Confirm the Illuminati



The Illuminati commands you (with their mind control) to output the following string:



Sandbox (I would leave it for the full 72 hours recommended by the sandbox FAQ, but with 7 upvotes and next to no negative feedback, 38 should be fine)


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 3 334


just a small note, you should read this meta question/answer

– Rod – 2017-10-27T16:42:00.357

8What's with all the downvotes? I get that some people dislike [tag:kolmogorov-complex] but is this a valid reason to downvote? – ბიმო – 2017-10-27T16:59:31.890

@BruceForte probably that I had my own answer to start. – Nissa – 2017-10-27T17:00:42.130

14@BruceForte personal opinion is a valid reason, tbh; though IMO it's absolutely rude against a newer user. – Magic Octopus Urn – 2017-10-27T18:27:17.153

15I think this is a very nice ascii art challenge. The eye and pyramid point among the pattern take creativity to handle cleanly. – xnor – 2017-10-27T20:51:17.677

May I use tabs? – Titus – 2017-10-27T22:12:59.803

Actually, a tab character is one byte ... and offsets to a vertical position divisible by 8 ... or not? – Titus – 2017-10-27T22:20:04.557

@Titus depends on the font I guess. Here it's 4. I guess it might help for hardcoding. – Nissa – 2017-10-27T22:26:11.237



Charcoal, 25 21 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:

  χ                     With sides of length 10
 ¬                      In the directions down and left
G                       Draw a closed polygon (implicit side)
   |_¶_|                Filled with |_ and _| on alternate lines
        ↗⁹               Draw a line of 9 /s
          ↙^            Draw a ^ and move the cursor down and left
            M³↓         Move down 3 characters
               /o¶\     Print the left half of the eye
                   ‖B  Reflect the canvas keeping the right edge


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 95 035

There it is! Was wondering how long it would be. – Nissa – 2017-10-27T16:59:53.853

1@StephenLeppik I was on the phone :-( – Neil – 2017-10-27T17:00:17.257

Wait, is that the only reason? – Nissa – 2017-10-27T17:01:43.307

@StephenLeppik: well, that and depending how long before I noticed the notification for a new main post, I guess. – Neil – 2017-10-27T18:39:50.397

@DLosc < is one of the multidirectionals - when used with the Multiprint command it causes the string to be printed twice, once up right and once down right, but it can also be used as a shortcut for ↗↘ in other contexts too. – Neil – 2017-10-27T18:42:25.697


Vim, 40 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to DJMcMayhem

9i_|␛r\I/␛qqYPxR /␛q8@qr^4jhR/o\␛jr/2hr\

You can see it in action in this GIF made using Lynn's python script

In action


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 10 962


SOGL V0.12, 31 27 25 bytes


Try it Here!

 ^                         push "^"
  9∫      }                do 9 times, pushing counter
    Ƨ_|                      push "_|"
       m                     mold that to the counter
        └Κ                   prepend "/"
           ¹               collect the lines in an array - ["^", "/_", "/_|", ..., "/_|_|_|_|_"]
            ±              reverse each                    ["^", "_/", "|_/", ..., "_|_|_|_|_/"]
             §             reverse as ascii-art:
                            ["         ^",
                             "        /_",
                             "       /_|",
              "/o¶\_”      push "/o
                     95ž   insert that at [9; 5]
                        Γ  palindromize horizontally

or a 24 byte version using ¼ (space to an antidiagonal) instead of ±§:


Try it Here!


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 19 048


V, 37 bytes

>òC ^4jhR/o\j2hR\_/

Try it online!


00000000: 3969 7c5f 1be1 5c7c 722f f2c4 f35f 7c0a  9i|_..\|r/..._|.
00000010: 3ef2 4320 5e1b 346a 6852 2f6f 5c1b 6a32  >.C ^.4jhR/o\.j2
00000020: 6852 5c5f 2f                             hR\_/


9i                              " Insert 9 copies of...
  |_                            "   '|_'
    <esc>                       " Return to normal mode
         á\                     " Append a backslash
           |                    " Move to the first character
            r/                  " Replace it with a forward slash
              ò                 " Recursively...
               Ä                "   Duplicate this line (upwards)
                ó               "   Remove one instance of..
                 _|             "     '_|'
>                               "   Indent this line with one space
 ò                              " End the loop
  C ^                           " Change this line (previously '/_\') to ' ^'
     <esc>                      " Return to normal mode
          4j                    " Move down 4 lines
            h                   " Move one character to the left
             R                  " Write this text over existing characters...
              /o\               "   '/o\'
                 <esc>          " Return to normal mode
                      j         " Move down a line
                       2h       " Move two characters to the left
                         R      " Write this text over existing characters...
                          \_/   " '\_/'


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 54 537


Python 2, 103 101 98 95 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to Jonathan Frech
-3 bytes thanks to ovs

for i in range(10):print(9-i)*' '+['^','/_%s\\'%['|_'*~-i,'|/o\|_','|_\_/_|_'][i%6/4*i%3]][i>0]

Try it online!


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 17 588


JavaScript (ES6), 95 92 bytes

f=(n=9,s='')=>n--?f(n,s+' ')+s+`/${n-4?n-3?'_|'.repeat(n):'_|/o\\|':'_|_\\_/_|'}_\\

Or 91 bytes with a leading new-line -- which I think is not allowed:

`)=>n--?f(n,s+' ')+s+`/${n-4?n-3?'_|'.repeat(n):'_|/o\\|':'_|_\\_/_|'}_\\`:s+`^`


f=(n=9,s='')=>n--?f(n,s+' ')+s+`/${n-4?n-3?'_|'.repeat(n):'_|/o\\|':'_|_\\_/_|'}_\\

O.innerText = f()
<pre id=O></pre>

Formatted and commented

f = (n = 9, s = '') =>    // n = line counter, s = leading spaces
  n-- ?                   // if we haven't reached the top:
    f(n, s + ' ') +       //   do a recursive call with one more leading space
    s +                   //   append the leading spaces
    `/${                  //   append the left border
      n - 4 ?             //   if this is not the 4th row:
        n - 3 ?           //     if this is not the 3rd row:
          '_|'.repeat(n)  //       append the brick pattern
        :                 //     else (3rd row):
          '_|/o\\|'       //       append the top of the eye
      :                   //   else (4th row):
        '_|_\\_/_|'       //     append the bottom of the eye
    }_\\\n`               //   append the right border + line-feed
  :                       // else:
    s + `^\n`             //   append the top of the pyramid and stop the recursion


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 111 334

Leading whitespace is allowed. – Nissa – 2017-11-13T17:18:26.377


C (gcc), 124 122 120 119 117 115 118 bytes

-1 byte thanks to @xanoetux +3 missing the lowest level...


Try it online!


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 3 360


Haskell, 110 107 bytes

"         ^\n"++do z<-[1..9];([z..8]>>" ")++'/':g z++"_\\\n"
g 4="_|/o\\|"
g 5="_|_\\_/_|"
g x=[2..x]>>"_|"

Try it online!

Those 9 space at the beginning hurt.

How it works

"         ^\n"++         -- first line, followed by
do                       -- we use the "do" syntatic sugar for monads,
                         -- here the list monad 
   z<-[1..9]             -- for all 'z' from [1..9] perform the following
                         -- and collect the results in a single list
     ([z..8]>>" ")++'/'  --   make the spaces for the current line and
                         --   the left wall '/'
     g z                 --   call g to make the inner part
     "_\\\n"             --   append '_', '\' and a NL

g 4="_|/o\\|"            -- line 4 and 5 are implemented directly
g 5="_|_\\_/_|"
g x=[2..x]>>"_|"         -- all other lines are some copies of "_|"

Edit: -3 bytes thanks to @Laikoni:


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 34 639


PowerShell, 109 105 bytes

filter f{' '*$_+'/'+'_|'*(8-$_)+'_\'}
' '*9+'^'
'     /_|/o\|_\

Try it online!

Saved 4 bytes thanks to Veskah.


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 41 581


05AB1E, 47 42 40 bytes


Try it online!

'/„_|ûûû«                                # Push bottom left tier of pyramid.
         η                               # All prefixes of...
          '^0ǝ                           # Replace the tip.
              .∞.C                       # Mirror, Center.
                  ":;<IJK"Ç              # Push [58,59,60,73,74,75].
                           v"/o\\_/"Nèyǝ # Replace those indexes with the eye.

Stupid version: „_|3×"_|/o\|".;„_|2×û"_|_\_/_".;

Other, less stupid version (but still worse):

05AB1E, 42 bytes


Try it online!

Magic Octopus Urn

Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 19 422


Python 2, 154 bytes

a,b=' _';g=[l(a*9+"^"+a*9)]+[l(a*(8-k)+"/%s\\"%"|".join(b*k+b))for k in range(9)]
for r in g:print r

Try it online!

-3 bytes using bytearray thanks to Rod
-1 byte thanks to bobrobbob


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 26 575


Bubblegum, 48 bytes

00000000: 5380 8138 2e18 4b3f 3e86 0bce ac01 72e0  S..8..K?>.....r.
00000010: 6c30 0fc6 d1cf 8f01 71e1 cae2 218a e12a  l0......q...!..*
00000020: 6ba0 ea61 7c84 085c 0021 0417 4188 0100  k..a|..\.!..A...

Try it online!


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 21 408


PHP, 123+3 bytes

+3 bytes for the weird tab counting. (it still moves the cursor 8 spaces in any console!)

",$i)."/",20-$i,"_|")."\\";$r[48]=$r[65]="/";$r[50]=$r[63]="\\";$r[49]=o;echo"   ^$r";

Note: The first character after echo" is a tab character!

Run with -nr or try it online.

other version, same length:

",10-$i)."/",10+$i,"_|")."\\";$r[48]=$r[65]="/";$r[50]=$r[63]="\\";$r[49]=o;echo"    ^$r";


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 13 814

What about Eclipse? I haven't used it in a while but I remember that its tabs were 4 spaces. – Nissa – 2017-10-27T22:51:45.083

@StephenLeppik Eclipse is an editor, not a shell. – Titus – 2017-10-27T23:05:32.993

It still has a console. Not to mention that the SE markdown editor and <pre> tag font both have 4-space tabs – Nissa – 2017-10-27T23:44:29.197


Retina, 79 73 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 21 408


Ruby, 92 bytes

10.times{|i|s=' '*(10-i)+(i<1??^:"/#{"_|"*~-i}_\\");i/2==2&&s[9,3]="/o\\_/"[i%2*2,3];puts s}

Level River St

Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 22 049


Excel VBA, 104 Bytes

Anonymous VBE immediate window function that confirms the truth.

Version A:

?Spc(9)"^":For i=0To 8:[A1]=i:?Spc(8-i)"/_"[If(A1=3,"|/o\|_",If(A1=4,"|_\_/_|_",Rept("|_",A1)))]"\":Next

Version B:

?Spc(9)"^":For i=0To 8:[A1]=i:?Spc(8-i)"/_"IIf(i=3,"|/o\|_",IIf(i=4,"|_\_/_|_",[Rept("|_",A1)]))"\":Next

Taylor Scott

Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 6 709


Javascript 90 bytes (if default parameter a=9 is required then 92 bytes)

A=(a,x=``)=>a?A(a-1,x+" ")+x+"/".padEnd(a*2,a^5?a^4?"_|":"_|/o\\|":"_|_\\_/")+`\\


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 1 220

All extraneous arguments must be included in the byte total so this counts as 91 bytes – Nissa – 2017-10-31T13:34:57.603


C# (.NET Core), 174 153 bytes

{0,9}{2}{3,10}{2}{0,7}|/o\{2}{3,8}\_/_{2}{0,5}{4}  {3}{4} {3}|_{4}{3}|_|_{4}","/_","^",@"|_\

Try it online!

An inefficient way of building the pyramid, but interesting working through it.


-21 bytes thanks to @someone


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 541


Julia, 152 141 139 130 127 120 113 112 bytes

q="_|";a+b=" "^a*b;a\b=replace(a,q^3,q*b,1);~n=n<0?9+"^\n":~(n-1)*(8-n+"/$(q^n)_\\\n");print(~8\"/o\\|"\"_\\_/")


#Define constant q to abbreviate this string

#Redefine the addition operator to compactly provide whitespace 
#where needed
a+b=" "^a*b;

#Redefine the inverse division operator so we can substitute 
#"_|_|_|" with "_|"*b very compactly

#Redefine the bitwise not operator to generate pyramid layers
#Defines them recursively, calling itself to generate previous 
#layers before appending its own. 
#The base case generates the tip. 

#Print to output

    #Pyramid with 8 body layers

    #Then patch in the eye


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 577


Java 8, 156 bytes

v->"".format("%1$9s^\n%1$8s/a%1$7s/ba%1$6s/bba     /b/o\\|a    /b_\\_/ba   /bbbbba  /bbbbbba /bbbbbbba/bbbbbbbba","").replace("a","_\\\n").replace("b","_|")


Try it here.

v->                        // Method with empty unused parameter and String return-type
  "".format(               //  Format the following String (`%1$Ns` = N spaces)
      "%1$9s^\n            //            ^
       %1$8s/a             //           /_\
       %1$7s/ba            //          /_|_\
       %1$6s/bba           //         /_|_|_\
            /b/o\\|a       //        /_|/o\|_\
           /b_\\_/ba       //       /_|_\_/_|_\
          /bbbbba          //      /_|_|_|_|_|_\
         /bbbbbba          //     /_|_|_|_|_|_|_\
        /bbbbbbba          //    /_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_\
       /bbbbbbbba","")     //   /_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_\
    .replace("a","_\\\n")  //  Replace all "a" with "_\" + new-line
    .replace("b","_|")     //  Replace all "b" with "_|"
                           // End of method (implicit / single-line return-statement)

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 67 575

For reference, hard-coded is 179 bytes.

– Kevin Cruijssen – 2017-10-30T10:33:42.577


C# (.NET Core), 144 bytes

This one may seem quite boring, because it is quite boring.

()=>@"         ^

Try it online!

my pronoun is monicareinstate

Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 3 111


JavaScript, 117 bytes

I know for a fact I'm not beating any of the golfing languages, but at least I can give my own solution.

$=>[...Array(10)].map((e,i)=>' '.repeat(9-i)+(i--?`/${['_|/o\\|','_|_\\_/_|'][i-3]||'_|'.repeat(i)}_\\`:'^')).join`

Here's a demo:

var f = $=>[...Array(10)].map((e,i)=>' '.repeat(9-i)+(i--?`/${['_|/o\\|','_|_\\_/_|'][i-3]||'_|'.repeat(i)}_\\`:'^')).join`


$=>                                       // outer function start
[...Array(10)]                            // create an array to map
.map(…)                                   // map it
    (e,i)=>                               // mapping function start
    ' '.repeat(9-i)                       // spaces for padding
    +(i--?…:'^')                          // use the carat if at the top of the pyramid
        `/${…}_\\`                        // otherwise, make the sides + steps
            ['_|/o\\|','_|_\\_/_|'][i-3]  // use the patterns for the eye, if in the correct rows
            ||'_|'.repeat(i)              // otherwise, make the "bricks" structure
`                                         // join all the rows into a string (yes this part has a newline in it)


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 3 334

4It's not recommended to answer straight away, let people make their own solutions. – Okx – 2017-10-27T16:42:08.160


Javascript, 238 bytes

My very first try at codegolfing :D

var f=()=>{let b=x=>' '.repeat(x),g='\\',h='/',i=1,st=[(b(9)+'^').split('')];for(;i<10;i++)st.push((b(9-i)>'_').join('|')+g).split(''));st[4][8]=st[5][10]=h;st[4][9]='o';st[5][8]=st[4][10]=g;return>s.join('')).join('\n');}

document.getElementById("display").innerHTML = f();
<pre id="display">


Posted 2017-10-27T16:39:36.463

Reputation: 101

1Welcome to the site! – caird coinheringaahing – 2017-10-31T14:36:07.487

Hardcoding is definitely shorter than what you have here. You can shorten this with a few ES6 features: function`s` instead of function('s'), a=> instead of ()=>, fill(x) instead of map(e=>x), [...s] instead of s.split(''), move a statement into the for initialization, etc. – Nissa – 2017-10-31T15:21:31.910