – Rustem B. – 2018-09-01T19:49:55.117

1Save a byte using <1 rather than ==0. – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-09-01T20:50:37.490


Ruby, 61 bytes


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Kirill L.

Posted 2018-09-01T15:26:09.880

Reputation: 6 693


Retina, 79 bytes


Try it online! Explanation:


If the last digit is even, multiply the rest of the integer by 2 and add 1. This always results in an odd number, so we don't need to repeat this.


Split off the last digit and convert to unary for the divmod.


Divide the rest of the integer by the last digit and add the remainder. Then repeat the whole program until there's only one digit left.


Count the number of operations performed.


Posted 2018-09-01T15:26:09.880

Reputation: 95 035


Perl 6, 61 bytes

{tail kv $_,{$1%2??$0/$1+$0%$1+|0!!$0*2+1}...{!/(.+)(.)/}: 2}

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Returns (r, o).


Posted 2018-09-01T15:26:09.880

Reputation: 10 037


Swift 4, 112 104 100 93 bytes

var n=Int(readLine()!)!,r=0,p=n%10;while n>9{n=[n/10*2+1,n/10/p+n/10%p][n%2];r+=1};print(n,r)

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Prints n r

  • -7 (Thanks to Mr. Xcoder)


Posted 2018-09-01T15:26:09.880

Reputation: 121

Very nice first answer (+1)! var n=Int(readLine()!)!,r=0,p=n%10;while n>9{n=[n/10*2+1,n/10/p+n/10%p][n%2];r+=1};print(n,r) should save you 7 bytes (golfing the conditional). – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-09-03T12:24:32.027


Brachylog, 43 bytes

Feels messy and bad but here it is anyway


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Posted 2018-09-01T15:26:09.880

Reputation: 1 558


VBA (Excel), 145?, 142, 139, 123 bytes

Condensed Form:

Sub t(n)
While n>10
e=Right(n, 1)
If e Mod 2=0Then n=n*2+1 Else n=Int(n/e)+n Mod e
End Sub

Expanded (with comments)

Sub test(n) 'For a given positive integer n
    'Repeat the following until n<10
    While n > 10
        'Extract the last digit
        e = Right(n, 1)
        'Remove the last digit
        n = Left(n, Len(n) - 1)
        'If the extracted digit is even...
        If e Mod 2 = 0 Then
            'Multiply the rest of the integer by 2 and add 1
            n = n * 2 + 1
            'Divide the rest of the integer with the extracted digit and add the remainder
            n = Int(n / e) + n Mod e
        End If
        'Keep count
        c = c + 1
    'End the Loop
    'Give the output
    Debug.Print (n ; c)
End Sub

(Do excuse me, as this is my first post. I will happily edit! Right now, it looks like to test it you open the Immediate Window and type 't n' where n is your number to test :D)


Posted 2018-09-01T15:26:09.880

Reputation: 181

If you use an inline if statement ( IIf(..) ), integer division (\), and change the n>10 to n>9, then you can get this down to an immediate window function worth 97 bytes. n=[A1]:While n>9:e=Right(n,1):n=Left(n,Len(n)-1):n=IIf(e/2=e\2,n*2+1,n\e+n Mod e):c=c+1:Wend:?n;c – Taylor Scott – 2019-02-15T19:28:10.570


8086 machine code, 35 bytes

00000000  31 c9 31 d2 bb 0a 00 f7  f3 85 c0 74 14 f6 c2 01  |1.1........t....|
00000010  75 05 d1 e0 40 e2 eb 89  d3 88 f2 f7 f3 01 d0 e2  |u...@...........|
00000020  e1 f7 d9                                          |...|

Input: AX = n
Output: DX = o, CX = r

Assembled from:

        xor cx, cx
next:   xor dx, dx
        mov bx, 10
        div bx
        test ax, ax
        jz done
        test dl, 1
        jnz odd
        shl ax, 1
        inc ax
        loop next
odd:    mov bx, dx
        mov dl, dh
        div bx
        add ax, dx
        loop next
done:   neg cx


Posted 2018-09-01T15:26:09.880

Reputation: 1 576


Jelly, 19 bytes


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Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2018-09-01T15:26:09.880

Reputation: 38 134


Common Lisp, 145 bytes

A function which takes the n provided and returns the list (n r). Lisp syntax is fun.

(defun f(n &optional(r 0))(if(< n 10)`(,n,r)(let((h(floor n 10))(l(mod n 10)))(if(evenp l)(f(1+(* 2 h))(1+ r))(f(+(mod h l)(floor h l))(1+ r)))))


Posted 2018-09-01T15:26:09.880


1Welcome to the site =D – Luis felipe De jesus Munoz – 2018-09-02T12:48:06.707

Thankyou very much, Luis. – None – 2018-09-03T08:46:35.657


Haskell, 78 bytes

f n|n<10=(n,0)|(d,m)<-divMod n 10=(1+)<$>f(last$2*d+1:[div d m+mod d m|odd n])

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Posted 2018-09-01T15:26:09.880

Reputation: 34 639


Red, 131 bytes

func[n][s: 0 while[n > 9][r: do form take/last t: form n t: do t
n: either r % 2 = 1[t / r +(t % r)][2 * t + 1]s: s + 1]print[n s]]

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More readable:

f: func [ n ] [
    s: 0
    while [ n > 9 ] [
        r: do form take/last t: form n
        t: do t
        n: either r % 2 = 1
            [ t / r + (t % r) ]
            [ 2 * t + 1 ]
        s: s + 1
    print [ n s ]

Galen Ivanov

Posted 2018-09-01T15:26:09.880

Reputation: 13 815


C++, 65 bytes

Assume that n, r and o variables are already defined above :)

r=0;do{int m=n/10,d=n%10;n=n&1?m/d+m%d:m*2+1;++r;}while(n>9);o=n;

p.s. Sorry for such design of post, I have not figured out how to do it well yet...

Jin X

Posted 2018-09-01T15:26:09.880

Reputation: 1


Hello and welcome to PPCG. As it stands, your answer is not conforming to our default I/O, which essentially calls for either full programs or functions. Take a look at other C++ submissions to get a feel for how to construct these wrappers. Also, please do not be discouraged by your one downvote -- not knowing our rule set on your first post is fine and should not be punished. They may remove it if you fix your answer!

– Jonathan Frech – 2018-09-01T23:37:46.263

You may also find TIO a useful tool to both test your submission and auto-generate your post.

– Jonathan Frech – 2018-09-01T23:41:47.137

Your answer in its current form is invalid. Please either edit it to conform to our default I/O or delete it. – Jonathan Frech – 2018-09-05T13:24:12.483