Bots playing a counting game




A childhood game designed to help children learn to count in french in Canadian schools is played as follows:

  • Students go around the room counting up to 11
  • A number greater than 11 cannot be said
  • A student can say either 1, 2, or 3 numbers
  • If a student says the number 11 then they are removed from the next round and play begins again at 1
  • The game continues until there is 1 player remaining

Consider the simple example:

Player1 | Player2
01      |
02      |
03      |
        | 04
        | 05
        | 06
07      |
08      |
        | 09
10      |
        | 11
Player 1 wins

The rules

  • Design a program which takes in an integer greater than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to 99 (for formatting reasons) and outputs the game played by this number of bots
  • Play will begin with bot1 and increase to the highest number bot
  • Play will cycle back to the beginning when the final bot is reached
  • Bots will randomly output the next 1, 2, or 3 numbers UNLESS
    • Outputting 2 or 3 numbers will cause them to lose on that turn.
      • If the count is 8 when it reaches a bot, it should only decide between 9 and 10
    • Outputting 2 or 3 numbers will cause them to go over 11
  • Output numbers and bot numbers should be formatted to take two characters (i.e. you can format numbers to be 01, _1, or whitespace, whatever makes you happy)
  • Each column should be 2 characters wide separated by | as well as a | at the beginning and ends of rows
  • Once a bot is out the remainder of their column should be filled by xx
  • When there is only one bot remaining he is the winner
  • The program will announce which bot was the winner in the form of Bot #N is the winner
  • This is code-golf so shortest byte count wins

Formatting examples

|01|  |  |
|02|  |  |
|03|  |  |
|  |04|  |
|  |  |05|
|  |  |06|
|07|  |  |
|  |08|  |
|  |09|  |
|  |10|  |
|  |  |11|
|01|  |xx|
|02|  |xx|
|03|  |xx|
|  |04|xx|
|  |05|xx|
|06|  |xx|
|  |07|xx|
|08|  |xx|
|  |09|xx|
|  |10|xx|
|11|  |xx|
Bot #2 is the winner


The outputs can get long so you are permitted to output only the final number of the bots turn for example the above output becomes instead:

|03|  |  |
|  |04|  |
|  |  |06|
|07|  |  |
|  |10|  |
|  |  |11|
|03|  |xx|
|  |05|xx|
|06|  |xx|
|  |07|xx|
|08|  |xx|
|  |10|xx|
|11|  |xx|
Bot #2 is the winner

With 5 bots:

|01|  |  |  |  |
|  |04|  |  |  |
|  |  |05|  |  |
|  |  |  |07|  |
|  |  |  |  |10|
|11|  |  |  |  |
|xx|01|  |  |  |
|xx|  |03|  |  |
|xx|  |  |06|  |
|xx|  |  |  |09|
|xx|10|  |  |  |
|xx|  |11|  |  |
|xx|  |xx|02|  |
|xx|  |xx|  |03|
|xx|05|xx|  |  |
|xx|  |xx|07|  |
|xx|  |xx|  |08|
|xx|10|xx|  |  |
|xx|  |xx|11|  |
|xx|  |xx|xx|01|
|xx|03|xx|xx|  |
|xx|  |xx|xx|04|
|xx|07|xx|xx|  |
|xx|  |xx|xx|08|
|xx|10|xx|xx|  |
|xx|  |xx|xx|11|
Bot #2 is the winner

With 10 players:

|01|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |04|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |05|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |08|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |09|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |10|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |11|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |xx|02|  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |xx|  |04|  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |xx|  |  |07|
|09|  |  |  |  |  |xx|  |  |  |
|  |10|  |  |  |  |xx|  |  |  |
|  |  |11|  |  |  |xx|  |  |  |
|  |  |xx|01|  |  |xx|  |  |  |
|  |  |xx|  |02|  |xx|  |  |  |
|  |  |xx|  |  |03|xx|  |  |  |
|  |  |xx|  |  |  |xx|04|  |  |
|  |  |xx|  |  |  |xx|  |07|  |
|  |  |xx|  |  |  |xx|  |  |08|
|09|  |xx|  |  |  |xx|  |  |  |
|  |10|xx|  |  |  |xx|  |  |  |
|  |  |xx|11|  |  |xx|  |  |  |
|  |  |xx|xx|02|  |xx|  |  |  |
|  |  |xx|xx|  |03|xx|  |  |  |
|  |  |xx|xx|  |  |xx|05|  |  |
|  |  |xx|xx|  |  |xx|  |08|  |
|  |  |xx|xx|  |  |xx|  |  |09|
|10|  |xx|xx|  |  |xx|  |  |  |
|  |11|xx|xx|  |  |xx|  |  |  |
|  |xx|xx|xx|03|  |xx|  |  |  |
|  |xx|xx|xx|  |05|xx|  |  |  |
|  |xx|xx|xx|  |  |xx|08|  |  |
|  |xx|xx|xx|  |  |xx|  |10|  |
|  |xx|xx|xx|  |  |xx|  |  |11|
|01|xx|xx|xx|  |  |xx|  |  |xx|
|  |xx|xx|xx|03|  |xx|  |  |xx|
|  |xx|xx|xx|  |06|xx|  |  |xx|
|  |xx|xx|xx|  |  |xx|08|  |xx|
|  |xx|xx|xx|  |  |xx|  |09|xx|
|10|xx|xx|xx|  |  |xx|  |  |xx|
|  |xx|xx|xx|11|  |xx|  |  |xx|
|  |xx|xx|xx|xx|03|xx|  |  |xx|
|  |xx|xx|xx|xx|  |xx|05|  |xx|
|  |xx|xx|xx|xx|  |xx|  |06|xx|
|08|xx|xx|xx|xx|  |xx|  |  |xx|
|  |xx|xx|xx|xx|09|xx|  |  |xx|
|  |xx|xx|xx|xx|  |xx|10|  |xx|
|  |xx|xx|xx|xx|  |xx|  |11|xx|
|02|xx|xx|xx|xx|  |xx|  |xx|xx|
|  |xx|xx|xx|xx|05|xx|  |xx|xx|
|  |xx|xx|xx|xx|  |xx|08|xx|xx|
|09|xx|xx|xx|xx|  |xx|  |xx|xx|
|  |xx|xx|xx|xx|10|xx|  |xx|xx|
|  |xx|xx|xx|xx|  |xx|11|xx|xx|
|01|xx|xx|xx|xx|  |xx|xx|xx|xx|
|  |xx|xx|xx|xx|04|xx|xx|xx|xx|
|07|xx|xx|xx|xx|  |xx|xx|xx|xx|
|  |xx|xx|xx|xx|10|xx|xx|xx|xx|
|11|xx|xx|xx|xx|  |xx|xx|xx|xx|
Bot #6 is the winner


Posted 2018-04-18T19:55:57.877

Reputation: 551

Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

– Mego – 2018-04-21T02:48:09.730



JavaScript (Node.js), 269 245 240 233 232 231 bytes

  • thanks to @Kevin Cruijssen for reducing by 1 byte
N=>{for(S=d=[],D=n=i=0;D<N-1;){for(R=n>8?1:(n>7?2:3)*Math.random()+1|0;R--;)S+="|"+[...Array(N)].map((x,I)=>i^I?d[I]?"xx":"  ":++n>9?n:"0"+n).join`|`+`|
for(n>10&&(d[i]=++D,n=0);d[i=++i%N];);}return S+`Bot #${i+1} is the winner`}

Try it online!


Posted 2018-04-18T19:55:57.877

Reputation: 1 220

1You can save a byte by removing the new-line at )\nS+=. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-20T15:16:44.077


Python 2, 295 291 290 bytes

from random import*
def P(l):print'|%s|'%'|'.join(l)
P(s%-~j for j in r)
while sum(b)>1:i=p.pop(0);g=choice(range(x+1,11)[:3]or[11]);P([2*'x '[b[j]],s%g][j==i]for j in r);x=g%11;b[i]=g<11;p+=[i]*b[i]
print'Bot #%d is the winner'%-~b.index(1)

Try it online!

  • -1 byte, thanks to Kevin Cruijssen


Posted 2018-04-18T19:55:57.877

Reputation: 19 246

You can save a byte by making a variable for '%02d' which you are using twice. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-20T07:56:19.113

No problem. I keep golfing just 1 or 2 bytes from your answers lol.. Just goes to show how well golfed your answers already are for my concise Python knowledge. ;) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-20T08:10:43.390


C (clang), 288 283 282 266 bytes

f(n){int i,j,p[99]={},m,k,x;for(i=j=k=0;k<n;printf("|%02d",k++));for(puts("|"),m=n;x=i>7?10-i:3,i=x?clock()%x-~i:0,m>1;){for(k=~0;++k<n;printf(p[k]?"|xx":k-j?"|  ":"|%02d",i?i:11));puts("|"),!i&&m--*p[j]++;do j++,j%=n;while(p[j]);}printf("Bot #%d is the winner",j);}

Try it online!

Bots are 0 indexed.

Following will do 1-indexed for+2 bytes

f(n){int i,j,p[99]={},m,k,x;for(i=j=k=0;k<n;printf("|%02d",++k));for(puts("|"),m=n;x=i>7?10-i:3,i=x?clock()%x-~i:0,m>1;){for(k=~0;++k<n;printf(p[k]?"|xx":k-j?"|  ":"|%02d",i?i:11));puts("|"),!i&&m--*p[j]++;do j++,j%=n;while(p[j]);}printf("Bot #%d is the winner",j+1);}


Posted 2018-04-18T19:55:57.877

Reputation: 341

257 bytes – ceilingcat – 2018-11-23T20:00:17.370


VBA (Excel), 551 bytes

CellA1 as input and output in immediate window.

Sub k()
Z = [A1] - 1
ReDim p(Z)
For b = 0 To Z
p(b) = "  "
Do Until i = Z
Do Until a >= 11
a = a + CInt(IIf(a > 8, 1, IIf(a > 7, 1 + Rnd, 1 + (Rnd * 2))))
Do Until p(d) = a
p(y) = IIf(p(y) = "xx", p(y), a)
d = y
y = IIf(y = Z, 0, y + 1)
For b = 0 To Z
c = c & IIf(p(b) < 10, 0 & p(b), p(b)) & "|"
g = IIf(p(b) = "  ", b, g)
p(b) = IIf(p(b) = "xx", "xx", "  ")
Debug.Print "|" & c
Application.Wait Now + #12:00:01 AM#
c = ""
p(d) = "xx"
i = i + 1
a = 0
Debug.Print "Bot #" & g + 1 & " is the winner."
End Sub


Posted 2018-04-18T19:55:57.877

Reputation: 511