XOR sort an array



Given a key, and an array of strings, shuffle the array so that it is sorted when each element is XOR'd with the key.

XOR'ing two strings

To XOR a string by a key, XOR each of the character values of the string by its pair in the key, assuming that the key repeats forever. For example, abcde^123 looks like:

       a        b        c        d        e
       1        2        3        1        2
01100001 01100010 01100011 01100100 01100101
00110001 00110010 00110011 00110001 00110010
01010000 01010000 01010000 01010101 01010111
       P        P        P        U        W


Sorting should always be done Lexicographically of the XOR'd strings. That is, 1 < A < a < ~ (Assuming ASCII encoding)


"912", ["abcde", "hello", "test", "honk"]

-- XOR'd
["XSQ]T", "QT^U^", "MTAM", "Q^\R"]
-- Sorted
["MTAM", "QT^U^", "Q^\R", "XSQ]T"]
-- Converted back
["test", "hello", "honk", "abcde"]


  • Key will always be at least 1 character
  • Key and Input will only consist of printable ASCII.
  • XOR'd strings may contain non-printable characters.
  • Input and Output may be done through the Reasonable Methods
  • Standard Loopholes are forbidden.
  • You may take Key and Input in any order.

Test Cases

key, input -> output
"912", ["abcde", "hello", "test", "honk"] -> ["test", "hello", "honk", "abcde"]
"taco", ["this", "is", "a", "taco", "test"] -> ["taco", "test", "this", "a", "is"]
"thisisalongkey", ["who", "what", "when"] -> ["who", "what", "when"]
"3", ["who", "what", "when"] -> ["what", "when", "who"]

This is , so least bytes wins!


Posted 2017-12-28T03:14:34.203

Reputation: 7 898

Related nowhere near a dupe though – MD XF – 2017-12-28T03:51:57.183

Are the strings guaranteed to be different? – Neil – 2017-12-28T10:00:05.257

@Neil Although I can't imagine a situation where them being identical would cause problems, you can assume that all strings will be unique. – ATaco – 2017-12-28T10:07:14.007

@ATaco It can certainly matter if you're not using built-in string comparison. – Dennis – 2017-12-28T19:00:30.073



Jelly, 9 7 bytes


Thanks to @EriktheOutgolfer for a suggestion that helped saving 2 bytes!

Try it online!

How it works

⁹ṁO^OµÞ  Dyadic link.
         Left argument: A (string array). Right argument: k (key string).

     µ   Combine the code to the left into a chain.
         Begin a new, monadic chain with argument A.
      Þ  Sort A, using the chain to the left as key.
         Since this chain is monadic, the key chain will be called monadically,
         once for each string s in A.
⁹            Set the return value to the right argument of the link (k).
 ṁ           Mold k like s, i.e., repeat its characters as many times as necessary
             to match the length of s.
  O          Ordinal; cast characters in the resulting string to their code points.
    O        Do the same for the chain's argument (s).
   ^         Perform bitwise XOR.


Posted 2017-12-28T03:14:34.203

Reputation: 196 637


Python 3, 75 73 bytes

lambda k,x:x.sort(key=lambda s:[ord(x)^ord(y)for x,y in zip(s,k*len(s))])

This sorts the list x in-place.

Thanks to @mercator for golfing off 2 bytes!

Try it online!

Alternate version, 62 bytes

This takes input as byte strings, which may not be allowed.

lambda k,x:x.sort(key=lambda s:[*map(int.__xor__,s,k*len(s))])

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Posted 2017-12-28T03:14:34.203

Reputation: 196 637

In-place sorting saves 2 bytes: x.sort(key=...). – mercator – 2017-12-28T19:02:15.817


Haskell, 77 bytes

import Data.Bits
import Data.List

Too many imports.

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Posted 2017-12-28T03:14:34.203

Reputation: 34 639


Ruby, 61 bytes


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Posted 2017-12-28T03:14:34.203

Reputation: 1 115


Clean, 101 100 94 bytes

-6 bytes thanks to Ourous!

import StdEnv
? =toInt
s k=let%s=[b bitxor?a\\a<-s&b<-[?c\\_<-s,c<-k]];@a b= %b> %a in sortBy@

Try it online! Example usage: s ['3'] [['who'], ['what'], ['when']].


import StdEnv
sort key list = 
      f string = [(toInt a) bitxor (toInt b) \\ a<-string & b<-flatten(repeat key)]
      comp a b = f a <= f b
   in sortBy comp list


Posted 2017-12-28T03:14:34.203

Reputation: 23 676

? =toInt and using ? instead saves 2 bytes, and using a flipped greater-than instead of less-or-equals saves another one. – Οurous – 2017-12-28T19:59:44.030

Even better, saves 6 bytes: TIO

– Οurous – 2017-12-29T00:38:51.130


Actually, 24 bytes


Try it online!


O╗                        store ordinals of key in register 0
  ⌠;O;l;╜@αH♀^♂cΣ@k⌡M     for each string in array:
   ;O                       make a copy, ordinals
     ;l;                    make a copy of ordinals, length, copy length
        ╜@αH                list from register 0, cycled to length of string
            ♀^              pairwise XOR
              ♂cΣ           convert from ordinals and concatenate
                 @k         swap and nest (output: [[a XOR key, a] for a in array])
                     S♂N  sort, take last element (original string)


Posted 2017-12-28T03:14:34.203

Reputation: 32 998

@ATaco No it doesn't. Try it with ["who", "what", "when"] and "thisisalongkey" – caird coinheringaahing – 2017-12-28T07:57:53.383

1@cairdcoinheringaahing That was posted before a patch to Actually on TIO. – ATaco – 2017-12-28T08:55:53.160


Python 2,  204 140 134  126 bytes

Thanks to @Mr. Xcoder for saving 64 bytes, thanks to @ovs for saving six bytes, and thanks to @Dennis for saving eight bytes!

lambda k,l:[x(k,s)for s in sorted(x(k,s)for s in l)]
x=lambda k,s:''.join(chr(ord(v)^ord(k[i%len(k)]))for i,v in enumerate(s))

Try it online!


Posted 2017-12-28T03:14:34.203

Reputation: 15 798


JavaScript ES 6, 113 97 95 Bytes


JavaScript is long at charcoding...

For [0,65536) +1e4 all be 5 digits so can be compared like string

console.log(Q("912")(["abcde", "hello", "test", "honk"]));
console.log(Q("taco")(["this", "is", "a", "taco", "test"]));
console.log(Q("thisisalongkey")(["who", "what", "when"]));
console.log(Q("3")(["who", "what", "when"]));


Posted 2017-12-28T03:14:34.203

Reputation: 5 985

Threoiy I can use k+=k instead of p=k+p but too many memory using with the small test case – l4m2 – 2017-12-28T04:25:09.123


Perl 6, 37 bytes

{@^b.sort(*.comb Z~^(|$^a.comb xx*))}

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$^a and @^b are the key and array arguments to the function, respectively. @^b.sort(...) simply sorts the input array according to the predicate function it is given. That function takes a single argument, so sort will pass it each element in turn and treat the return value as a key for that element, sorting the list by the keys of the elements.

The sorting function is *.comb Z~^ (|$^a.comb xx *). * is the single string argument to the function. *.comb is a list of the individual characters of the string. |$^a.comb xx * is a list of the characters in the xor sorting key, replicated infinitely. Those two lists are zipped together (Z) using the stringwise xor operator (~^). Since the sorting predicate returns a sort key which is a list, sort orders two elements by comparing the first elements of the returned lists, then the second elements if the first elements are the same, et cetera.


Posted 2017-12-28T03:14:34.203

Reputation: 4 136

{sort *.comb »~^»$^a.comb,@^b} – Brad Gilbert b2gills – 2017-12-29T03:52:36.967


C (gcc), 132 128 126 bytes


Takes an argument count and a pointer to a string array (the key, followed by the strings to be sorted) and modifies the string array in-place.

The code is highly non-portable and requires 64-bit pointers, gcc, and glibc.

Thanks to @ceilingcat for golfing off 2 bytes!

Try it online!


Posted 2017-12-28T03:14:34.203

Reputation: 196 637


x86 opcode, 57 Bytes

0100  60 89 CD 4D 8B 74 8A FC-8B 3C AA 53 F6 03 FF 75
0110  02 5B 53 8A 23 AC 08 C0-74 0A 30 E0 32 27 47 43
0120  38 E0 74 E8 77 0A 8B 04-AA 87 44 8A FC 89 04 AA
0130  85 ED 5B 75 CE E2 CA 61-C3

    ;input ecx(length), edx(array), ebx(xor-d)
F:  pushad
L1: mov ebp, ecx
L2: dec ebp
    mov esi, [edx+ecx*4-4]
    mov edi, [edx+ebp*4]
    push ebx
L6: test [ebx], byte -1 ; t1b
    jnz L4
    pop ebx
    push ebx
L4: mov ah, [ebx]
    or  al, al
    jz  L7
    xor al, ah
    xor ah, [edi]
    inc edi
    inc ebx
    cmp al, ah
    jz  L6
L7: ja  L8
    mov eax, dword[edx+ebp*4]
    xchg eax, dword[edx+ecx*4-4]
    mov dword[edx+ebp*4], eax
L8: ;call debug
    test ebp, ebp
    pop ebx
    jnz L2
    loop L1

Test code:

if 1
    org $0100
    mov ecx, (Qn-Q0)/4
    mov edx, Q0
    mov ebx, S
    call F
    call debug

    mov ecx, (Qn-Q0)/4
    mov edx, Q0
    mov ebx, S
E3:   mov esi, [edx]
    push dx
    mov ah, 2
E4:   lodsb
    cmp al, 0
    jz E5
    mov dl, al
    int $21
    jmp E4
E5:   mov dl, $0A
    int $21
    mov dl, $0D
    int $21
    pop dx
    add edx, 4
    loop E3
    ;mov ah, 1
    ;int $21
    align 128
    dd str1, str2, str3, str4
S     db '912', 0
str1  db 'abcde', 0
str2  db 'hello', 0
str3  db 'test', 0
str4  db 'honk', 0
    align 128
end if
    ;input ecx(length), edx(array), ebx(xor-d)
F:  pushad
L1: mov ebp, ecx
L2: dec ebp
    mov esi, [edx+ecx*4-4]
    mov edi, [edx+ebp*4]
    push ebx
L6: test [ebx], byte -1 ; t1b
    jnz L4
    pop ebx
    push ebx
L4: mov ah, [ebx]
    or  al, al
    jz  L7
    xor al, ah
    xor ah, [edi]
    inc edi
    inc ebx
    cmp al, ah
    jz  L6
L7: ja  L8
    mov eax, dword[edx+ebp*4]
    xchg eax, dword[edx+ecx*4-4]
    mov dword[edx+ebp*4], eax
L8: ;call debug
    test ebp, ebp
    pop ebx
    jnz L2
    loop L1


Posted 2017-12-28T03:14:34.203

Reputation: 5 985


Perl 5, 80 + 3 (anl) = 83, 67 bytes

sub{$,=shift;sub X{$_^substr$,x y///c,0,y///c};map X,sort map X,@_}

try it online

Nahuel Fouilleul

Posted 2017-12-28T03:14:34.203

Reputation: 5 582

This repeats the key 9 times, which isn’t enough in general. For example, the output will be wrong for 9; abcdeabcde abcdeabcdz (should give abcdeabcdz abcdeabcde) – Lynn – 2017-12-28T12:40:27.717

@Lynn, fixed adding 3 bytes – Nahuel Fouilleul – 2017-12-28T13:43:16.597

could save 16 bytes using subs – Nahuel Fouilleul – 2017-12-28T14:06:08.693


Perl 5, 88 bytes

sub{[map@$_[0],sort{@$a[1]cmp@$b[1]}map[$_,substr$_^($_[0]x length),0,length],@{$_[1]}]}

Try it online.

Denis Ibaev

Posted 2017-12-28T03:14:34.203

Reputation: 876


Clojure, 80 bytes

#(sort-by(fn[s](apply str(apply map bit-xor(for[i[(cycle %)s]](map int i)))))%2)


Posted 2017-12-28T03:14:34.203

Reputation: 2 361


AWK, 285 284 bytes

{for(;z++<128;){o[sprintf("%c",z)]=z}split(substr($0,0,index($0,FS)),k,"");$1="";split($0,w);for(q in w){split(w[q],l,"");d="";for(;i++<length(l);){d=d sprintf("%c",xor(o[k[(i-1)%(length(k)-1)+1]],o[l[i]]))}a[q]=d;i=0}asort(a,b);for(j in b){for(i in a){printf(a[i]==b[j])?w[i]FS:""}}}

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Accepts input in the form of key word word ... eg 912 abcde hello test honk

Outputs sorted words space separated

Slightly more readable

  for (; z++ < 128;) {
    o[sprintf("%c", z)] = z
  split(substr($0, 0, index($0, FS)), k, "");
  $1 = "";
  split($0, w);
  for (q in w) {
    split(w[q], l, "");
    d = "";
    for (; i++ < length(l);) {
      d = d sprintf("%c", xor(o[k[(i - 1) % (length(k) - 1) + 1]], o[l[i]]))
    a[q] = d;
    i = 0;
  asort(a, b);
  for (j in b) {
    for (i in a) {
      printf(a[i] == b[j]) ? w[i] FS : ""


Posted 2017-12-28T03:14:34.203

Reputation: 421


Factor, 85

[ [ dup length rot <array> concat [ bitxor ] 2map ] with
[ dup bi* <=> ] curry sort ]

First try, I'll see if I can golf it further tomorrow.

I accept suggestions ;)

fede s.

Posted 2017-12-28T03:14:34.203

Reputation: 945


Dyalog APL, 34 bytes

Dfn, uses ⎕ml 3



Posted 2017-12-28T03:14:34.203

Reputation: 151