Sum of five cubes



Given an integer, output five perfect cubes whose sum is that integer. Note that cubes can be positive, negative, or zero. For example,

-10 == -64 - 64 + 64 + 27 + 27

so for input -10 you could output [-64, -64, 64, 27, 27], though other solutions are possible. Note that you should output the cubes, not the numbers being cubed.

A solution always exists -- you might enjoy puzzling this out for yourself. It's further conjectured that four cubes suffice.


Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 115 687

Two questions: Can we output any result, or only the smallest? For -10 another possible solution could be -1000+4574296+4410944-4492125-4492125 for example. And is it allowed to output -- or +- instead of +/- respectively (i.e. 3 = 27+-27+-125--64--64 instead of 3 = 27-27-135+64+64)? – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-04T07:17:01.730

@KevinCruijssen Any result is fine. If you mean output like --5, I'd say no, as per usual rules on outputting an expression.

– xnor – 2018-04-04T07:18:28.833

@KevinCruijssen You don't have to output an expression with + signs, just the numbers. – xnor – 2018-04-04T07:20:29.017

-10 = -64 - 64 + 64 + 27 + 27 or -10 = -343 + 0 -8 +125 +216 – Angs – 2018-04-04T07:31:49.413

I'm assuming repetition is allowed? – VortexYT – 2018-04-04T08:27:03.257

@VortexYT Yes, repetition is allowed. – xnor – 2018-04-04T08:36:24.497

Just to check: must we output one solution, or can we output several of them? – Luis Mendo – 2018-04-04T14:45:02.807

@LuisMendo Just output one. – xnor – 2018-04-04T21:36:16.527

3Interesting note: 3 is not sufficient (some numbers are unrepresentable), but there are some numbers whose representability is unknown (such as 33). – Esolanging Fruit – 2018-04-05T02:11:35.967



Brachylog, 18 bytes


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We basically describe the problem, with the additional constraint that we want the output list to be non-increasing in terms of magnitudes: this forces Brachylog to properly backtrack over all possible combinations of 5 values, instead of infinitely backtracking over the value of the last element of the list.

∧                ∧    (disable some implicit stuff)
 5~lL                 L is a list of length 5
    Lȧᵐ≥₁             L must be a non-increasing list in terms of magnitude
          L^₃ᵐ.       The output is L with each element cubed
              .+?     The sum of the output is the input

Finding different solutions

By appending a , it's possible to use this predicate to find all solutions with increasing magnitudes: for example, here are the first 10 solutions for 42


Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 32 976


Brachylog, 11 bytes

Thanks Fatalize for saving one byte


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Firstly ~+ enforces that the output (.) must sum to the input. l₅ again constrains the output, dictating that it must have a length of 5. ≥₁ declares that the list must be in decreasing order (I believe that this is necessary to stop the program entering an infinite loop)

We explicitly unify this list with ., the output variable, because our next predicate will "change" the values inside the list. We then take the cube root of each value in the list with √₃ᵐ. Since Brachylog is inherently integer-based, this dictates that all the numbers in the list are cube numbers.

Finally, we use because there is an implicit . added to the end of each line. Since we don't want . to be unified with the list of cube roots, we unified it earlier on and use to stop it unifying at the end.


Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 10 962


Python 2, 58 57 54 bytes

def f(n):k=(n**3-n)/6;return[v**3for v in~k,1-k,n,k,k]

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  • -2 bytes, thanks to Rod
  • -1 byte, thanks to Neil


Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 19 246

1You can save 2 bytes swapping the signal k=-(n-n**3)/6;[v**3for v in~k,1-k,n,k,k] – Rod – 2018-04-04T19:10:37.133

1@Rod For -(n-n**3) can you not use (n**3-n)? – Neil – 2018-04-04T21:43:53.030

@Neil yes, you can. – Rod – 2018-04-04T22:03:27.830


Python 3, 65 bytes

def f(n):k=(n-n**3)//6;return[n**3,(k+1)**3,(k-1)**3,-k**3,-k**3]

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I mean, an explicit formula is even here (although he abstracted the construction behind an existential)

Leaky Nun

Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 45 011

You can save exactly one byte by inverting k and rewriting your equation. Try it online!

– Jeff Freeman – 2018-04-05T17:29:16.363

Why bother with repeated cubing? i.e.

– qwr – 2018-04-05T19:28:31.687


Java 8, 178 87 73 71 65 bytes

n->new long[]{n*n*n,(n=(n-n*n*n)/6+1)*n*n--,--n*n*n,n=-++n*n*n,n}

-6 bytes thanks to @OlivierGrégoire.

Same explanation at the bottom, but using the base equation instead of the derived one I used before (thanks to @LeakyNun's Python 3 answer for the implicit tip):

k = (n - n3) / 6
n == n3 + (k+1)3 + (k-1)3 - k3 - k3

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Old 178 bytes answer:

n->{for(long k=0,a,b,c,d;;){if(n==(a=n*n*n)+(b=(d=k+1)*d*d)+(c=(d=k-1)*d*d)-(d=k*k*k++)-d)return a+","+b+","+c+","+-d+","+-d;if(n==a-b-c+d+d)return-a+","+-b+","+-c+","+d+","+d;}}

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I loop k from 0 upwards until a solution is found. In every iteration it will check these two equations:

  • Positive k: n == n3 + (k+1)3 + (k-1)3 - k3 - k3
  • Negative k: n == n3 - (k+1)3 - (k-1)3 + k3 + k3


Since n - n3 = n*(1-n)*(1+n) and then 6|(n-n3), it can be written as n - n3 = 6k.
6k = (k+1)3 + (k-1)3 - k3 - k3.
And therefore n = n3 + (k+1)3 + (k-1)3 - k3 - k3 for some k.

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 67 575

165 bytes: n->new long[]{n*n*n,(n=(n-n*n*n)/6+1)*n*n--,--n*n*n,n=-++n*n*n,n} (or 64 using ints for less precise results) – Olivier Grégoire – 2018-04-04T10:43:45.433


Jelly, 13 bytes


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Figure out the formula independently. (x+1)3 + (x-1)3 - 2 × x3 == 6 × x.

 === Explanation ===
‘c3µ;;C;~;³*3   Main link. Input: (n).
‘               Increment.
 c3             Calculate (n+1)C3 = (n+1)×n×(n-1)÷6.
   µ            Start a new monadic link. Current value: (k=(n³-n)÷6)
    ;           Concatenate with itself.
     ;C         Concatenate with (1-k).
       ;~       Concatenate with bitwise negation of (k), that is (-1-k)
         ;³     Concatenate with the input (n).
           *3   Raise the list [k,k,1-k,-1-k,n] to third power.
                End of program, implicit print.

Alternative 13 bytes: Try it online!


Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 14 620

‘c3µ³;;;C;~*3 should save a byte since (n^3-n)/6 = C(n+1, 3) – miles – 2018-04-05T09:05:10.083


Octave, 47 40 33 bytes


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Saved 6 bytes thanks to Giuseppe, since I had forgotten to remove some old parentheses. Saved another bytes by changing the signs, thanks to rafa11111.

Uses the formula in the linked post:

  1. Since n - n^3 = n(1-n)(1+n) then 6 | (n - n^3) and we can write n - n^3 = 6k.
  2. 6k = (k+1)^3 + (k-1)^3 - k^3 - k^3.

It appears to be longer if I try to solve the equation: (n-n^3)=(k+1)^3 + (k-1)^3 - k^3 - k^3 with regards to k, instead of just using the equation.

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 43 471


Minecraft Functions (18w11a, 1.13 snapshots), 813 bytes

perfect cubes in minecraft

Uses six functions:


scoreboard objectives add k dummy
scoreboard objectives add b dummy
scoreboard objectives add c dummy
scoreboard players operation x k = x n
function d
function f
scoreboard players operation x k -= x b
scoreboard players set x b 6
scoreboard players operation x k /= x b
scoreboard players set x b 1
function d
scoreboard players operation x c += x b
function f
scoreboard players set x b 1
function d
scoreboard players operation x c -= x b
function f
function d
function e
scoreboard players operation x b -= x c
scoreboard players operation x b -= x c
function c
function b


tellraw @s {"score":{"name":"x","objective":"b"}}


scoreboard players operation x b *= x c
scoreboard players operation x b *= x c
function b


scoreboard players operation x c = x k


scoreboard players operation x b = x c


function e
function c

"Takes input" from a scoreboard objective named n, create it with /scoreboard objectives add n dummy and then set it using /scoreboard players set x n 5. Then call the function using /function a

Uses the formula from this answer


Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 421


Haskell, 43 42 bytes

p n|k<-div(n^3-n)6=map(^3)[n,-k-1,1-k,k,k]

Just the popular answer, translated to Haskell. Thanks to @rafa11111 for saving a byte!

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Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 4 825

2You can save one byte changing the sign in the k assignment... – rafa11111 – 2018-04-04T21:19:18.300


JavaScript (Node.js), 48 45 bytes

  • thanks to @Arnauld for reducing 3 bytes

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Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 1 220

1Why |0? n**3-n must be a multiple of 6 for integer n. – Neil – 2018-04-04T21:45:28.503


MATL, 21 bytes


This tries all 5-tuples of numbers from the set (-abs(n))^3, (-abs(n)+1)^3, ..., abs(n)^3. So it is very inefficient.

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Luis Mendo

Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 87 464


Husk, 12 bytes


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Tries all possible lists of 5 cubes, and returns the first one with the correct sum.


          İZ    List of all integers [0,1,-1,2,-2,3,-3...
       m^3      Cube of each integer [0,1,-1,8,-8,27,-27...
     π5         Cartesian power with exponent 5. This returns a list of all possible
                lists built by taking 5 elements from the input list. This infinite
                list is ordered in such a way that any arbitrary result occurs at a 
                finite index.
ḟo              Find and return the first element where...
    Σ             the sum of the five values
  =⁰              is equal to the input


Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 8 482


C (gcc), 85 81 75 bytes

Saved 4 bytes and then 6 bytes thanks to @ceilingcat's re-ordering of assignments


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Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 311


APL (Dyalog Unicode), 30 26 bytes

3*⍨⊢,∘(1 ¯1∘+,2⍴-)6÷⍨⊢-*∘3

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APL translation of LeakyNun's answer.

Thanks to Adám for 4 bytes by going tacit.


3*⍨⊢,∘(1 ¯1∘+,2⍴-)6÷⍨⊢-*∘3 ⍝ Tacit function
                   6÷⍨⊢-*∘3 ⍝ (n-n^3)/6 (our k)
                 -)         ⍝ Negate
               2⍴           ⍝ Repeat twice; (yields -k -k)
       (1 ¯1∘+,             ⍝ Append to k+1, k-1
     ,∘                     ⍝ Then append to
    ⊢                       ⍝ n
3*⍨                         ⍝ And cube everything

J. Sallé

Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 3 233

Sorry if I missed something, but: 1) since in tio there is an assignment, isn't your answer here just a snippet? 2) although you used 30 characters, since it is in unicode, isn't it using 43 bytes, as pointed in tio? – rafa11111 – 2018-04-04T21:24:48.400

1@rafa11111 No and no: APL works weirdly in TIO. The assignment in the “Code” field is actually just a shortcut to use the function in the “Input” field; it’s completely unnecessary for the actual code to work. Also, we count each character as one byte because for Dyalog APL, we use @Adám’s SBCS. I can add the link to the meta post explaining it later but I’m on mobile right now. – J. Sallé – 2018-04-04T21:33:43.710

Oh, I see. I didn't knew about these. Thanks for explaining! – rafa11111 – 2018-04-04T21:40:40.720


Python 3, 65 61 60 bytes

lambda N:[n**3for k in[(N**3-N)//6]for n in[N,-k-1,1-k,k,k]]

Edit: dropped some unnecessary spaces.

Edit: thanks to rafa11111's smart reordering.

Inspired by this.

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Guoyang Qin

Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 543

You can save one byte using (N**3-N) and [N,1-k,-1-k,k,k] – rafa11111 – 2018-04-04T21:13:02.910

1@rafa11111 smart reordering. Thanks. – Guoyang Qin – 2018-04-04T21:17:28.057


Fortran (GFortran), 53 bytes


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Fortran outgolfing Python? What's going on here?


Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 310


R, 40 38 bytes

Makes use of the formula in the linked math.SE post. Down to 2 bytes thanks to Giuseppe.


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Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 3 689

38 bytes – Giuseppe – 2018-04-05T00:06:52.857


Husk, 20 bytes


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Uses the formula from this post.


m^3m‼:_:→:←;K¹÷6Ṡ-^3  Implicit input
                Ṡ-    Subtract itself from it
                   ^3    raised to the third power
              ÷6       Divide by six
   m                   Map over the value with a list of functions:
           ;             Create a singleton list with
            K¹             the function of replace by the input
         :←              Append the function of decrement
       :→                Append the function of increment
    ‼:_                  Append the function of negate twice
m^3                    Cube the numbers of the list


Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 561


x86, 41 39 bytes

Mostly straightforward implementation of the formula with input in ecx and output on the stack.

The interesting thing is that I used a cubing function, but since call label is 5 bytes, I store the label's address and use the 2 byte call reg. Also, since I'm pushing values in my function, I use a jmp instead of ret. It's very possible that being clever with a loop and the stack can avoid calling entirely.

I did not do any fancy tricks with cubing, like using (k+1)^3 = k^3 + 3k^2 + 3k + 1.


  • Fix byte count using not instead of neg/dec.

  • -2 bytes by not xoring edx since it is probably 0 from imul.

.section .text
.globl main

        mov     $10, %ecx   # n = 10

        lea     (cube),%edi # save function pointer
        call    *%edi       # output n^3

        sub     %ecx, %eax  # n^3 - n
                            # edx = 0 from cube
        push    $6
        pop     %ebx        # const 6        
        idiv    %ebx        # k = (n^3 - n)/6
        mov     %eax, %ecx  # save k

        call    *%edi       # output k^3
        push    %eax        # output k^3

        not     %ecx        # -k-1        
        call    *%edi       # output (-k-1)^3

        inc     %ecx        
        inc     %ecx        # -k+1
        call    *%edi       # output (-k+1)^3


cube:                       # eax = ecx^3
        pop     %esi 
        mov     %ecx, %eax
        imul    %ecx
        imul    %ecx

        push    %eax        # output cube
        jmp     *%esi       # ret


00000005 <start>:
   5:   8d 3d 22 00 00 00       lea    0x22,%edi
   b:   ff d7                   call   *%edi
   d:   29 c8                   sub    %ecx,%eax
   f:   6a 06                   push   $0x6
  11:   5b                      pop    %ebx
  12:   f7 fb                   idiv   %ebx
  14:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx
  16:   ff d7                   call   *%edi
  18:   50                      push   %eax
  19:   f7 d1                   not    %ecx
  1b:   ff d7                   call   *%edi
  1d:   41                      inc    %ecx
  1e:   41                      inc    %ecx
  1f:   ff d7                   call   *%edi
  21:   c3                      ret    

00000022 <cube>:
  22:   5e                      pop    %esi
  23:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax
  25:   f7 e9                   imul   %ecx
  27:   f7 e9                   imul   %ecx
  29:   50                      push   %eax
  2a:   ff e6                   jmp    *%esi

Here is my testing version that does all the cubing at the end. After the values are pushed on the stack, the cube loop overwrites stack values. It's currently 42 40 bytes but there should be some improvements somewhere.

.section .text
.globl main

        mov     $10, %ecx       # n = 10

        push    %ecx            # output n

        mov     %ecx, %eax
        imul    %ecx
        imul    %ecx
        sub     %ecx, %eax      # n^3 - n
                                # edx = 0 from imul

        push    $6
        pop     %ecx            # const 6        
        idiv    %ecx            # k = (n^3 - n)/6

        push    %eax            # output k
        push    %eax            # output k

        not     %eax            # -k-1        
        push    %eax            # output -k-1

        inc     %eax            
        inc     %eax            # -k+1
        push    %eax            # output -k+1

        dec     %ecx            # count = 5
        add     $20, %esp
        mov     -4(%esp),%ebx   # load num from stack
        mov     %ebx, %eax
        imul    %ebx
        imul    %ebx            # cube 
        push    %eax            # output cube
        loop    cube            # --count; while (count)



Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 8 929


Cubically, 51 characters, 55 bytes


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Apparently MDXF forgot to implement the SBCS...


Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 14 620


Unefunge 98, 35 bytes


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It uses the popular formula from this answer.


Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 601


Perl 5 -nE, 48 bytes




Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 3 094


PowerShell Core, 52 bytes


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Uses the equation o=o^3 + (1-k)^3 + (-k-1)^3 + k^3 + k^3, where k=o^3 - o; this is a minor refactoring of the popular l=o-o^3 (with k=-l).

As a side note, the expression l=o-o^3 looks like a cat with a hurt ear.

Jeff Freeman

Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 221


Ruby, 43 bytes


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Asone Tuhid

Posted 2018-04-04T07:03:37.507

Reputation: 1 944