Toggle some bits and get a square



Given an integer \$N>3\$, you have to find the minimum number of bits that need to be inverted in \$N\$ to turn it into a square number. You are only allowed to invert bits below the most significant one.


  • \$N=4\$ already is a square number (\$2^2\$), so the expected output is \$0\$.
  • \$N=24\$ can be turned into a square number by inverting 1 bit: \$11000 \rightarrow 1100\color{red}1\$ (\$25=5^2\$), so the expected output is \$1\$.
  • \$N=22\$ cannot be turned into a square number by inverting a single bit (the possible results being \$23\$, \$20\$, \$18\$ and \$30\$) but it can be done by inverting 2 bits: \$10110 \rightarrow 10\color{red}0\color{red}00\$ (\$16=4^2\$), so the expected output is \$2\$.


  • It is fine if your code is too slow or throws an error for the bigger test-cases, but it should at least support \$3 < N < 10000\$ in less than 1 minute.
  • This is !

Test cases

    Input | Output
        4 | 0
       22 | 2
       24 | 1
       30 | 3
       94 | 4
      831 | 5
      832 | 1
     1055 | 4
     6495 | 6
     9999 | 4
    40063 | 6
   247614 | 7        (smallest N for which the answer is 7)
  1049310 | 7        (clear them all!)
  7361278 | 8        (smallest N for which the answer is 8)
100048606 | 8        (a bigger "8")

Or in copy/paste friendly format:



Posted 2018-08-08T21:36:41.317

Reputation: 111 334

Almost half of the answers don't execute for 100048606 on TIO, is that a problem? – Magic Octopus Urn – 2018-08-09T17:04:08.963

@MagicOctopusUrn Thanks, I've updated the rules to make it more clear that supporting $N\ge 10000$ is optional. – Arnauld – 2018-08-09T17:10:58.523

1This would be a nice [tag:fastest-code] question as well (without the input size restriction) – qwr – 2018-08-09T19:20:43.397

@qwr Yes, probably. Or if you want to go hardcore: given $k$, find the smallest $N$ such that $f(N) = k$. – Arnauld – 2018-08-09T19:27:03.157



Ruby, 74 bytes

->n{(1..n).map{|x|a=(n^x*x).to_s 2;a.size>Math.log2(n)?n:a.count(?1)}.min}

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This simply generates the sequence \$\left[1^2, 2^2, \ldots, n^2\right]\$ (which is far more than enough), XORs it with \$n\$, and then takes either the number of 1s in its binary representation if the number of bits is less than or equal to \$\log_2n\$, or \$n\$ otherwise. It then takes the minimum number of bits flipped. Returning \$n\$ instead of the number of bits flipped when the highest bit flipped is greater than \$\log_2n\$ prevents these cases from being chosen as the minimum, as \$n\$ will always be greater than the number of bits it has.

Thanks to Piccolo for saving a byte.


Posted 2018-08-08T21:36:41.317

Reputation: 68 138

You can save a byte by using (n^x*x).to_s 2;... instead of (n^x*x).to_s(2);... – Piccolo – 2018-08-09T22:24:59.003

@Piccolo Can't believe I missed that, thanks! – Doorknob – 2018-08-09T22:34:09.583


Jelly, 12 bytes


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Check out a test suite!

Monadic link. Should be golfable. But I am too dumb to think of a way to get rid of the ³s. It's my first answer in which I successfully use filtering / mapping / looping in general along with a dyadic chain \o/


²,BẈEðƇ²^B§Ṃ – Full program / Monadic link. Call the argument N.
     ðƇ      – Filter-keep [1 ... N] with the following dyadic chain:
²,BẈE        – The square of the current item has the same bit length as N.
²            – Square.
 ,           – Pair with N.
  B          – Convert both to binary.
   Ẉ         – Retrieve their lengths.
    E        – And check whether they equate.
       ²^    – After filtering, square the results and XOR them with N.
         B   – Binary representation of each.
          §  – Sum of each. Counts the number of 1s in binary.
           Ṃ – Minimum.

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-08-08T21:36:41.317

Reputation: 39 774


Husk, 20 bytes


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▼mΣf(¬→)S↑(M(¤ż≠↔ḋ)İ□ḋ) -- example input n=4
        S↑(           ) -- take n from n applied to (..)
                     ḋ  -- | convert to binary: [1,0,0]
                   İ□   -- | squares: [1,4,9,16,...]
           M(     )     -- | map with argument ([1,0,0]; example with 1)
                 ḋ      -- | | convert to binary: [1]
             ¤  ↔       -- | | reverse both arguments of: [1] [0,0,1]
              ż≠        -- | | | zip with inequality (absolute difference) keeping longer elements: [1,0,1]
                        -- | : [[1,0,1],[0,0,0],[1,0,1,1],[0,0,1,0,1],[1,0,1,1,1],....
                        -- : [[1,0,1],[0,0,0],[1,0,1,1],[0,0,1,0,1]]
    f(  )               -- filter elements where
       →                -- | last element
      ¬                 -- | is zero
                        -- : [[0,0,0]]
 mΣ                     -- sum each: [0]
▼                       -- minimum: 0


Posted 2018-08-08T21:36:41.317

Reputation: 15 345

▼mΣfo¬←ṠMz≠ȯfo£İ□ḋπŀ2Lḋ saves 2 bytes. RIP you perfect square score. – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-08-08T23:09:37.320

@Mr.Xcoder: Shame about the score.. But I got rid of some more, now targetting 16 ;P – ბიმო – 2018-08-08T23:12:01.047


Perl 6, 65 bytes

{min map {+$^a.base(2).comb(~1) if sqrt($a+^$_)!~~/\./},^2**.msb}

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I feel a little dirty for testing for a perfect square by looking for a period in the string representation of the number's square root, but...anything to shave off bytes.


Posted 2018-08-08T21:36:41.317

Reputation: 4 136


05AB1E, 20 15 bytes


-5 bytes thanks to @Mr.Xcoder using a port of his Jelly answer.

Try it online or verify all test cases (biggest three test cases are removed because they time out after 60 sec; still takes about 35-45 sec with the other test cases).


L            # Create a list in the range [1, input]
             #  i.e. 22 → [0,1,2,...,20,21,22]
 n           # Take the square of each
             #  i.e. [0,1,2,...,20,21,22] → [0,1,4,...,400,441,484]
  ʒ     }    # Filter this list by:
   ,         #  Pair the current value with the input
             #   i.e. 0 and 22 → [0,22]
             #   i.e. 25 and 22 → [25,22]
    b        #  Convert both to binary strings
             #   i.e. [0,22] → ['0','10110']
             #   i.e. [25,22] →  ['10000','11001']
     €g      #  Take the length of both
             #   i.e. ['0','10110'] → [1,5]
             #   ['10000','11001'] → [5,5]
       Ë     #  Check if both are equal
             #   i.e. [1,5] → 0 (falsey)
             #   i.e. [5,5] → 1 (truthy)
^            # After we've filtered, Bitwise-XOR each with the input
             #  i.e. [16,25] and 22 → [6,15]
 b           # Convert each to a binary string again
             #  i.e. [6,15] → ['110','1111']
  €S         # Change the binary strings to a list of digits
             #  i.e. ['110','1111'] → [['1','1','0'],['1','1','1','1']]
    O        # Take the sum of each
             #  i.e. [['1','1','0'],['1','1','1','1']] → [2,4]
ß            # And then take the lowest value in the list
             #  i.e. [2,4] → 2

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2018-08-08T21:36:41.317

Reputation: 67 575

1Okay then, a valid 15-byter: Lnʒ‚b€gË}^b€SOß. It breaks your test suite unfortunately, though – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-08-09T18:31:25.260

1@Mr.Xcoder Thanks! And my test suite almost always breaks after I golf something.. XD But it's fixed now as well. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-08-09T19:12:55.710

I guess I'm not good at writing test suites in 05AB1E ¯\(ツ)/¯, it's nice that you have fixed it :) – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-08-09T19:38:44.070


Java (JDK 10), 110 bytes

n->{int i=1,s=1,b,m=99,h=n.highestOneBit(n);for(;s<h*2;s=++i*i)m=(s^n)<h&&(b=n.bitCount(s^n))<m?b:m;return m;}

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Olivier Grégoire

Posted 2018-08-08T21:36:41.317

Reputation: 10 647

1You can save 1 byte by using bitwise and & instead of logical and && – kirbyquerby – 2018-08-09T21:20:36.133


Gaia, 18 bytes

Near-port of my Jelly answer.


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s¦⟪,b¦l¦y⟫⁇⟪^bΣ⟫¦⌋ – Full program. Let's call the input N.
s¦                 – Square each integer in the range [1 ... N].
  ⟪      ⟫⁇        – Select those that fulfil a certain condition, when ran through
                     a dyadic block. Using a dyadic block saves one byte because the
                     input, N, is implicitly used as another argument.
   ,               – Pair the current element and N in a list.
    b¦             – Convert them to binary.
      l¦           – Get their lengths.
        y          – Then check whether they are equal.
           ⟪   ⟫¦  – Run all the valid integers through a dyadic block.
            ^      – XOR each with N.
             bΣ    – Convert to binary and sum (count the 1s in binary)
                 ⌋ – Minimum.

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-08-08T21:36:41.317

Reputation: 39 774


Brachylog, 56 41 bytes

It's not gonna break any length records but thought i'd post it anyway


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Posted 2018-08-08T21:36:41.317

Reputation: 1 558

Just realized zipping is a thing. I'll shorten it after i come back from diner – Kroppeb – 2018-08-09T15:31:12.033

1@Arnauld Yeah, the main problem was that for each i in range(0,n+1) i recalculated the range, squared it and to binary. Putting this outside recuired a few more bytes but it's way faster now – Kroppeb – 2018-08-09T20:36:33.877


x86-64 assembly, 37 bytes


53 89 fb 89 f9 0f bd f7 89 c8 f7 e0 70 12 0f bd
d0 39 f2 75 0b 31 f8 f3 0f b8 c0 39 d8 0f 42 d8
e2 e6 93 5b c3

Nicely, this computes even the highest example in less than a second.

Heart of the algorithm is xor/popcount as usual.

    push %rbx
    /* we use ebx as our global accumulator, to see what the lowest bit
     * difference is */
    /* it needs to be initialized to something big enough, fortunately the
     * answer will always be less than the initial argument */
    mov %edi,%ebx
    mov %edi,%ecx
    bsr %edi,%esi
    mov %ecx,%eax
    mul %eax
    jo cont     /* this square doesn't even fit into eax */
    bsr %eax,%edx
    cmp %esi,%edx
    jnz cont    /* can't invert bits higher than esi */
    xor %edi,%eax
    popcnt %eax,%eax
    cmp %ebx,%eax   /* if eax < ebx */
    cmovb %eax,%ebx
    loop .L1
    xchg %ebx,%eax
    pop %rbx


Posted 2018-08-08T21:36:41.317

Reputation: 836

Suggest replacing at least one of your movs with an xchg – ceilingcat – 2018-08-31T23:55:43.390

As far as I can tell there's only one that would save a byte (mov %ecx,%eax) and I can't let %ecx die there. – ObsequiousNewt – 2018-09-02T00:05:48.153


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 67 bytes


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Takes \$\{1, 2, \ldots, n\}\$ and squares them. Then, the numbers with same BitLength as the input are Picked, and BitXored with the input. Next, the Minimum DigitCount of 1s in binary is returned.

JungHwan Min

Posted 2018-08-08T21:36:41.317

Reputation: 13 290


Charcoal, 31 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:

Nθ                              Input N
       θ                        N
      E                         Map over implicit range
          ιι                    Current value (twice)
         ×                      Multiply
        ↨   ²                   Convert to base 2
     Φ                          Filter over result
               ι                Current value
                  θ             N
                 ↨ ²            Convert to base 2
              L L               Length
             ⁼                  Equals
    E                           Map over result
                       θ        N
                      ↨ ²       Convert to base 2
                     E          Map over digits
                           λ    Current base 2 digit of N
                             ι  Current base 2 value
                              μ Inner index
                            §   Get digit of value
                          ⁼     Equals
                         ¬      Not (i.e. XOR)
                    Σ           Take the sum
   ⌊                            Take the minimum
  I                             Cast to string
                                Implicitly print


Posted 2018-08-08T21:36:41.317

Reputation: 95 035


Jelly, 20 bytes


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Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2018-08-08T21:36:41.317

Reputation: 38 134


Python 2, 82 bytes

lambda n:min(bin(i*i^n).count('1')for i in range(n)if len(bin(i*i^n))<len(bin(n)))

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Posted 2018-08-08T21:36:41.317

Reputation: 19 246


Japt -g, 20 bytes

This can be golfed down.

op f_¤Ê¥¢lî^U ¤¬xÃn

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Luis felipe De jesus Munoz

Posted 2018-08-08T21:36:41.317

Reputation: 9 639


C (gcc),  93  91 bytes


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Edit: I think my original solution (Try it online!) is not valid, because one of the variables, m, global to save a few bytes by not specifying type, was initialized outside of f(n) and therefore had to be reinitialized between calls

Ungolfed and commented code :

g(n){n=n?n%2+g(n/2):0;} // returns the number of bits equal to 1 in n
m; //miminum hamming distance between n and a square
i; //counter to browse squares
d; //bitwise difference between n and a square
f(n){m=99; //initialize m to 99 > size of int (in bits)
        ++i*i<2*n; //get the next square number, stop if it's greater than 2*n
        g(d=i*i^n)<m&&d<n/2&&(m=g(d)) //calculate d and hamming distance
//      ^~~~~~~~~~~^ if the hamming distance is less than the minimum
//                    ^~~~^ and the most significant bit of n did not change (the most significant bit contains at least half the value)
//                           ^~~~~~~^ then update m
    n=m;} // output m


  • Saved 2 bytes thanks to ceilingcat


Posted 2018-08-08T21:36:41.317

Reputation: 231