Find the BCD difference of a number



BCD difference

Given an integer n, convert it to BCD (binary-coded decimal) by replacing each decimal digit with its 4-digit binary representation

 234 -> 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0

Then rotate the list of binary digits in order to find the largest and smallest numbers, representable by this list without other rearrangements.

max: 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0  (the entire list rotated left 6 times)
min: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 (the entire list rotated right 2 times)

Convert these numbers back to decimal, treating the list of bits as regular binary and subtract the smallest from the largest:

1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -> 3336
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 -> 141

3336 - 141 -> 3195

The output is the difference of the largest and smallest numbers found.

Test cases:

234 -> 3195
1234 -> 52155
12 -> 135
975831 -> 14996295
4390742 -> 235954919
9752348061 -> 1002931578825

Galen Ivanov

Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 13 815



Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 89 88 bytes

Thanks to Jenny_mathy for saving 1 byte.


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This is terribly inefficient, because it generates n rotations of the BCD of n, which is way more than we need. We can make this is a bit more efficient by saving the result of the Join@@ in k and replacing the # at the end with Length@k. That lets us generate a scatterplot quite easily:

enter image description here

I'm really intrigued by the contrast of local structure and overall chaos.

Martin Ender

Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 184 808

Max@#-Min@#& saves a byte. right? – J42161217 – 2017-11-16T12:32:45.410

@Jenny_mathy Yeah, thanks! :) – Martin Ender – 2017-11-16T12:33:28.673

1I made this from our solutions Max@#-Min@#&[#~FromDigits~2&/@Partition[s=Join@@(i=IntegerDigits)[i@#,2,4],Tr[1^s],1,1]]& 89 bytes AND efficient. damn that byte! – J42161217 – 2017-11-16T13:00:46.110

Actually the plot is a repeated patern.Those "chaotic clouds" happen every 10^n (the plot "jumps" and create a new one): 1-9,10-99,100-999... here are some different zooms:

– J42161217 – 2017-11-16T17:27:12.093

@Jenny_mathy sure, but the structure within these intervals appears very chaotic (with structures only at much smaller scales). – Martin Ender – 2017-11-16T17:33:13.197

It's like throwing a rubber crazy ball in a room and taking snapshots: (1 per sec)(10/0.1sec)(100/0.01sec).All those groups depict 1 sec. The last group has just more data.But it is the same chaotic phenomenon in all scales... I think ;-) – J42161217 – 2017-11-16T17:48:09.937


Jelly, 13 bytes


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How it works

Dd4d2FṙJ$ḄṢIS  Main link. Argument: n

D              Decimal; convert n to base 10 (digit array).
 d4            Divmod 4; map each digit d to [d/4, d%4].
   d2          Divmod 2; map each [d/4, d%4] to [[d/8, d/4%2], [d%4/2, d%2]].
     F         Flatten the resulting 3D binary array.
      ṙJ$      Take all possible rotations.
         Ḅ     Convert each rotation from binary to integer.
          Ṣ    Sort the resulting integer array.
           I   Take the forward differences.
            S  Take the sum.


Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 196 637


Python 3, 115 108 bytes

thanks to Jonathan Frech for -7 bytes

k=''.join(f'{int(i):04b}'for i in input())
v=[int(k[i:]+k[:i],2)for i in range(len(k))]

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Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 21 408


PowerShell, 153 bytes


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Stupid lengthy .NET calls to convert to/from binary really bloats the length here. ;-)

We take input as $args, wrap it in a string, then cast it as a char-array. We loop over each digit, converting the digit toString in base 2 (i.e., turning the digit into a binary number), then .padLeft to make it a four-digit binary number. That resulting array of strings is then -joined into a single string and re-cast as a char-array before being saved into $b.

Next, we loop over $b, which just makes sure we loop enough times to account for every rotation. Each iteration, we peel off the first character into $x and the remaining characters into $y using multiple assignment. Then, we merge them back together into $b=$y+$x to move the first element to the end, i.e., effectively rotating the array by one. That's -joined into a string, which is used as the input to the convert call to turn the string from binary base 2 into an Int64. We then sort all of those resultant numbers and store them into $c. Finally, we take the biggest [-1] and subtract the smallest [0]. That's left on the pipeline and output is implicit.


Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 41 581


Ohm v2, 15 bytes

€b4Ü. 0\;Jγó↕]a

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€b4Ü. 0\;Jγó↕]a  Main wire, arguments: a (integer)

€       ;        Map the following over each digit of a...
 b                 Convert to binary
  4Ü               Right-justify w/ spaces to length 4
    . 0\           Replace all spaces with zeroes
         J       Join together binary digits
          γó     Get all possible rotations and convert back to decimal
            ↕    Find the minimum *and* maximum rotation
             ]a  Flatten onto stack and get the absolute difference

Nick Clifford

Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 1 184


JavaScript (ES6), 118 100 99 bytes

<input type=number min=0 oninput=o.textContent=f(this.value)><pre id=o>

Edit: Saved 11 bytes thanks to @RickHitchcock. Saved 1 byte thanks to @ETHproductions. Explanation: The 0x1 prefix causes the input to get reparsed as a hexadecimal number, whose binary is the same as the BCD of the original number with a 1 prefix (I think this is golfier than any other way of padding to a multiple of 4 digits). Excluding the prefix, which is changed from 1 to 0, the resulting string is then rotated at each possible position and converted from binary back to decimal. Finally the maximum and minimum are subtracted.


Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 95 035

1@RickHitchcock Wrap the string in double backticks... unless you want to write something like .join`` in which case you need triple backticks etc. – Neil – 2017-11-15T22:40:24.120

Good idea to use hexadecimal. Save 11 bytes like this: n=>(g=m=>Math[m](...[...s=(+`0x1${n}`).toString(2).slice(1)]‌​.map(_=>`0b${s=s.sli‌​ce(1)+s[0]}`)))`max`‌​-g`min` – Rick Hitchcock – 2017-11-15T22:44:00.500

1@RickHitchcock Thanks, that helped me... slice... off another 7 bytes by removing another slice too! – Neil – 2017-11-15T22:48:23.657

1The m=>Math[m] trick is great. Perhaps change (+`0x1${n}`) to ('0x1'+n-0) or similar? – ETHproductions – 2017-11-16T03:47:03.747


Python 2, 115 113 bytes

  • Saved some bytes thanks to ovs.
  • Saved two bytes thanks to Mr. Xcoder.
b="".join(format(int(n),"04b")for n in`input()`)
b=[int(b[s:]+b[:s],2)for s in range(len(b))]
print max(b)-min(b)

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Jonathan Frech

Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 6 681


Pyth, 29 bytes


Try it here! or Check out the test suite.

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 39 774

-3 or -5 bytes – Steven H. – 2017-11-16T23:45:16.903


Husk, 18 bytes


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There should be a shorter way to convert a digit into its 4-bit binary representation...


                 d    Get the list of digits of the input
          ṁȯ          For each digit...
              +16      add 16
             ḋ         convert to binary
            t          drop the first digit
       MṙN            Rotate the list by all possible (infinite) numbers
      U               Get all rotations before the first duplicated one
    mḋ                Convert each rotation from binary to int
§-▼▲                  Subtract the minimum from the maximum value


Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 8 482


APL (Dyalog), 37 34 bytes


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Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 11 708


APL (Dyalog), 31 bytes

Full program body. Prompts for number from STDIN. Prints result to STDOUT.


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 prompt for line of text from STDIN

⍎¨ execute (evaluate) each (character)

()⊤ encode (anti-base) in the following number system:

4/2 four binary bits


, ravel (flatten)

b← store in b (for binary)

 enclose (so that we will use this entire list for each rotation)

()⌽¨ rotate (left) by each of the following amounts:

≢b length of b

indices of that

2⊥¨ decode each from base-2.

() apply the following tacit function to that

⌈/ the max(-reduction)

- minus

⌊/ the min(-reduction)


Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 37 779

you could easily trainify this bit: (⍳≢b)⌽¨⊂b← – ngn – 2017-11-18T18:59:40.670

or even better - use (≢,/,⍨) instead of the obvious (⍳∘≢⌽¨⊂) – ngn – 2017-11-18T19:10:22.583


Jelly, 21 bytes


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Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 26 575


Mathematica, 110 99 bytes


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Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 15 931


Retina, 96 89 bytes



Try it online! Somewhat slow, so link only includes a small test case. Edit: Saved 7 bytes thanks to @MartinEnder. Explanation:


Prefix three @s to each digit. (These represent the 0s of the BCD, but are golfier.)


Change the @s to _s (representing the 1s of the BCD) where appropriate.


Fix up the last digit of the BCD.


Generate all of the rotations.


Sort them into ascending order.


Convert them to unary.



Subtract the first from the last number, ignoring intermediate numbers, and convert to decimal.


Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 95 035

There's no need to use % for the binary to unary conversion and you can save a few more bytes by using other characters than 0 and 1 for binary:

– Martin Ender – 2017-11-16T21:41:35.223

@MartinEnder Oh, I think that dated from when I was trying and failing to use one of your binary conversion routines... – Neil – 2017-11-16T22:11:13.350


Ruby, 96 91 bytes

->n{r=""{|d|r="%04b"%d+r}{(r=r[1..-1]+r[0]).to_i 2}

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  • Saved 5 bytes thanks to displayname

Reinstate Monica -- notmaynard

Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 1 053

->n{r=""{|d|r="%04b"%d+r}{(r=r[1..-1]+r[0]).to_i 2} s.max-s.min} should be 91 bytes – displayname – 2017-11-15T22:50:12.267

@displayname Ha, yeah, you're right. Thank you – Reinstate Monica -- notmaynard – 2017-11-15T22:55:31.347


PHP, 156 153 bytes

<?foreach(str_split($argv[1])as$n)$s.=str_pad(decbin($n),4,0,0);for(;$i<$a=strlen($s);)$r[]=bindec(substr($s,$i).substr($s,0,$i++));echo max($r)-min($r);

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Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 974


Python 3, 141 bytes

def f(a):a=''.join([format(int(i),'#010b')[-4:]for i in str(a)]);b=[int(''.join(a[-i:]+a[:-i]),2)for i in range(len(a))];return max(b)-min(b)

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Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 535


Haskell, 130 bytes

f x=max#x-min#x
f#x|s<-show x=r((+).(2*)).r f.take(sum$4<$s).iterate(drop<>take$1)$do d<-s;mapM(pure[0,1])[1..4]!!read[d]

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Explanation / Ungolfed

Since we're going to use foldl1((+).(2*)) to convert from binary to decimal, we might as well not use maximum and minimum but rather foldl1 max (or same with min respectively) and use a short r = foldr1.

Now, let us define an operator f#x which converts x to BCD, generates all rotations, reduce these using f and convert it to decimal:

f # xs
  | s <- show xs
  = foldr1 ((+).(2*))                             -- convert from binary to decimal
  . foldr1 f                                      -- reduce by either max or min
  . take (4 * length s)                           -- only keep 4*length s (ie. all "distinct" rotations)
  . iterate (drop<>take $ 1)                      -- generate infinite list of rotations
  $ do d<-s; mapM (pure[0,1]) [1..4] !! read [d]  -- convert to BCD

Now it's only a matter of using this operator once with max and once with min and subtracting their results:

f x = max#x - min#x


Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 15 345


Japt -x, 20 bytes

®¤ùT4쬣ZéY ì2Ãn äa

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Input as an array of digits.


®¤                      #Map each digit to base 2
  ùT4Ã                  #Pad each one to 4 places
      ¬                 #Join them to a single binary string
       ¬                #Split them to an array of single characters
        £      Ã        #For each index Y in that array:
         ZéY            # Get the array rotated Y times
             ì2         # Convert the array from binary to decimal
                n       #Sort the results
                  äa    #Get the absolute difference between each element
                        #Implicitly output the sum

Kamil Drakari

Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 3 461

1You can use the -x flag to save 2 bytes. – Oliver – 2018-12-14T00:23:34.987

120 bytes. – Oliver – 2018-12-17T20:27:27.767


Perl 5, 97 91 89 + 2 (-F) = 99 93 91 bytes


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Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 7 671


Pyth, 24/26 bytes


Takes input as a quoted string. 26 bytes if it needs to take input as an integer; append dz in that case.

Test Cases (input as strings, 24 bytes)

Test Cases (input as numbers, 26 bytes)

Steven H.

Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 2 841


J, 43 bytes

3 :'(>./-<./)#.(i.@#|."0 1]),}.#:8,"."0":y'

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Sometimes tacit style makes things difficult. But there's probably a way to do it tacit style that's a lot more concise than this. I think I remember a better way to split a number to digits other than "."0@": but I can't seem to recall it...


3 :'(>./-<./)#.(i.@#|."0 1]),}.#:8,"."0":y'
                                         y  the input (integer)
                                       ":   convert to string
                                   "."0     evaluate each char (split to digits)
                                 8,         prepend 8
                               #:           debase 2
                             }.             behead (remove the 8)
                            ,               ravel (flatten)
               (i.@#|."0 1])                create a list of rotations
                    |.    ]                   rotate the list
                      "0 1                    for each number on the left
                i.@#                          range 0 ... length - 1
             #.                             convert rotations back to base 10
    (>./-<./)                               max minus min

The prepending and removing 8 is to ensure that the right number of zeroes are present (J will reshape its arrays to be the size of their maximum length element, and 8 is 4 digits in binary so it is used).


Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 3 526


APL(NARS), 34 chars, 68 bytes


some little test:

  h 9752348061
  h 0


Posted 2017-11-15T15:31:51.847

Reputation: 3 036