Do we share the prime cluster?


The prime cluster of an integer N higher than 2 is defined as the pair formed by the highest prime strictly lower than N and the lowest prime strictly higher than N.

Note that following the definition above, if the integer is a prime itself, then its prime cluster is the pair of the primes preceding and succeeding it.


Given two integers integers N, M (N, M ≥ 3), output a truthy / falsy value based on whether N and M have the same prime cluster.

This is , so the aim is to reduce your byte count as much as possible. Thus, the shortest code in every programming language wins.

Test cases / Examples

For instance, the prime cluster of 9 is [7, 11], because:

  • 7 is the highest prime strictly lower than 9, and
  • 11 is the lowest prime strictly higher than 9.

Similarly, the the prime cluster of 67 is [61, 71] (note that 67 is a prime).

Truthy pairs

8, 10
20, 22
65, 65
73, 73
86, 84
326, 318
513, 518

Falsy pairs

4, 5
6, 8
409, 401
348, 347
419, 418
311, 313
326, 305

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2017-11-06T17:48:05.047

Reputation: 39 774

Do the truthy / falsy values have to be two distinct values or can one define a mapping from their program's output to a truthy / falsy value and output (potentially infinitely) many different values? – Jonathan Frech – 2017-11-07T22:53:46.813

@JonathanFrech Truthy/Falsy per [tag:decision-problem] definition, not necessarily consistent but distict and truthy/falsy – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-11-08T05:03:24.123



Jelly, 6 4 3 5 4 bytes


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How it works

rÆPE    Main link. Arguments: N, M
r       Yield the range of integers between N and M, inclusive.
 ÆP     For each integer, yield 1 if it is prime, 0 otherwise.
   E    Yield 1 if all items are equal (none in the range were prime,
        or there's only one item).

Works because two numbers have different prime clusters iff there is a prime between them, or either number is itself prime; unless both numbers are the same, in which case E returns 1 anyway (all items in a single-item array are equal).


Posted 2017-11-06T17:48:05.047

Reputation: 47 880

7Your programs source doesn’t look friendly... – Stan Strum – 2017-11-07T21:05:37.733


Python 3, 103 95 91 bytes

lambda*z:len({*z})<2or[1for i in range(min(z),max(z)+1)if all(i%k for k in range(2,i))]<[0]

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Halvard Hummel

Posted 2017-11-06T17:48:05.047

Reputation: 3 131


Perl 6, 52 bytes

{[eqv] @_».&{(($_...0),$_..*)».first(*.is-prime)}}

Test it


{  # bare block lambda with implicit slurpy input 「@_」

  [eqv]               # see if each sub list is equivalent

    @_».&{            # for each value in the input


        ( $_ ... 0 ), # decreasing Seq
          $_ ..  *    # Range

      )».first(*.is-prime) # find the first prime from both the Seq and Range


Brad Gilbert b2gills

Posted 2017-11-06T17:48:05.047

Reputation: 12 713


Ruby, 57 54 bytes


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Uses the horrible regex primality test from my answer (which I had forgotten about until I clicked on it) to the related question Is this number a prime?. Since we have N, M ≥ 3, the check for 1 can be removed from the pattern, making the byte count less than using the built-in.

Note: The regex primality test is pathologically, hilariously inefficient. I believe it's at least O(n!), though I don't have time to figure it right now. It took twelve seconds for it to check 100,001, and was grinding for five or ten minutes on 1,000,001 before I canceled it. Use/abuse at your own risk.

Reinstate Monica -- notmaynard

Posted 2017-11-06T17:48:05.047

Reputation: 1 053

1At that rate it is likely . You know, 100001! = 2824257650254427477772164512240315763832679701040485762827423875723843380680572028502730496931545301922349718873479336571104510933085749261906300669827923360329777024436472705878118321875571799283167659071802605510878659379955675120386166847407407122463765792082065493877636247683663198828626954833262077780844919163487776145463353109634071852657157707925315037717734498612061347682956332369235999129371094504360348686870713719732258380465223614176068 ... (Warning: The output exceeded 128 KiB and was truncated.) which will take millenia to run. – user202729 – 2017-11-07T01:10:03.033


Retina, 58 bytes



Try it online! Explanation:


If both inputs are the same, simply delete everything, and fall through to output 1 at the end.


Convert to unary.


Sort into order.


Expand to a range of all the numbers.


Delete all composite numbers.


If there are no numbers left, output 1, otherwise 0.


Posted 2017-11-06T17:48:05.047

Reputation: 95 035


C (gcc), 153 146 bytes

#define g(l,m,o)for(l=o;n(--l););for(m=o;n(++m););

-7 from Jonathan Frech

Defines a function h which takes in two ints and returns 1 for truthy and 0 for falsey

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n is a function that returns 1 if its argument is not prime.

g is a macro that sets its first and second arguments to the next prime less than and greater than (respectively) it's third argument

h does g for both inputs and checks whether the outputs are the same.


Posted 2017-11-06T17:48:05.047

Reputation: 3 174

return a==c&&b==d; can be return!(a-c|b-d);. – Jonathan Frech – 2017-11-06T21:46:57.320

146 bytes. – Jonathan Frech – 2017-11-06T21:53:05.060

@JonathanFrech Fixed the TIO link. – pizzapants184 – 2017-11-07T22:15:29.393


JavaScript (ES6), 57 56 bytes

Takes input in currying syntax (a)(b). Returns 0 or 1.


Test cases

let f =





a => b =>                 // given a and b
  a == b |                // if a equals b, force success right away
  !(g = k =>              // g = recursive function taking k
    a % --k ?             //   decrement k; if k doesn't divide a:
      g(k)                //     recursive calls until it does
    :                     //   else:
      k < 2 ||            //     if k = 1: a is prime -> return true (failure)
      a - b &&            //     if a equals b: neither the original input integers nor
                          //     any integer between them are prime -> return 0 (success)
      g(a += a < b || -1) //     else: recursive call with a moving towards b
  )(a)                    // initial call to g()


Posted 2017-11-06T17:48:05.047

Reputation: 111 334


R, 63 46 bytes

-17 by Giuseppe


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Pretty simple application of ETHProductions' Jelly solution. Main interesting takeaway is was that with R boolean vectors any(x)==all(x) is equivalent to min(x)==max(x).


Posted 2017-11-06T17:48:05.047

Reputation: 501

this tip for golfing in R is applicable here; and TIO has numbers installed instead – Giuseppe – 2017-11-07T15:05:41.083

Also, since min(x)==max(x) is equivalent to checking that all elements in is_prime(a:b) are equal, we can use this last trick to get it down to 46 bytes with either the primes or the numbers package.

– Giuseppe – 2017-11-07T15:08:45.730


PARI/GP, 28 bytes


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Returns 0 or 1 (usual PARI/GP "Boolean" values).


v must be a vector (or a column vector, or a list) with the two numbers N and M as coordinates. For example [8, 10]. Then s will be the "set" made from these numbers, which is either a one-coordinate vector (if N==M), or a two-coordinate vector with sorted entries otherwise.

Then if the number #s of coordinates in s is just one, we get 1 (truthy). Otherwise, primes will return a vector of all primes in the closed interval from s[1] to s[2]. Negation ! of that will give 1 if the vector is empty, while negation of a vector of one or more non-zero entries (here one or more primes) will give 0.

Jeppe Stig Nielsen

Posted 2017-11-06T17:48:05.047

Reputation: 602


Jelly, 6 bytes


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-2 thanks to Dennis.

Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2017-11-06T17:48:05.047

Reputation: 38 134


APL (Dyalog Unicode), 18+16 = 34 24 bytes

∧/=/4 ¯4∘.pco⎕

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Thanks to Adám for 10 bytes.

The line ⎕CY'dfns' (COPY) is needed to import the dfns (dynamic functions) collection, included with default Dyalog APL installs.

How it works:

∧/=/4 ¯4∘.pco⎕ ⍝ Main function. This is a tradfn body.
             ⎕ ⍝ The 'quad' takes the input (in this case, 2 integers separated by a comma.
          pco  ⍝ The 'p-colon' function, based on p: in J. Used to work with primes.
    4 ¯4∘.     ⍝ Applies 4pco (first prime greater than) and ¯4pco (first prime smaller than) to each argument.
  =/           ⍝ Compares the two items on each row
∧/             ⍝ Applies the logical AND between the results.
               ⍝ This yields 1 iff the prime clusters are equal.

J. Sallé

Posted 2017-11-06T17:48:05.047

Reputation: 3 233


Python 2, 87 86 bytes

lambda*v:v[0]==v[1]or{1}-{all(v%i for i in range(2,v))for v in range(min(v),max(v)+1)}

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Posted 2017-11-06T17:48:05.047

Reputation: 21 408

I like your set usage, even though it is not required for 87 bytes.

– Jonathan Frech – 2017-11-07T21:19:33.243

@JonathanFrech I got it to 86 using sets – ovs – 2017-11-07T21:41:07.890


C (gcc), 103 bytes 100 bytes

i,j,p,s;f(m,n){s=1;for(i=m>n?i=n,n=m,m=i:m;i<=n;i++,p?s=m==n:0)for(p=j=2;j<i;)p=i%j++?p:0;return s;}

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Posted 2017-11-06T17:48:05.047

Reputation: 3 264


Mathematica, 39 27 26 bytes



                         &  # pure function, takes 2-member list as input
       #~NextPrime~{-1,1}   # infix version of NextPrime[#,{-1,1}], which
                            # finds the upper and lower bounds of each
                              argument's prime clusters
Equal@@                     # are those bounds pairs equal?


Equal@@#~NextPrime~{-1,1}& [{8, 10}]
(*  True  *)

Equal@@#~NextPrime~{-1,1}& [{6, 8}]
(*  False  *)

Equal@@#~NextPrime~{-1,1}& /@ {{8, 10}, {20, 22}, {65, 65}, 
    {73, 73}, {86, 84}, {326, 318}, {513, 518}}
(*  {True, True, True, True, True, True, True}  *)

Equal@@#~NextPrime~{-1,1}& /@ {{4, 5}, {6, 8}, {409, 401}, 
    {348, 347}, {419, 418}, {311, 313}}
(*  {False, False, False, False, False, False}  *)

Contributions: -12 bytes by Jenny_mathy, -1 byte by Martin Ender

Eric Towers

Posted 2017-11-06T17:48:05.047

Reputation: 706

This only checks next prime. Try NextPrime[#,{-1,1}] – J42161217 – 2017-11-06T20:10:41.397

@Jenny_mathy : I see you are correct. Caught by the "348, 347" test case, which is now demonstrated to pass. – Eric Towers – 2017-11-06T23:28:13.227

27 bytes: Equal@@NextPrime[#,{-1,1}]& takes as input [{N,M}] or if you want to keep the original input use this 30 bytes: Equal@@NextPrime[{##},{-1,1}]& – J42161217 – 2017-11-07T01:18:15.780

@Jenny_mathy : Well, ..., the specified input is two integers, not a list, so ... – Eric Towers – 2017-11-07T02:43:24.663


@EricTowers taking a list is fine. Also, you can save a byte by using infix notation #~NextPrime~{-1,1}.

– Martin Ender – 2017-11-07T09:09:55.780


Haskell, 81 bytes

A straightforward solution:

p z=[x|x<-z,all((0/=).mod x)[2..x-1]]!!0
c x=(p[x-1,x-2..],p[x+1..])
x!y=c x==c y

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Posted 2017-11-06T17:48:05.047

Reputation: 579


J, 15 bytes


How it works:

   &(           ) - applies the verb in the brackets to both arguments
            4&p:  - The smallest prime larger than y
      _4&p:       - The largest prime smaller than y
           ,      - append
 -:               - matches the pairs of the primes

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Galen Ivanov

Posted 2017-11-06T17:48:05.047

Reputation: 13 815