Double, XOR and do it again


We define the function g as g(n) = n XOR (n * 2) for any integer n > 0.

Given x > 0, find the smallest integer y > 0 such that gk(y) = x for some k > 0.


x = 549

549 = 483 XOR (483 * 2)     (as binary: 1000100101 = 111100011 XOR 1111000110)
483 = 161 XOR (161 * 2)     (as binary:  111100011 =  10100001 XOR  101000010)

Which means that g2(161) = 549. We can't go any further, as there is no n such that g(n) = 161. So, the expected output for x = 549 is y = 161.


  • You are not supposed to support invalid entries. A pair (y, k) is guaranteed to exist for the input value x.
  • This is , so the shortest answer in bytes wins!

Test cases

     3 -->     1
     5 -->     1
     6 -->     2
     9 -->     7
    10 -->     2
    23 -->    13
    85 -->     1
   549 -->   161
   960 -->    64
  1023 -->   341
  1155 -->   213
  1542 -->     2
  9999 -->  2819
 57308 --> 19124
 57311 -->   223
983055 -->     1


Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 111 334


Related OEIS: A048274 which is the sequence a(n) = g(n)

– Giuseppe – 2018-06-06T13:29:26.443



Java 8, 68 57 53 52 bytes

n->{for(int i=0;i<n;)i-=(i*2^i)==n?n=i:-1;return n;}

-5 bytes thanks to @OlivierGrégoire.

Try it online.


n->{                 // Method with integer as both parameter and return-type
  for(int i=0;i<n;)  //  Loop `i` in the range (1,n)
    i-=(i*2^i)==n?   //   If `i*2` XOR-ed with `i` equals `n`
        n=i          //    Set `n` to `i`, and set `i` to 0 to reset the loop
       :             //   Else:
        -1;          //    Increase `i` by 1 to go to the next iteration
  return n;}         //  Return `n` after the entire loop

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 67 575

1n->{for(int i=0;i<n;)i-=(i*2^i)==n?n=i:-1;return n;} (52 bytes). Sorry ^^' – Olivier Grégoire – 2018-06-06T07:55:48.683

@OlivierGrégoire Even smarter, thanks! – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-06-06T08:01:01.767

for(int i=0;n>i-=i+i^i^n?-1:n=i;);? – Titus – 2018-06-07T01:52:16.767

@Titus I'm afraid that's not going to work in Java (although I have used that approach in my iterative JavaScript answer). In Java i+i^i^n? is not a boolean, so it won't even compile. In addition, n>i-=... will need parenthesis (n>(i-=...)), and n=i isn't allowed in the else-clause of the ternary-if, only in the if-clause (this last one I don't know why, but that's what it is in Java unfortunately).

– Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-06-07T06:42:58.127

1@KevinCruijssen "and n=i isn't allowed in the else-clause of the ternary-if". Because Java would parse it as (i-=(i*2^i)!=n?-1:n)=i which is illegal. – Olivier Grégoire – 2018-06-07T15:05:55.737

@OlivierGrégoire Ah, so that's why. Still, that's pretty stupid.. When would (contains_ternary_if)=i ever be valid to begin with. Java should just parse it differently imho. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-06-07T15:12:09.317


Python 2, 54 53 bytes

f=lambda n:next((f(i)for i in range(n)if n==i^i*2),n)

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Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 19 246


JavaScript, 53 bytes


G is g^-1, which set i to 0 if success, set i to 1 if failed.


Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 13 072

1This was the approach I tried to use although I came up with a 50-byte version: f=n=>(g=n=>n<2?0/!n:n%2+2*g(n/2^n%2))(n)?f(g(n)):n. Sadly the boring approach is 12 bytes shorter. – Neil – 2018-06-06T09:46:54.740


Pyth, 13 12 10 bytes

Saved 1 byte thanks to @MrXcoder, and 2 more bytes following their suggestion


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fqQ.W<HQxyZZT   Implicit: Q=eval(input()), trailing ZZT inferred

f               Return the first T in [1,2,3...] where the following is truthy
   .W       T     Functional while - loop until condition is true, starting value T
     <HQ            Condition: continue while iteration value (H) less than input
        xyZZ        Body: xor iteration value (Z) with double (y) iteration value (Z)
 qQ               Is the result of the above equal to input?


Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 5 592

1You can drop the trailing T for 12 bytes. – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-06-06T10:56:03.117


R, 73 65 bytes

f=function(x){for(i in 1:x)if(x==bitwXor(i,i*2)){i=f(i);break};i}

Try it online!

Thanks a lot Giuseppe (-8) due to your tweaks, so simple yet very effective


Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 181

1as opposed to a previous answer of yours, because this function is recursive, you do need the f= since the function needs to be bound to f to work properly. That being said, nice work, and take a +1 from me! – Giuseppe – 2018-06-06T15:09:33.333


you can also do some re-jiggering of your logic and get this to 65 bytes

– Giuseppe – 2018-06-06T15:11:39.863


JavaScript, 38 36 bytes


Try it online - Starts throwing overflow errors somewhere between 9999 & 57308.


Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 24 623


Jelly, 8 7 bytes

Use ⁺¿ to return the last non-zero element (thanks Dennis for -1 byte)


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Brute force wins again :(


Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 14 620

1^Ḥ)i$⁺¿ saves a byte. – Dennis – 2018-06-06T14:44:21.610

And it's 2x slower. – user202729 – 2018-06-07T17:12:38.733


C (gcc), 57 56 55 51 bytes

  • Saved a byte thanks to ceilingcat; !=-.
  • Saved a byte five bytes thanks to Rogem; making use of the ternary expression and gcc quirks.

Try it online!

Jonathan Frech

Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 6 681

1+1 for X(O,R) – JayCe – 2018-06-07T00:18:51.143

@ceilingcat Good suggestion, thanks. – Jonathan Frech – 2018-06-20T12:21:30.020

for(R=1;R;O=R?R:O) saves a byte. – None – 2018-06-25T10:24:25.073

R=O; at the end seems to be unnecessary, saving you another 4 bytes. – None – 2018-06-25T10:38:10.673

@Rogem Seems to be, thanks. – Jonathan Frech – 2018-06-25T10:46:13.730


Z80Golf, 22 bytes

00000000: 1600 1803 4216 007a b830 097a 82aa b828  ....B..z.0.z...(
00000010: f314 18f3 78c9                           ....x.

Port of @KevinCruijssen's Java answer

Example with input of 9-Try it online!

Example with input of 85-Try it online!


;d=loop counter
;b=input and output
	ld d,0
	jr loop
	ld b,d
	ld d,0
		ld a,d
		cp b
		jr nc,end	; if d==b end
		ld a,d
		add d		; mul by 2
		xor d
		cp b
		jr z,begin	; if (d*2)^d==b set b to d
		inc d
		jr loop
	ld a,b

Assembly example for calling the function and printing the result:

ld b,9 ; input to the function, in this case 9
call f
add 30h ; ASCII char '0'
call 8000h ; putchar


Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 845

If you make a the loop counter instead of d, then you can replace the ld d,0 instructions by xor a both times, which saves two bytes. – Misha Lavrov – 2018-10-06T00:25:58.393


JavaScript (Node.js), 48 45 38 bytes


-7 bytes thanks to @Neil creating a recursive version of my iterative version below. Doesn't work for large test cases.

Try it online.

Iterative 45 bytes version that works for all test cases:

n=>{for(i=0;i<n;)i-=i*2^i^n?-1:n=i;return n;}

Port of my Java answer.
-3 bytes thanks to @Arnauld.

Try it online.

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 67 575

1You can do i-=i*2^i^n?-1:n=i (but unfortunately not in Java). – Arnauld – 2018-06-06T08:01:16.873

@Arnauld Figured something was possible for the boolean in Java to just 1 in JS. Thanks! – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-06-06T08:05:25.390

138 bytes written recursively (doesn't work for larger inputs): f=(n,i=0)=>i<n?i*2^i^n?f(n,i+1):f(i):n – Neil – 2018-06-06T09:43:03.320


Jelly, 11 9 bytes


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Tips: Use recursive function instead of loops.

Very fast, unfortunately loses to the brute force approach.

Note that:

  • For x > 0, f(x) > x.
  • popcount(f(x)) is even, where popcount(n) is the number of bits set in n.
  • If n has even popcount, then there exists x such that f(x) = n.
  • Let B(x) be the binary representation of x, and Ṗ(l) be the list l with last element removed. Then B(x) is the accumulated XOR of Ṗ(B(f(x))).

So, we repeatedly:

  • Compute its binary representation (B)
  • then take the accumulated XOR (use ^\ or ÄḂ, they have the same effect).
  • Check if (?) the tail (last element) () of the accumulated XOR is nonzero (odd popcount)
    • If so, convert the binary list back to decimal and recurse.
    • If not, returns the input ().


Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 14 620

9 bytes: B^\⁸Ḅß$Ṫ?

– Leaky Nun – 2018-06-06T09:00:38.943


K (ngn/k), 32 26 bytes


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{ } is a function with argument x

/ applies it until convergence

$[ ; ; ] if-then-else

2\x binary digits of x (this is specific to ngn/k)

+\ partial sums

2! mod 2

a: assign to a

*| last - reverse (|) and get first (*)

if the above is 1, x will be returned


-1_a drop the last element of a

2/ decode binary


Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 11 449


Java (JDK 10), 78 bytes

int g(int n){return f(n)%2<1?g(f(n)/2):n;}int f(int x){return 1>x?0:x^f(x/2);}

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Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 14 620


JavaScript (Node.js), 40 bytes


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Thanks Shaggy for -1 bytes.

Port of my Jelly answer.

Finally there is a language where this approach is shorter (oops). (I tried Python and Java, it doesn't work)

Can anyone explain why I can use /2 instead of >>1?


Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 14 620

1x/2 works because of arithmetic underflow. Any IEEE 754 number will eventually be evaluated as 0 when divided by 2 enough times. (And the decimal part is simply ignored when XOR'd, so this does not affect the result.) – Arnauld – 2018-06-06T08:59:32.487

40 bytes – Shaggy – 2018-06-25T10:57:47.267

@Shaggy Surprised that it works. I know it works for Python and Lua etc., but not Javascript. – user202729 – 2018-06-25T15:36:53.733

The false returned on the last iteration is implicitly cast to 0 by the bitwise XOR operator. – Shaggy – 2018-06-25T15:38:46.977

@Shaggy In fact, no false is involved. JS && behaves almost identically to Python/Lua and.

– user202729 – 2018-06-25T15:41:06.683


Ruby, 39 bytes


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As expected for the recursive version, complains about "stack level too deep" on the latter test cases.

Kirill L.

Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 6 693


Forth (gforth), 71 bytes

: f 0 begin 2dup dup 2* xor = if nip 0 else 1+ then 2dup < until drop ;

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0                 \ add an index variable to the top of the stack
begin             \ start an indefinite loop
  2dup            \ duplicate the top two stack items (n and i)
  dup 2* xor =    \ calculate i xor 2i and check if equal to n
  if nip 0        \ if equal, drop n (making i the new n) and use 0 as the new i
  else 1+         \ otherwise just increment i by 1
  then            \ end the if-statement
  2dup <          \ duplicate the top two stack items and check if n < i
until             \ if previous statement is true, end the loop
drop              \ drop i, leaving n on top of the stack


Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 1 361


Perl 6, 44 bytes

{({first {($^a+^2*$a)==$_},^$_}...^!*).tail}

Try it


{  # bare block lambda with implicit parameter $_

    # generate a sequence

    # no need to seed the sequence with $_, as the following block will
    # default to using the outer $_
    # $_, 

    { # parameter $_

        {  # block with placeholder parameter $a

          ( $^a +^ 2 * $a ) # double (numeric) xor
          == $_             # is it equal to the previous value

        ^$_  # Range up to and excluding the previous value ( 0..^$_ )

    ...^  # keep doing that until: (and throw away last value)

    !*    # it doesn't return a trueish value

  ).tail  # return the last generated value

Brad Gilbert b2gills

Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 12 713


Prolog (SWI), 44 bytes

A-R:-between(1,A,B),A is B xor(B*2),B-R;R=A.

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Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 4 687


PHP, 49 bytes

Based on Kevin Cruijssen's answers.


Run as pipe with -nr or try it online.


Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 13 814


F#, 92 bytes

let rec o i=
 let r=Seq.tryFind(fun x->x^^^x*2=i){1..i-1}
 if r.IsNone then i else o r.Value

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Recursively checks through the numbers from 1 to i-1. If there's a match, check for a smaller for that number. If there's no match, return the input number.


Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 689


C, 62 bytes

Based on Kevin Cruijssen's Java:

int n(int j){for(int i=0;i<j;)i-=(i*2^i)==j?j=i:-1;return j;}

To test:

#include <stdio.h>
int n(int j);
#define p(i) printf("%6d --> %5d\n", i, n(i))
int main(void)

When run, the test program outputs:

     3 -->     1
     5 -->     1
     6 -->     2
     9 -->     7
    10 -->     2
    23 -->    13
    85 -->     1
   549 -->   161
   960 -->    64
  1023 -->   341
  1155 -->   213
  1542 -->     2
  9999 -->  2819
 57308 --> 19124
 57311 -->   223
983055 -->     1

C, 54 bytes

Only works with C89 or K&R C:

n(j){for(i=0;i<j;)i-=(i*2^i)==j?j=i:-1;return j;}


Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 121

int n(int j){for(int i=0;j>i-=i*2^i^j?-1:j=i;);return j;} Do these 57 bytes work? – Titus – 2018-06-07T01:49:28.040


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 58 bytes


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Starts with a list containing just the input. Iteratively replaces the list by all integers that are either already in it, or map into it by the double-and-xor operation. Then //. says to do this until reaching a fixed point. The answer is the least element of the result.

Misha Lavrov

Posted 2018-06-06T06:52:48.627

Reputation: 4 846