Rational Polynomial Interpolation




In this task you'll be given a set of N points (x1,y1),…,(xN,yN) with distinct xi values and your task is to interpolate a polynomial through these points. If you know what Lagrange interpolation is you can skip this section.

The goal of a polynomial interpolation is to construct the (unique) polynomial p(x) with degree N-1 (for higher degrees there are infinite solutions) for which p(xi) = yi for all i = 1…N. One way to do so is to construct N Lagrange basis polynomials and form a linear combination. Such a basis polynomial is defined as follows:

                          l_i(x) := \cfrac{x-x_1}{x_i-x_1}\cdots\cfrac{x-x_{i-1}}{x_i-x_{i-1}}\cdot\cfrac{x-x_{i+1}}{x_i-x_{i+1}}\cdots\cfrac{x-x_N}{x_i-x_N}

As you can see if you evaluate li at the points x1,…,xi-1 ,xi+1,… ,xN it is 0 by construction and 1 for xi, multiplying by yi will only change the value at xi and set it to yi. Now having N such polynomials that are 0 in every point except one we can simply add them up and get the desired result. So the final solution would be:

                                                        p(x) = \overset{N}{\underset{i=1}{\sum}} y_i \cdot l_i(x)


  • the input will consist of N data points in any reasonable format (list of tuples, Points, a set etc.)
  • the coordinates will all be of integer value
  • the output will be a polynomial in any reasonable format: list of coefficients, Polynomial object etc.
  • the output has to be exact - meaning that some solutions will have rational coefficients
  • formatting doesn't matter (2/2 instead of 1 or 1 % 2 for 1/2 etc.) as long as it's reasonable
  • you won't have to handle invalid inputs (for example empty inputs or input where x coordinates are repeated)


These examples list the coefficients in decreasing order (for example [1,0,0] corresponds to the polynomial x2):

[(0,42)] -> [42]
[(0,3),(-18,9),(0,17)] -> undefined (you don't have to handle such cases)
[(-1,1),(0,0),(1,1)] -> [1,0,0]
[(101,-42),(0,12),(-84,3),(1,12)] -> [-4911/222351500, -10116/3269875, 692799/222351500, 12]


Posted 2017-12-21T12:00:58.353

Reputation: 15 345

Relevant, relevant and relevant – ბიმო – 2017-12-21T12:01:05.863



Pari/GP, 14 bytes


Takes two lists [x1, ..., xn] and [y1, ..., yn] as input. Outputs a polynomial.

Try it online!

Pari/GP, 37 bytes, without built-in


Takes two lists [x1, ..., xn] and [y1, ..., yn] as input. Outputs a list of coefficients.

Try it online!


Posted 2017-12-21T12:00:58.353

Reputation: 23 988


Enlist, 25 bytes


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Monadic link takes an array of length 2 (e.g., [[101,0,-84,1],[-42,12,3,12]]) as input. The first element of the array is list of x value, the second is list of y value. Output as list of coefficient in increasing degree.

Because @HyperNeutrino forgot to wrap numbers in rational wrapper if it is evaluated in list, (Try it online!) the argument must be hardcoded in the code.

The is necessary because HyperNeutrino make some mistake in implementing · I don't know (or is this a feature? Not sure)

Equivalent Mathematica code:

Expand[ Table[
 Times @@ ((z - #)/(xi - #) & /@ DeleteCases[x, xi])
 , {xi, x}] . y]

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where x and y are list of coordinates. This prints the polynomial.

What Enlist have for this challenge:

  • Built in rational number support
  • Convolution æc (my feature request)


Posted 2017-12-21T12:00:58.353

Reputation: 14 620


If you need a rational number version of Jelly, M might be worth a shot

– caird coinheringaahing – 2017-12-23T00:47:41.680