Can square tree rings be generated from primes?



Apparently yes! In three easy steps.

Step 1

Let f(n) denote the prime-counting function (number of primes less than or equal to n).

Define the integer sequence s(n) as follows. For each positive integer n,

  • Initiallize t to n.
  • As long as t is neither prime nor 1, replace t by f(t) and iterate.
  • The number of iterations is s(n).

The iterative process is guaranteed to end because f(n) < n for all n.

Consider for example n=25. We initiallize t = 25. Since this is not a prime nor 1, we compute f(25), which is 9. This becomes the new value for t. This is not a prime nor 1, so we continue: f(9) is 4. We continue again: f(4) is 2. Since this is a prime we stop here. We have done 3 iterations (from 25 to 9, then to 4, then to 2). Thus s(25) is 3.

The first 40 terms of the sequence are as follows. The sequence is not in OEIS.

0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 2 2 0 1 0 2 2 2 0 1 0 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 2

Step 2

Given an odd positive integer N, build an N×N array (matrix) by winding the finite sequence s(1), s(2), ..., s(N2) to form a square outward spiral. For example, given N = 5 the spiral is

s(21)   s(22)   s(23)   s(24)   s(25)
s(20)   s(7)    s(8)    s(9)    s(10)
s(19)   s(6)    s(1)    s(2)    s(11)
s(18)   s(5)    s(4)    s(3)    s(12)
s(17)   s(16)   s(15)   s(14)   s(13)

or, substituting the values,

 3       3       0       3       3
 3       0       2       2       2
 0       1       0       0       0
 1       0       1       0       1
 0       2       2       2       0

Step 3

Represent the N×N array as an image with a grey colour map, or with some other colour map of your taste. The map should be gradual, so that the order of numbers corresponds to some visually obvious order of the colours. The test cases below show some example colour maps.

The challenge

Given an odd positive integer N, produce the image described above.


  • The spiral must be outward, but can be clockwise or counter-clockwise, and can start moving right (as in the above example), left, down or up.

  • The scales of the horizontal and vertical axes need not be the same. Also axis labels, colorbar and similar elements are optional. As long as the spiral can be clearly seen, the image is valid.

  • Images can be output by any of the standard means. In particular, the image may be displayed on screen, or a graphics file may be produced, or an array of RGB values may be output. If outputting a file or an array, please post an example of what it looks like when displayed.

  • Input means and format are flexible as usual. A program or a function can be provided. Standard loopholes are forbidden.

  • Shortest code in bytes wins.

Test cases

The following images (click for full resolution) correspond to several values of N. A clock-wise, rightward-first spiral is used, as in the example above. The images also illustrate several valid colour maps.

  • N = 301: enter image description here

  • N = 501: enter image description here

  • N = 701: enter image description here

Luis Mendo

Posted 2018-01-30T21:28:35.197

Reputation: 87 464

If an array of values of s(n) can be fed into some plotting function/package without being modified (I think imshow in matplotlib could handle this for example) is this an acceptable output form? – dylnan – 2018-01-30T21:39:39.030

@dylnan Sure, as long as it plots the image on screen or produces a file it's valid. In fact I generated the examples with something similar to what you mention. Just be careful with the scaling of values. For example it's not acceptable if all values above 1 are given the same color, as Matlab's (and possibly Matplotlib's) imshow does – Luis Mendo – 2018-01-30T21:43:47.990

good point. Not sure if imshow does that. – dylnan – 2018-01-30T21:45:53.897

i am so confused. What is going on? – Christopher – 2018-01-31T03:26:01.577

@Christopher Is there anything in the challenge I should clarify? – Luis Mendo – 2018-01-31T10:05:12.743

Related to spiral. – user202729 – 2018-01-31T10:29:25.047

Related -- prime counting function – Giuseppe – 2018-01-31T12:26:36.123

How did you come up with this challenge? – kamoroso94 – 2018-01-31T14:24:47.930


@kamoroso94 Please see here

– Luis Mendo – 2018-01-31T14:46:33.127

@LuisMendo I just don't understand how step one works at all. I find the notation confusing,"iteratively replace t by f(t) until the result is either prime or 1." is the hardest part – Christopher – 2018-01-31T15:19:55.420

@Christopher I have changed that phrase and explained the example step by step. Clearer now? – Luis Mendo – 2018-01-31T15:32:08.890

1Yeah very clear – Christopher – 2018-01-31T16:12:02.353



Dyalog APL, 94 bytes


assumes ⎕IO=0

output for n=701 (converted from .pgm to .png):

enter image description here


Posted 2018-01-30T21:28:35.197

Reputation: 11 449


MATLAB - 197 185 178 175 184 163 162 148 142 140 bytes

Shaved 12 bytes, thanks to Ander and Andras, and lots thanks to Luis for putting the two together. Shaved 16 thanks to Remco, 6 thanks to flawr

function F(n)
for a=2:n^2

Result for N=301 (F(301)):

enter image description here


function F(n)
p=@primes % Handle
s=@isprime % Handle
for a=2:n^2 % Loop over all numbers
    c=0 % Set initial count
    if~s(a) % If not a prime
        b=nnz(p(a)) % Count primes
        while~s(b) % Stop if b is a prime. Since the code starts at 2, it never reaches 1 anyway
            b=nnz(p(b)) % count again
            c=c+1 % increase count
    d(a)=c % store count
imagesc(d(spiral(n))) % plot


Posted 2018-01-30T21:28:35.197

Reputation: 533


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 124 bytes

Thanks to Martin Ender for saving 12 bytes!


Try it online!

The image generated is:


Closed form formula of the spiral value taken directly from this answer of mine.


Posted 2018-01-30T21:28:35.197

Reputation: 14 620

5#/2-.5 saves a byte. – user202729 – 2018-01-31T14:40:37.730

8Haha, are you suggesting that to yourself? – Luis Mendo – 2018-01-31T14:42:37.187

6@user202729 Doesn't seem to work. – user202729 – 2018-01-31T14:42:38.890

18I didn't mean to interrupt your inner dialogue :-P – Luis Mendo – 2018-01-31T15:00:15.143

Defer the definition of p until you need it: ...,{y,p=(1-#)/2,-p},{x,p,-p} – Martin Ender – 2018-02-03T22:08:48.623


MATLAB: 115 114 110 bytes

One liner (run in R2016b+ as function in script) 115 bytes

I=@(N)imagesc(arrayfun(@(x)s(x,0),spiral(N)));function k=s(n,k);if n>1&~isprime(n);k=s(nnz(primes(n)),k+1);end;end

Putting the function in a separate file, as suggested by flawr, and using the 1 additional byte per additional file rule

In the file s.m, 64 + 1 bytes for code + file

function k=s(n,k);if n>1&~isprime(n);k=s(nnz(primes(n)),k+1);end

Command window to define I, 45 bytes


Total: 110 bytes

This uses recursion instead of while looping like the other MATLAB implementations do (gnovice, Adriaan). Run it as a script (in R2016b or newer), this defines the function I which can be run like I(n).

Structured version:

% Anonymous function for use, i.e. I(301)
% Uses arrayfun to avoid for loop, spiral to create spiral!

% Function for recursively calculating the s(n) value
function k=s(n,k)
    % Condition for re-iterating. Otherwise return k unchanged
    if n>1 && ~isprime(n)
        % Increment k and re-iterate
        k = s( nnz(primes(n)), k+1 );





  • I tried to make the s function anonymous too, of course that would reduce the count significantly. However, there are 2 issues:

    1. Infinite recursion is hard to avoid when using anonymous functions, as MATLAB doesn't have a ternary operator to offer a break condition. Bodging a ternary operator of sorts (see below) also costs bytes as we need the condition twice.

    2. You have to pass an anonymous function to itself if it is recursive (see here) which adds bytes.

    The closest I came to this used the following lines, perhaps it can be changed to work:

    % Condition, since we need to use it twice 
    % This uses a bodged ternary operator, multiplying the two possible outputs by
    % c(n) and ~c(n) and adding to return effectively only one of them
    % An attempt was made to use &&'s short-circuiting to avoid infinite recursion
    % but this doesn't seem to work!


Posted 2018-01-30T21:28:35.197

Reputation: 221


MATLAB - 126 121* bytes

I attempted a more vectorized approach than Adriaan and was able to shave more bytes off. Here's the single-line solution:

function t(n),M=1:n^2;c=0;i=1;s=@isprime;v=cumsum(s(M));while any(i),i=M>1&~s(M);c=c+i;M(i)=v(M(i));end;imagesc(c(spiral(n)))

And here's the nicely-formatted solution:

function t(n),
  M = 1:n^2;
  c = 0;
  i = 1;
  s = @isprime;
  v = cumsum(s(M));
  while any(i),         % *See below
    i = M > 1 & ~s(M);
    c = c+i;
    M(i) = v(M(i));

*Note: if you're willing to allow a metric crapton of unnecessary iterations, you can change the line while any(i), to for m=v, and save 5 bytes.


Posted 2018-01-30T21:28:35.197

Reputation: 261

Nice! I like how you use cumsum to vectorize and avoid nnz(primes(...) – Luis Mendo – 2018-01-31T17:56:31.627

1If I understand correctly, it doesn't hurt to iterate more times than necessary (at the cost of speed). So you can replace while any(i) by for m=M. Who cares if the code takes hours to run :-) – Luis Mendo – 2018-01-31T18:01:31.920

2@LuisMendo: Sure, why not? It already iterates once more than needed, what's another n^2 or so iterations gonna hurt! ;) – gnovice – 2018-01-31T18:08:44.140

1That's the spirit! You can also keep the faster-running version, but the byte count is that of the shorter – Luis Mendo – 2018-01-31T19:03:10.657


Python 3, 299 265 bytes

Saved 5 bytes thanks to formatting suggestions from Jonathan Frech and NoOneIsHere. Removed an additional 34 bytes by removing a function definition that was only called once.

This is a little longer than some others, due to python not having a command to determine primeness, or spiral an array. It runs relatively quickly however, around a minute for n = 700.

from pylab import*
def S(n):
 for i in q[2:]:t[2*i::i]=0
 c=lambda i:0 if t[i]else 1+c(sum(t[2:i]));S=[c(x)for x in q]
 while any(array(t.shape)<n):m=t.shape;i=multiply(*m)+1;t=vstack([S[i:i+m[0]],rot90(t)])
 return t

Test it with

n = 7
x = S(n)
imshow(x, interpolation='none')


Posted 2018-01-30T21:28:35.197

Reputation: 538

1Possible 294 bytes (untested). – Jonathan Frech – 2018-02-03T21:02:51.243

1One quick thing: you can remove the space between import and *. – NoOneIsHere – 2018-02-03T21:19:54.413


J, 121 Bytes

load 'viewmat'
a=:3 :'viewmat{:@((p:inv@{.,>:@{:)^:(-.@((=1:)+.1&p:)@{.)^:_)@(,0:)"0(,1+(i.@#+>./)@{:)@|:@|.^:(+:<:y),.1'

Defines a function:

a=:3 :'viewmat{:@((p:inv@{.,>:@{:)^:(-.@((=1:)+.1&p:)@{.)^:_)@(,0:)"0(,1+(i.@#+>./)@{:)@|:@|.^:(+:<:y),.1' | Full fuction
                                                                     (,1+(i.@#+>./)@{:)@|:@|.^:(+:<:y),.1  | Creates the number spiral
              {:@((p:inv@{.,>:@{:)^:(-.@((=1:)+.1&p:)@{.)^:_)@(,0:)"0                                      | Applies S(n) to each element
       viewmat                                                                                             | View the array as an image

Bolce Bussiere

Posted 2018-01-30T21:28:35.197

Reputation: 970


R, 231 bytes


Slightly less golfed:

    p=function(n)sum(!n%%2:n)<2 #"" function
    M=matrix(0,n,n)             #empty matrix
    image(M) #Plotting

Anonymous function. Output in a graphic window. Scale is on the red-scale with darkest shade equals to 0 and clearer shades increasing values.

Result for n=101:



Posted 2018-01-30T21:28:35.197

Reputation: 8 610