Diluted Integer Sums


A positive integer can be diluted by inserting a 0 between two bits in its binary expansion. This means that an n-bit number has n-1 dilutions, which are not necessarily all distinct.

For example, for 12 (or 1100 in binary), the dilutions are

11000 = 24

11000 = 24

10100 = 20

In this challenge, we're going to be taking the sum of all the dilutions, exclusive of the original number. For 12, taking the sum of 24, 24, 20 results in 68, so 68 should be the output for 12.


Given a positive integer n > 1 as input, output/return the diluted sum as explained above.


in    out
---   ---
2       4
3       5
7      24
12     68
333  5128
512  9216


  • The input and output can be assumed to fit in your language's native integer type.
  • The input and output can be given in any convenient format.
  • Either a full program or a function are acceptable. If a function, you can return the output rather than printing it.
  • Standard loopholes are forbidden.
  • This is so all usual golfing rules apply, and the shortest code (in bytes) wins.


Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 41 581

Does "any convenient format" include a binary string? – Shaggy – 2018-01-29T15:40:31.230

1@Shaggy "Any convenient format" is intended to be inclusive of methods of input/output, not format. As such, I'm going to say no, you must take input as an integer or a string representing that integer. – AdmBorkBork – 2018-01-29T16:02:17.307

Nice challenge! – Manish Kundu – 2018-01-29T17:14:16.417


This sequence is currently (30 Jan 2018) not in the OEIS

– Giuseppe – 2018-01-30T19:51:51.133



Python 2, 43 39 bytes

f=lambda n,i=2:n/i and n*2-n%i+f(n,i*2)

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Each call of the recursive function calculates a single dilution. The position of the inserted 0 is log2(i). The function recurses until i gets bigger than n and the insertion would be on the left of the number. If i>n, n/i evaluates to 0, which is a falsy value in Python.

n*2 shifts the entire number one binary digit left, n%i or n % 2**(position of insertion) calculates the value of the part that should not be shifted left. This value gets subtracted from the shifted number.

Example (n=7)

call       n/i          bin(n)  n*2     n%i   dilution       return value

f(7, i=2)  3 => truthy  0b111   0b1110  0b1   0b1101 = 13    13 + f(7, 2*2) = 13 + 11 = 24
f(7, i=4)  1 => truthy  0b111   0b1110  0b11  0b1011 = 11    11 + f(7, 4*2) = 11 + 0 = 11
f(7, i=8)  0 => falsy                                        0


Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 21 408


Jelly, 11 bytes


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How it works

BJṖ2*ɓdḅḤ}S  Main link. Argument: n (integer)

B            Binary; convert n to base 2. This yields a digit array A.
 J           Indices; yield [1, ..., len(A)].
  Ṗ          Pop; remove the last element, yielding [1, 2, ..., len(A)-1].
   2*        Elevate 2 to these powers, yielding [2, 4, ..., 2**(len(A)-1)].
             Let's call the result B.
     ɓ       Begin a new, dyadic chain, with left argument n and right argument B.
      d      Divmod; yield [n/b, n%b], for each b in B.
        Ḥ}   Unhalve right; yield 2b for each b in B, i.e., [4, 8, ..., 2**len(A)].
       ḅ     Unbase; convert each [n/b, n%b] from base 2b to integer, yielding
             (2b)(n/b) + (n%b).
          S  Take the sum.


Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 196 637


MATL, 13 bytes


Try it at MATL Online! Or verify all test cases.


Consider input 12 as an example.

t     % Implicit input. Duplicate
      % STACK: 12, 12
Zl    % Binary logarithm
      % STACK: 12, 3.584962500721156
:     % Range (rounds down)
      % STACK: 12, [1 2 3]
W     % Power with base 2, element-wise
      % STACK: 12, [2 4 8]
&\    % 2-output modulus, element-wise: pushes remainders and quotients
      % STACK: [0 0 4], [6 3 1]
5M    % Push array of powers of 2, again
      % STACK: [0 0 4], [6 3 1], [2 4 8]
E     % Multiply by 2
      % STACK: [0 0 4], [6 3 1], [4 8 16]
*     % Multiply, element-wise
      % STACK: [0 0 4], [24 24 16]
+     % Add, element-wise
      % STACK: [24 24 20]
s     % Sum of array. Implicit display
      % STACK: 68

Luis Mendo

Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 87 464


Japt, 12 11 bytes


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                 :Implicit input of integer U
¢                :Convert to base-2 string
 ¬               :Split to an array of individual characters/digits
  £    Ã         :Map over the elements, with Y being the current 0-based index
   ¢             :  Convert U to a base-2 string
    iYT          :  Insert a 0 in that string at index Y
        Å        :Slice off the first element of the array
          Í      :Convert each element to a base-10 integer
         x       :Reduce by addition


Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 24 623


C,  58  56 bytes

Thanks to @Dennis for saving two bytes!

s,k;f(n){for(s=0,k=2;k<=n;k*=2)s+=n/k*k*2+n%k;return s;}

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C (gcc), 50 bytes


Returning by k=s; is undefined behaviour, but works with gcc when optimizations are disabled. Also, n%k+n/k*(k+=k) has unspecified behaviour, but seems to work fine with gcc.

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Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 15 798

s,k;f(n){for(s=0,k=2;k<=n;)s+=n%k+n/k*(k*=2);return s;} (55 bytes) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-01-29T16:09:03.307

1There's no telling which one gets evaluated first n%k or n/k*(k*=2). – Steadybox – 2018-01-29T16:12:26.343

1@KevinCruijssen Which side is evaluated first is left unspecified. C is like that... – Steadybox – 2018-01-29T16:17:15.420

2Ah, I see you've added that in your answer indeed. Didn't knew this kind of undefined behavior happened in C. I have like three hours experience in C, so I barely know anything about it. TIL :) In Java for(s=0,k=2;k<=n;)s+=n%k+n/k*(k*=2);return s; is completely fine, and n%k will always be evaluated before n/k*(k*=2) and n/k will also evaluate before k*=2. Thanks for the explanation. (I will delete some of my comments now to reduce the clutter.) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-01-29T16:18:24.983

I love using UB as a feature. And code golfing in a real life language should be in another category anyway :) – Regis Portalez – 2018-01-30T21:34:13.017


J, 20 15 14 bytes


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15 bytes


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     +:             Input×2
       -            Subtract
        #.\.@#:     The list of binary suffixes of input (in decimal)
   -,               Append negative input
1#.                 Add them up


Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 3 112

why does the double minus formula work? why is it equivalent to dilutions? – Jonah – 2018-01-30T04:06:14.170

1@Jonah dilution is adding a certain binary prefix (number "rounded down") to the number, which is equivalent to adding the whole number to itself (both prefix and the remainder) and then subtracting the remainder. – FrownyFrog – 2018-01-30T10:08:22.347


Jelly, 9 8 bytes


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B                        to binary          42 -> 1 0 1 0 1 0
 Ḋ                       drop first                 0 1 0 1 0
  ḄÐƤ                    each suffix to decimal   10 10 2 2 0
      Ḥ                  double the input                  84
     ạ                   absolute difference   74 74 82 82 84
       S                 add them up                      396

Vice versa, B¹ƤṖ+BḄS: get prefixes, drop last, add them to input, and sum.


Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 3 112


JavaScript (ES6), 41 40 bytes

Saved 1 byte thanks to Mr.Xcoder


Test cases


console.log(f(2  )) //    4
console.log(f(3  )) //    5
console.log(f(7  )) //   24
console.log(f(12 )) //   68
console.log(f(333)) // 5128
console.log(f(512)) // 9216


Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 111 334


Retina, 53 50 47 bytes


Try it online! Link includes test cases. Edit: Saved 3 bytes thanks to @MartinEnder. Explanation:


Convert from decimal to binary, but using O to represent 0, as it's not a digit, and _ to represent 1, as it's the default repetition character in Retina 1.


Insert an O between each pair of digits, and collect the results as a list.


Convert from binary to unary. (This conversion produces extra Os, but we don't care.)


Sum and convert to decimal.


Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 95 035

Binary to decimal conversion can be done in 12 bytes (saving 3): https://tio.run/##K0otycxLNPz/X0@bS4tLO0EjXlszxpBLxdCfyz@eK54rxonLX0WJy1HXMIFLWzUByD20TSXBiiv@/39DIwA See this answer for how it works.

– Martin Ender – 2018-02-02T18:22:11.397

@MartinEnder Thanks, I keep forgetting about that. (I was also slightly disappointed that the alternative version only works on a single number.) – Neil – 2018-02-03T01:24:30.940

Well, in the case where you've got each number on its own line you can make it work with an additional %. If it's more complicated you'd need something like /[O_]+/_. – Martin Ender – 2018-02-03T09:17:01.403


Pyth, 13 bytes


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smiXd.BQZ2Ssl | Full program.

           sl | The base-2 logarithm of the input, floored to an integer.
          S   | Create the integer range [1 ... the floored logarithm].
 m            | And map a function over it.
  iXd.BQZ2  | The function to be mapped (uses a variable d).
     .BQ    | In the binary representation of the input...
   X    Z   | ... Insert a zero...
    d       | ... At index d.
  i      2  | And convert the result from base 2 to an integer.
s             | Sum the resulting list.

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 39 774


Jelly, 10 bytes


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Not the shortest currently, but it could be if there's a way around Bµ µḄ...


BµLḤ_J’×µḄ    Main link. Argument: n (integer)
B             Binary; convert n to an binary of binary digits. Call this A.
 µ            Start a new monadic link with argument A.
  L           Length; yield len(A). We'll call this l.
   Ḥ          Unhalve; yield l * 2.
     J        Length range; yield [1, 2, ..., l].
    _         Subtract; yield [l*2 - 1, l*2 - 2, ..., l].
      ’       Decrement; subtract one from each item.
       ×      Multiply each item by the corresponding item in A. Call this B.
        µ     Start a new monadic link with argument B.
         Ḅ    Unbinary; convert from a binary array to a decimal.

Basically, this works by multiplying each binary digit by a magic number. I can't explain it without visualizing it, so here's the binary number we'll be working with:


As explained by the challenge, he output we want is the sum of these binary numbers:

10111  = 2^4 + 2^2 + 2^1 + 2^0
11011  = 2^4 + 2^3 + 2^1 + 2^0
11101  = 2^4 + 2^3 + 2^2 + 2^0

However, we don't actually have to insert zeroes: Jelly's "unbinary" atom will accept numbers other than just 0 and 1. When we allow ourselves to use 2, this pattern gets simpler:

2111   = 2*2^3 + 1*2^2 + 1*2^1 + 1*2^0
2211   = 2*2^3 + 2*2^2 + 1*2^1 + 1*2^0
2221   = 2*2^3 + 2*2^2 + 2*2^1 + 1*2^0

When we sum up the digits in each column, we get

6543   = 6*2^3 + 5*2^2 + 4*2^1 + 3*2^0 = 48 + 20 + 8 + 3 = 79.

The trick this answer uses is to generate this pattern, and multiply each digit by the corresponding digit in the original to cancel out the necessary columns. 12, for example, would be represented as

=6500  = 6*2^3 + 5*2^2 + 0*2^1 + 0*2^0 = 48 + 20 + 0 + 0 = 68.


Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 47 880


Husk, 13 12 bytes

-1 byte thanks to @Mr. Xcoder!


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ṁḋ§z·+Θḣ(tṫ)ḋ  -- example input: 6
            ḋ  -- convert to binary: [1,1,0]
  §            -- fork argument
        (tṫ)   -- | tail of tails: [[1,0],[0]]
       ḣ       -- | heads: [[1],[1,1],[1,1,0]]
   z           -- and zipWith the following (example with [1,0] [1])
    · Θ        -- | prepend 0 to second argument: [0,1]
     +         -- | concatenate: [1,0,0,1]
               -- : [[1,0,1,0],[1,1,0,0]]
ṁ              -- map the following (example with [1,0,1,0]) and sum
 ḋ             -- | convert from binary: 10
               -- : 22


Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 15 345


Java 8, 55 bytes

n->{int r=0,i=2;for(;i<=n;r+=n%i+n/i*(i*=2));return r;}

Port of Steadybox' C answer, and golfed 3 bytes in the process.

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Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 67 575


R, 141 48 bytes


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Either I'm doing something really wrong or R is just terrible at bit manipulation. Porting Luis Mendo's approach is easy, correct, and golfy.

But if you really just want to muck around with bit operations, MickyT suggested the following 105 byter:


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Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 21 077

Here's a 111 byte one that I'm sure you could take a few more out of.

– MickyT – 2018-01-29T18:19:16.133

@MickyT Cheers! very nice, although porting an entirely different approach is better! – Giuseppe – 2018-01-29T22:46:58.783


Python 3, 92 80 78 bytes

def b(x):x=f'{x:b}';return sum(int(x[:i]+'0'+x[i:],2)for i in range(1,len(x)))

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Thanks to Mr.XCoder and ovs for -12 bytes and -2 bytes respectively.

Manish Kundu

Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 1 947

80 bytes – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-01-29T17:51:28.057


05AB1E, 14 bytes


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Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 39 774


Batch, 92 77 bytes

@if %1 geq %n% set/at+=%1*2-(%1%%n),n*=2&goto l
@echo %t%

Edit: Switched to the same formula everyone else is using.


Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 95 035


Pip, 21 18 bytes


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Call our input number a. For each binary index i at which we want to insert a zero, we can calculate the bits left of the insertion point as a // 2**i (where // is integer division and ** is exponentiation), the bits right of the insertion point as a % 2**i, and therefore the diluted integer as 2 * (a // 2**i) * 2**i + (a % 2**i). But (a // 2**i) * 2**i is equal to a - (a % 2**i), and so we can rearrange to a shorter formula: 2 * (a - a % 2**i) + a % 2**i = 2 * a - a % 2**i.

                       a is 1st command-line argument (implicit)
               TBa     Convert a to binary
              #        Length of the binary expansion
            1,         Range from 1 up to (but not including) that number
          MS           Map this function to the range and sum the results:
2*a-a%2**_              The above formula, where _ is the argument of the function
                       The final result is autoprinted


Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 21 213


Jelly, 14 bytes


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Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 38 134


Perl 5, 36 + 1 (-p) = 37 bytes


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Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 7 671


Attache, 57 bytes


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I thought I'd approach the problem from a non-bit manipulation approach, as such an approach is impractical in Attache. I have to investigate some of the parts of this approach for alternatives.


Here is an expanded version:

Define[$joinByZero, {Join[Join=>_,"0"]}]



This simply takes the binary representation of the number, splits it at certain points, inserts zeroes there, converts back to decimal, and sums them together.

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 36 228


J, 33 bytes


Most probably there is much room for further golfing.


@#: convert to binary and

<@}.\. - find all suffices, drop the first digit from each and box

<\ - find all prefixes and box them

(,0;])"0 - to each prefix append 0 then append the corresponding beheaded suffix

;@ raze (unbox)

1#.[:}:#.@ - convert to decimal, curtail and sum

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Galen Ivanov

Posted 2018-01-29T15:04:30.570

Reputation: 13 815