Collection from a sequence that constitute a perfect square


Given the sequence OEIS A033581, which is the infinite sequence, the n'th term (0-indexing) is given by the closed form formula 6 × n2 .

Your task is to write code, which outputs all the subsets of the set of N first numbers in the sequence, such that the sum of the subset is a perfect square.


  • The integer N is given as input.
  • You cannot reuse a number already used in the sum. (that is, each number can appear in each subset at most once)
  • Numbers used can be non-consecutive.
  • Code with the least size wins.


The given sequence is {0,6,24,54,96,...,15000}

One of the required subsets will be {6,24,294}, because

6+24+294 = 324 = 18^2

You need to find all such sets of all possible lengths in the given range.


Posted 2018-01-09T05:46:03.967

Reputation: 211


Good first post! You may consider adding examples and test cases. For future reference, we have a sandbox that you can trial your ideas in.

– Οurous – 2018-01-09T05:53:50.677

Is this asking us to calculate A033581 given N? Or am I not understanding this correctly? – ATaco – 2018-01-09T06:14:16.830

@ATaco Like for a sequence (1,9,35,39...) 1+9+39=49 a perfect square (It uses 3 numbers), 35+1= 36 another perfect square but it uses 2 numbers. So {1,35} is the required set. – prog_SAHIL – 2018-01-09T06:17:32.113

3@prog_SAHIL Adding that, and a few more, as examples to the post would be helpful :) – Οurous – 2018-01-09T06:25:20.520

Let us continue this discussion in chat.

– prog_SAHIL – 2018-01-09T08:12:31.317



05AB1E, 10 bytes


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ݨn6*æʒOŲ || Full program. I'll call the input N.

Ý          || 0-based inclusive range. Push [0, N] ∩ ℤ.
 ¨         || Remove the last element.
  n        || Square (element-wise).
   6*      || Multiply by 6.
     æ     || Powerset.
      ʒ    || Filter-keep those which satisfy the following:
       O   ||---| Their sum...
        Ų ||---| ... Is a perfect square?

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-01-09T05:46:03.967

Reputation: 39 774


Haskell, 114 104 103 86 bytes

f n=[x|x<-concat<$>mapM(\x->[[],[x*x*6]])[0..n-1],sum x==[y^2|y<-[0..],y^2>=sum x]!!0]

Thanks to Laikoni and Ørjan Johansen for most of the golfing! :)

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The slightly more readable version:

--  OEIS A033581

-- returns all subsets of a list (including the empty subset)
subsets :: [a] -> [[a]]
subsets(x:y)=subsets y++map(x:)(subsets y)

-- returns True if the element is present in a sorted list

-- the function that returns the square subsets
f :: Int -> [[Int]]
f n = filter (\l->sum l#(map(^2)[0..])) $ subsets (take n ns)

Cristian Lupascu

Posted 2018-01-09T05:46:03.967

Reputation: 8 369

@Laikoni That is very ingenious! Thanks! – Cristian Lupascu – 2018-01-10T12:02:55.950

@Laikoni Right! Thanks! – Cristian Lupascu – 2018-01-10T15:01:00.007

86 bytes: Try it online!

– Ørjan Johansen – 2018-01-11T04:10:58.923


Pyth, 12 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to Mr. Xcoder


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2 more bytes need to be added to remove [] and [0], but they seem like valid output to me!


    f                  filter
           y           the listified powerset of
            m*6*ddQ    the listified sequence {0,6,24,...,$input-th result}
        sT             where the sum of the sub-list
     sI@  2            is invariant over int parsing after square rooting


Posted 2018-01-09T05:46:03.967

Reputation: 432

12 bytes: fsI@sT2ym*6*. – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-01-09T15:06:49.090

That's the square checking golf I was looking for! – Dave – 2018-01-09T15:09:47.847


Clean, 145 ... 97 bytes

import StdEnv
@n=[[]:[[6*i^2:b]\\i<-[0..n-1],b<- @i]]
f=filter((\e=or[i^2==e\\i<-[0..e]])o sum)o@

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Uses the helper function @ to generate the power set to n terms by concatenating each term of [[],[6*n^2],...] with each term of [[],[6*(n-1)*2],...] recursively, and in reverse order.

The partial function f is then composed (where -> denotes o composition) as:
apply @ -> take the elements where -> the sum -> is a square

Unfortunately it isn't possible to skip the f= and provide a partial function literal, because precedence rules require it have brackets when used inline.


Posted 2018-01-09T05:46:03.967

Reputation: 7 916

1Bah you've got a trick the Haskell answer should steal... :P – Ørjan Johansen – 2018-01-11T04:20:07.130


JavaScript (ES7), 107 bytes



let f =


console.log(f(6).map(a => JSON.stringify(a)).join('\n'))
console.log(f(10).map(a => JSON.stringify(a)).join('\n'))


n =>                      // n = input
  [...Array(n)]           // generate a n-entry array
  .reduce((a, _, x) =>    // for each entry at index x:
    [                     //   update the main array a[] by:
      ...a,               //     concatenating the previous values with           //     new values built from the original ones
        y =>              //     where in each subarray y:
          [ 6 * x * x,    //       we insert a new element 6x² before
            ...y       ]  //       the original elements
      )                   //     end of map()
    ],                    //   end of array update
    [[]]                  //   start with an array containing an empty array
  )                       // end of reduce()
  .filter(a =>            // filter the results by keeping only elements for which:
    eval(a.join`+`) ** .5 //   the square root of the sum
    % 1 == 0              //   gives an integer
  )                       // end of filter()


Posted 2018-01-09T05:46:03.967

Reputation: 111 334


Jelly, 12 bytes


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Output is a list of subsets including 0s and the empty subset.

Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2018-01-09T05:46:03.967

Reputation: 38 134


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 49 bytes

Brute force approach


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Kelly Lowder

Posted 2018-01-09T05:46:03.967

Reputation: 3 225


Japt, 15 bytes

ò_²*6Ãà k_x ¬u1

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Generate on array of integers from 0 to input (ò) and pass each through a function (_ Ã), squaring it (²) & mutiplying by 6 (*6). Get all the combinations of that array (à) and remove those that return truthy (k) when passed through a function (_) that adds their elements (x), gets the square root of the result (¬) and mods that by 1 (u1)


Posted 2018-01-09T05:46:03.967

Reputation: 24 623