Calculate digits of Pi



This is a somewhat different task. Calculate 1024 hexadecimal digits of π, beginning at the 1024th hexadecimal place.

Formally: Your program should complete in less then 1 minute and produce the following output:


The program with the shortest length wins. You have to calculate all the digits at runtime. You do not have to implement the algorithm that computes π; if your language already provides that functionality, you can use it.


Posted 2011-03-11T16:42:12.340

Reputation: 9 656

Hah, should be easy. (+1, still) I bet I can make it execute in less than a few seconds. – Mateen Ulhaq – 2011-03-11T18:32:49.550

@muntoo: And? Where is your solution? – FUZxxl – 2011-03-16T17:28:30.453

I forgot to do it. :) BTW, speed != code-golf. – Mateen Ulhaq – 2011-03-16T17:29:01.140

@muntoo: I know. But I also think, that 5 days is a good time for such an easy task. – FUZxxl – 2011-03-16T17:33:15.097



Sage, 29 char

This isn't technically cheating, since the digits are computed at runtime. That said, it's still cheap as hell.



Posted 2011-03-11T16:42:12.340

Reputation: 9 038

11Mmmm, floor pi. – breadbox – 2012-05-12T18:50:15.863

1Definitly not cheating. – FUZxxl – 2011-07-08T18:43:33.090


Shell Utilities: 48

curl -sL|grep -Eom 1 '[a-f0-9]{1024}'

  • All output is "calculated" at runtime. (thanks to OP posting the solution)
  • Runs in under a minute. (may be dependent on your internet connection speed)


Posted 2011-03-11T16:42:12.340

Reputation: 131

Golfed version: curl -sL|grep -Po \\w{99,} (37). Works in Dash. Bash would need an additional byte. – Dennis – 2014-01-05T18:39:54.750

Usually I downvote that kind of solutions, because they are a common abuse of the rules and no longer funny. But just because you are so sneaky to take the provided reference solution and write All output is "calculated" at runtime. (thanks to OP posting the solution), I give you an upvote ;) – FUZxxl – 2011-06-30T17:14:53.847


J, 156, 140, 137 127

d=:3 :'1|+/4 _2 _1 _1*+/(y&(16^-)%1 4 5 6+8*])"0 i.y+9'
,1([:}.'0123456789abcdef'{~[:|.[:<.[:(],~16*1|{.)^:8 d)"0\1024x+8*i.128

Using BBP formula.

Does NOT run in under a minute (but we have a J answer :p)

Example for the first 104 digits of π (this runs fast):

,1([:}.'0123456789abcdef'{~[:|.[:<.[:(],~16*1|{.)^:8 d)"0\8*i.13x



Posted 2011-03-11T16:42:12.340

Reputation: 5 204

Why don't you use #: to convert the numbers to hexadecimal? – FUZxxl – 2011-12-05T20:48:06.293

I'm not sure what you mean. #: will not output hex digits. – Eelvex – 2011-12-05T21:16:11.243

IMHO it's easier to use #: and a reshape to generate hex-digits than your current approach. – FUZxxl – 2011-12-05T21:31:24.927

You mean something like (... 16 #:) Pi? I think we don't have enough digits so we have to generate them anyway. – Eelvex – 2011-12-05T21:48:48.270

Yeah. You could try something like ((1024#16)#:digits){'0123456789abcdef' to get the numbers. – FUZxxl – 2011-12-05T21:56:11.970

This is a good function for number conversion: '0123456789abcdef'{~]#:~16#~[ x is number of digits, y is number to convert. – FUZxxl – 2011-12-05T22:08:49.727

1BTW, I found out that there is the verb hfd to convert numbers to hexadecimal. – FUZxxl – 2011-12-06T13:52:22.857

Ooh hfd! That's nice, thanks! – Eelvex – 2011-12-06T15:52:47.677


JavaScript, 536

(Linebreaks and indentation for legibility only)

var d='0123456789abcdef',p='',o='',l=3e3,c=0,e='length';d=d+d;
function $(n,r){return n[e]<=r?0:d.indexOf(n[r])}
function g(a,b){for(i=0,t='',s=16;i<l;i++,t+=d[~~(s/b)],s=(s%b)*16);
for(;a--;t=_(t,t,1));return t}
function _(a,b,s){for(i=(a[e]>b[e]?a[e]:b[e])-1,r='',c=0;i>=0;r=(s?
  function(k){c=k>15;return d[k]}($(a,i)+$(b,i)+c):
  function(k){c=k<0;return d[k+16]}($(a,i)-$(b,i)-c))+r,i--);return r}

It takes about 25 seconds, on Google Chrome 14 on my lap-top using Intel i5 core. Can someone else golf this code? I can't golf well.. :(

Below is non-golfed. I just remove all comments and changed for loop to golfing.

Don't mention about for(;s>=b;s-=b);s*=16;. I changed it to s=(s%b)*16. :P

Calculate PI-3 to 3000 (3e3) digits.
a : a
b : b
c : carry
d : digits
e : length
f : get from d
g : calculate (2^a)/b.
i,j, : for looping
l : length to calculate
p : pi
r,t : return value
var d='0123456789abcdef',p='',o='',l=3e3,c=0,e='length';
d=d+d;//for carring

function $(n,r){return n[e]<=r?0:d.indexOf(n[r])}
Calculate (2^a)/b. Assume that 2^a < b.
function g(a,b){
    for(;a--;t=_(t,t,1));return t}
Calculate a±b. (+ when s=1, - when s=0) When calculating minus, assume that 1>b>a>0.
function _(a,b,s){
        r=(s?function(k){c=k>15;return d[k]}($(a,i)+$(b,i)+c):
            function(k){c=k<0;return d[k+16]}($(a,i)-$(b,i)-c))+r,i--);return r;
Using BBP formula. Calc when j=0...
4/1 - 2/4 - 1/5 - 1/6 = 3.22222222.... (b16)
//Calc when j>0

EDIT : Removed totally unused function. (Why did I keep that? :/ )

PS. First 100 digits of PI



Posted 2011-03-11T16:42:12.340

Reputation: 3 264

d='0123456789abcdef',l=3e3,p=Array(l+1).join(2),o='',c=0,e='length';d+=d;function _(a,b,s){for(i=(a[e]>b[e]?a[e]:b[e])-1,r='',c=0;i+1;r=d[Z=F(b,i,1)+c,k=F(a,i,1)+(s?Z:16-Z),c=s?k>15:k<16,k]+r,i--);return r}function F(a,b,f){if(f)f=a[e]>b?d.indexOf(a[b]):0;else{for(i=0,f='',s=16;i++<l;f+=d[~~(s/b)],s=(s%b)*16);while(a--)f=_(f,f,1)}return f}for(j=0;++j<l;p=_(p,(o+='0')+_(_(_(F(2,z=8*j+1),F(1,z+3)),F(0,z+4)),F(0,z+5)),1));console.log(p.slice(1024,2048)) – Peter Taylor – 2012-05-14T15:03:54.693

That's really all micro-optimisations, although some of them look quite large. The biggest saving comes from eliminating the two anonymous functions in the middle of _ in favour of the , operator. The trickiest one is the merging of $ and g into one function, with an optional argument to select between them. function and return are both quite expensive, so an if(f)...else and a couple of ,1 is a reasonable tradeoff. – Peter Taylor – 2012-05-14T15:09:37.450

@FUZxxl : Was the non-golfed code not enough? ..:( – JiminP – 2011-07-07T17:29:29.227

It was indeed. But IMHO it looks better, if you use the code formatting instead of using the backtick syntax. As I wrote, feel free to revert if you dislike. – FUZxxl – 2011-07-07T17:36:01.047


PHP 116 114 bytes


This solution calculates all of pi up to 2048 hex digits, four hex digits at a time, and outputs the last half of them. Execution time is less than 5 seconds. The formula used for the calculation is the following:

pi = 2 + 1/3*(2 + 2/5*(2 + 3/7*(2 + 4/9*(2 + 5/11*(2 + 6/13*(2 + 7/15*(2 + ... )))))))

The precision is obtained storing the remainders in an array, and continuing each of the 2^14 divisions incrementally.

Python 64 bytes


Same method as above. Runs in about 0.2s.

Or as a one-liner in 73 bytes:

print('%x'%reduce(lambda x,p:p/2*x/p+2*2**8192,range(16387,1,-2)))[1025:]


Posted 2011-03-11T16:42:12.340

Reputation: 30 891


PARI/GP-2.4, 141


Using the Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula (of course).

Runs in well under a minute.


Posted 2011-03-11T16:42:12.340

Reputation: 5 204


C code:

long ki,k,e,d=1024;
int  dig,tD=0,c,Co=0,j,js[4]  ={1,4,5,6};
double res=0.0,tres=0.0,gT,ans[4] ={0.0};
while(tD < 1024)
{while(Co<4){ j= js[Co],gT=0.0,ki= 0;
 for(; ki < d+1;ki++){ k = 8*ki+j,e= d-ki,c=1; while(e--) c = 16*c % k; gT+=((double)(c)/(double)k);}
 ans[Co] = (gT - (int)gT),++Co;}
 double gA = 4*ans[0]-2*ans[1]-ans[2]-ans[3];
 gA = (gA<0) ? gA + -1*(int)gA +1 : gA -(int)gA;
 dig=0;while(dig++ < 6 && tD++ < 1024) gA *=16, printf("%X",gA),gA -= (int)gA;
 d+=6,Co = 0;}

runtime = 8.06 seconds on a intel Quad core


Posted 2011-03-11T16:42:12.340

Reputation: 39

This is code golf. Try to compress your code as much as possible by using short variable names and avoiding whitespace. For instance, you could save a lot of chars by using printf("%X",(int)gA) instead of that long list. – FUZxxl – 2011-06-30T17:13:44.317


PARI/GP - 40 bytes

This version 'cheats' by using \x to display the hexadecimal digits of the result.


This version takes 87 bytes to convert to hexadecimal in the usual way.


Both versions run in a small fraction of a second.


Posted 2011-03-11T16:42:12.340

Reputation: 2 435


Perl - 59

use ntheory"Pi";say substr int(Pi(3000)<<8192)->as_hex,1027

Less than 0.1s.


Posted 2011-03-11T16:42:12.340

Reputation: 466


Shell 68

tools: bc -l, tr, cut

echo "scale=2468;obase=16;4*a(1)"|bc -l|tr -d '\\\n'|cut -c1027-2051

Shell 64, tools: bc -l, tr, tail, differs in the rounding of the last place

echo "scale=2466;obase=16;4*a(1)"|bc -l|tr -d '\\\n'|tail -c1024

Might be considered cheating, since the knowledge how to compute PI is in 4*a(1), and that 1 have to use scale=2466 was iteratively investigated.

Thanks to breadbox for the idea to use cut.

user unknown

Posted 2011-03-11T16:42:12.340

Reputation: 4 210

I don't see how it could be considered cheating; the digits are computed at runtime. Although I should note that when I run it, it output differs on the last digit (7 instead of A). BTW, I think you can replace the dd command with tail -c1024 to save a few chars. – breadbox – 2012-05-12T22:17:24.263

Yes, I observed the difference too (and spend half an hour on it :) ). If I tell bc to use a scale of x digits, it rounds to that digit in decimal mode, and does hex conversion afterwards. So if I take one more digit, it produces a 69, not a 7. However - rounding style or truncation wasn't specified in the question. And thanks for the tail idea. :) – user unknown – 2012-05-12T22:28:31.763

The question specifies: terminate and produce an output identically to what is specified. – FUZxxl – 2012-05-13T10:59:08.893

@FUZxxl: "should...", not "must..." - I thought it should be a help to check, whether the hex conversion is doing well, and the count of characters to skip, not as part of the specification, to conform to the last digit of 1024. But I gave in and added 16 chars to replace one. – user unknown – 2012-05-13T11:19:42.223


Given that the sentence starts with the word "Formally", I would agree that the OP probably meant it in the RFC sense of the word. Also, you can still improve your new solution by replacing the use of dd with cut -c1027-2051. (The shell has many tools for manipulating text streams.)

– breadbox – 2012-05-13T18:31:34.480

@breadbox: Thanks, integrated cut. – user unknown – 2012-05-13T19:23:39.933

I actually meant to imply that producing the exact output is a requirement for each correct solution. Sorry for being ambiguously. As breadbox said, one could probably say that I said “formally,“ yet the RFC referenced just says “SHOULD This word (...) [means] that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a particular item, but the full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before choosing a different course.” Printing a different number surely has a certain implication that must be understood – the answer is not valid. – FUZxxl – 2012-05-14T20:23:38.290