There are known knowns



Former US Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, famously popularized the phrase "known knowns." Here we're going to distill his remarks into a four-line stanza.

Specifically, output this text:

known knowns
known unknowns
unknown knowns
unknown unknowns

Capitalization doesn't matter (for example, Known unKnowns is fine), and a single trailing newline is acceptable, but no other formatting changes are allowed. That means a single space between the words, and either LF (59 bytes) or CR/LF (62 bytes) between the lines.


  • Either a full program or a function are acceptable. If a function, you can return the output rather than printing it.
  • Standard loopholes are forbidden.
  • This is so all usual golfing rules apply, and the shortest code (in bytes) wins.


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 41 581

1Can anyone explain why this has got so many downvotes? For me it is a reasonable challenge and has encouraged a variety of answers in a mixture of languages. – ElPedro – 2017-10-16T19:04:57.840

47@ElPedro The reason behind the many downvotes is a known unknown – Wondercricket – 2017-10-16T21:18:50.637

May we return a matrix or a list of strings? – Adám – 2017-10-17T07:57:24.803

1@Adám A list of four strings would be OK, as that's still preserving the space between words; but, unless you're doing a matrix of every character including the spaces, matrices are not OK. – AdmBorkBork – 2017-10-17T12:21:50.287

Related :^D – DLosc – 2017-10-18T18:52:53.423

1Are the trailing spaces intentional? – user202729 – 2017-12-25T15:16:59.280

@user202729 There aren't any trailing spaces. – AdmBorkBork – 2017-12-26T13:18:22.680



Python 2, 54 52 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to xnor

for i in 8,6,2,0:print k[i/3:7],k[i%3:]

Try it online!

The results from the / and % will be [[2, 2], [2, 0], [0, 2], [0, 0]] that will be the starting indexes, removing the un when 2, keeping the string unaltered when 0


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 17 588

1If you let k be 'unknowns', you can correct with k[i/3:7] and save two bytes. – xnor – 2017-10-16T18:50:57.970


Vim 28 25 bytes

This is my first Vim answer, any golfing tips are welcome.

2iunknown ␛rsY3P2xw.+.jw.

In action

Thank you Lynn for writing the python script to make that fantastic animation.

This can also be run by V Try it Online!

Also 25:

2iknown ␛rsY3pwiun␛+.+.w.


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 10 962

I only managed to find another 25: 2iunknown ␛rsYPw2x2YP2xj. or a slight variation 2iunknown ␛rsYPw2x2YPⓋjlx (Ⓥ = Ctrl-V). – Lynn – 2017-10-18T12:09:09.393

@Lynn Nice, I tried Ctrl-V but got something longer. – H.PWiz – 2017-10-18T12:20:05.743


bash, 36 bytes

printf %s\\n {,un}known\ {,un}knowns

other solutions


eval echo\ {,un}known\ {,un}knowns\;


eval printf '%s\\n' \{,un}known{\\,s}


eval eval echo\\ \{,un}known{\\,'s\;'}


x=\\\ {,un}known;eval "eval echo$x$x\s\;"


x='\ {,un}known' e=eval;$e "$e echo$x$x\s\;"
x='\ {,un}known' e=eval\ ;$e"$e\echo$x$x\s\;"

if leading newline and extra space were accepted 31 bytes :

echo '
'{,un}known\ {,un}knowns

Nahuel Fouilleul

Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 5 582


for those wondering what kind of sorcery is this (like myself): this is bash brace expansion

– bolov – 2017-10-17T14:36:16.573

… even better explained on, and you can Try it online!.

– dessert – 2017-10-18T13:17:17.717

If in doubt, put the whole answer in a code block – Stan Strum – 2017-10-26T22:42:40.777

reworded, the invalid input at the end – Nahuel Fouilleul – 2017-10-27T07:28:32.237


05AB1E, 13 12 bytes

Saved 1 byte thanks to Erik the Outgolfer (avoid closing string)


Try it online!


„Š¢—‚           # push the string "known unknown"
     #          # split on spaces
      D         # duplicate
       's«      # append "s" to each
          â     # cartesian product
           »    # join on newline


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 50 798

2“Š¢—‚“ -> „Š¢—‚ – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-10-16T13:34:12.353

@EriktheOutgolfer: Oh yeah, only 2 words. Thanks! – Emigna – 2017-10-16T13:34:43.020

Bahhh... why didn't I look first? Same answer. – Magic Octopus Urn – 2018-05-01T00:14:22.860


CJam (26 25 bytes)


Online demo

Cartesian product of ["known" "unknown"] with itself, then each element joined with space and suffixed with s and a newline.

Thanks to Erik for a one-byte saving.

Peter Taylor

Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 41 901


R, 52 51 50 bytes

cat(gsub(1,"known","1 1s
1 un1s
un1 1s
un1 un1s"))

Try it online!

Surprisingly short substitution and print commands make this an actually competitive R answer in a challenge!

Even if it's super boring. Mildly more interesting now, and with a byte saved thanks to J.Doe!

Saved another byte thanks to this answer, also by J.Doe!


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 21 077


Haskell, 60 58 53 51 bytes

f x y=x++' ':y++"s"

Try it online!

Yields a list of lines as was recently allowed. Thanks to @firefrorefiddle for pointing out.

-2 bytes thanks to cole.

58 byte version:

f=<<"? ?s\n? un?s\nun? ?s\nun? un?s"
f '?'="known"
f c=[c]

Try it online! Yields a single string.


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 23 676

Your 60 byte version is actually a 53 byte version because you can remove unlines because "A list of four strings would be OK, as that's still preserving the space between words;" (Comment to original question). – firefrorefiddle – 2017-10-18T10:34:10.040

151 bytes combining your approach with @PeterTaylor's – cole – 2019-07-29T21:13:58.033


Retina, 33 32 bytes

Saved 1 byte using an intermediate printing approach from Leo.



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Turns the non-existent (i.e. empty) input into the string on the second line. That one seems pretty weird, but these characters are codes for the stuff that goes between two instances of known[s] on the first two lines of the result. Space and linefeed are just themselves and u is un.


Now we insert knowns at every position (i.e. at the beginning, end, and between every pair of characters).


We decode the u.


Then we get rid of the ss in front of spaces, i.e. those in the first half of each line, and print the result.


And finally we prepend un to both lines and print the result again.

This beats the trivial approach of just using a placeholder for known by 4 bytes, but not Neil's more efficient implementation of that approach.

Martin Ender

Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 184 808


Retina, 33 32 bytes

 s¶ uns¶un s¶un uns

Try it online! Edit: Saved 1 byte thanks to @ovs. Explanation: This is almost the trivial approach of using a placeholder for known, except here I simply insert it before each space or s, which saves 3 4 bytes.


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 95 035

32 bytes – ovs – 2017-10-16T15:20:08.843


You can improve this by printing halfway

– Leo – 2017-10-17T03:37:25.807


@Leo using that you don't even need the |s approach any more:

– Martin Ender – 2017-10-17T08:43:08.380


C# (.NET Core), 54 bytes

v=>@"z zs
z unzs
unz zs
unz unzs".Replace("z","known")

Try it online!

my pronoun is monicareinstate

Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 3 111


PHP, 55 51 47 bytes

<?=strtr("1 1s
1 01s
01 1s
01 01s",[un,known]);

try it online


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 13 814

Do you need opening tags for php entries? – Josiah – 2017-10-18T19:13:13.380

@Josiah I need something to print the result; <?= is the shortest option. – Titus – 2017-10-19T11:08:44.480


Shakespeare Programming Language, 1021 1012 993 bytes

-19 bytes thanks to Joe King!

,.Ajax,.Ford,.Page,.Act I:.Scene I:.[Exeunt][Enter Ajax and Ford]Ajax:Am I nicer a big cat?If sois the remainder of the quotient betweenI the sum ofa cat a big cat worse a big cat?If notlet usScene V.You be the sum ofa fat fat fat pig the cube ofthe sum ofa cat a big big cat.Speak thy.You be the sum ofyou the sum ofa cat a fat fat fat pig.Speak thy.Scene V:.[Exit Ajax][Enter Page]Page:You be the product ofthe sum ofa cat a big big cat the sum ofa pig a big big big big cat.Speak thy.You be the sum ofyou the sum ofa cat a big cat.Speak thy.Ford:You be the sum ofI a cat.Speak thy.You be the sum ofyou a big big big cat.Speak thy.Page:Speak thy.You be the sum ofyou the sum ofa cat a big big cat.Is the remainder of the quotient betweenAjax a big cat worse a cat?If soyou big big big big big cat.Speak thy.If solet usScene X.You be twice the sum ofa cat a big big cat.Speak thy.Scene X:.[Exit Page][Enter Ajax]Ford:You be the sum ofyou a cat.Be you worse a big big big cat?If solet usAct I.

Try it online!


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 2 600

You cam remove the spaces after some multi-word operators like the sum of – Jo King – 2018-09-09T23:43:40.707

Really? Huh, that's a lot of shortest-representations-of-numbers I have to recalculate. Thanks. – JosiahRyanW – 2018-09-10T00:17:39.273


APL (Dyalog), 64 47 35 bytes

⍪,∘.{⍺,' ',⍵,'s'}⍨k('un',k←'known')

Try it online!


k←'known' - k is "known"

k('un',k←'known') - "known" "unknown"

∘.... - outer product with itself

    {⍺,' ',⍵,'s'} - with the function that formats the args as {⍺} {⍵}s

, - smash the product table into vector

- separate to columns


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 11 708

33 bytes (+ fixing the bad output format) – dzaima – 2018-09-09T17:46:49.407


@dzaima 31

– user41805 – 2018-09-10T09:09:54.607


C (gcc),  79  78 76 bytes

Thanks to @Justin Mariner for golfing one byte!

f(){printf("%s %1$ss\n%1$s un%1$ss\nun%1$s %1$ss\nun%1$s un%1$ss","known");}

Try it online!


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 15 798

I think this can be one byte less if you use %1$s and get rid of i: Try it online!

– Justin Mariner – 2017-10-16T15:59:21.020


Java 8, 56 55 bytes

v->" s\n uns\nun s\nun uns".replaceAll(" |s","known$0")

-1 byte thanks to @SuperChafouin.


Try it here.

v->                         // Method with empty unused parameter
  " s\n uns\nun s\nun uns"  //  Literal String
   .replaceAll(" |s",       //  Replace all spaces and "s" with:
     "known                 //   Literal "known"
           $0")             //   + the match (the space or "s")
                            // End of method (implicit / single-line return-statement)

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 67 575

Okay, I gotta ask... why \r? ^^' – Olivier Grégoire – 2017-10-16T14:32:24.100

@OlivierGrégoire Woops.. ;p – Kevin Cruijssen – 2017-10-16T14:52:17.657

1You can win one byte with v->" s\n uns\nun s\nun uns".replaceAll(" |s","known$0") – Arnaud – 2017-10-17T08:11:23.710


Perl 6, 45 bytes

$_='known';.say for [X](($_,"un$_")xx 2)X~'s'

Try it


$_ = 'known';

.say                # print with trailing newline the value in topic variable 「$_」

  for               # do that for each of the following

      ($_, "un$_")  # ('known','unknown')
        xx 2        # list repeated twice
    ) X~ 's'        # cross using &infix:«~» with 's' (adds 「s」 to the end)

The [X](…) part generates


Then using X~ on it coerces the inner lists into a Str (because of the &infix:«~» operator), which doing so adds a space between values.

("known known", "known unknown", "unknown known", "unknown unknown").Seq

Then each is joined with an s

("known knowns", "known unknowns", "unknown knowns", "unknown unknowns").Seq

Brad Gilbert b2gills

Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 12 713

41 bytes – Jo King – 2018-09-09T16:11:51.553


Haskell, 57 52 bytes

id=<<id=<<mapM(\s->[s,"un"++s])["known ","knowns\n"]

Try it online!


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 34 639

49 bytes with an alternate output of list – cole – 2019-07-29T21:23:23.893

@cole: the output format is very strict, so I think a list of strings in not valid. – nimi – 2019-07-29T22:10:50.360

the other haskell answer does it, seems like the OP okayed that format. – cole – 2019-07-29T23:28:23.073


Jelly, 15 bytes

“ṿ1“ŒwƘ»pż€⁾ sY

Try it online!

Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 38 134

:( The compressed version is 29 bytes – caird coinheringaahing – 2017-10-16T15:47:56.213


Perl 5, 33 bytes

Disclaimer: I didn't realise that brace expansion was possible within the <...> operator (learned thanks to @Grimy's answer!) and the using the clever expansion trick from @NahuelFouilleul's amazing bash answer, I was able to build this solution. I will happily remove this at either of their request.

print<"{,un}known {,un}knowns$/">

Try it online!

Perl 5, 42 bytes

41 bytes code + 1 for -p.

s//K Ks
K unKs/;s/K/known/g;$\=s/^/un/gmr

Try it online!

Perl 5, 45 bytes

Tried to come up with an alternative, but couldn't make it shorter... Thought it was different enough to warrant adding anyway.

":$"for 0..7

Try it online!

Dom Hastings

Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 16 415


Ruby, 53 50 bytes

$><<"a as
a unas
una as
una unas".gsub(?a,"known")


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 5 781

Replace \n with a literal newline. – Value Ink – 2019-07-29T18:19:32.070

@ValueInk Done. – dkudriavtsev – 2019-07-29T20:19:18.003


Husk, 14 bytes


Try it online!


       ¨ṅW∫ḟωμ    The compressed string "knowns unknowns"
      w           Split on spaces ["knowns","unknowns"]
   e              Make a list with:
    mh             this list with the last letter dropped from each word
  Ṡ                and this same list
 Π                Cartesian product [["known","knowns"],["unknown","knowns"],["known","unknowns"],["unknown","unknowns"]]
O                 Sort the list [["known","knowns"],["known","unknowns"],["unknown","knowns"],["unknown","unknowns"]]
                  Implicitely print joining with spaces and newlines


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 8 482


Haskell, 71 66 56 54 bytes

(<*>).map((++).init)<*>map(' ':)$["knowns","unknowns"]

Thanks to @Leo for -3 bytes!

Note: In the question's comments, the o.p. said that returning a list of strings is okay

Try it here.


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 993

This is great and I can't even understand it, but the part from your second fmap onwards can be shortened to map(' ':) :) – Leo – 2017-10-17T03:30:32.310

1@Leo Thanks! Haha, I'm not even sure I understand it anymore – addison – 2017-10-17T03:55:29.397

No need to give the function a name, so you can drop the f=. – nimi – 2017-10-17T06:11:52.250


6502 machine code (C64), 48 bytes

00 C0 A9 37 85 FB A9 73 4D 2B C0 8D 2B C0 A9 0D 4D 2C C0 8D 2C C0 A9 26 90 02
E9 02 A0 C0 20 1E AB 06 FB D0 E1 60 55 4E 4B 4E 4F 57 4E 53 0D 00

Online demo

Usage: sys49152

How it works

The trick here is to use a "loop counter" for 8 iterations where bits 7 to 1 of the initial value are 1 for unknown(s) and 0 for known(s) in one iteration. This counter is shifted to the left after each iteration (shifting the leftmost bit into the carry flag) and bit 0 is initially 1 so we know we're finished once the last bit was shifted out. In the first iteration, known is printed because when calling the program, the carry flag is clear.

In each iteration, the end of the string is toggled between <space> and s<newline>.

Here's the commented disassembly listing:

         00 C0            .WORD $C000    ; load address
.C:c000  A9 37            LDA #$37       ; initialize loop counter ...
.C:c002  85 FB            STA $FB        ; ... as 0011 0111, see description
.C:c004   .loop:
.C:c004  A9 73            LDA #('s'^' ') ; toggle between 's' and space
.C:c006  4D 2B C0         EOR .plural
.C:c009  8D 2B C0         STA .plural
.C:c00c  A9 0D            LDA #$0D       ; toggle between newline and 0
.C:c00e  4D 2C C0         EOR .newline
.C:c011  8D 2C C0         STA .newline
.C:c014  A9 26            LDA #<.knowns  ; start at "known" except
.C:c016  90 02            BCC .noprefix  ; when carry set from shifting $fb:
.C:c018  E9 02            SBC #$02       ; than start at "un"
.C:c01a   .noprefix:
.C:c01a  A0 C0            LDY #>.knowns  ; high-byte of string start
.C:c01c  20 1E AB         JSR $AB1E      ; output 0-terminated string
.C:c01f  06 FB            ASL $FB        ; shift loop counter
.C:c021  D0 E1            BNE .loop      ; repeat if not 0 yet
.C:c023  60               RTS            ; done
.C:c024   .unknowns:
.C:c024  55 4E           .BYTE "un"
.C:c026   .knowns:
.C:c026  4B 4E 4F 57 4E  .BYTE "known"
.C:c02b   .plural:
.C:c02b  53              .BYTE "s"
.C:c02c   .newline
.C:c02c  0D 00           .BYTE $0d, $00

Felix Palmen

Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 3 866


Batch, 66 bytes

@set s= in (known unknown)do @
@for %%a%s%for %%b%s%echo %%a %%bs

Alternative answer, also 66 bytes:

@for %%a in (k unk)do @for %%b in (k unk) do @echo %%anown %%bnowns


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 95 035

Of course, nested loops, haven't thought of that... good job! – schnaader – 2017-10-17T15:49:04.643


T-SQL, 56 54 bytes

1 un1s
un1 1s
un1 un1s',1,'known')

SQL supports line breaks inside string literals, so similar to some other languages already posted.

EDIT: Slightly longer (82 bytes), but a bit more clever:

SELECT k+s+k+p+k+s+u+p+u+s+k+p+u+s+u+p
FROM(SELECT'known'k,' 's,'unknown'u,'s

EDIT 2: My favorite so far, using a cross-self-join from a derived table (79 bytes):

WITH t AS(SELECT'known'a UNION SELECT'unknown')
SELECT z.a+' '+t.a+'s'FROM t,t z

EDIT 3: Changed the replacement character from 'x' to 1, which lets me remove the quotes around it and save 2 bytes, since REPLACE does an implicit conversion to string.


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 6 099


Haxe, 71 bytes

(?x)->[for(a in x=["","un"])for(b in x)a+'known ${b}knowns'].join("\n")

Try it online!

Aurel Bílý

Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 1 083


PowerShell, 46 44 bytes

' s
un s
un uns'-replace' |s','known$&'

Try it online!

(Almost) simple string replacement. Uses Neil's approach to trim two bytes. Thanks to Martin for pointing that out.

Sadly, it's shorter than the more interesting cross-product method by three five three bytes:

PowerShell, 49 47 bytes

($a='known','unknown')|%{$i=$_;$a|%{"$i $_`s"}}

Try it online!


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 41 581

Neil's approach saves 2 bytes. – Martin Ender – 2017-10-18T08:45:21.540

@MartinEnder Right, good call. Thanks! – AdmBorkBork – 2017-10-18T12:36:56.780


C (gcc), 70 66 bytes

Thanks to @l4m2 for -4 bytes!

f(i){for(i=8;i--;)printf("unknown%s"+(i>4|i==2)*2,i%2?" ":"s\n");}

Try it online!


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 3 264

1In reverse f(i){for(i=8;i--;)printf("unknown%s"+(i>4|i==2)*2,i%2?" ":"s\n");} – l4m2 – 2017-12-31T04:13:28.600

Suggest L"ੳ "+i%2 instead of i%2?" ":"s\n" – ceilingcat – 2018-11-20T07:38:23.717


Javascript 66 54 53 50 bytes

_=>` s
un s
un uns`.replace(/ |s/g,'known$&')


  • saved 12 bytes thanks to @someone (explicit usage of "un" in the main string)
  • saved 1 byte thanks to @ThePirateBay (split..join instead of replace)
  • saved 3 bytes thanks to @Neil (better replace())

Brian H.

Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 513

1I think it would be shorter to add un in the string itself – my pronoun is monicareinstate – 2017-10-16T15:13:33.553

you're totally right, a shame that it dumbs the solution so much down though. – Brian H. – 2017-10-16T15:15:36.750

1Is the space after the comma needed? – my pronoun is monicareinstate – 2017-10-16T15:17:25.817

nope, just noticed that too. – Brian H. – 2017-10-16T15:19:53.760

BTW I think you can save 4 bytes by porting my Retina answer. – Neil – 2017-10-16T15:34:59.643


Using split..join instead of replace saves one byte.

– None – 2017-10-16T15:41:32.117

@Neil i have no idea about Retina at all – Brian H. – 2017-10-17T08:18:07.727

2I meant by removing the 0s and using .replace(/ |s/g,'known$&') (which now only saves 3 bytes). – Neil – 2017-10-17T08:56:03.973

interesting, editting the answer, thanks :) – Brian H. – 2017-10-17T10:34:31.980


ReRegex, 38 bytes

a/known/a as\na unas\nuna as\nuna unas

Try it online!


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 7 898

I'm seeing this language for the first time, but a/known / z/s\n/aazaunazunaazunaunaz seems to work for 36 bytes. – my pronoun is monicareinstate – 2017-10-17T03:54:43.263


Bash, 60 57 54 52 bytes

b=${a=known}s;echo "$a $b
$a un$b
un$a $b
un$a un$b"

Try it online!

  • L3viathan: -3
  • Dom Hastings: -3
  • manatwork: -2

Thank you guys!


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 111

157 bytes if you replace the "\n" with a literal newline – L3viathan – 2017-10-18T11:15:29.047

1@L3viathan 54 even, as you won't need the -e after echo! :) – Dom Hastings – 2017-10-18T11:16:45.643

3a=known;b=${a}sb=${a=known} – manatwork – 2017-10-18T13:05:38.933

@manatwork you meant b=${a=known}s, but I got it – thanks! – dessert – 2017-10-18T13:10:57.080


Jq 1.5, 47 bytes

"K Ks
K unKs
unK Ks
unK unKs"|gsub("K";"known")

Try it online!


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 411


Vim, 28 keystrokes

iknown <C-n>s<CR><C-X><C-l><S-Left>un<Esc>o<C-p><Left> <C-n><Esc>o<C-p><C-p> <C-p>s

Also 28:

iknown <C-n>s<Esc>qqo<C-X><C-l><S-Left>un<Esc>qo<C-p><Left> <C-n><Esc>@q


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 3 576


Haskell, 49 bytes


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Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 15 378


C, gcc, 64 bytes

c="unknown";f(i){for(i=4;i--;)printf("%s %ss\n",i&2|c,i%2*2+c);}

Seems doesn't work on TIO, but works fine on my coputer


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 5 985


ed, 52 bytes

known knowns
2s/ k/ unk/

Try it online!


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 845


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 46 bytes

Outer[Print[#,a=nown," ",#2,a,s]&,b={k,unk},b]

Try it online!


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 3 495


Octave, 55 bytes


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First, we create a cell array with four strings: un, known, s\n and . Then we create a string bdbcbdabcabdbcabdabc that becomes the appropriate indices when we subtract 96: a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4. We index the cell array using cell indexing {}, and concatenate the result using brackets [].

The following is one byte longer than the output itself.

printf(strrep(', ,s\n, un,s\nun, ,s\nun, un,s',',','known'))

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 43 471


IBM/Lotus Notes Formula, 78 bytes

@ReplaceSubstring("a as,a bas,ba as,ba bas";"a":"b":",";"known":"un":@Newline)

Not the shortest but actually shorter than just hard coding the strings in @Formula.

Formula language allows lists as the from and to parameters to @ReplaceSubstring. Just a shame that @ReplaceSubstring itself costs 17 bytes and @Newline costs 4 more than "\n".


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 5 301


Batch, 78 bytes

@set a=known
@echo %a% %a%s&echo %a% un%a%s&echo un%a% %a%s&echo un%a% un%a%s

Quite hard to golf, everything non-trivial I tried so far just makes it longer.


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 1 132


V, 25 bytes

Two solutions, both 25 bytes

2iunknowns |exÄwxxäj2xj.

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00000000: 3269 756e 6b6e 6f77 6e73 201b 7c65 78c4  2iunknowns .|ex.
00000010: 7778 78e4 6a32 786a 2e                   wxx.j2xj.


2iunknown Äwxxäj2xj.Î$rs

Try it online!


00000000: 3269 756e 6b6e 6f77 6e20 1bc4 7778 78e4  2iunknown ..wxx.
00000010: 6a32 786a 2ece 2472 73                   j2xj..$rs


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 54 537


J, 39 bytes

echo@;@,"1//' s'|.@;"0/(;'un',])'known'

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Here's another one, that I'll explain instead (53 chars):

;"1((<<<2)&{,],48&A.,:n)({.,' ';n=.'un';])'known';'s'


                        ({.,' ';n=.'un';])'known';'s'

Yields ["known", " ", "un", "known", "s"] and defines n that adds "un" in front. Then for each of the 4 lines respectively we

    (<<<2)&{                     Remove "un", the 2nd string
             ]                   Do nothing
               48&A.             Move "un" to the front
                      n          Add "un"
;"1                              Smash the lines.

2,0,1,3,4 is #48 in the alphabetically sorted list of permutations of 0,1,2,3,4. I've no idea how it's implemented.


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 3 112

The permutations is ordered by the permutation/factorial base of the input number 48, I suppose – Conor O'Brien – 2017-10-16T22:22:36.717

Also, as it stands, this is neither a full program (which would use echo) or a function/verb. Adding echo to the beginning of your program or somehow make this tacit would fix this – Conor O'Brien – 2017-10-16T22:28:07.990

@Conor O'Brien oh, fair enough – FrownyFrog – 2017-10-16T22:28:56.200


Pyth, 28 bytes

-1 byte thanks to hakr14.

jm+j;d\s^_c"unknown known"d2

Try it here!

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 39 774

You can save a byte by just using a normal string.

– hakr14 – 2018-09-13T17:38:55.360

whoops, another byte to save: _c"unknown known"d=>c"known unknown"d – hakr14 – 2018-09-14T22:34:11.797


///, 35 bytes

/2/un1//1/known/1 1s
1 2s
2 1s
2 2s

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Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 7 772


K (oK), 41 bytes


(1_',/x,/:\:x:(" known";" unknown")),'"s"

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This still feels clunky, but this is the shortest version yet:

(1_',/x,/:\:x:(" known";" unknown")),'"s" / the solution
(                                  ),'"s" / append "s" to each left
              (" known";" unknown")       / 2-item list of " known" and " unknown"
            x:                            / save as variable x
      x,/:\:                              / x concatenate each right (/:) with each left (\:)
    ,/                                    / flatten lists
 1_'                                      / drop first item from each list (ie drop the leading whitespace)


Other versions:

/ 49 bytes, just join each right/each left and flatten
,/("known";"unknown"),/:\:(" knowns";" unknowns") 

/ 43 bytes, try to be smarter building the known/knowns
,/2 0_/:\:"unknown ",/:("";"un"),\:"knowns"


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 3 635


Japt -R, 22 bytes

`kÍ5 unkÍ5`¸

Test it


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 24 623

That -R in the input should be included in your code length. – Nissa – 2018-09-10T14:54:28.660


@StephenLeppik, not any more

– Shaggy – 2018-09-10T15:01:06.660

Ah, haven't been paying enough attention to Meta then :/ sorry about that. – Nissa – 2018-09-10T15:06:39.907


Pyth, 24 bytes

jm+j;d\s^_>B"unknown"2 2

Try it online here.

jm+j;d\s^_>B"unknown"2 2   
            "unknown"      String literal
          >          2     Remove the first two letters
           B               Pair the above with the original string - ["unknown", "known"]
         _                 Reverse
        ^              2   Cartesian product with itself
 m                         Map each pair, as d, using:
   j;d                       Join on spaces
  +   \s                     Append "s"
j                          Join on newlines, implicit print


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 5 592


Burlesque - 29 bytes


"unknown"J                     duplicate
          2.-                  drop 2
             CL                collect stack
               J               duplicate
                cp             cross product
                  {            begin block
                   wd          words
                     's_+      append `s`
                         }     end block
                          mu   map unlines
                            Q  pretty print

Try it online.

Alternate versions:

"known unknown"wdJcp{wd's_+}muQ


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 1 382


MathGolf, 23 19 18 bytes

4♀*(╦_╢Ñ▌]■{ u's+p

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I really need some base-250 integers

4♀*(                 Push 4, push 100, multiply, decrement (resulting in 399)
    ╦                Fetch dictionary word with index 399
     _               Duplicate
      ╢Ñ             Push "un"
        ▌            Prepend to TOS
         ]           Wrap stack in array
          ■          Cartesian product with itself
           {         For-each
             u       Join with space (space character is before the "u")
              's+    Add "s"
                 p   Print


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 5 754

I was thinking using n, but it seems to just print the newlines?

– Jo King – 2018-11-19T07:58:53.393

@JoKing I'm not completely satisfied with my n implementation. For a list, it joins it with newlines, but otherwise it just outputs a newline with python's print. That makes it behave strangely in for loops. – maxb – 2018-11-19T08:52:41.290

Ah, I had assumed that it added a newline character to the stack – Jo King – 2018-11-19T09:30:20.010

@JoKing That's probably what I'll change it to, I'll just have to make sure that it doesn't break any unit tests. – maxb – 2018-11-19T09:44:13.467


Python 3, 69 bytes

for i in range(4):print(k[i//2]+' '+k[i%2]+'s')

Henry T

Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 381

Welcome to PPCG! – AdmBorkBork – 2018-11-16T16:34:31.493

thanks @AdmBorkBork ! – Henry T – 2018-11-16T16:36:12.950


JavaScript, 78 bytes

This is my first-ever attempt at solving a code golf, so all suggestions welcome!



Step 1: k=(u="unknown").substr(2). The u="unknown" evaluates to "unknown". A substring of this, from char #2 until the end of the string, is then assigned to variable k. This whole thing evaulutes to the outermost assignment, "known", which is the first parameter to console.log.

Step 2: Next is a ,. Each parameter to console.log is printed with a space in between, so a , represents a space in the output. The current output is "known ".

Step 3: k+(s="s") evalutates to "knowns", and at the same time assigns "s" to the variable s, to be used as a shorthand for later. The current output is "known knowns"

Step 4: +(n="\n")+k. We append a newline to this, and store the newline character as a shorthand for later. We also append k. The current output is "known knowns{newline}known".

Step 5: ,u+s+n+u,k+s+n+u,u+s) the rest is very simple: just appending k, s, and u, using ,s for spaces, to spell out the rest of the output.

Like I said, this is my first-ever code golf, so I would appreciate any tips/tricks.


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 223


Dart, 62 61 bytes

g({s='known'})=>"$s $s\s\n$s un$s\s\nun$s $s\s\nun$s un$s\s";

Try it online!


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 913


Stax, 15 bytes


Run and debug it

  • Split compressed string "known unknown"
  • Self Cross-product to produce all pairs
  • For each, join with space, and append "s".


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 8 616


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 57 bytes

StringReplace["K Ks
K unKs
unK Ks
unK unKs","K"->"known"]

Try it online!


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 1 190

hehehe... unk :D – AdmBorkBork – 2019-07-29T19:34:14.527


Underload, 58 bytes

)( )(known):(un)~*):^!:S~SSS^~S~SSS^S~SSS^~!:S~SSS

Uses a simple lookup table with a lot of Ss.

Try it Online!


Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 1 106


ink, 39 bytes

-(i){||un}known {&|un}knowns

Try it online!

Sara J

Posted 2017-10-16T13:08:09.547

Reputation: 2 576