Output an Anagram! No Not That One!



Given a list of unique strings that are anagrams of each other, output an anagram of those words that is different from each word in the list.

The strings will be alphanumeric, and there is guaranteed to be a valid anagram.

The program or function can, but doesn't have to be non-deterministic, meaning given the same input, multiple running a of the code can yield different outputs, as long as every possible output is a valid one.

Test Cases

[Input] -> Possible output
[ab] -> ba
[aba, aab] -> baa
[123, 132, 231, 312, 321] -> 213
[hq999, 9h9q9, 9qh99] -> 999hq
[abcde123, ab3e1cd2, 321edbac, bcda1e23] -> ba213ecd


Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 2 907



Python 3, 64 bytes

lambda a:[*{*permutations(a[0])}-{*a}][0]
from itertools import*

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Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 39 774

4But is itertools ever the answer? – MildlyMilquetoast – 2017-11-14T06:44:07.353

@MistahFiggins Nominated

– Mr. Xcoder – 2017-11-14T09:46:02.523

@Mr.Xcoder before 22 July 2015 – Stan Strum – 2017-11-14T15:24:20.377

@StanStrum I just mentioned it, I am aware of that restriction. As Stewie said...

– Mr. Xcoder – 2017-11-14T15:25:09.230

@Mr.Xcoder didn’t see that, cool! – Stan Strum – 2017-11-14T15:25:52.853

If there a reason the import is after the lambda? – jpmc26 – 2017-11-14T21:26:00.940

1@jpmc26 Yes, this way you can put f=\ in the Try it Online header and leave the function anonymous, while not affecting the automatic TiO byte counter – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-11-14T21:27:06.517

Nifty. Thanks for answering. – jpmc26 – 2017-11-14T21:37:28.170

Great submission. I'd be interested to know if there's a shorter non-itertools solution. random string generation or sort with a random key would all be longer than your code. – Eric Duminil – 2017-11-15T12:33:31.063


05AB1E, 5 bytes


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н     // Get the first element of the input list
 œ    // Generate all permutations
  ¹   // Push the input again
   м  // In the permutations list, replace all strings that
      //   are in the input list with empty strings
    à // Pick the string with the greatest lexicographic
      //   index (in this case a non-empty string)


Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410



Pyth, 5 bytes


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    h    First string in [the input]
  .p     All permutations
 -       Remove those in [the input]
h        First element.


Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 4 011


Jelly, 6 bytes


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1 byte more than the 05AB1E and the Pyth answer.


XŒ!ḟµḢ   Main program.
 Œ!      All permutation of...
X        any element from the word list.
   ḟ     Filter out (remove) all the elements in the original word list.
    µ    With the filtered-out list,
     Ḣ   pick the first element.

I chosen X because it is the shortest way I know to pick any element from the list without altering the list ( and doesn't work, ḷ/ and ṛ/ is longer), and it happens to cause some randomness.

The µ here is pretty redundant, but without it, the would be paired with the , and it is interpreted as "filter out the head of the input", which is not what I need here (what I need is "filter out the input, and get the head").


Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 14 620


Haskell, 58 bytes

-1 byte and a fix thanks to Laikoni.

import Data.List
f l=[i|i<-permutations$l!!0,all(/=i)l]!!0

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It's probably not worth importing Data.List for permutations but eh.


Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 15 378

1You can save a byte with notElem. i would be surprised if someone finds a permutation function which beats the import, my shortest approach is 60 bytes vs. the 29 bytes of the import. – Laikoni – 2017-11-14T12:54:53.293

1Here is a 43 bytes permutation function, but only for duplicate free lists. – Laikoni – 2017-11-14T12:57:17.907

1Also your solution is currently not working because $ is missing before l!!0. – Laikoni – 2017-11-14T12:59:18.113


Javascript, 118 Bytes

function f(a){s=a[0];while(a.indexOf(s)!=-1)s=s.split("").sort(function(){return .5-Math.random()).join("")};return s}

uses a bad randomizer to iterate over each "random" permutation.

Probably provably wrong but afaik the bad randomizer just means we wont get true randomness, but will still get every permutation.

Seems to work on all cases in chrome for me but apparently due to undefined behaviour in this sort abuse, it can not work in some browsers.

(Probably very ungolfed feel free to improve it in your own solutions)

80 bytes

Thanks to pirateBay's comment -a lot of bytes

-4 bytes thanks to Rick



Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 41

FYI arrow functions are allowed (for example a=>b instead of function(a){return b}). It saves a lot of bytes. – None – 2017-11-14T15:24:43.523

Wow... that'll save quite a few bytes. – Imme – 2017-11-14T15:49:31.283

s.split("") can be [...s]. Also join("") can be `join``` – Rick Hitchcock – 2017-11-14T16:05:42.880

@ThePirateBay i was afraid that would be the case, but why is that? (im aware that sort is not fully random,but all sequences SHOULD be possible) – Imme – 2017-11-14T16:12:32.320

@Imme. Here is 87 bytes working version. Notice that your sort function never returns 0 (or at least extremely rare), that's why it didn't work.

– None – 2017-11-14T16:18:40.107

@ThePirateBay Im going with extremely rare. You should post that as your own, quite different from mine already. I'll recheck and mark it wrong in a few hours. – Imme – 2017-11-14T16:24:19.127


Ruby, 46 bytes


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Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 11 099


Brachylog, 7 bytes


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hp.        The Output is a permutation of the first element of the Input
  .¬∈?     The Output is not a member of the Input
      ∧    (Disable implicit Input = Output)


Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 32 976


Japt, 7 6 bytes

-1 byte thanks to @Shaggy

á kN ö

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Takes input strings as several inputs instead of as an array. Outputs a random permutation; switch ö to g to get the first one instead.


á kN ö  Implicit input: N = array of input strings
á       Get all permutations of the first input string
  kN    Remove all input strings from those
     ö  Get a random element from the array. Implicit output

Justin Mariner

Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 4 746

Nuts, you beat me to it. You could take input as individual strings and save a byte with á kN ö. – Shaggy – 2017-11-14T14:50:55.017

@Shaggy That's a great way to get the first input item, I'll have to remember that. Thanks! – Justin Mariner – 2017-11-14T18:43:15.120


Mathematica, 57 bytes



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Mathematica, 56 bytes



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Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 15 931


Python 3, 78 bytes

lambda a:[x for x in permutations(a[0])if~-(x in a)][0]
from itertools import*

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-1 byte thanks to Mr. Xcoder


Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 26 575

if x not in a is if~-(x in a) for 178 – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-11-14T05:14:35.300

@Mr.Xcoder. You mean 78, right? – None – 2017-11-14T05:22:03.537

@ThePirateBay Yes, I do... Whoops! – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-11-14T05:22:34.507


How about 66 bytes?

– NieDzejkob – 2017-11-14T12:58:18.317

1@NieDzejkob That's impressively shorter. You should post your own if you want – HyperNeutrino – 2017-11-14T12:59:25.147

@HyperNeutrino that's a simple golf based on your answer, but now I noticed that Mr. Xcoder's answer uses the same trick, but with [*s][0] instead of (s).pop()for 64 bytes. – NieDzejkob – 2017-11-14T13:01:43.653

@NieDzejkob oh yeah, I see it there now. Yeah, I'll keep mine in its current state because I don't really need to golf it down any further (and it would pretty much just be his version :P) – HyperNeutrino – 2017-11-14T13:03:55.373


MATL, 15, 13, 12 bytes


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Saved 2 bytes thanks to Sanchises. setdiff(...,'rows') is shorter than negating ismember(...,'rows') and it avoids one duplication. Saved another byte thanks to Luis Mendo, by switching to cells instead of arrays.


The MATLAB / Octave equivalents are also included.

                 % Implicitly grab input x containing cells of strings
1X)              % Get first cell. Equivalent to x{1}
   Y@            % All permutations of first row input. Equivalent to p=perms(y)
      Z{         % Convert the list of permutations to a cell array
        G        % Grab input again      
         X-      % setdiff, comparing the input cells with the permutations
           1)    % The first of the results

Input must be one the format {'abc', 'acb'}.

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 43 471


Pip, 11 bytes


Takes the inputs as command-line arguments. Try it online!


          a  1st cmdline arg
        PM   List of all permutations
      FI     Filter on this function:
  _NIg         Permutation not in cmdline args
@:           First element of resulting list (with : meta-operator to lower precedence)


Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 21 213


Python 3, 87 bytes

I believe this is the only submission so far that uses neither a permutation builtin nor random shuffle/sort. Even though it's longer, I think the algorithm is pretty neat.

lambda L:[p for s in L for i,c in enumerate(s)for p in[c+s[:i]+s[i+1:]]if~-(p in L)][0]

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What we're doing is basically this:

def unique_anagram(string_list):
    for string in string_list:
        for i, char in enumerate(string):
            # Move the character to the beginning of the string
            permutation = char + string[:i] + string[i+1:]
            if permutation not in string_list:
                return permutation

Here's a proof that it works:

For a string S, define front(S) as the set of strings obtained by choosing one character from S and moving it to the front of S. For example, front(ABCDE) is {ABCDE, BACDE, CABDE, DABCE, EABCD}.

Now consider a list of anagrams L, such that L does not contain every possible anagram (as per the problem description). We wish to show that there exists a string S in L such that front(S) contains at least one anagram S' that is not in L.

Suppose, by way of contradiction, that for every string S in L, every string in front(S) is also in L. Observe that we can generate an arbitrary permutation of any string via a series of "fronting" moves. For example, to get


we can do


We have assumed that for each S in L, every S' in front(S) is also in L. This also means that every S'' in front(S') is in L, and so forth. Therefore, if S is in L, every permutation of S is also in L. Then L must be a complete set of anagrams, a contradiction.

So, since we are guaranteed that there is at least one permutation not in L, there must exist a string S in L for which some S' in front(S) is not in L. QED.

The code iterates over front(S) for each S in L and selects an S' which is not in L. By the above result, there will be at least one S' that qualifies.


Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 21 213


C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler), 116 96 bytes

s=>{for(var g="";;)if(s.All(z=>z!=(g=string.Concat(s[0].OrderBy(t=>Guid.NewGuid())))))return g;}

My golfing skills have certainly gotten better since when I first posted this!

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Embodiment of Ignorance

Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 7 014


Husk, 6 bytes


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Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 39 774

It doesn't look like this works for inputs greater than length 2?

– MildlyMilquetoast – 2017-11-14T06:48:20.077

@MistahFiggins You can't have spaces in the array literal: https://tio.run/##yygtzv7//1HbBN1HjRsCgDSQ@v//f7RSYlKyko5SYnISkExKTlSKBQA

– Martin Ender – 2017-11-14T07:35:40.617


JavaScript (ES7), 172 bytes


Find the first lexicographic permutation of the first element of the array that's not contained in the array.


Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 95 035


Kotlin, 104 bytes

{var r=""
do{r=it[0].map{it to Math.random()}.sortedBy{(_,b)->b}.fold("",{a,(f)->a+f})}while(r in it)


    var r = ""
    do {
        r = it[0].map { it to Math.random() }
            .sortedBy { (_, b) -> b }
            .fold("", { a, (f) -> a + f })
    } while (r in it)


var ana: (List<String>) -> String =
{var r=""
do{r=it[0].map{it to Math.random()}.sortedBy{(_,b)->b}.fold("",{a,(f)->a+f})}while(r in it)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {


Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 915


C++, 169 bytes

using S=std::string;S f(std::set<S>l){S s=*l.begin();for(;l.count(s);)std::next_permutation(s.begin(),s.end());return s;}

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Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 15 798


Scala, 50 bytes


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l(0)         // Take the first anagram
permutations // Built-in to get all permutations
toSet        // Convert to set, required for -- function
-- l         // Remove the original anagrams
head         // Take a random element from the set

Karl Bielefeldt

Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 111


R, 89 bytes


Repeatedly sample the letters from the first entry (as they should be anagrams of each other) and stop when one of those samples is not in the original list.

Andrew Haynes

Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 311

82 bytes – Giuseppe – 2017-12-11T21:28:29.807


PHP, 70 bytes


Run on a webserver, inputting 0 indexed get values or Try it online!


$j=1; //set truty value
    $g=str_shuffle($_GET[0]); //shuffle the first anagram of the set
    $j=in_array($g,$_GET); //see if in the set, if false, the loop ends
echo $g;


Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 131

Save two bytes with do{...}while($j); instead of $j=1;while($j){...}. Use in-place definition for $g to get rid of the braces (and save four bytes). – Titus – 2018-10-27T18:01:31.280


PHP, 58 55 bytes


non-deterministic; takes input from command line arguments

Run with php -r <code> follwed by space separated words or try it online.


Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 13 814


Attache, 16 bytes


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    {         }    lambda (input: `_`)
        _[0]       first element of the given array
       @           pass to:
     !                 on each permutation:
      S                cast to string
            Ø      without any member of
             _     the input
                   this gives all anagrams not in the input
   @               then
&\S                "first string element"
&                  spread input array over each individual arguments
 \                 tale first argument
  S                as a string


17 bytes: {&\S! !S@_[0]Ø_}

18 bytes: {&\S! !Id@_[0]Ø_}

19 bytes: {&\S!(!Id)@_[0]Ø_}

26 bytes: {&\S!Permutations@_[0]Ø_}

26 bytes: {&\S!Permutations[_@0]Ø_}

26 bytes: {(Permutations[_@0]Ø_)@0}

26 bytes: &\S##~`Ø#Permutations@&\S

27 bytes: Last@{Permutations[_@0]Ø_}

27 bytes: `@&0@{Permutations[_@0]Ø_}

28 bytes: Last##~`Ø#Permutations@&{_}

28 bytes: Last##~`Ø#Permutations@Last

28 bytes: First@{Permutations[_@0]Ø_}

30 bytes: {NestWhile[Shuffle,`in&_,_@0]}

33 bytes: {If[(q.=Shuffle[_@0])in _,$@_,q]}

33 bytes: {q.=Shuffle[_@0]If[q in _,$@_,q]}

34 bytes: {If[Has[_,q.=Shuffle[_@0]],$@_,q]}

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 36 228


J, 25 bytes


The input is a list of boxed strings - I felt it was fair like this and not to declare the lists of strings explicitly as 4 8$'abcde123', 'ab3e1cd2', '321edbac', 'bcda1e23'.

I don't like the @ mess in my code, but there are a lot of serialized verbs this time.

How it works:

                         >  - unboxes the strings
 (                 )        - left verb of the fork as follows:
             @{.@:>         - unbox and take the first string
  (         )               - finds all permutations of the first string
      i.@!@#                - a list 0 .. the factorial of the length of the 1st string
   A.~                      - anagram index, all permutations
                    {.@-.   - remove the inital strings and take the first of the remaining

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Galen Ivanov

Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 13 815


Taking input as a table, for 21 bytes: {.@(-.~i.@!@#@{.A.{.). Try it online!

– Jonah – 2017-11-15T02:30:51.017


05AB1E, 5 bytes


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нœIмà full program with implicit input i
н     push first element of i
 œ    push all permutations
  I   push input i
   м  remove all elements of i from the permutations
    à extract greatest element and print implicitly

Pretty much the same answer that @ThePirateBay found.


Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 81


JavaScript, 87 bytes


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This answer is based (although heavily modified) on Imme's answer. He suggested in a comment that this should be a different answer.

The problem with the old approach is because sort is completely implementation-dependent. The standard doesn't guarantee the order of calling the sort function, therefore theoretically it may never end for the first or the second test case.

This approach is few bytes longer, but it guarantee that it will finish in constrained time, even if Math.random never returns .5.


Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410



CJam, 11 bytes


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q~  e# Read input and evaluate: ["123" "132" "231" "312" "321"]
_   e# Duplicate:               ["123" "132" "231" "312" "321"] ["123" "132" "231" "312" "321"]
0=  e# First:                   ["123" "132" "231" "312" "321"] "123"
m!  e# Permutations:            ["123" "132" "231" "312" "321"] ["123" "132" "213" "231" "312" "321"]
\   e# Swap:                    ["123" "132" "213" "231" "312" "321"] ["123" "132" "231" "312" "321"]
m0  e# Subtract, push 0:        ["213"] 0
    e# (m is used instead of - when in front of a digit)
=   e# Get item:                "213"

Esolanging Fruit

Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 13 542

I think there might be a typo in your explanation - The answer that your code gives is different from what your explanation says – MildlyMilquetoast – 2017-11-15T19:08:37.407


Perl 6, 42 bytes


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Randomly shuffles the first string of the input until it is not an element of the input.


{                                      }   # Anonymous code block
 (                        ...    )   # Create a sequence
  .[0],   # The first element is the first element of the input
       *.comb.pick(*).join   # Each element is the previous one shuffled
                             *∉$_   # Until it is not in the input
                                  [*-1]   # Return the last element

Jo King

Posted 2017-11-14T03:24:11.410

Reputation: 38 234