Sort spelled-out serial numbers



Given a list of two or more spelled-out serial numbers of equal length greater than two, e.g.

[[ "three" , "one"  , "four"  ],
 [ "one"   , "five" , "nine"  ],
 [ "two"   , "six"  , "five"  ],
 [ "three" , "five" , "eight" ]]

sort the list by the numbers that the words represent:

[[ "one"   , "five" , "nine"  ],
 [ "two"   , "six"  , "five"  ],
 [ "three" , "one"  , "four"  ],
 [ "three" , "five" , "eight" ]]

You may require the numbers to be spelled in lower or upper, but not mixed, case.

Test cases






Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 37 779

Not sure if I got this correctly, does ["three","one","four"] === 314? – Nit – 2018-04-09T20:05:54.797

@Nit Yes, that's right. – Adám – 2018-04-09T20:06:45.150

@Nit By the numbers they spell out. E.g. [314,159,265,358][159,265,314,358]. – Adám – 2018-04-09T20:09:30.183

Can we assume a certain arbitrary capitalization of the numbers? – dylnan – 2018-04-09T20:27:37.037

@dylnan You may require the numbers to be spelled in lower or upper, but not mixed, case. – totallyhuman – 2018-04-09T20:28:47.183

I really need to learn to read... – dylnan – 2018-04-09T20:33:55.573

No APL friendly test cases format? ;) – Uriel – 2018-04-09T20:51:33.963

@Uriel Just use ↑⍣≡⎕JSON. – Adám – 2018-04-09T20:57:07.193



Husk, 9 8 bytes


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Algorithm "inspired" by recursive's Stax answer (I've just changed the lookup string a bit), go upvote him!

The trick is mapping each letter to its position in the string tfsen (compressed at the end of this program). Husks lists are 1-based, and missing items return 0, so we get this mapping:

"one"        [0,5,4]
"two"        [1,0,0]
"three"      [1,0,0,4,4]
"four"       [2,0,0,0]
"five"       [2,0,0,4]
"six"        [3,0,0]
"seven"      [3,4,0,4,5]
"eight"      [4,0,0,0,1]
"nine"       [5,0,5,4]

As you can see, the lists are perfectly ordered.

In order to be clear, here's how list comparison works in Husk (and in many other languages):

  1. If one of the two lists is empty, that's the smaller one.
  2. If the first elements of the two lists are different, the one with the smaller first element is the smaller list.
  3. Otherwise, discard the first element from both lists and go back to point 1.


Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 8 482

If I'm not mistaken, the "w" can be dropped also, since it's only useful comparing "two" to "three", but you already have "h". Not sure if that helps you. I haven't figured out how to integrate this fact into a stax program that's actually smaller yet. – recursive – 2018-04-09T21:53:50.867

...if it were just the letters it could be tfrsen but I'm guessing having words like with and sen in there helps compression. – Jonathan Allan – 2018-04-09T22:22:37.917

Thank you guys, you inspired me to find an even shorter string :D – Leo – 2018-04-10T04:36:59.067

So, it's like replacing the commas with a decimal point after the first comma? – Strawberry – 2018-04-11T11:03:43.677

@Strawberry Not really, [1,0,0] is considered smaller than [1,0,0,0] (but for this program it wouldn't make a difference) – Leo – 2018-04-11T11:44:24.293


Stax, 24 22 17 16 14 bytes


Run and debug it

This program takes arrays of lowercase spelled digits for input. The output is newline-separated like so.

one five nine
two six five
three one four
three five eight

This program sorts the inputs using the ordering obtained under a specific transformation. Each character in each word is replaced by its index in the string "wo thif sen". The original arrays are sorted by this ordering. Then the results are printed after joining with a space.

The spaces serve no purpose, but actually allow greater compression in the string literal.


Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 8 616

What encoding does Stax use? This is 32 bytes in UTF-8. – OldBunny2800 – 2018-04-09T22:00:19.920

5Modified CP437, like the "bytes" hyperlink explains. – recursive – 2018-04-09T22:06:00.867

Is there some standard algorithm/method of coming up with such a string? Does the concept have a name? – Itai – 2018-04-10T12:15:54.777

@Itai: It seems like it would, but I'm not aware what it is. – recursive – 2018-04-10T12:54:03.450


Jelly, 12 bytes


A monadic link.

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Converting the digits to ordinals and then from base 10 then taking modulos by 4752 then 147 gives an ascending order:

 zero            , one         , two         , three               , four
 133351          , 12301       , 12901       , 1276511             , 114384
 295             , 2797        , 3397        , 2975                , 336
 1               , 4           , 16          , 35                  , 42

 five            , six         , seven               , eight               , nine
 113781          , 12670       , 1263920             , 1126456             , 121701
 4485            , 3166        , 4640                , 232                 , 2901
 75              , 79          , 83                  , 85                  , 108

This can then be used as a key function by which to sort:

OḌ%⁽Т%147µÞ - Link: list of lists of lists of characters
          µÞ - sort (Þ) by the mondadic chain to the left (µ):
O            -   ordinals of the characters
 Ḍ           -   convert from base 10
   ⁽Т       -   literal 4752
  %          -   modulo
      %147   -   modulo by 147

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 67 804

That's some wonderful modulos you have found right there, I assume that was painstaking. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-04-09T22:33:18.103

Not all that painstaking - I did look at binary first though. – Jonathan Allan – 2018-04-09T22:37:27.683

Like, you brute-forced the modulos, no? – Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-04-09T22:39:18.737

Yeah, but it was quick. – Jonathan Allan – 2018-04-09T23:10:30.383


Python, 62 bytes

lambda m:sorted(m,key=lambda r:[int(s,36)%6779%531for s in r])

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lambda m:sorted(m,key=lambda r:[map("trfsen".find,s)for s in r])

which works in Python 2 (but not 3) is longer by two bytes.

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 67 804

1How did you discover the magic numbers? – mbomb007 – 2018-04-10T19:59:43.553

1Just a nested loop checking for strict increasing over the results. Although I possibly restriced the digit length of the inner given the outer. – Jonathan Allan – 2018-04-10T20:04:10.940


APL (Dyalog Classic), 12 bytes


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This is how I found a suitable left argument for dyadic (I tried and length 6 first):

A←⊖a←↑'zero' 'one' 'two' 'three' 'four' 'five' 'six' 'seven' 'eight' 'nine'


Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 11 449


Perl 6, 37 bytes

*.sort:{('digit 'X~$_)».parse-names}

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*\     # WhateverCode lambda (this is the parameter)
{  # block with implicit parameter 「$_」
    'digit ' X~ $_  # concatenate 'digit ' to each named digit
  )».parse-names    # call .parse-names on each

The code block will take a value of the form ("three","one","four") and translate it to ("3","1","4") which is a value that .sort can easily use.

Brad Gilbert b2gills

Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 12 713


APL (Dyalog), 38 bytes


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Based of Jonathan Allan's awesome solution.


Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 11 708

1@JonathanAllan I edited a credit during the initial changetime.. I have no idea why it was unchanged. fixed now – Uriel – 2018-04-09T21:28:09.470


31: ⊂⌷¨⍨∘⍋(531⊥531|6779|36⊥9+⎕A⍳⊢)¨, but you can do this much simpler in less than half of your current byte count.

– Adám – 2018-04-09T21:36:16.937

@Adám so, you tolerate input and output in different formats (mixed vs unmixed)? – ngn – 2018-04-09T23:06:06.197

@ngn Sure. But the solution I have in mind has fully mixed I/O. – Adám – 2018-04-09T23:21:45.860


Ruby, 48 bytes


Abuses the fact that "zero".to_i(35) is 0 (since 'z' isn't a valid digit in base 35), so it's that much easier to brute-force a formula for the other nine digits.


Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 20 600


K (ngn/k), 14 bytes


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Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 11 449


Python 2, 85 81 80 bytes

Simply uses the first two letters of each word to determine the number, then sorts each list using that indexing function as the key.

lambda _:sorted(_,key=lambda L:['zeontwthfofisiseeini'.find(s[:2])/2for s in L])

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Saved 4 bytes, thanks to Jonathan Allan


Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 21 944

A for loop list comprehension in the key function is 4 bytes shorter. – Jonathan Allan – 2018-04-09T21:00:22.283


JavaScript (Node.js), 70 bytes


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Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 111 334


Ruby, 47 bytes


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Utilises the fact that using a base less than the maximum digit yields a result of zero (as pointed out by histocrat in their answer)

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 67 804


Ruby, 49 bytes


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Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 3 787


Haskell, 133 122 109 107 106 bytes

import Data.List
sortOn$>>=show.head.(`elemIndices`words"ze on tw th fo fi si se ei ni").take 2)


import Data.List

nums = ["ze","on","tw","th","fo","fi","si","se","ei","ni"]

lookup' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int
lookup' v = head . elemIndices v

wordToInt :: String -> Int
wordToInt (x:y:_) = lookup' [x,y] nums

wordsToInt :: [String] -> Int
wordsToInt = read . concatMap (show . wordToInt)

sortN :: [[String]] -> [[String]]
sortN = sortOn wordsToInt


Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 401


05AB1E, 27 bytes


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Σ                           # Sort input by...
 “¡×€µ‚•„í†ìˆÈŒšï¿Ÿ¯¥Š“     # "zero one two three four five size seven eight nine"
                       #    # Split on spaces.
                        sk  # Find index of each input...
                          J # Join up.

Magic Octopus Urn

Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 19 422

25 bytes – Kaldo – 2018-04-10T07:38:26.647

@Kaldo ah... encoding the starting 2 letters of each? I feel like that should be its own answer. – Magic Octopus Urn – 2018-04-10T16:32:03.220


Python 2, 59 bytes

lambda m:sorted(m,key=lambda r:[hash(s)%2249518for s in r])

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Riffing on Jonathan Allan's Python 3 solution...

Chas Brown

Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 8 959


Java (JDK 10), 132 bytes

int s(String[]a){int v=0;for(var s:a)v=v*99+"zeontwthfofisiseini".indexOf(s.substring(0,2));return v;}

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Olivier Grégoire

Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 10 647


Ruby, 64 bytes

->a{a.sort_by{|b|{|n|"zeontwthfofisiseeini".index n[0,2]}}}

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A lambda accepting a 2D array of strings and returning a 2D array of strings.

Piggybacking off of mbomb007's Python 2 answer for -26 bytes off of what I was about to post.


Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 801


Jelly, 30 28 27 bytes


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-1 thanks to Jonathan Allan.

Finds the index of each digit in the string ‘onetwo...nine’ then sorts using this as a key function with Þ. Don't need to include 'zero' at the beginning because the search for the first two characters of 'zero' will fail and 0 will be returned instead of an index, making 'zero' lexicographically "early".


Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 4 993

Using a compression of 'one two ...nine' is one byte less

– Jonathan Allan – 2018-04-09T21:20:37.133

@JonathanAllan Ah, thanks. I hadn't thought to check that. Compressing '' ended up being longer. – dylnan – 2018-04-09T21:24:00.843 longer "...the first two letters". – Jonathan Allan – 2018-04-09T23:09:12.283


Perl 5, 103 bytes

sub c{pop=~s%(..)\w+\s*%zeontwthfofisiseeini=~/$1/;$`=~y///c/2%ger}say s/\R//gr for sort{c($a)<=>c$b}<>

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Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 7 671


Retina 0.8.2, 38 bytes


Try it online! Link includes test suite. Works by temporarily replacing the letters zowithfsen with their position in that string, which allows the numbers to be sorted lexically.


Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 95 035


Python 3, 141 bytes

print(sorted(eval(input()),key=lambda l:int(''.join([str("zero one two three four five six seven eight nine".split().index(i))for i in l]))))

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Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 1 295

131 bytes – caird coinheringaahing – 2018-04-10T19:46:03.830


C (clang), 229 bytes

y,j,k,t[9];char *s="zeontwthfofisiseeini";r(char **x){for(j=y=k=0;k+1<strlen(*x);k+=j,y=y*10+(strstr(s,t)-s)/2)sscanf(*x+k,"%2[^,]%*[^,]%*[,]%n",t,&j);return y;}c(*x,*y){return r(x)-r(y);}f(*x[],l){qsort(&x[0],l,sizeof(x[0]),c);}

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There is no straightforward way of sending array of array of strings to C functions, so in spirit of code-golf, I have taken a minor liberty in input format.

f() accepts an array of pointers to strings, where each string is a number, represented by comma separated spelled-out-digits in lower-case. Additionally, it needs number of strings in array in second parameter. I hope this is acceptable.

f() replaces the pointers in place in sorted order using qsort().
r() reads input number from comma-separated number string. It only compares first two characters to identify number.
c() is comparison function


Posted 2018-04-09T20:02:18.087

Reputation: 341

1207 bytes – ceilingcat – 2019-01-22T21:16:02.317

@ceilingcat Can you please explain strstr("i"-19,t)-"zeontwthfofisiseeini"? Is it compiler-specific or standard? – GPS – 2019-02-22T10:25:28.277

That relies on there being no other patterns in .rodata that look like 0x69 0x00 and the compiler placing the address of "i" at the end of "zeo..." – ceilingcat – 2019-02-22T10:31:05.627

thought so.. is there a way to ensure compiler does that? I know rules here would allow this but, could I depend on this in real wold? – GPS – 2019-02-22T10:41:18.677

My instinct is to avoid this in the "real world" but this will probably work well if your string fragments are sufficiently unique. There may actually be some legitimate use case perhaps related to stack canaries but I also might just be hallucinating. – ceilingcat – 2019-02-22T10:48:37.327