Drunkard's Journey Home


Drunkard's Journey Home

In this challenge you are to write a program which simulates a drunkard stumbling his way home from the bar.


The input will be an adjacency matrix (representing a directed graph) which represents paths the drunkard can take. At each location, the drunkard will choose one path at random (Each option has an approximately equal chance and is independent of prior choices) to follow.

Assume that the drunkard always starts at the bar (first row in the adjacency matrix).

If the drunkard enters a dead-end it can be assumed that he has either made his way home or has been arrested for public intoxication and the program should return his path.

It can be assumed that the graph will always contain at least one dead-end.

It can also be assumed that the drunkard will always be able to exit the bar (the first row will not be all zeroes) and that if the drunkard would be stuck in a location, that the row would be represented by all zeroes.


The output will be the path the drunkard took in his attempt to make his way home. The values for the locations can be either zero or one indexed.



Possible Outputs


Possible outputs

Deterministic path:




Posted 2018-03-25T23:35:59.797

Reputation: 4 166

12This brings back some student memories... I mean, err, I'm talking about directed graphs, of course! o:-) – Arnauld – 2018-03-26T09:41:48.363

Can we take input as an array of strings such as [ '1011', '0000', '1000', '1111' ]? – Arnauld – 2018-03-26T12:17:49.610

Is it possible for the bar to be a dead end? In other words, will the first row ever be all zeroes? Also, will there ever be a row that only leads to itself, and will we have to detect that as an end condition? In other words, will there ever be a row i with all zeros except at column i? – kamoroso94 – 2018-03-26T12:53:00.687

5I'm just waiting for somebody to write an answer in Taxi – Belgabad – 2018-03-26T15:36:03.360

How do you get the last path in the 2nd example? From my understanding, 0 links to 1,2,3,5, but the last output has it going from 0 to 4 – phflack – 2018-03-26T18:54:36.397

@phflack I think I wasn't thinking very clearly when I was writing them and I wrote half 0 indexed half 1 indexed – fəˈnɛtɪk – 2018-03-26T23:15:57.823



Mathematica, 72 bytes


This is a function takes the matrix as an argument and returns a list, and it uses 1-indexing.

The basic idea is to start with


which repeatedly applies the rule that follows to the list {1} until it stops changing. The rule matches the pattern


which means "a list with zero or more elements called r followed by an element called x." This gives x as the last element in the current list, and we replace the list with


which is the original list with <stuff> appended. The stuff in question is


which takes #[[x]] (the xth element of the input matrix) as a list of weights and maps them to n++&/@#, which is short for Range@Length@# (i.e. {1,2,3,...} with the appropriate length). This will throw an error if the weights are all zero, which is why it's wrapped in a


which will return ##&[] if an error message is generated. This is just a fancy way of writing Sequence[], which acts as a "nothing" element ({1,2,Sequence[],3} evaluates to {1,2,3}) and therefore leaves the list unchanged, causing the //. to stop replacing.


Posted 2018-03-25T23:35:59.797

Reputation: 68 138


R, 72 69 66 bytes


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Takes input as a logical matrix, and prints the 1-based indices to the console.


Posted 2018-03-25T23:35:59.797

Reputation: 21 077


MATL,15 bytes


Output is 1-based.

Try it online! First input. Second input. Third input.


1          % Push 1: initial value of current row index
`          % Do...while
  G        %   Push input matrix
  y        %   Duplicate from below: pushes copy of current row index
  Y)       %   Get that row
  f        %   Find: push (possibly empty) array of indices of non-zero entries
  t        %   Duplicate
  ?        %   If non-empty
    th     %     Attach a copy of itself. This is needed in case the array
           %     contains a single number n, because then the randsample
           %     function would incorrectly treat that as the array [1 2 ... n]
    1Zr    %     Randsample: pick 1 entry at random with uniform probability
    T      %     Push true
           %   End (implicit)
           % End (implicit). Proceed with a new iteration if the top of the
           % stack is truthy. This happens if the current row had some
           % non-zero entry, in which case true was pushed (and is now
           % consumed). If the current row was all zeros, the top of the stack
           % is an empty array that was produced by the find function, which is
           % falsy (and is also consumed now). In that case the loop is exited,
           % and then the stack contains a collection of numbers which
           % collectively describe the path
           % Implicit display

Luis Mendo

Posted 2018-03-25T23:35:59.797

Reputation: 87 464


Perl 5 -a0, 53 51 bytes

Give input matrix as separate tight strings on STDIN

$!/usr/bin/perl -a0
$n=!say$%;$F[$%]=~s:1:($%)=@-if 1>rand++$n:eg&&redo

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Damages @F during the loop body but it gets repaired by redo

Ton Hospel

Posted 2018-03-25T23:35:59.797

Reputation: 14 114


JavaScript (ES6), 87 bytes


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Alternate version, 81 bytes

Takes input as an array of binary strings. The maximum supported size is 16x16.


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Posted 2018-03-25T23:35:59.797

Reputation: 111 334


Python, 136 bytes

Using zero indexing, assuming randrange has been imported. Takes an input m as the adjacency matrix

113 no imports

s=lambda m,c=0,p=[0],x=0:1 in m[c]and(m[c][x]and s(m,x,p+[x],randrange(len(m)))or s(m,c,p,randrange(len(m))))or p

136 with imports

import random as r;s=lambda m,c=0,p=[0],x=0:1 in m[c]and(m[c][x]and s(m,x,p+[x],r.randrange(len(m)))or s(m,c,p,r.randrange(len(m))))or p


Posted 2018-03-25T23:35:59.797

Reputation: 349


I would recommend to use 136 as your main byte count, as per consensus import statements count towards it.

– Jonathan Frech – 2018-03-26T17:45:14.290


Ruby, 70 67 65 bytes


Thanks to benj2240 for saving 2 bytes!

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Cristian Lupascu

Posted 2018-03-25T23:35:59.797

Reputation: 8 369

You can save a couple bytes with m[i].sum<1?:[] – benj2240 – 2018-03-26T19:52:42.143

@benj2240 Wow, I never knew that was possible. Now I realized .sum was introduced in 2.4. I used to do .reduce(0, :+)... – Cristian Lupascu – 2018-03-27T06:29:08.070


Perl 6, 38 bytes


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Posted 2018-03-25T23:35:59.797

Reputation: 10 037


Java 10, 135 bytes

m->{var R="0 ";for(int r=0,c,t;;R+=(r=c)+" "){t=0;for(int x:m[r])t+=x;if(t<1)return R;for(t=c=m.length;m[r][c*=Math.random()]<1;)c=t;}}



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m->{                   // Method with integer-matrix parameter and String return-type
  var R="0 ";          //  Result-String, starting at "0 "
  for(int r=0,         //  Row-integer, starting at 0
          c,           //  Column-integer
          t;           //  Temp-integer
      ;                //  Loop indefinitely
       R+=             //    After every iteration: Append the result with:
          (r=c)+" "){  //     The current column and a delimiter-space,
                       //     And set the current row to this column at the same time
    t=0;               //   (Re-)set `t` to 0
    for(int x:m[r])    //   Loop over the values of the current row
      t+=x;            //    And add them to `t`
    if(t<1)            //   If the entire row only contained zeroes:
      return R;        //    Return the result
    for(t=c=m.length;  //   Set `t` (and `c`) to the size of the matrix
                       //   Loop until we've found a 1,
                       //   picking a random column in the range [0,`c`)
      c=t;}}           //    Reset the range of `c` to `t` (the size of the matrix)

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2018-03-25T23:35:59.797

Reputation: 67 575


Haskell, 123 118 bytes

import System.Random
i#m|sum(m!!i)<1=pure[]|1<2=do{x<-randomRIO(0,length m-1);[i#m,x#m>>=pure.(x:)]!!(m!!i!!x)}

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Cristian Lupascu

Posted 2018-03-25T23:35:59.797

Reputation: 8 369


APL (Dyalog Unicode), 32 34 bytes


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Takes a nested binary array as input. Outputs each iteration on separate lines.


Posted 2018-03-25T23:35:59.797

Reputation: 16 320


Python, 97 94 bytes

f=lambda a,i=0,j=0:sum(a[i])and[i]*a[i][j]+f(a[:],(i,j)[a[i][j]],id(a)**7%~-2**67%len(a))or[i]

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See this answer for more explanation about the random number generator:



Posted 2018-03-25T23:35:59.797

Reputation: 601