Number of surjections




Given 2 positive integers n and k, where n > k, output the number of surjections from a set of n distinguishable elements to a set of k distinguishable elements.


A function f: S → T is called a surjection if for every t∈T there is s∈S such that f(s) = t.


When n=3 and k=2, the output is 6, since there are 6 surjections from {1,2,3} to {1,2}:

  1. 1↦1, 2↦1, 3↦2
  2. 1↦1, 2↦2, 3↦1
  3. 1↦1, 2↦2, 3↦2
  4. 1↦2, 2↦1, 3↦1
  5. 1↦2, 2↦1, 3↦2
  6. 1↦2, 2↦2, 3↦1


n k output
5 3 150
8 4 40824
9 8 1451520



This is . Shortest answer in bytes wins.

Standard loopholes apply.

Leaky Nun

Posted 2018-04-20T15:43:49.267

Reputation: 45 011

11A definition of surjection would be nice. – Stewie Griffin – 2018-04-20T16:02:02.553

3Is it intentional that n cannot equal k? – Dennis – 2018-04-20T16:08:01.507

1@Dennis I like to exclude every possible edge case from my challenges – Leaky Nun – 2018-04-20T16:15:40.117

3That seems like an important edge case to include. My guess is that most answers that work for n>k will also work for n==k but it might allow for some sneaky golfing somewhere – dylnan – 2018-04-20T16:22:42.357

@ whoever voted to close what is your reason? – dylnan – 2018-04-20T18:49:49.040



Jelly, 5 4 bytes


This is an O(kn) brute force solution.

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How it works

ṗṬML  Main link. Left argument: k. Right argument: n.

ṗ     Cartesian power; yield the list of all n-tuples over {1, ..., k}.
      Each tuple represents a (not necessarily surjective) function from
      {1, ..., n} to {1, ..., k}.
 Ṭ    Apply the "untruth" atom to each tuple.
      Ṭ maps a list of indices to an array with 1's at those indices, and exactly
      as many zeroes as needed to build the array.
           [1, 2, 3, 3, 3] -> [1, 1, 1]
           [1, 3, 5]       -> [1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
           [2, 6, 2, 4, 4] -> [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
  M   Yield all indices of maximal elements, i.e., all indices of [1] * k.
   L  Take the length.


Posted 2018-04-20T15:43:49.267

Reputation: 196 637


Haskell, 48 bytes


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Why is the surjection count s(m,n)=n*s(m-1,n-1)+n*s(m-1,n)?

in order to harvest n images, i can either

  • squeeze a singleton [m] creation into any of the n boundaries surrounding n-1 groups
  • or add my new m into any of n already existing groups of [1..m-1]

Haskell, 38 bytes


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Roman Czyborra

Posted 2018-04-20T15:43:49.267

Reputation: 604


38 bytes by using an infix operator: Try it online!

– Laikoni – 2018-04-21T21:42:45.047


Lean, 66 bytes

def s:_->nat->nat|(m+1)(n+1):=(n+1)*(s m n+s m(n+1))|0 0:=1|_ _:=0

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Proof of correctness

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Let us ungolf the function:

def s : nat->nat->nat
| (m+1) (n+1) := (n+1)*(s m n + s m (n+1))
| 0     0     := 1
| _     _     := 0

The function is defined by pattern matching and recursion, both of which have built-in support.

We define s(m+1, n+1) = (n+1) * (s(m, n) + s(m, n+1) and s(0, 0) = 1, which leaves open s(m+1, 0) and s(0, n+1), both of which are defined to be 0 by the last case.

Lean uses lamdba calculus syntax, so s m n is s(m, n).

Now, the proof of correctness: I stated it in two ways:

def correctness : ∀ m n, fin (s m n) ≃ { f : fin m → fin n // function.surjective f } :=
λ m, nat.rec_on m (λ n, nat.cases_on n s_zero_zero (λ n, s_zero_succ n)) $
λ m ih n, nat.cases_on n (s_succ_zero m) $ λ n,
calc fin (s (nat.succ m) (nat.succ n))
   ≃ (fin (n + 1) × (fin (s m n + s m (n + 1)))) :
  (fin_prod _ _).symm
... ≃ (fin (n + 1) × (fin (s m n) ⊕ fin (s m (n + 1)))) :
  equiv.prod_congr (equiv.refl _) (fin_sum _ _).symm
... ≃ (fin (n + 1) × ({f : fin m → fin n // function.surjective f} ⊕
         {f : fin m → fin (n + 1) // function.surjective f})) :
  equiv.prod_congr (equiv.refl _) (equiv.sum_congr (ih n) (ih (n + 1)))
... ≃ {f // function.surjective f} : s_aux m n

def correctness_2 (m n : nat) : s m n = fintype.card { f : fin m → fin n // function.surjective f } :=
by rw fintype.of_equiv_card (correctness m n); simp

The first one is what is really going on: a bijection between [0 ... s(m, n)-1] and the surjections from [0 ... m-1] onto [0 ... n-1].

The second one is how it is usually stated, that s(m, n) is the cardinality of the surjections from [0 ... m-1] onto [0 ... n-1].

Lean uses type theory as its foundation (instead of set theory). In type theory, every object has a type that is inherent to it. nat is the type of natural numbers, and the statement that 0 is a natural number is expressed as 0 : nat. We say that 0 is of type nat, and that nat has 0 as an inhabitant.

Propositions (statements / assertions) are also types: their inhabitant is a proof of the proposition.

  • def: We are going to introduce a definition (because a bijection is really a function, not just a proposition).

  • correctness: the name of the definition

  • ∀ m n: for every m and n (Lean automatically infers that their type is nat, because of what follows).

  • fin (s m n) is the type of natural numbers that is smaller than s m n. To make an inhabitant, one provides a natural number and a proof that it is smaller than s m n.

  • A ≃ B: bijection between the type A and the type B. Saying bijection is misleading, as one actually has to provide the inverse function.

  • { f : fin m → fin n // function.surjective f } the type of surjections from fin m to fin n. This syntax builds a subtype from the type fin m → fin n, i.e. the type of functions from fin m to fin n. The syntax is { var : base type // proposition about var }.

  • λ m : ∀ var, proposition / type involving var is really a function that takes var as an input, so λ m introduces the input. ∀ m n, is short-hand for ∀ m, ∀ n,

  • nat.rec_on m: do recursion on m. To define something for m, define the thing for 0 and then given the thing for k, build the thing for k+1. One would notice that this is similar to induction, and indeed this is a result of the Church-Howard correspondence. The syntax is nat.rec_on var (thing when var is 0) (for all k, given "thing when k is k", build thing when var is "k+1").

Heh, this is getting long and I'm only on the third line of correctness...

Leaky Nun

Posted 2018-04-20T15:43:49.267

Reputation: 45 011


J, 19 bytes


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-/@(^~*]!0{])],i.@-  Input: n (LHS), k (RHS)
                  -  Negate k
               i.@   Range [k-1, k-2, ..., 0]
             ]       Get RHS
              ,      Join, forms [k, k-1, ..., 0]
   (        )        Dyad between n (LHS), [k, k-1, ..., 0] (RHS)
           ]           Get RHS
         0{            Select value at index 0
       ]               Get RHS
        !              Binomial coefficient
    ^~                 Raise each in RHS to power of n
      *                Multiply
-/@                  Reduce from right to left using subtraction (forms alternating sum)


Posted 2018-04-20T15:43:49.267

Reputation: 15 654

-/@(^~*]!0{])]-i. – FrownyFrog – 2018-05-22T21:06:12.483


Python 2, 56 53 50 bytes

f=lambda n,k:n/k and(1/k or f(n-1,k-1)+f(n-1,k))*k

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-3 bytes thanks to H.PWiz.

-3 bytes thanks to Dennis.

  • If n<k not all k can be mapped onto thus there are no surjections. n/k and takes care of this.
  • Taking f(0,0)=1 gives us the only nonzero base case we need. 1/k or achieves this.


Posted 2018-04-20T15:43:49.267

Reputation: 4 993


R, 49 bytes


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Implements one of the formulas by Mario Catalani:

T(n, k) = Sum_{j=0..k} (-1)^(k-j)*j^n*binomial(k, j)

or alternately:

T(n, k) = Sum_{j=0..k} (-1)^j*binomial(k, j)*(k-j)^n

which yields the same byte count in R.


Posted 2018-04-20T15:43:49.267

Reputation: 21 077


Ruby, 46 bytes

f=->n,k{k>n ?0:k+n<1?1:k*(f[n-=1,k]+f[n,k-1])}

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Standard recursive approach...

Kirill L.

Posted 2018-04-20T15:43:49.267

Reputation: 6 693


Brain-Flak, 142 bytes


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This uses the standard inclusion-exclusion formula.

I can't write up a full explanation at this time, but here's a high-level explanation:

# Compute k-th row of Pascal's triangle

# Multiply each element by n^j (and reverse to other stack)

# Compute alternating sum


Posted 2018-04-20T15:43:49.267

Reputation: 9 181


Pari/GP, 38 bytes


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Using the formula by Vladimir Kruchinin on OEIS:

E.g.f.: (exp(x)-1)^k = sum T(n,k)x^n/n!


Posted 2018-04-20T15:43:49.267

Reputation: 23 988


Husk, 7 bytes


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#`¦ḣ¹π²  Inputs: n (²), implicit k (¹)
     π²  Cartesian power of [1..k] to n
#        Count if:
   ḣ¹      Range [1..k]
 `¦        Is a subset


Posted 2018-04-20T15:43:49.267

Reputation: 561


JavaScript (Node.js), 43 bytes


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Posted 2018-04-20T15:43:49.267

Reputation: 1 220


05AB1E, 10 bytes


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sLsã       # Cartesian product of range(k) repeated n times
    ʒ   }  # Filter by ...
     êgQ   # Connected uniquified length == k  (every item in range(k) appears at least once)
         g # Count


Posted 2018-04-20T15:43:49.267

Reputation: 1 135