26. Mathics, 52954 bytes
Permalink makes the post too long, but here's a pretty good site to try it online.
Let's keep things ASCII friendly, yeah?
5I'm not sure I get the scoring method. Isn't there any incentive for each answer to be golfed, obfuscate or whatever? Won't the answer chain essentially reduce to a lot of
answers, withprint
replaced bydisp
etc according to the chosen language? – Luis Mendo – 7 years ago7There should be some sort of ending criteria apart from... running out of programming languages? – Jo King – 7 years ago
@JoKing I was thinking that this would encourage users to use languages that they aren't familiar with to continue the chain, and that perhaps they might stumble upon one that they really like, as I often do. But, if you have any suggestions on how to improve the scoring criterion, I'd be very excited to improve my challenge. – X1M4L – 7 years ago
@LuisMendo I actually initially had the idea of encouraging obscure submissions, but didn’t know how to go about writing a question for that, What would be the best way to do so? – X1M4L – 7 years ago
1I suggest you get points per answer, where you get meh points for increasing the byte count, but lots of points for reducing the byte count. Or maybe restricting character usage based on the bytes in the previous answer? – Jo King – 7 years ago
Maybe something like "the score will be the smallest code length among all answers submitted by each participant". I'm not totally sure, as this is something that needs to be thought carefully. The sandbox would have been very useful for this
– Luis Mendo – 7 years agoNathaniel has a challenge almost identical to this one in the sandbox, while the bytecount limit (and not the language limit) make it (IMO) more interesting.
/* Clearly not a dupe */
– user202729 – 7 years ago4To prevent a mass number of edits, I'd recommend having a code snippet that can scrape the answers and output a list of languages used. Otherwise most of the question will eventually be the languages used. – caird coinheringaahing – 7 years ago
Is a DNS reliant WebRequest-Anwser valid? Looks like TIO cant resolve codegolf.stackexchange.com (atleast for C# WebRequest) – Hyarus – 7 years ago
1@cairdcoinheringaahing I've changed the list to a JS snippet. It's very basic, because I suck at JS, so perhaps someone could make it prettier and add a search/sort option for the languages. But it does the trick for now. It's sorted by creation date. – Kevin Cruijssen – 7 years ago
@Hyarus Because of the standard norms of code golf, I feel like I’m obligated to say no, but honestly unique answers always peak my interest, so I’d say go for it! To keep the hard core competitors happy, I guess I have to say that a answer that reads the page WONT be counted to your score, but with that said, I’m super interested in seeing your solution ;) – X1M4L – 7 years ago
@X1M4L TIO. I think it is better suited here as a calification for "WebRequest-Answer" (Sadly it doesnt resolve). And this way we dont disrupt the nice chain of valid answers.
– Hyarus – 7 years ago@Hyarus That's a standard loophole, which are specifically disallowed. – NieDzejkob – 7 years ago
7Hi, I downvoted this challenge because I think it generates many boring answers that do not have much effort put into them. – user41805 – 7 years ago
It might be helpful to change the snippet to https… – brhfl – 7 years ago
Is a trailing newline allowed? What about trailing
or equivalent in language's codepage? – user202729 – 7 years agoIt happens that the 5th answer by StewieGriffin is wrong. – user202729 – 7 years ago
...because the code posted in the 4th answer is wrong @user202729. – Stewie Griffin – 7 years ago
@StewieGriffin They do post a Base64. Conclusion: [blame-se]. – user202729 – 7 years ago
It shows the question unintendly makes kinds of strange happen, – l4m2 – 7 years ago
I posted my Perl answer just before the C# answer (seconds in it), but it looks like the chain continued from the C# answer. Should I just remove mine to avoid any further confusion? – Dom Hastings – 7 years ago
Time to post a 10^345915195 byte Lenguage answer and kill this challenge... – Magic Octopus Urn – 7 years ago
@MagicOctopusUrn couldn’t someone just then post something like
print '\n'*10**345915195
? I guess that would just effectively make them the winner. – dylnan – 7 years ago@dylnan you underestimate how many bytes itd take to outout 53000 bytes in lenguege. – Magic Octopus Urn – 7 years ago
1@MagicOctopusUrn I was just using the number you used – dylnan – 7 years ago
Maybe constrain the byte size to less than 10^10? – Husnain Raza – 7 years ago