Balanced binary search trees are essential to guarantee O(log n) lookups (or similar operations). In a dynamic environment where a lot of keys are randomly inserted and/or deleted, trees might degenerate to linked lists which are horrible for lookups. Thus there are various kinds of self-balancing binary trees that counteract this effect (such as AVL trees or splay trees). These trees are based on different kinds of rotations that re-balance the tree.
In this challenge we'll only look at single right-rotations, such a rotation (left-rotation would be symmetric) looks like this:
5 3
/ \ / \
3 6 => 1 5
/ \ / \
1 4 4 6
If any of the leaves 1
or 6
had left or right sub-trees a rotation would simply keep them there. If this is a subtree of a larger tree, we'd simply "cut it off" at the node 5
and "re-attach" the rotated tree (now node 3
) to that node.
Given a binary search tree1 and a key right-rotate the tree on that node as described above. The key provided in the above example would be 5
Rules and I/O
- you may use any type for keys as long as there is a bijection between the keys of your choice and those of the test cases
- you may choose any representation for binary trees as long there's no ambiguity (eg.
is ambiguous unless otherwise specified) and it's natural for your language of choice - since the input will always be a binary search tree there are no duplicate keys
- you may assume that the key is contained in the tree
- you may assume that node containing the key has a left child
- you may not assume a right subtree under the provided key
- you may not assume that the tree is unbalanced before the rotation
- you may not assume that the tree is balanced after the rotation
- you may use any default I/O method
- your submission may be a function returning the tree or full program printing the solution
Test cases
These examples represent a tree as follows
- if it's a leaf:
- if it's a tree with key
and both subtrees are leaves:[x]
- if it's a tree with key
and subtreesleft
The first example is the one provided in the section Rotations. If for some reason you need a graphical representation of them, here2 you go.
5 [5,[3,[1],[4]],[6]] -> [3,[1],[5,[4],[6]]]
5 [5,[3,[1],[4]],[]] -> [3,[1],[5,[4],[]]]
5 [5,[3,[],[4]],[6]] -> [3,[],[5,[4],[6]]]
5 [5,[3,[1],[]],[]] -> [3,[1],[5]]
4 [8,[4,[2,[1],[3]],[6,[5],[7]]],[12,[10,[9],[11]],[14,[13],[15]]]] -> [8,[2,[1],[4,[3],[6,[5],[7]]]],[12,[10,[9],[11]],[14,[13],[15]]]]
8 [10,[8,[6,[4,[2,[],[3]],[5]],[7]],[9]],[11]] -> [10,[6,[4,[2,[],[3]],[5]],[8,[7],[9]]],[11]]
10 [10,[8,[6,[4,[2,[],[3]],[5]],[7]],[9]],[11]] -> [8,[6,[4,[2,[],[3]],[5]],[7]],[10,[9],[11]]]
9 [6,[3,[2],[5]],[9,[8],[12,[11],[15,[14],[]]]]] -> [6,[3,[2],[5]],[8,[],[9,[],[12,[11],[15,[14],[]]]]]]
7 [7,[5,[3,[1],[4]],[6]],[8]] -> [5,[3,[1],[4]],[7,[6],[8]]]
15 [17,[9,[5,[2,[0],[4]],[8]],[15,[13,[11,[10],[12]],[14]],[16]]],[40,[27,[21,[19,[18],[20]],[24,[22],[25]]],[28]],[44,[42,[41],[]],[51,[47],[59,[55],[61]]]]]] -> [17,[9,[5,[2,[0],[4]],[8]],[13,[11,[10],[12]],[15,[14],[16]]]],[40,[27,[21,[19,[18],[20]],[24,[22],[25]]],[28]],[44,[42,[41],[]],[51,[47],[59,[55],[61]]]]]]
21 [17,[9,[5,[2,[0],[4]],[8]],[15,[13,[11,[10],[12]],[14]],[16]]],[40,[27,[21,[19,[18],[20]],[24,[22],[25]]],[28]],[44,[42,[41],[]],[51,[47],[59,[55],[61]]]]]] -> [17,[9,[5,[2,[0],[4]],[8]],[15,[13,[11,[10],[12]],[14]],[16]]],[40,[27,[19,[18],[21,[20],[24,[22],[25]]]],[28]],[44,[42,[41],[]],[51,[47],[59,[55],[61]]]]]]
1: meaning that for any node all the keys in the left subtree will be smaller than that key and all the keys in the right subtree are greater than it
2: to prevent link-rot, I embedded them as a comment
data B=B[B]Int
would save some more bytes. – Laikoni – 2018-05-21T08:55:39.017@Laikoni just one byte I think but I'll take it – Angs – 2018-05-21T12:41:49.053
You could save 2 bytes by first merging the two cases,
, into one:k/=n=B[k!l,k!r]n
, and then addingk!x=x
to make the pattern matching exhaustive. – Radek – 2018-05-25T20:09:56.083