Up go the bits!



Given an integer N perform the following steps: (using 9 as an example).

  1. Receive input N. (9)
  2. Convert N from base10 to base2. (1001)
  3. Increase every bit by 1. (2112)
  4. Treat the result as base3 and convert it back to base10. (68)
  5. Return/Output the result.


May be received in any reasonable number format.
You only need to handle cases where N > 0.


Either return as a number or string, or print to stdout.


  • This is , the shortest code in bytes wins.
  • Default loopholes are forbidden.

Test Cases

1 -> 2
2 -> 7
5 -> 23
9 -> 68
10 -> 70
20 -> 211
1235 -> 150623
93825 -> 114252161

Ian H.

Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 2 431



Python 2, 31 bytes

f=lambda n:n and 3*f(n/2)+n%2+1

Try it online!


Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 196 637

3Could you explain how this works? – None – 2018-04-10T18:26:40.790

+n%2+1 adds the rightmost binary bit plus 1 to the return value, n/2 right-shifts n by 1 binary bit, 3*f(n/2) recursively adds 3 times this computation on those right-shifted bits, and n and ends the recursion when n is 0 – Noodle9 – 2018-04-11T11:52:47.067


JavaScript (Node.js), 23 bytes


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Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 5 985

x>>1 is the same as x/2 isn't it? – mbomb007 – 2018-04-09T13:16:54.263

@mbomb007 I thought and suggested the same just yet, but apparently it becomes Infinity in JS.. Try it online. (You might want to add a TIO-link to you answer, I4m2)

– Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-09T13:23:55.653

2@mbomb007 No. 1>>1=0 while 1/2=0.5 – l4m2 – 2018-04-09T13:24:13.303

Right, Python 2 uses integer division. – mbomb007 – 2018-04-09T13:24:50.130

4@mbomb007 ... Python? – user202729 – 2018-04-09T14:11:26.430

2Yeah. Look at the Python answer. That's the reason n/2 works in that one, and the reason I suggested it here. – mbomb007 – 2018-04-09T16:16:03.793


Java (JDK 10), 44 bytes

long n(long x){return x<1?0:x%2+1+3*n(x/2);}

Try it online!


Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 14 620

1Maybe -~ will help? – user202729 – 2018-04-09T12:57:31.737

2No, precedence rules. – user202729 – 2018-04-09T12:58:23.807

Same question to you: why long? :) And here I thought my sequence approach was smart.. You blew it out of the park in less than 5 minutes.. >.> :'( – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-09T13:00:26.930

@KevinCruijssen To be fair with you ... – user202729 – 2018-04-09T13:59:21.423


Jelly, 4 bytes


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Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 38 134

Binary, Increment, To-base, 3. That's really all that needs to be said. – Adám – 2018-04-09T14:01:45.780

2@Adám Technically that's From-base, but yes, this is trivial in most, if not all, golfing languages. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-04-09T16:39:11.870


Java 10, 81 52 bytes (Base conversion)


Try it online.

-29 bytes thanks to @Holger.


n->{                         // Method with Long as both parameter and return-type
  n.toString(n,2)            //  Convert the input to a Base-2 String
  .chars().reduce(0,(r,c)->  //  Loop over its digits as bytes
    r*3+c-47)                //  Multiply the current result by 3, and add the digit + 1
                             //  (which is equal to increasing each digit by 1,
                             //  and then converting from Base-3 to Base-10)

Java 10, 171 167 151 150 149 bytes (Sequence)

n->{int t=31-n.numberOfLeadingZeros(n);return a(t+1)+b(n-(1<<t));};int a(int n){return--n<1?n+2:3*a(n)+1;}int b(int n){return n<1?0:n+3*b(n/=2)+n*2;}

-16 bytes thanks to @musicman523, changing (int)Math.pow(2,t) to (1<<t).
-1 byte thanks to @Holger, changing (int)(Math.log(n)/Math.log(2)) to 31-n.numberOfLeadingZeros(n).

Try it online.


n->{                         // Method with Integer as both parameter and return-type
  int t=31-n.numberOfLeadingZeros(n);
                             //  2_log(n)
  return a(t+1)              //  Return A060816(2_log(n)+1)
         +b(n-(1<<t));}      //   + A005836(n-2^2_log(n))

// A060816: a(n) = 3*a(n-1) + 1; a(0)=1, a(1)=2
int a(int n){return--n<1?n+2:3*a(n)+1;}

// A005836: a(n+1) = 3*a(floor(n/2)) + n - 2*floor(n/2).
int b(int n){return n<1?0:n+3*b(n/=2)+n*2;}

When we look at the sequence:

2,  7,8,  22,23,25,26,  67,68,70,71,76,77,79,80,  202,203,205,206,211,212,214,215,229,230,232,233,238,239,241,242, ...

We can see multiple subsequences:

0,  0,1,  0,1,2,3,  0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,  0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,  ...

2,  7,7,  22,22,22,22,  67,67,67,67,67,67,67,67,  202,202,202,202,202,202,202,202,202,202,202,202,202,202,202,  ...

0,  0,1,  0,1,3,4,  0,1,3,4,9,10,12,13,  0,1,3,4,9,10,12,13,27,28,30,31,36,37,39,40,  ...

So the sequence being asked is:

A060816(A053645(n)) + A005836(A053645(n)+1)

I suck at finding patterns, so I'm proud of what I found above.. Having said that, @user202729 found a better and shorter approach in Java within a few minutes.. :'(

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 67 575

Re n.toString(n,2).getBytes() ... I think manual conversion may be shorter. – user202729 – 2018-04-09T12:50:01.163

"Arithmetic sequence" --> still use recursion? – user202729 – 2018-04-09T12:50:26.927

1BTW why long and not int? – user202729 – 2018-04-09T12:54:52.553

@user202729 Good question, changed it to int and removed arithmetic – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-09T12:59:29.280


I think in the sequence version you can change out (int)Math.pow(2,t) for 1<<t...and then inline that expression and drop the variable i (152 bytes)

– musicman523 – 2018-04-09T19:15:58.613

1In real life, I’d use 31-Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(n) instead of (int)(Math.log(n)/Math.log(2)), but it’s not shorter. Unless you use import static in the header, which might stretch the rules too far. – Holger – 2018-04-11T08:36:29.290

@Holger It actually is shorter, although only by 1 byte. Thanks, I'll edit it in. :) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-11T08:40:16.703

1I just tried to convert your first variant’s loop to a stream solution, with success: n -> n.toString(n,2).chars().reduce(0,(r,c)->r*3+c-47) – Holger – 2018-04-11T08:49:06.133


05AB1E, 5 bytes


Try it online!

b       binary
 €>     increment each
   3β   base 3

05AB1E, 5 bytes


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Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 11 708

S works for too. – Magic Octopus Urn – 2018-04-10T01:17:09.310


J, 7 bytes


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Thanks Galen Ivanov for -4 bytes! I really need to improve my J golfing skill...


Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 14 620


7 bytes: 3#.1+#: TIO

– Galen Ivanov – 2018-04-09T12:56:55.587

Also thanks for the template, I need something to learn about : 0. – user202729 – 2018-04-09T14:04:13.633

The template is not mine, I forgot who's its author. – Galen Ivanov – 2018-04-09T14:20:18.067

2That would be me :) – Conor O'Brien – 2018-04-09T14:30:04.767


R, 55 43 bytes


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Uses the standard base conversion trick in R, increments, and then uses a dot product with powers of 3 to convert back to an integer.

Thanks to @user2390246 for dropping 12 bytes!


Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 21 077

Because the conversion to binary is not the final output, the order of the digits doesn't matter. So instead of floor(log(n)):0 you can do 0:log(n) and save some bytes: 43 bytes

– user2390246 – 2018-04-10T09:25:55.023

@user2390246 of course, thank you. – Giuseppe – 2018-04-10T11:55:37.733


APL (Dyalog), 10 bytes


Try it online!

    2⊥⍣¯1  binary
  1+       go guess
3⊥         base 3


Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 11 708


Brachylog, 7 bytes


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Not that you really need one, but…

ḃ            To binary
 +₁ᵐ         Map increment
    ~ḃ₃      From ternary


Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 32 976


Ruby, 27 bytes


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Kirill L.

Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 6 693


Python 2, 56 55 bytes

lambda n:int(''.join('12'[c>'0']for c in bin(n)[2:]),3)

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Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 19 246


Attache, 19 bytes


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This is a composition of three functions:

  • FromBase&3
  • 1&`+
  • Bin

This first converts to binary (Bin), increments it (1&`+), then converts to ternary (FromBase&3).


Non-pointfree, 21 bytes: {FromBase[Bin!_+1,3]}

Without builtins, 57 bytes: Sum@{_*3^(#_-Iota!_-1)}@{If[_>0,$[_/2|Floor]'(1+_%2),[]]}

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 36 228


Retina 0.8.2, 36 bytes


Try it online! Explanation:


Convert from decimal to unary.


Repeatedly divmod by 2, and add 1 to the result of the modulo.


Add 1 to the first digit too.


Convert from unary-encoded base 3 to unary.


Convert to decimal.


Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 95 035


Japt, 6 bytes

¤cÄ n3
¤      // Convert the input to a base-2 string,
 c     // then map over it as charcodes.
  Ä    // For each item, add one to its charcode
       // and when that's done,
    n3 // parse the string as a base 3 number.

Takes input as a number, outputs a number.

Try it online!


Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 2 667

Damnit! Why didn't I think of that? Nicely done. – Shaggy – 2018-04-10T08:11:08.117


MATL, 12 7 6 bytes


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Saved 5 bytes thanks to Giuseppe and another one thanks to Luis Mendo.

Old 7 byte answer:


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YB        % Convert to binary string
  Q       % Increment each element
   c      % Convert ASCII values to characters
    3     % Push 3
     ZA   % Convert from base 3 to decimal.

Old one for 12 bytes:


Try it online!

Oh my, that was messy... So is this: `BQ3GBn:q^!Y*.


               % Implicit input
B              % Convert to binary vector
 Q             % Increment all numbers
  t            % Duplicate
   z           % Number of element in vector
    :          % Range from 1 to that number
     q         % Decrement to get the range from 0 instead of 1
      3        % Push 3
       w       % Swap order of stack
        ^      % Raise 3 to the power of 0, 1, ...
         !     % Transpose
          Y*   % Matrix multiplication
               % Implicit output

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 43 471


C# (Visual C# Compiler), 128 bytes

using System;using System.Linq;i=>{int z=0;return Convert.ToString(i,2).Reverse().Select(a=>(a-47)*(int)Math.Pow(3,z++)).Sum();}

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I am counting System because i use Convert and Math.


Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 251

Select gives you the index as optional parameter. So you could get rid of your z variable. Also in the expression body you could get rid of the {, } and return statements. So something like this n=>Convert.ToString(n,2).Reverse().Select((x,i)=>(x-47)*Math.Pow(3,i)).Sum(); – NtFreX – 2018-04-11T09:38:01.290


Python 2, 56 54 bytes

lambda i:int(''.join(`int(x)+1`for x in bin(i)[2:]),3)

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Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 5 301


PHP, 84 64 Bytes

Try it online!!


function f($n){$b=decbin($n);echo base_convert($b+str_repeat('1',strlen($b)),3,10);}

Try it online!!

Thanks to Cristoph, less bytes if ran with php -R

function f($n){echo base_convert(strtr(decbin($n),10,21),3,10);}


function f($n){
$b=decbin($n);                    #Convert the iteger to base 2
echo base_convert(                  #base conversion PHP function
    $b+str_repeat('1',strlen($b)),  #It adds to our base 2 number
    3,                              #a number of the same digits length
    10);                            #with purely '1's

Francisco Hahn

Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 591

Here is when i see i have a loooogn way to go at programming....had no idea of the existence of strtr – Francisco Hahn – 2018-04-09T13:56:40.277

1Will do!!, sorry <?="Will do!!" – Francisco Hahn – 2018-04-09T14:20:51.707


C, 32 27 bytes


Based on user202729's Java answer. Try it online here. Thanks to Kevin Cruijssen for golfing 5 bytes.

Ungolfed version:

n(x) { // recursive function; both argument and return type are implicitly int
    x = // implicit return
    x ? x % 2 + 1 + 3*n(x/2) // if x != 0 return x % 2 + 1 + 3*n(x/2) (recursive call)
    : 0; // else return 0


Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 1 499

You can save 5 bytes by replacing the return with x= and reversing the ternary so the ! is no longer necessary: n(x){x=x?x%2+1+3*n(x/2):0;} – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-09T13:52:47.183

@KevinCruijssen Nice. Thanks! – O.O.Balance – 2018-04-09T13:59:30.333


Octave with the communication toolbox, 33 32 bytes


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Converts the input to a binary vector using de2bi, and incrementing all numbers. Does matrix multiplication with a vertical vector of 3 raised to the appropriate powers: 1, 3, 9, ..., thus getting the sum without an explicit call to sum.

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 43 471

While this is extremely clever, you can also do this for 32 bytes: Try it online!

– Sanchises – 2018-04-11T09:54:00.613

And with MATLAB you may even do @(x)base2dec(de2bi(x)+49,3) for 27 (a rare occasion where MATLAB is more lenient than Octave) – Sanchises – 2018-04-11T09:55:34.423


Husk, 5 bytes


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    ḋ  Convert to base 2
  m→   Map increment
B3     Convert from base 3


Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 561


CJam, 8 bytes


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ri   e# Read input as an integer
2b   e# Convert to base 2. Gives a list containing 0 and 1
:)   e# Add 1 to each number in that list
3b   e# Convert list from base 3 to decimal. Implicitly display

Luis Mendo

Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 87 464

I kinda like the :) .. – Ian H. – 2018-04-09T15:34:46.347


Brain-Flak, 74 bytes


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"Readable" version

# At this point we have a inverted binary string on the stack


Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 3 787

-2 bytes – Jo King – 2018-04-10T00:00:59.000


Whitespace, 117 bytes

[S S S N
_Push_0][S N
S _Duplicate_0][S N
S _Duplicate_0][T   N
T   T   _Read_STDIN_as_number][T    T   T   _Retrieve][N
_Create_Label_OUTER_LOOP][S N
S _Duplicate][S S S T   S N
_Push_2][T  S T T   _Modulo][S S S T    N
_Push_1][T  S S S _Add][S N
T   _Swap][S S S T  S N
_Push_2][T  S T S _Integer_division][S N
S _Duplicate][N
T   S N
_Create_Label_INNER_LOOP][S S S T   T   N
_Push_3][T  S S N
_Multiply][T    S S S _Add][S N
T   _Swap][S N
S _Duplicate][N
T   S T N
_If_0_jump_to_Label_PRINT_AND_EXIT][S N
T   _Swap][N
S S T   N
_Create_Label_PRINT_AND_EXIT][S N
T   _Swap][T    N
S T _Output_integer_to_STDOUT]

Letters S (space), T (tab), and N (new-line) added as highlighting only.
[..._some_action] added as explanation only.

Try it online (with raw spaces, tabs and new-lines only).

Explanation in pseudo-code:

I first converted the recursive function int f(int n){return n<1?0:n%2+1+3*f(n/2);} to its iterative form (in pseudo-code):

Integer n = STDIN as integer
Add starting_value 0 to the stack
function OUTER_LOOP:
    Add n%2+1 to the stack
    n = n/2
    if(n == 0):
      Jump to INNER_LOOP
      Jump to next iteration OUTER_LOOP

function INNER_LOOP:
    n = 3*n
    n = n + Value at the top of the stack (the ones we calculated with n%2+1)
    Swap top two items
    Check if the top is now 0 (starting value):
      Jump to PRINT_AND_EXIT
      Swap top two items back
      Jump to next iteration INNER_LOOP

function PRINT_AND_EXIT:
  Swap top two items back
  Print top to STDOUT as integer
  Exit program with error: Exit not defined

And I then implemented this iterative approach in the stack-based language Whitespace, using it's default stack.

Example runs:

Input: 1

Command    Explanation                   Stack           Heap    STDIN   STDOUT   STDERR

SSSN       Push 0                        [0]
SNS        Duplicate top (0)             [0,0]
SNS        Duplicate top (0)             [0,0,0]
TNTT       Read STDIN as integer         [0,0]           {0:1}   1
TTT        Retrieve                      [0,1]           {0:1}
NSSSN      Create Label OUTER_LOOP       [0,1]           {0:1}
 SNS       Duplicate top (1)             [0,1,1]         {0:1}
 SSSTSN    Push 2                        [0,1,1,2]       {0:1}
 TSTT      Modulo top two (1%2)          [0,1,1]         {0:1}
 SSSTN     Push 1                        [0,1,1,1]       {0:1}
 TSSS      Add top two (1+1)             [0,1,2]         {0:1}
 SNT       Swap top two                  [0,2,1]         {0:1}
 SSSTSN    Push 2                        [0,2,1,2]       {0:1}
 TSTS      Int-divide top two (1/2)      [0,2,0]         {0:1}
 SNS       Duplicate top (0)             [0,2,0,0]       {0:1}
 NTSN      If 0: Go to Label INNER_LOOP  [0,2,0]         {0:1}
 NSSN      Create Label INNER_LOOP       [0,2,0]         {0:1}
  SSSTTN   Push 3                        [0,2,0,3]       {0:1}
  TSSN     Multiply top two (0*3)        [0,2,0]         {0:1}
  TSSS     Add top two (2+0)             [0,2]           {0:1}
  SNT      Swap top two                  [2,0]           {0:1}
  SNS      Duplicate top (0)             [2,0,0]         {0:1}
  NTSTN    If 0: Jump to Label PRINT     [2,0]           {0:1}
  NSSTN    Create Label PRINT            [2,0]           {0:1}
   SNT     Swap top two                  [0,2]           {0:1}
   TNST    Print top to STDOUT           [0]             {0:1}           2

Try it online (with raw spaces, tabs and new-lines only).
Stops with error: Exit not defined.

Input: 4

Command    Explanation                   Stack           Heap    STDIN   STDOUT   STDERR

SSSN       Push 0                        [0]
SNS        Duplicate top (0)             [0,0]
SNS        Duplicate top (0)             [0,0,0]
TNTT       Read STDIN as integer         [0,0]           {0:4}   4
TTT        Retrieve                      [0,4]           {0:4}
NSSSN      Create Label OUTER_LOOP       [0,4]           {0:4}
 SNS       Duplicate top (4)             [0,4,4]         {0:4}
 SSSTSN    Push 2                        [0,4,4,2]       {0:4}
 TSTT      Modulo top two (4%2)          [0,4,0]         {0:4}
 SSSTN     Push 1                        [0,4,0,1]       {0:4}
 TSSS      Add top two (0+1)             [0,4,1]         {0:4}
 SNT       Swap top two                  [0,1,4]         {0:4}
 SSSTSN    Push 2                        [0,1,4,2]       {0:4}
 TSTS      Int-divide top two (4/2)      [0,1,2]         {0:4}
 SNS       Duplicate top (2)             [0,1,2,2]       {0:4}
 NTSN      If 0: Go to Label INNER_LOOP  [0,1,2]         {0:4}
 NSNSN     Jump to Label OUTER_LOOP      [0,1,2]         {0:4}
 SNS       Duplicate top (2)             [0,1,2,2]       {0:4}
 SSSTSN    Push 2                        [0,1,2,2,2]     {0:4}
 TSTT      Modulo top two (2%2)          [0,1,2,0]       {0:4}
 SSSTN     Push 1                        [0,1,2,0,1]     {0:4}
 TSSS      Add top two (0+1)             [0,1,2,1]       {0:4}
 SNT       Swap top two                  [0,1,1,2]       {0:4}
 SSSTSN    Push 2                        [0,1,1,2,2]     {0:4}
 TSTS      Int-divide top two (2/2)      [0,1,1,1]       {0:4}
 SNS       Duplicate top (1)             [0,1,1,1,1]     {0:4}
 NTSN      If 0: Go to Label INNER_LOOP  [0,1,1,1]       {0:4}
 NSNSN     Jump to Label OUTER_LOOP      [0,1,1,1]       {0:4}
 SNS       Duplicate top (1)             [0,1,1,1,1]     {0:4}
 SSSTSN    Push 2                        [0,1,1,1,1,2]   {0:4}
 TSTT      Modulo top two (1%2)          [0,1,1,1,1]     {0:4}
 SSSTN     Push 1                        [0,1,1,1,1,1]   {0:4}
 TSSS      Add top two (1+1)             [0,1,1,1,2]     {0:4}
 SNT       Swap top two                  [0,1,1,2,1]     {0:4}
 SSSTSN    Push 2                        [0,1,1,2,1,2]   {0:4}
 TSTS      Int-divide top two (1/2)      [0,1,1,2,0]     {0:4}
 SNS       Duplicate top (0)             [0,1,1,2,0,0]   {0:4}
 NTSN      If 0: Go to Label INNER_LOOP  [0,1,1,2,0]     {0:4}
 NSSN      Create Label INNER_LOOP       [0,1,1,2,0]     {0:4}
  SSSTTN   Push 3                        [0,1,1,2,0,3]   {0:4}
  TSSN     Multiply top two (0*3)        [0,1,1,2,0]     {0:4}
  TSSS     Add top two (2+0)             [0,1,1,2]       {0:4}
  SNT      Swap top two                  [0,1,2,1]       {0:4}
  SNS      Duplicate top (1)             [0,1,2,1,1]     {0:4}
  NTSTN    If 0: Jump to Label PRINT     [0,1,2,1]       {0:4}
  SNT      Swap top two                  [0,1,1,2]       {0:4}
  NSNN     Jump to Label INNER_LOOP      [0,1,1,2]       {0:4}
  SSSTTN   Push 3                        [0,1,1,2,3]     {0:4}
  TSSN     Multiply top two (2*3)        [0,1,1,6]       {0:4}
  TSSS     Add top two (1+6)             [0,1,7]         {0:4}
  SNT      Swap top two                  [0,7,1]         {0:4}
  SNS      Duplicate top (1)             [0,7,1,1]       {0:4}
  NTSTN    If 0: Jump to Label PRINT     [0,7,1]         {0:4}
  SNT      Swap top two                  [0,1,7]         {0:4}
  NSNN     Jump to Label INNER_LOOP      [0,1,7]         {0:4}
  SSSTTN   Push 3                        [0,1,7,3]       {0:4}
  TSSN     Multiply top two (7*3)        [0,1,21]        {0:4}
  TSSS     Add top two (1+21)            [0,22]          {0:4}
  SNT      Swap top two                  [22,0]          {0:4}
  SNS      Duplicate top (0)             [22,0,0]        {0:4}
  NTSTN    If 0: Jump to Label PRINT     [22,0]          {0:4}
  NSSTN    Create Label PRINT            [22,0]          {0:4}
   SNT     Swap top two                  [0,22]          {0:4}
   TNST    Print top to STDOUT           [0]             {0:4}           22

Try it online (with raw spaces, tabs and new-lines only).
Stops with error: Exit not defined.

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 67 575

At this point, why not write assembly? Also I have a slightly simpler iterative method in my answer https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/161833/17360

– qwr – 2018-04-10T19:04:57.730

I've simplified my python pseudocode further. – qwr – 2018-04-10T19:46:59.263

1@qwr Your Python code is almost the same as the displayed Java code. Java is just more verbose and error-prone. The only difference is that my Java code is a nested while-loop, and yours is separated. I could do that as well in Java, but since it's nested in Whitespace I chose to write it as such in the Java pseudo-code as well. Also, Whitespace doesn't have any way to know the number of items left on the stack, which is why I push the 0 at the start, and in the INNER_LOOP part of the code do: swap, check if 0, swap back. Nice Assembly answer, though. So I've +1-ed it. :) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-10T20:30:02.170

I still think you can get rid of the n < 1 check by pushing values until n is 0 and then popping them until you hit your boundary value (0). The stack depth doesn't need to be stored explicitly and there shouldn't even need to be swapping (if you mean swapping the top two values like in lisp) – qwr – 2018-04-10T20:40:30.613

@qwr "I still think you can get rid of the n < 1 check by pushing values until n is 0" Umm.. checking if n < 1 (or n == 0) IS pushing values until n is 0.. Or am I misinterpreting something here.. :S "The stack depth doesn't need to be stored explicitly" In Java it does, otherwise I can't create the array. I could have used a java.util.Stack instead, but I just used an array to make it less verbose. In Whitespace the stack is of undefined size. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-11T06:42:05.037

As for the swap: Whitespace has no way to know the size of the stack left, and just continues until you tell it to stop, or until it errors out, so I need the swap and check if I've reached the 0 I pushed before starting the loop it to know when to stop (I could have used -1 and a check_if_negative instead, but it would be 1 more byte). Without that swap and check it would just continue looping and errors when it tries to do the Add_top_two action inside the INNER_LOOP with only a single item left on the stack, in which case I can't print to STDOUT anymore, hence the check. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-11T06:48:04.383

@qwr I've removed the Java code because it only seemed to confuse you, and added actual pseudo-code instead. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-11T06:55:39.593


Add++, 14 bytes


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caird coinheringaahing

Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 13 702


Japt, 7 bytes


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Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 24 623


Stax, 7 bytes


Run and debug it

This one is pretty straightforward. After unpacking, and commenting, the program looks like this.

:B  Convert to bits
{^m Increment each
3|b Base-3 convert


Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 8 616


Haskell, 32 bytes

f 0=0
f a=1+mod a 2+3*f(div a 2)

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Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 4 825


Pyth, 8

ihMjQ2 3

How to eliminate the space and make the Q implicit?

Pyth online.

Digital Trauma

Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 64 644

I believe this is actually 8 bytes – hakr14 – 2018-04-09T16:15:39.807

@hakr14 Yes, you're right – Digital Trauma – 2018-04-09T16:19:55.090

How to eliminate the space and make the Q implicit? I don't think you can. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-04-09T19:31:23.910


Perl 5, 36 bytes


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Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 7 671


dc, 66 bytes


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[2~rd0<B]dsBx is a macro that uses dc's quotient/remainder integer division, ~ to continuously break divide by two, breaking n down to individual binary bits on the stack. It will always leave one extra zero, so we subtract one from the stack depth and store this total length in i with z1-si.

[1+z:tz0<T]dsTx is a macro that adds one to whatever is on the stack, and then pops that value, storing it at index(stack depth) in array t. This basically means that if we started with the binary 1101, t now holds 2, 1, 2, 2, assuming 1-indexing. 0dsj puts a zero on the stack so we don't get a stack empty error when we do our first addition, and it stores a zero in register j as well.

[ljd1+dsj;tr3r^*+ljli>M]dsMx is, unfortunately, a lot of counter nonsense. We need register j for two things - pull element (j+1) from array t, and multiply it by 3^j. We start macro M by putting j on the stack and duplicating it. We increment the new copy, duplicate it, and store it back into j. With the copy of (j+1) we left behind, we pull from array t. Swap so that our original j is at the top of the stack, do the necessary base-three math with 3r^*, add this 'bit' to our total, and then compare j with i to see if we still have more 'bits' to do. At the very end, we print.


Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 1 291


Excel, 54 bytes


A fairly straightforward translation of the problem. Takes input from A1. I tried some cuter things with bit math like

=SUM(IF(ROW(1:31)<LOG(A1,2)+1,POWER(3,ROW(1:31)-1)*(1+MOD(BITRSHIFT(A1, ROW(1:31)-1),2))))

because nesting SUBSTITUTE always feels wasteful, but couldn't get nearly as short.

Sophia Lechner

Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 1 200

Try +REPT(1,LEN(BASE(A1,2))) instead of nesting SUBSTITUTE? – Chronocidal – 2018-04-10T13:15:45.423

1Or, even +REPT(1,1+LOG(A2,2)), since REPT ignores the non-integer portion of the number – Chronocidal – 2018-04-10T13:30:23.333

It's a good suggestion but I couldn't make it work for the range covered by the test cases. The complete solution there is =DECIMAL(REPT(1,1+LOG(A1,2))+BASE(A1,2),3) which is only 43 bytes! But unfortunately it gets the wrong answer even for the 93825 test case, due to rounding error as it passes through a representation as a double, and I can't figure out how to work around that. – Sophia Lechner – 2018-04-11T00:06:41.677


Ruby, 28 bytes


black magic, no idea how it works

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Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 5 781

the left shift gets binary digits right to left, and x%2+1 increases the binary value according to the spec. – qwr – 2018-04-10T19:34:21.390


Jstx, 7 bytes


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£? # Push the first stack value in binary.
☺  # Push literal 1
å  # Push the second stack value with all characters arithmetically shifted by the first stack value.
♥  # Push literal 3
£F # Push the second stack value in base first stack value converted to decimal.


Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 371


x86, 26 bytes

Rewrite of the recursive formula as a tail-recursive stack function, since function calls are expensive. Uses __fastcall convention (input in ecx, output in eax).

The cmp %esp,%ebp/je sum1 branch is done to prevent an extra multiplication of 3 from occurring. It might save bytes to avoid this branch. Reordering the multiplication makes this unnecessary and saves 4 bytes.

.section .text
.globl main
        mov     $10, %ecx

        mov     %esp, %ebp          # Save sp 
        mov     %ecx, %eax
        and     $1, %eax
        inc     %eax                # n%2 + 1
        push    %eax                # push n%2 + 1
        sar     %ecx                # n >>= 1
        jnz     build               # do while (n)

        xor     %eax, %eax          # sum = 0
        lea     (%eax,%eax,2),%eax  # sum *= 3
        pop     %ebx
        add     %ebx, %eax          # pop stack, add to sum
        cmp     %esp, %ebp
        jnz     sum0                # do while stack non-empty



00000039  89 e5 89 c8 83 e0 01 40  50 d1 f9 75 f5 31 c0 8d  |.......@P..u.1..|
00000049  04 40 5b 01 d8 39 e5 75  f6 c3                    |.@[..9.u..|

Assembly-friendly python:

stack = []
while n:
    stack.append(n%2 + 1)
    n //= 2

while stack:
    s *= 3
    s += stack.pop()


Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 8 929


AWK, 43 bytes

func n(x){return x<1?0:x%2+1+3*n(int(x/2))}

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I discovered that AWK has rshift and lshift functions. They use more bytes than just doing a divide and cast, but might be useful sometime. :)

Robert Benson

Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 1 339


Bash + GNU utilities, 28

dc -e?2op|tr 01 12|dc -e3i?p

Input read from STDIN.

Try it online!

Digital Trauma

Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 64 644


Pari/GP, 25 bytes


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Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 23 988


brainfuck, 50 bytes


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Input and output as code points, and assumes arbitrary size cells otherwise it can't get past n=31.

Jo King

Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 38 234


Julia 0.6, 34 bytes


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Tho it seems like this is the cool way

Julia 0.6, 25 bytes


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Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 1 715


Zsh, 37 bytes

a=3#$[[##2]$1];echo $[a+${a//[01]/1}]

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  • $[...] is another (deprecated?) form of $(( ))
  • [#n] in arithmetic expansion sets the output base but includes the base in output (so you get 2#1001), [##n] omits the base in output: 1001.
  • n# in arithmetic expansion sets the input base
  • ${var//pat/rep} replaces all matches of pat with rep.


Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 331


Go, 54 bytes

func f(n int)(o int){if n>0{o=n%2+1+3*f(n>>1)};return}

Base solution is the same as the one that everyone else uses.

Try it online!

Kristoffer Sall-Storgaard

Posted 2018-04-09T12:42:08.540

Reputation: 489