Zero-sum counting



Write a program or function that given n ≥ 1 returns the number of solutions to ±1 ± 2 ± 3 ± ... ± n = 0.

For n = 6 there are no solutions, so the answer is 0. For n = 4 there are two solutions, so the answer is 2 (the two solutions are 1 - 2 - 3 + 4 = -1 + 2 + 3 - 4 = 0).

This is OEIS sequence A063865. Some example input/outpus are:

n       a(n)
1       0
2       0
3       2
4       2
5       0
6       0
7       8
8       14
9       0
10      0
11      70
12      124
13      0
14      0
15      722
16      1314

Shortest code in bytes wins.


Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 37 067

2Related – Manish Kundu – 2018-04-03T11:26:56.803

1@ManishKundu Hm, I'd say that looks pretty much like a possible dupe target to me, just tack "length" at the end or instead of "filter by sum equals" do "sum each then count" to make an answer for this. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-04-03T11:52:59.160

2@EriktheOutgolfer I wasn't aware of that challenge, but the answer to this can be substantially different, see mine for example. – orlp – 2018-04-03T12:04:56.253

2@ManishKundu I just explained how this challenge is different... – orlp – 2018-04-03T12:09:10.777

Welp, I meant to vote to reopen, and not use my code-golf golden hammer... If people really insist it's a duplicate vote to close again. – orlp – 2018-04-03T13:29:31.707

Yeah I would now agree that this ain't a duplicate although some of the entries might be just a modification of the previous ones. – Manish Kundu – 2018-04-03T13:34:08.307

1I think it's close enough to be a duplicate, but anyone who previously voted to close is now unable to do so (it won't let me vote again). So I think @orlp should close it. – mbomb007 – 2018-04-03T13:43:54.323

1@mbomb007 Nobody except you should vote to close because you think the challenge should be closed. Please don't tell people how to vote. – Dennis – 2018-04-03T13:58:55.140

1@Dennis You're misunderstanding mbomb007 I believe. mbomb007 (and others) did in fact vote to close, and it got 5 votes. I disagreed so voted to reopen, but I didn't realize this would instantly reopen due to my golden codegolf badge. Hence my comment and now his (he can't vote on this question anymore). – orlp – 2018-04-03T14:01:09.820


– mbomb007 – 2018-04-03T14:02:17.690

2Yes, I saw that. While it's unfortunate that you accidentally hammered your own question, you shouldn't be compelled to cast a vote you disagree with. – Dennis – 2018-04-03T14:07:29.637

1I don't think marking as dupe is fair. Printing explicitly takes much more work than counting. – qwr – 2018-04-04T01:35:35.563

@Dennis If they do VTC according to mbomb007's comment, they should agree with that. So no problem. – user202729 – 2018-04-04T05:24:10.107



JavaScript (ES6), 35 bytes

Saved 1 byte thanks to @tsh


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Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 111 334


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 33 bytes


Counts the n-tuples of 1 and -1 whose dot product with Range[n] is 0.

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Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 23 988


Haskell, 42 bytes

f n=sum[1|0<-sum<$>mapM(\x->[x,-x])[1..n]]

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This is 2 1 byte shorter than any recursive function that I could write.


Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 10 962


05AB1E, 10 bytes


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X®‚          # push [1,-1]
   sã        # cartesian product with input
     €ƶ      # multiply each element in each list with its 1-based index
       O     # sum each list
        _    # logical negation of each sum
         O   # sum


Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 50 798

1+1 for O_O... – Esolanging Fruit – 2018-04-03T20:37:36.810

The code.. it's staring at me. What do I do? – caird coinheringaahing – 2018-04-03T23:23:20.823


C (gcc), 45 62 52 50 bytes


Port of Kevin Cruijssen's Java 8 answer.

Try it online here.

Note that due to the improvements suggested in the comments, the code produces undefined behaviour to the point of not working when compiled with clang.

Thanks to etene for golfing 3 bytes. Thanks to Kevin Cruijssen for golfing 10 more bytes. Thanks to Christoph for golfing another 2 bytes.

Ungolfed version:

f(n, r) { // recursive function - return type and parameter type are omitted, they default to int
    n = // instead of returning, we set n - dirty trick
        n ? // if n is not 0, recurse
        f(n-1,r+n) // +n
       +f(n-1,r-n) // -n
        !r; // else if r != 0 return 0 else return 1
F(n) { // function to start the recursion; again implicitly int(int)
    n = f(n, 0); // call the recursive function; this time we simply don't return


Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 1 499


You could shave off 3 bytes by replacing r?0:1 with !r. 42 bytes

– etene – 2018-04-03T12:49:47.160

2It looks like you're taking additional input here in order to set the initial value of r, which isn't permitted. – Shaggy – 2018-04-03T12:52:18.857

@Shaggy Edited. Thanks for pointing that out to me, still learning the rules :D – O.O.Balance – 2018-04-03T13:00:31.693

1@etene Well spotted, thank you! – O.O.Balance – 2018-04-03T13:00:50.773


Why did you create a port of my Java answer? Creating a port of @Arnauld's JavaScript (ES6) answer is shorter. ;) Also, you can get rid of the return in C: f(n,s){n=n--?f(n,s-~n)+f(n,s+~n):!s;}F(n){n=f(n,0);} Try it online 52 bytes

– Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-03T13:43:16.317

2@KevinCruijssen better yet the second n= isn't necessary either: f(n,r){n=n?f(n-1,r+n)+f(n-1,r-n):!r;}F(n){f(n,0);}. – Christoph – 2018-04-03T13:59:53.070

@KevinCruijssen I used your version because frankly I don't understand Arnauld's :P However with your improvements (thanks for teaching me that dirty return trick), my port of your answer is down to 52 bytes as well – no worse than your suggested version. – O.O.Balance – 2018-04-03T14:02:20.110


@O.O.Balance the trick is two's complement. This means that -x = ~x+1and therefore ~x = -x-1.

– Christoph – 2018-04-03T14:03:15.653

@Christoph thanks for explaining and shaving another 2 bytes. Unfortunately it now only works with gcc :-( – O.O.Balance – 2018-04-03T14:08:48.627


@Christoph Ah, didn't knew it was possible without the n=. I don't program that much in C, so thanks for learning me something new. :) O.O.Balance, as for an explanation of Arnauld's answer that I linked: s-~n and s+~n are shorter variations of s+n+1 and s-n-1 (here is the relevant tip). And !r is a shorter variation for r==0?1:0 (so if r is any positive or negative integer, return 0, otherwise (it's zero), return 1).

– Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-03T14:15:09.730

@KevinCruijssen Thanks for the link. – O.O.Balance – 2018-04-03T14:18:02.380

1The reason the implicit return works is because on x86 CPU's, C will put integer return values in the EAX/RAX register. Since this register is never modified, it will still contain the right result after returning from F. If you try returning a value larger than int, this trick might not work. – YoYoYonnY – 2018-04-04T15:40:50.973

@YoYoYonnY Thanks for explaining. – O.O.Balance – 2018-04-04T15:45:06.730


05AB1E, 9 8 bytes

Thanks to Emigna for saving a byte!



Uses the 05AB1E encoding. Try it online!


L           # Create the list [1, 2, .., input]
 æ          # Compute the powerset of this list
  O         # Sum each list
   ·        # Double each element
    sLO     # Compute the sum of [1, 2, .., input]
       ¢    # Count the number of occurrences


Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 41 965


MATL, 14 13 bytes


Thanks to @Giuseppe for saving 1 byte!

Try it online! Or verify all test cases.


Consider n = 3 as an example. Stack is shown upside down, that is, newest appears below.

[la]   % Push array [1 -1]
       % STACK: [1 -1]
Z^     % Cartesian power with inplicit input n
       % STACK: [ 1  1  1
                  1  1 -1
                  1 -1  1
                  1 -1 -1
                 -1  1  1
                 -1  1 -1
                 -1 -1  1
                 -1 -1 -1]
G:     % Push n, range: gives [1 2 ... n]
       % STACK: [ 1  1  1
                  1  1 -1
                  1 -1  1
                  1 -1 -1
                 -1  1  1
                 -1  1 -1
                 -1 -1  1
                 -1 -1 -1],
                 [1  2  3]
!      % Transpose
       % STACK: [ 1  1  1
                  1  1 -1
                  1 -1  1
                  1 -1 -1
                 -1  1  1
                 -1  1 -1
                 -1 -1  1
                 -1 -1 -1],
Y*     % Matrix multiplication
       % STACK: [6
~      % Logical negation
       % STACK: [0
s      % Sum of vector. Implicit display
       % STACK: 2

Luis Mendo

Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 87 464


Jelly, 8 bytes


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How it works

ŒPS€ċÆṁ$  Main link. Argument: n

ŒP        Take the powerset of [1, ..., n].
  S€      Take the sum of each subset.
       $  Combine the two links to the left into a monadic chain.
     Æṁ       Compute the median of the sums, i.e, (1 + ... + n)/2.
    ċ         Count the occurrences of the median.


Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 196 637


APL (Dyalog), 31 22 bytes

9 bytes saved thanks to @H.PWiz


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Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 11 708


Java 8, 72 71 70 bytes

n->f(0,n)int f(int r,int n){return n>0?f(r+n,--n)+f(r+~n,n):r==0?1:0;}

Port of @Arnauld's JavaScript (ES6) answer.
-2 bytes thanks to @OlivierGrégoire.

Try it online.


n->                 // Method with integer parameter and integer return-type
  f(0,n)            //  Call the recursive method with 0 and this parameter

int f(int r,int n){ // Recursive method with integer as both two parameters and return-type
  return n>0?       //  If `n` is not 0 yet:
    f(r+n,--n)      //   Recursive call with `r+n` (and `n` lowered by 1 first with `--n`)
    +f(r+~n,n)      //   + Recursive call with `r-n` (and `n` also lowered by 1)
   :r==0?           //  Else-if `r` is 0
     1              //   Return 1
    :               //  Else:
     0;}            //   Return 0

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 67 575


Python 2, 74 bytes

def f(n):l=k=1;exec"l+=l<<n*k;k+=1;"*n;return(l>>n*n*-~n/4)%2**n*(~-n%4>1)

More of a fun submission, direct generating function computation.


Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 37 067


Octave (with Communications Package), 39 bytes


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Take a range 0 ... n^2-1 and convert it to binary. This gives a matrix with all combinations of 0 and 1. Multiply by 2 and subtract 1 to get a matrix with all combinations of -1 and +1.

Take the dot-product with a range 1 ... n to get all combinations of ±1 ± 2 ... ±n. Count how many are zero.

Basically the same thing, same byte count:


Stewie Griffin

Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 43 471


Haskell, 55 bytes

A straightforward approach of computing all those sums and checking how many are zero.

f 0=[0]
f n=[(n+),(n-)]>>=(<$>f(n-1))
g x=sum[1|0<-f x]

Try it online!

EDIT: @H.PWiz has a shorter and way more elegant solution using mapM!


Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 40 560


Python 2 and 3, 50 bytes

Recursive approach like most of the answers:

f=lambda n,r=0:f(n-1,r+n)+f(n-1,r-n)if n else r==0

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The double recursive call takes too much bytes... There's probably a way to simplify it.


Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 448


Bash + GNU utilities, 63 bytes

Bash can probably do better than this with recursive functions, but I can't resist this sort of eval/escape/expansion monstrosity:

p=eval\ printf\ %s
$p\\\\n \$[$($p \\\{+,-}{1..$1})]|grep -c ^0

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Update: I don't think bash can do better with recursive functions. This is the best I could do for a score of 90. eval hell it is then.

Digital Trauma

Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 64 644


Brachylog, 12 bytes


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⟦₁               The range [1, …, Input]
  {       }ᶜ     Count the number of times the following predicate succeeds on that range:
   {  }ᵐ           Map for each element of the range:
    ṅ                Negate
     |               Or do nothing
        +0         The sum of the elements after the map is 0


Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 32 976


Octave, 42 bytes


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Luis Mendo

Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 87 464

Well, +1 I guess. :) Hadn't seen this when I posted mine. – Stewie Griffin – 2018-04-03T11:39:26.400

Heh. I hadn't seen yours either until now – Luis Mendo – 2018-04-03T11:39:58.177


J, 32 bytes


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There is certainly much room for golfing. Exlpanation will follow.

Galen Ivanov

Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 13 815


Haskell, 41 bytes


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Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 115 687

Nice, I had the same, but 0^abs k. – H.PWiz – 2018-04-03T21:06:24.230


Jelly, 10 bytes


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Leaky Nun

Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 45 011


Perl 5, -p 35 bytes

#!/usr/bin/perl -p
$_=grep!eval,glob join"{+,-}",0..$_

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Ton Hospel

Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 14 114


Pari/GP, 30 bytes


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Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 23 988


Stax, 9 bytes


Run and debug it

One of the shortest answers so far defeated by Jelly.

I feel that checking explicitly which signs sum to zero is not very golfy, so instead I take the powerset and check how many sets in the powerset have the sum of half the nth triangular number. This method is, not surprisingly, of the same time complexity as checking which signs sum to zero.

ASCII equivalent:


Weijun Zhou

Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 3 396


Prolog (SWI), 99 bytes

p(X,Y,Z):-A is X-1,B is Y+X,p(A,B,C),D is Y-X,p(A,D,E),Z is C+E.

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Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 50 798


Pyth, 14 13 bytes


Try it here


            SQ  Take the list [1, ..., <implicit input>].
         _BR    Get the pairs [[1, -1], [2, -2], ...].
       *F       Take the Cartesian product.
 f!s.nT         Find the ones where the flattened sum is 0.
l               Take the length.


Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953



CJam, 25 bytes


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This is a fairly direct translation of @emigna's 05AB1E solution. It's certainly golfable.

Esolanging Fruit

Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 13 542


Pyth, 10 bytes


Try it online. Alternatively, verify all test cases at once.


/mysdySQsS    Implicit: Q=input()
      SQ      Generate range [1...Q]
     y        Generate powerset of above
 m            Map d in the above over...
  ysd         ... double the sum of d
        sS    Sum of range [1...Q] (final Q is implicit)
/             Count the matches (implicit output)


Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 5 592


J, 28 bytes


Uses the other definition from OEIS where a(n) = coefficient of x^(n(n+1)/4) in Product_{k=1..n} (1+x^k) if n = 0 or 3 mod 4 else a(n) = 0.

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(*>:){1j3#1+//.@(*/)/@,.=@i.  Input: n
                          i.  Range [0, n)
                        =     Self-Classify. Forms an identity matrix of order n
          1           ,.      Stitch. Prepend 1 to each row
                    /         Reduce using
                 */               Product table
           +//.                   Sum along anti-diagonals
      1j3#                    Copy each once, padding with 3 zeroes after
     {                        Index at n*(n+1)
  >:                            Increment n
 *                              Times n


Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 15 654


Husk, 9 bytes


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#½Σḣ¹mΣṖḣ  Implicit input
        ḣ  [1..input]
       Ṗ   Powerset
     mΣ    Sum each list
#          Count occurrence of
   ḣ¹        [1..input]
 ½Σ          Half of sum


Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 561


Gol><>, 26 bytes


Try it online! or Run test cases from 1 to 16!

How it works


Main outer loop
:IFPlMF ...... ||
:        Duplicate top; effectively generate two explicit zeroes
         Top is the loop counter `i`;
         the rest is the generated 2**i sums
 I       Take input as number
  F ........... |  Pop n and loop n times
   P     i++
    lM   Push stack length - 1, which is 2**(i-1)
      F ...... |   Loop 2**(i-1) times

Main inner loop: generate +i and -i from 2**(i-1) previous sums
          Stack: [... x i]
2K        [... x i x i]    Copy top two
  +}      [x+i ... x i]    Add top two and move to the bottom
    :@    [x+i ... i i x]  Duplicate top and rotate top 3
      -}  [i-x x+i ... i]  Subtract and move to the bottom

Counting zeroes
0lM        Push zero (zero count) and 2**n (loop count)
   F...|   Loop 2**n times
    $z+    Swap top two; Take logical not; add to the count
        h  Print top as number and halt


Posted 2018-04-03T10:47:07.953

Reputation: 16 616