Conway's Prime Game



Specifically, Conway's PRIMEGAME.

This is an algorithm devised by John H. Conway to generate primes using a sequence of 14 rational numbers:

 A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N
17  78  19  23  29  77  95  77   1  11  13  15  15  55
--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
91  85  51  38  33  29  23  19  17  13  11  14   2   1

For example, F is the fraction 77/29.

So here's how the algorithm finds the prime numbers. Starting with the number 2, find the first entry in the sequence that when multiplied together produces an integer. Here it's M, 15/2, which produces 15. Then, for that integer 15, find the first entry in the sequence that when multiplied produces an integer. That is the last one, N, or 55/1, which yields 825. Write down the corresponding sequence. (The astute among you may recognize this as a FRACTRAN program.)

After some iterations, you'll get the following:

2, 15, 825, 725, 1925, 2275, 425, 390, 330, 290, 770, 910, 170, 156, 132, 116, 308, 364, 68, 4 ...

Note that the last item listed is 4, or 2^2. Behold our first prime number (the 2 exponent) generated with this algorithm! Eventually, the sequence will look like the following:

2 ... 2^2 ... 2^3 ... 2^5 ... 2^7 ... etc.

Thus, yielding the prime numbers. This is OEIS A007542.

The Challenge

Given an input number n, either zero- or one-indexed (your choice), either output the first n numbers of this sequence, or output the nth number of this sequence.


The below examples are outputting the nth term of the zero-indexed sequence.

 n   output
 5   2275
19   4
40   408


  • If applicable, you can assume that the input/output will fit in your language's native Integer type.
  • The input and output can be given by any convenient method.
  • Either a full program or a function are acceptable. If a function, you can return the output rather than printing it.
  • Standard loopholes are forbidden.
  • This is so all usual golfing rules apply, and the shortest code (in bytes) wins.


Posted 2018-04-19T19:53:39.527

Reputation: 41 581

11Perhaps Conway's prime game would be a more descriptive name for this challenge than Let's Play a Game. That would make it easier to find this challenge back in the future. – Lynn – 2018-04-19T21:54:07.540

Can the output be a float? 408.0 instead of 408 for example. – dylnan – 2018-04-19T23:09:29.753

Unfortunately we don't have a (canonical) "Interpret Fractran" challenge. The one on Stack Overflow is locked.

– user202729 – 2018-04-20T01:33:38.807

@dylnan Sure, that's fine. – AdmBorkBork – 2018-04-20T12:29:29.633



Python 3, 173 165 153 145 144 136 135 127 126 125 108 107 104 bytes

f=lambda n:2>>n*2or[f(n-1)*t//d for t,d in zip(b"NM_M\r7",b"[U3&!\r")if f(n-1)*t%d<1][0]

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  • -30 bytes thanks to Jonathan Frech!
  • -3 bytes thanks to Lynn!

2>>n*2 is 2 for n==0 and 0 otherwise.

103 bytes if we can return floats.


Posted 2018-04-19T19:53:39.527

Reputation: 4 993

Using Python 2; 153 bytes.

– Jonathan Frech – 2018-04-19T20:42:47.260

@JonathanFrech Cool, nice trick. Thanks! – dylnan – 2018-04-19T20:43:58.747


Staying in Python 3, 146 bytes!

– Jonathan Frech – 2018-04-19T20:48:05.410

144 bytes. – Jonathan Frech – 2018-04-19T20:54:01.140

Thanks again, you did more than I did now! – dylnan – 2018-04-19T20:55:26.130

I'm trying to work this in

– dylnan – 2018-04-19T21:00:10.180

136 bytes? (Surprisingly performant compared to the other versions.) – Jonathan Frech – 2018-04-19T21:04:29.820

Nice. Now there are only two references to f(n-1) which improves the speed a lot – dylnan – 2018-04-19T21:07:36.897

135 bytes. – Jonathan Frech – 2018-04-19T21:11:58.333

@JonathanFrech What's the reasoning behind orb(b)-3? I didn't translate out all the bytes, but is one of them invalid for a string? – Morgan Thrapp – 2018-04-19T22:25:09.697

@MorganThrapp I investigated and found that one of the values encodes to an \r which can't be in a string literal but I escaped it by writing in \r into the source code and saved a byte. Thanks for asking because I wouldn't have found that otherwise! – dylnan – 2018-04-19T22:42:39.707

@MorganThrapp Then another 18 bytes – dylnan – 2018-04-19T22:52:38.937

if f(~-n)*t%d<1 gets you down to 104! – Lynn – 2018-04-19T23:40:12.077

@MorganThrapp It was ord(b)-3, because when adding 1, one character still was the backslash \\; shifting the string over by two more places did not require escaping. Using bitstrings and escaping chr(13), as dylnan now did, however, elegantly resolves that issue. – Jonathan Frech – 2018-04-20T13:00:30.620


FRACTRAN, 99 bytes

17/2821 78/2635 19/1581 23/1178 29/1023 77/899 95/713 77/589 1/527 11/403 13/341 15/434 15/62 55/31

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The program takes 2*31^n as an input, which is used as the initial state.

All the fractions in the original FRACTRAN program have been divided by 31 (the first unused prime register), so the program stops at the nth iteration.


Posted 2018-04-19T19:53:39.527

Reputation: 601

Cheeky answer. ;-) – AdmBorkBork – 2018-04-20T16:43:09.737


Jelly, 49 43 bytes


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  • -6 bytes thanks to miles


Posted 2018-04-19T19:53:39.527

Reputation: 4 993

Pity that 0ọ0¤ is inf, otherwise you could have reduced this to 42 bytes... – Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-04-20T13:01:54.797


Python 3, 107 bytes

f=lambda n,k=2:n and f(n-1,[k*a//b for a,b in zip(b"NM_M\r7",b"[U3&!\r")if k*a%b<1][0])or k

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Encodes the list of fractions by ziping two bytestrings containing unprintable low-ASCII characters.

If n is zero, we return the argument k; otherwise we recurse with new parameters. Our new k is the first value k*a//b corresponding to some fraction (a, b) in the list such that k*a//b is an integer, i.e. k*a%b<1.


Posted 2018-04-19T19:53:39.527

Reputation: 55 648


MATL, 50 bytes

Hi:"'0m26<l~l *,..V'31-*'{uSFA=731-+."!'32-&\w~)1)

Try it online!

Luis Mendo

Posted 2018-04-19T19:53:39.527

Reputation: 87 464

3Guess which parts of the code are string literals and which are actual statements... – Luis Mendo – 2018-04-19T20:45:02.220

2Hi: ... aww, "Hello" to you too, code. :-) – AdmBorkBork – 2018-04-20T12:32:47.080


J, 116 110 bytes

g=.3 :0
((1047856500267924709512946135x%&(96#.inv])5405040820893044303890643137x)([:({.@I.@(=<.){[)*)])^:y 2

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0-indexed; returns the n-th number

Some bytes can be saved by making the verb tacit, but I have problems making ^: work.


J describes the rational numbers in the form NrD, where N is the numerator and D is the denominator, for example 17r91 78r85 19r51 23r38... I created 2 separate lists for the numerators and denominators and made 2 base-96 numbers from them.

1047856500267924709512946135x%&(96#.inv])5405040820893044303890643137x converts the base-96 numbers to lists and constructs a list of fractions by divinding the two lists.

17r91 78r85 19r51 23r38 29r33 77r29 95r23 77r19 1r17 11r13 13r11 15r14 15r2 55

2 start with 2

^:y repeat the verb on its left n times (y is the argument to the function)

] the right argument (starts at 2, and then uses the result of each iteration)

* multiply the list of fractions by the right argument

(=<.) are the results integer (compare each number with its floor)

{.@I.@ finds the index I. of the first {. of the integers

{[ uses the index to retrieve the number

Galen Ivanov

Posted 2018-04-19T19:53:39.527

Reputation: 13 815

162 bytes: ('0m26<l~l *,..V'%&(31x-~3&u:)'ztRE@<620,*-! ')&(0{*#~0=1|*)2: – miles – 2018-04-20T14:48:27.810

@miles Thanks, I think you must post your solution, it's way better than mine. – Galen Ivanov – 2018-04-20T15:09:20.113


05AB1E,  44  43 bytes



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2                                             # initialize stack with 2
 sF                                           # input times do:
   •Ë₁ǝßÌ?ƒ¥"h2ÔδD‡béαA5À>,•                  # push a base-255 compressed large number
                            тв                # convert to a list of base-100 digits
                              2ä`             # split in 2 parts to stack
                                 Š            # move denominators to bottom of stack
                                  *           # multiply the last result by the numerators
                                   s‰         # divmod with denominators
                                     ʒθ_}     # filter, keep only those with mod result 0
                                         нн   # get the div result

The large number pushed is 17781923297795770111131515559185513833292319171311140201


Posted 2018-04-19T19:53:39.527

Reputation: 50 798


JavaScript (Node.js), 106 95 bytes

  • thanks to @Arnauld and @Neil for reducing by 11 bytes

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Posted 2018-04-19T19:53:39.527

Reputation: 1 220

Managed to squeeze out a couple of bytes but can't help thinking I'm missing something: Try it online!

– Neil – 2018-04-19T23:35:13.670


@Neil There's no need to use the spread operator on Buffer. Also, I think it's safe to put all data in a single buffer: 95 bytes.

– Arnauld – 2018-04-20T09:28:28.510

@Arnauld The OP used the spread operator (I'm unfamiliar with Buffer so I didn't know any better) but that's a great move with the single Buffer! – Neil – 2018-04-20T09:45:27.320

@Arnauld correct, updated :) – DanielIndie – 2018-04-20T10:42:18.367


Pari/GP, 121 bytes


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Posted 2018-04-19T19:53:39.527

Reputation: 23 988


Retina, 213 bytes


Try it online! Explanation:


Replace the input with a list of all the fractions, plus the initial integer.


Convert everything to unary.


Repeat the substitution the number of times given by the original input.


Find a denominator that evenly divides the integer.


Replace the integer with the result of the division multiplied by the numerator.


Convert the integer to decimal and output the result.


Posted 2018-04-19T19:53:39.527

Reputation: 95 035


Attache, 81 bytes

Nest<~{Find[Integral,_*&`//=>Chop[Ords!"0zmt2R6E<@l<~6l2 0*,,*.-.!V "-31,2]]},2~>

Try it online! Outputs a fraction over 1. For example, input 5 returns 2275/1. This can be fixed with plus 2 bytes by prepending N@ to the program.


This is a curried function, which curries Nest with two predefined arguments:

{Find[Integral,_*&`//=>Chop[Ords!"0zmt2R6E<@l<~6l2 0*,,*.-.!V "-31,2]]}

and 2. This last argument is simply the initial seed, and the argument that is passed to this function is the number of iterations to nest the given function.

The following is used to encode PRIMEGAME:

&`//=>Chop[Ords!"0zmt2R6E<@l<~6l2 0*,,*.-.!V "-31,2]]

This is evaluated as such:

A> "0zmt2R6E<@l<~6l2 0*,,*.-.!V "
"0zmt2R6E<@l<~6l2 0*,,*.-.!V "
A> Ords!"0zmt2R6E<@l<~6l2 0*,,*.-.!V "
[48, 122, 109, 116, 50, 82, 54, 69, 60, 64, 108, 60, 126, 54, 108, 50, 32, 48, 42, 44, 44, 42, 46, 45, 46, 33, 86, 32]
A> Ords!"0zmt2R6E<@l<~6l2 0*,,*.-.!V "-31
[17, 91, 78, 85, 19, 51, 23, 38, 29, 33, 77, 29, 95, 23, 77, 19, 1, 17, 11, 13, 13, 11, 15, 14, 15, 2, 55, 1]
A> Chop[Ords!"0zmt2R6E<@l<~6l2 0*,,*.-.!V "-31,2]
 17 91
 78 85
 19 51
 23 38
 29 33
 77 29
 95 23
 77 19
  1 17
 11 13
 13 11
 15 14
 15  2
 55  1
A> &`//=>Chop[Ords!"0zmt2R6E<@l<~6l2 0*,,*.-.!V "-31,2]
[(17/91), (78/85), (19/51), (23/38), (29/33), (77/29), (95/23), (77/19), (1/17), (11/13), (13/11), (15/14), (15/2), (55/1)]

Let's replace this expression with G in the explanation. Our first function becomes:


This performs a single iteration of FRACTRAN code over _, the input to the function. It Finds an Integral member (one which is an integer) of the array _*G, which is the input _ multiplied with each member of G. Nest simply applies this transformation the given number of times.

Attache, 42 bytes

I implemented parts of the $langs library, being inspired by this challenge, so I mark this section non-competing.


This simply queries the list of FRACTRAN_EXAMPLES I have. Each example is a FractranExample instance, which calls the inbuilt FRACTRAN function. The prime example is Conway's PRIMEGAME.

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2018-04-19T19:53:39.527

Reputation: 36 228


F# (Mono), 215 bytes

let q m=
 let rec i x y=
  if y=m then x 
  else[17;91;78;85;19;51;23;38;29;33;77;29;95;23;77;19;1;17;11;13;13;11;15;14;15;2;55;1]|>List.chunkBySize 2|>List.find(fun[n;d]->x*n%d=0)|>fun[n;d]->i(x*n/d)(y+1)   
 i 2 0

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Henrik Hansen

Posted 2018-04-19T19:53:39.527

Reputation: 191


PHP, 183 bytes (189 with "php" tag)

Golfed :



    foreach([17/91,78/85,19/51,23/38,29/33,77/29,95/23,77/19,1/17,11/13,13/11,15/14,15/2,55/1] as $n){
echo $t;

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Boian Ivanov

Posted 2018-04-19T19:53:39.527

Reputation: 41