Fill up to duplicate ranges


Let \$L\$ be a list of positive integers with no particular ordering, and which can contain duplicates. Write a program or function which outputs a list of positive integers \$M\$ (whose ordering is unimportant) such that merging \$L\$ and \$M\$ results into the smallest list which can entirely split into identical ranges of integers \$[1..i]\$, where \$i\$ is the biggest element in \$L\$


Let L = [5,3,3,2,7]. The maximum element of L is 7. The most times a specific integer occurs is 2 (3 appears 2 times). Therefore, we need to output the list M that will allow to complete L so that we can construct 2 ranges of integers from 1 to 7.

Therefore, we need to output M = [1,1,2,4,4,5,6,6,7], so that each integer from 1 to 7 appears 2 times.

Inputs and outputs

  • Use anything in your language that is similar to lists. The data structure used for the input and the output must be the same.
  • The input list will contain only positive integers.
  • The input list will not be empty.
  • You cannot assume the input list is sorted.
  • The ordering in the output list is unimportant.

Test cases

Input                  Output
[1]                    []
[7]                    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[1, 1, 1]              []
[1, 8]                 [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
[3, 3, 3, 3]           [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
[5, 2, 4, 5, 2]        [1, 1, 3, 3, 4]
[5, 2, 4, 5, 5]        [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4]
[5, 3, 3, 2, 7]        [1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7]


This is , so the shortest answer in bytes wins.


Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 32 976

Just to be clear, as your test cases and statement contradict each other, is i the biggest element of L or M? – Kroppeb – 2018-08-13T06:49:04.777

@Kroppeb i is the biggest element of L, it was a typo in the specs. – Fatalize – 2018-08-13T06:57:59.887

Is it OK to return M=[1,1,2,2,3] for L=[3] while "merging L and M results in a list which can entirely split into identical ranges of integers [1..i]"? – tsh – 2018-08-13T07:57:10.987

@tsh No, it should return [1,2]. I will clarify it so that it's clear it should result in the minimum number of ranges. – Fatalize – 2018-08-13T07:59:42.657

I suggest you to add your first example [5,3,3,2,7] among the test cases, since it's the only one with the maximum value != maximum repeated one – digEmAll – 2018-08-13T19:39:23.863

1@digEmAll Done. – Fatalize – 2018-08-14T06:27:10.253



Jelly, 9 bytes

Saved 1 byte thanks to Jonathan Allan. The footer calls the main link, sorts the result to match the test cases and formats the output as a grid.


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ṀRẋLƙ`Ṁœ-   Full program. N = Input.
ṀR          Range from 1 to max(N): [1 ... max(N)]
   Lƙ`      Map length over groups formed by identical elements.
  ẋ         Repeat the range T times, for each T in the result of the above.
      Ṁ     Maximum. Basically, get the range repeat max(^^) times.
       œ-   Multiset difference with N.

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 39 774


Perl 6, 37 33 bytes

-4 bytes thanks to nwellnhof!

{^.keys.max+1 xx.values.max∖$_}

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Anonymous code block that takes a Bag and returns a Bag of values.


{                             } # Anonymous code block
 ^.keys.max+1  # Create a range from 1 to the maximum value of the list
              xx  # Multiply the list by:
                .values.max      # The amount of the most common element
                           ∖$_   # Subtract the original Bag

Jo King

Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 38 234

Nice! You can save a few bytes by coercing the second operand to Bag: {^.max+1 xx.Bag.values.max∖.Bag} – nwellnhof – 2018-08-13T09:43:25.407

@nwellnhof Ah, thanks! I didn't realise the second argument could be the Bag – Jo King – 2018-08-13T09:48:06.523

OTOH, the challenge requires that the data structures for input and output must be the same. With Bags as input, {^.keys.max+1 xx.values.max∖$_} saves another byte. – nwellnhof – 2018-08-13T09:58:30.433


R, 59 49 48 bytes


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Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 4 599

I have a 55 byte answer that basically generates the second argument to rep differently, but is otherwise the same as yours. I could post it myself but I don't think I would have thought of it unless I'd seen yours first. I challenge you to find it! – Giuseppe – 2018-08-13T16:28:54.447

@Giuseppe: I don't know if that's was similar to your approach, but I saved 10 bytes :D – digEmAll – 2018-08-13T18:20:58.483

huh, no, I was using split but tabulate is much better! – Giuseppe – 2018-08-13T18:22:38.287

mmh... now I'm curious, how did you use split for this ? – digEmAll – 2018-08-13T18:45:44.633

1I had x=max(L<-scan());rep(1:x,1:x-lengths(split(L,c(L,1:x)))) which upon further testing doesn't work for test cases like 7... – Giuseppe – 2018-08-13T18:58:52.190

You've just suggested me another 1 byte shorter approach :) – digEmAll – 2018-08-13T19:10:33.093


Python 2, 86 83 80 72 bytes

def f(l):m=range(1,max(l)+1)*max(map(l.count,l));map(m.remove,l);print m

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Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 19 246


05AB1E, 17 16 17 bytes


-1 byte thanks to @Mr.Xcoder.
+1 byte after bug-fixing the work-around..

Maybe I completely look past it, but does 05AB1E even have a remove all elements of list b from list a.. (EDIT: It indeed doesn't..) I know how to remove all multiple times, but not once each.. (multiset difference)

Can definitely be golfed. Not really happy with it, tbh.. Will see if I can golf it some more before adding an explanation. EDIT: Added an explanation..

Try it online or verify all test cases.


¢         # Get the occurrences for each item in the (implicit) input-List
          #  i.e. [5,3,3,2,7] → [1,2,2,1,1]
 Z        # And get the maximum
          #  i.e. [1,2,2,1,1] → 2
¹Z        # Also get the maximum from the input-list itself
          #  i.e. [5,3,3,2,7] → 7
  L       # And create a list in the range [1, max]
          #  i.e. 7 → [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
ŠŠ        # Two triple-swaps so the stack order becomes:
          # trash we don't need; ranged list; occurrence max
  и       # Repeat the ranged list the occurence amount of times
          #  i.e. [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] and 2 → [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]

          #Now the work-around bit because 05AB1E lacks a builtin for multiset difference..
{         # Sort the list
          #  i.e. [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] → [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7]
 ðý       # Join this list by spaces
          #  i.e. [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7] → '1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7'
   ¹v     # Loop `y` over the input-List:
     yõ.; # Replace every first occurrence of `y` with an empty string
          #  i.e. '1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7' and 3 → '1 1 2 2  3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7'

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 67 575

Are you looking for: K a,b Push a without b's? Oh wait, "once each"... hmm – Jonathan Allan – 2018-08-13T07:22:21.070

@JonathanAllan No, that won't work, it removes all occurrences rather than the first occurrence of each. Kevin is looking for something like multiset difference – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-08-13T07:24:16.580

@JonathanAllan Almost. [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] and [5,3,3,2,7] with K results in [1,4,6,1,4,6] unfortunately. It removes all items instead of doing a multiset difference. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-08-13T07:24:39.573

1¢ZIZLŠŠи should save 1 byte – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-08-13T08:01:39.307

@Mr.Xcoder Thanks, but that wasn't the part I was looking to golf. ;p Funny how two triple-swaps is shorter than removing the access after the count.. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-08-13T08:06:27.910

If only either Z or á would pop... – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-08-13T08:08:54.337

@Mr.Xcoder Yeah, mentioned that as well in chat about an hour ago.. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-08-13T08:12:09.870

@Riley Fixed.. As if the workaround wasn't long enough already.. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-08-13T20:00:10.813


R, 59 55 bytes

Using the vecsets package we can drop the answer length some. With gl we can get the ordered output. This doesn't work in TIO. Following @digEmAll's style of (rather clever) solution without a function definition, this can be considered a 55 byte solution.



f(c(1))                # expected: integer(0)
f(c(7))                # expected: c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
f(c(1, 1, 1))          # expected: integer(0)
f(c(1, 8))             # expected: c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
f(c(3, 3, 3, 3))       # expected: c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2)
f(c(5, 2, 4, 5, 2))    # expected: c(1, 1, 3, 3, 4)
f(c(5, 2, 4, 5, 5))    # expected: c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4)


Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 2 379

2digEmAll's answer is perfectly valid; it takes input via stdin! – Giuseppe – 2018-08-13T13:36:42.107

1Also, as this is not base R, this should be considered a separate language "R + vecsets" (I can't find the relevant meta discussion for that, but I know it's standard practice) – Giuseppe – 2018-08-13T13:39:17.600

1This fails when the maximum value is not the maximum repeated one, e.g. try f(c(5,3,3,2,7)) – digEmAll – 2018-08-13T19:38:20.640


JavaScript (ES6), 98 bytes

This turned out to be pretty hard to golf below 100 bytes. There may be a better approach.


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We first walk through the input array a[] to gather the following data:

  • M = highest element found in the input array
  • m = highest number of occurrences of the same element
  • o[n] = number of occurrences of n

Note that o is primarily defined as a function, but the underlying object is also used to store the number of occurrences.                      // a[] = input array()
  o =                       // o = callback function of map()
  M = m =                   // initialize m and M to non-numeric values
  n =>                      // for each value n in a[]:
    m = (                   //   this code block will eventually update m
      c = o[                //     c = updated value of o[n]
        M = n < M ? M : n,  //     update M to max(M, n)
        n                   //     actual index into o[]
      ] = -~o[n]            //     increment o[n]
    ) < m ?                 //   if o[n] is less than m:
      m                     //     let m unchanged
    :                       //   else:
      c                     //     set it to c
)                           // end of map()

We then use the recursive function g() to build the output.

(g = k =>                   // k = current value
  k ?                       // if k is not equal to 0:
    o[k] ^ m ?              //   if o[k] is not equal to m:
      [ ...g(k, o(k)),      //     increment o[k] and do a recursive call with k unchanged
        k ]                 //     append k to the output
    :                       //   else:
      g(k - 1)              //     do a recursive call with k - 1
  :                         // else:
    []                      //   stop recursion
)(M)                        // initial call to g() with k = M


Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 111 334


Brachylog, 18 17 bytes


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Saved 1 byte thanks to @Kroppeb.


⌉                  Take the largest element in the Input
 ⟦₁                 Construct the range [1, …, largest element in the Input]
   ;Ij₎R            Juxtapose that range to itself I times, I being unknown; 
                       call the result R
       R⊇p?         The Input must be an ordered subset of R, up to a permutation
          ?;.c      Concatenate the Input and the Output 
                       (the Output being unknown at this point)
              pR    This concatenation must result in R, up to a permutation
                ∧   (Find a fitting value for the Output that verifies all of this)


Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 32 976

1You could use instead of ot – Kroppeb – 2018-08-13T20:25:47.530


Haskell, 72 bytes

import Data.List
f l=(last(sortOn(0<$)$group$sort l)>>[1..maximum l])\\l

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            sort l      -- sort input list
       group            -- group identical elements
   sortOn(0<$)          -- sort by length
 last                   -- take the last element, i.e. the list
                        -- of the most common element
      >>[1..maximum l]  -- replace each of it's elements
                        -- with the list [1..maximum l]
  \\l                   -- remove elements of the input list


Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 34 639


Java 10, 186 bytes

import java.util.*;L->{Integer m=0,f=0,t;for(int i:L){m=i>m?i:m;f=(t=Collections.frequency(L,i))>f?t:f;}var r=new Stack();for(;m>0;m--)for(t=f;t-->0;)if(!L.remove(m))r.add(m);return r;}

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import java.util.*;   // Required import for Collections and Stack
L->{                  // Method with Integer-list as both parameter and return-type
  Integer m=0,        //  Max, starting at 0
          f=0,        //  Max frequency, starting at 0
          t;          //  Temp integer
  for(int i:L){       //  Loop over the input-List
    m=i>m?i:m;        //   If the current item is larger than the max, set it as new max
                      //   If the current frequency is larger than the max freq, set it as new max
  var r=new Stack();  //  Result-List
  for(;m>0;m--)       //  Loop the maximum in the range [m,0)
    for(t=f;t-->0;)   //   Inner loop the frequency amount of times
      if(!L.remove(m))//    Remove `m` from the input list
                      //    If we were unable to remove it:
        r.add(m);     //     Add it to the result-List
  return r;}          //  Return the result-List

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 67 575


Husk, 12 bytes

Saved 1 byte thanks to BWO.


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Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 39 774


MATL, 24 21 bytes


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sundar - Reinstate Monica

Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 5 296


MATL, 14 bytes

Input is a column vector, with ; as separator.


Try it online! Or verify all test cases (this displays -- after each output so that empty output can be identified).


Consider input [5; 2; 4; 5; 5] as an example.

llXQ     % Implicit input. Accumarray with sum. This counts occurrences
         % of each number, filling with zeros for numbers not present
         % STACK: [0; 1; 0; 1; 3]
tn:      % Duplicate, number of elements, range
         % STACK: [0; 1; 0; 1; 3], [1 2 3 4 5]
yX>      % Duplicate from below, maximum of array
         % STACK: [0; 1; 0; 1; 3], [1 2 3 4 5], 3 
b        % Bubble up
         % STACK: [1 2 3 4 5], 3, [0; 1; 0; 1; 3] 
-        % Subtract, element-wise
         % STACK: [1 2 3 4 5], [3; 2; 3; 2; 0] 
Y"       % Repelem (run-length decode). Implicit display
         % STACK: [1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4]

Luis Mendo

Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 87 464


Pyth, 13 bytes


Try it here! or Check out a test suite!

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 39 774


Charcoal, 19 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Would have been 16 bytes if the integers had been non-negative instead of positive. Explanation:

     θ              First input
    ⌈               Maximum
 …·¹                Inclusive range starting at 1
F                   Loop over range
          θ         First input
         E          Loop over values
            θ       First input
             κ      Inner loop value
           №        Count occurrences
        ⌈           Maximum
               θ    First input
                ι   Outer loop value
              №     Count occurrences
       ⁻            Subtract
      E             Map over implicit range
                  ι Current value
                 I  Cast to string
                    Implicitly print on separate lines


Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 95 035


APL (Dyalog Classic), 18 17 bytes


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uses ⎕io←1


Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 11 449


Prolog (SWI), 211 bytes

It's been a while since I programmed in Prolog. Can definitely be golfed further, but I have an exam to study for hahaha.


f([],I,H,[I|A],M):-N is I-1,f(H,N,[],A,M).

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Ungolfed version

f(List, Result) :- 
    max_list(List, MaxIndex), 
    f(List, MaxIndex, [], Result, MaxIndex).

f([], 0, _, [], _).

f(List, 0, _, Acc, MaxIndex) :- 
    f(List, MaxIndex, [], Acc, MaxIndex).

f([], Index, History, [Index | Acc], MaxIndex) :- 
    NewIndex is Index - 1, f(History, NewIndex, [], Acc, MaxIndex).

f([Index | Remaining], Index, History, Acc, MaxIndex) :-
    append(History, Remaining, Result),
    f(Result, Index, [], [Index | Acc], MaxIndex).

f([Head | Remaining], Index, History, Acc, MaxIndex) :- 
    f(Remaining, Index, [Head | History], Acc, MaxIndex).


Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 41 965

1Surprisingly not that long! – Fatalize – 2018-08-13T14:31:28.240


Clojure, 94 bytes

#(for[F[(frequencies %)]i(range 1(+(apply max %)1))_(range(-(apply max(vals F))(or(F i)0)))]i)


Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 2 361


C++, 234 bytes

using X=std::vector<int>;
X f(X x){int q,z;q=z=0;std::map<int,int>y;X o;
for(auto i:x)++y[i];for(auto i:y)q=q>i.second?q:i.second;
for(;++z<=y.rbegin()->first;)for(;y[z]++<q;)o.push_back(z);return o;}

(Newlines in the function body are for readability).

The function takes and returns a vector of ints. It utilizes std::map for finding the max element of the input list and also for counting the occurrences of each distinct element.


// necessary includes. Note that each of these is longer than whole Jelly program!
#include <vector>
#include <map>

// this type occurs three times in the code
using X = std::vector<int>;

// The function
X f (X x)
   // initialize some variables
   int q, z; // q will hold the max count
   q = z = 0;
   std::map <int, int> y; // The map for sorting
   X o; // The output vector

   // Populate the map, effectively finding the max element and counts for all of them
   for (auto i : x)

   // find the max count
   for (auto i : y)
       q = q > i.second ? q : i.second;

   // Populate the output vector

   // Iterate all possible values from 1 to the max element (which is the key at y.rbegin ())
   // Note that z was initialized at 0, so we preincrement it when checking the condition
   for (; ++z <= y.rbegin ()->first;)
       // for each possible value, append the necessary quantity of it to the output
       for(; y[z]++ < q;)
           o.push_back (z);

   return o;

Max Yekhlakov

Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 601


Gaia, 12 bytes


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Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 39 774


C (gcc), 177 bytes

Input and output are done through stdin and stdout. Both arrays are capped at 2^15 elements, but they could be as large as 2^99 elements.

f(j){int n=0,m=0,i=0,a[1<<15],b[1<<15]={0};for(;scanf("%i",&a[i])>0;i++)j=a[i],m=j>m?j:m,b[j-1]++;for(i=m;i--;)n=b[i]>n?b[i]:n;for(i=m;i--;)for(j=n-b[i];j--;)printf("%i ",i+1);}

With some formatting:

  int n=0, m=0, i=0, a[1<<15], b[1<<15]={0};
  for(;scanf("%i",&a[i])>0;i++) j=a[i], m=j>m?j:m, b[j-1]++;
  for(i=m;i--;) n=b[i]>n?b[i]:n;
  for(i=m;i--;) for(j=n-b[i];j--;) printf("%i ",i+1);

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Curtis Bechtel

Posted 2018-08-13T06:33:03.740

Reputation: 601