Smaller-Base Palindromes


For the purpose of this challenge, a smaller-base palindrome (SBP) is a number which is palindromic in a base between 1 and itself (exclusive), and is not a repdigit in the same base. For example, 5 is a SBP because it is a palindrome in base 2 (101). The first few SBPs are 5,9,10,16,17,20,21,23,25,26,27,28,29,33...

Your Task:

Write a program or function that, when given an integer i as input, returns/outputs the ith SBP.


An integer i where 0 <= i < 1,000,000.


The ith SBP.

Test Cases:

12 -> 29
18 -> 41


This is , lowest score in bytes wins!


Posted 2017-10-09T13:59:44.227

Reputation: 6 697

Sandbox – Gryphon – 2017-10-09T14:00:34.410

2It's not in the OEIS? Weird... – NieDzejkob – 2017-10-09T14:14:28.463

@Rod 6 is a repdigit – NieDzejkob – 2017-10-09T14:14:46.673

@NieDzejkob thanks, I overlooked that part – Rod – 2017-10-09T14:15:32.760

Surprisingly, this is actually (relatively) difficult in some golfing langs. (relatively meaning ~15 bytes instead of ~3) – Gryphon – 2017-10-09T14:54:18.477

@Emigna, thank-you, fixed. I did these by hand, so I apparently missed that one. – Gryphon – 2017-10-09T14:55:32.870

@NieDzejkob, I agree it is weird that it isn't in the OEIS, but unless I was wrong about something between 5 and 26, it isn't. – Gryphon – 2017-10-09T14:56:38.630

@Gryphon you should submit it – NieDzejkob – 2017-10-09T15:36:55.083

2What is a "repdigit"? I assume it's a single digit repeated? This is never clarified or defined. – mbomb007 – 2017-10-09T16:05:17.580

1Also, what is the result for i = 999,999? – mbomb007 – 2017-10-09T16:12:04.787

as your examples are 0-indexed, shoudn't your i be in range 0<=i ? – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-10-09T19:53:02.813

From one of gryphon's closed challenges, [ ], A repdigit is an integer that contains only one digit (e.g. 2, 44, 9999) which explains why 3 isn't an SBP since 11 is a palidronme but all the digits are the same – Foon – 2017-10-09T21:00:24.057

Every number is a repdigit in some base. Do you mean to exclude only base 10 repdigits? – aschepler – 2017-10-10T00:41:18.520

1How is 33 not a repdigit? It's given as an example of a SBP. For that matter how is 5 not? – Noodle9 – 2017-10-10T08:00:46.683

1Ah, sorry. Ignore that previous comment, I thought it was about another challenge. I'll delete it now. What I meant on this challenge was that only palindromes in smaller bases that are not repdigits count. – Gryphon – 2017-10-10T10:26:25.453

So 5 is a SBP because it is a palindrome, but not a repdigit, in base 2. – Gryphon – 2017-10-10T10:29:22.497



Python 2, 133 119 bytes

-3 thanks to Ovs

-5 thanks to Lynn


while n:
 while N:l+=N%j,;N/=j
 if{i%j}<set(l)>l==l[::-1]or j>i:n-=j<i;i+=1;j=1

Try it online!

Felipe Nardi Batista

Posted 2017-10-09T13:59:44.227

Reputation: 2 345

What does .; do in while N:l+=N%j,;N/=j? – NieDzejkob – 2017-10-09T17:02:30.447

@NieDzejkob the comma? it makes a tuple of size 1. in python a tuple can be written as (1, 2, 3), but for a tuple of size 1 you must place an extra comma at the end as (1,) – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-10-09T17:03:35.357

Rolling the loops into one is slick. Here’s 119 bytes.

– Lynn – 2017-10-09T17:42:51.033


05AB1E, 15 bytes


Try it online!


µ                 # loop until input matches are found
 N                # push current iteration number
  D               # duplicate
   L              # range
    в             # convert to each base
     ʒÂQ}         # filter, keep elements that are equal to their reverse
         ʒË_}     # filter, keep elements that are not all equal
             g    # length
              Ā   # is trueish (not zero)


Posted 2017-10-09T13:59:44.227

Reputation: 50 798


Jelly, 12 bytes


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-2 thanks to Jonathan Allan, one being for, well, obvious stuff >_>


bṖEÐḟŒḂÐfµ#Ṫ Special quick behavior requires full program
bṖEÐḟŒḂÐf #  Get the first (STDIN number)th integers with truthy results under this
             function starting from 0
 Ṗ             Make range [1..tested integer)
b              Convert the tested integer to each base in the range above
  EÐḟ          Remove repdigits (i.e. negative filter by all-equal)
     ŒḂÐf      Keep palindromes (i.e. filter by is palindrome)
         µ Ṫ Pop the last element of the integer list formed

Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2017-10-09T13:59:44.227

Reputation: 38 134

One byte save: Ṗ⁸b -> bṖ – Jonathan Allan – 2017-10-09T20:50:10.263

Another byte save - take input and remove the 5

– Jonathan Allan – 2017-10-09T20:59:04.287

@JonathanAllan Except your second byte save won't really work. Dunno what was I thinking with the first one though >_> – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-10-10T11:11:38.530

At what point will the result deviate? My thinking: the 5 stops the monad's argument acting as the starting point (without that a monadic link would deviate from 6 up since it would start counting n of the # at the wrong point) but a niladic link uses 0 implicitly here, so allows us to use a full program that takes input from STDIN to save a byte. – Jonathan Allan – 2017-10-10T20:14:10.937

@JonathanAllan ...niladic? I'm calling it as a monad here, the "last argument" is included. EDIT: take input? now I get it – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-10-11T11:24:40.313


Pyth, 14 bytes


Try it here.



e.f_I#ft{TjLZSZQ Trailing ZQ is implicit
 .f            Q Find the first Q (input) positive integers that return a truthy result for
             SZ    Make range [1..Z (tested integer)]
          jLZ      Convert Z to each base in the range
      f            Filter by "non-repdigit"
        {T           Unique elements of T (tested element)
       t             Remove first element
   _I#             Filter by Invariant with Reverse (i.e. palindrome)
e                Take last element

Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2017-10-09T13:59:44.227

Reputation: 38 134


Python 2, 125 bytes

while i:
 while b<n:
	while a:l+=a%b,;a/=b
print n

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n represents the integer we test for SBP-ness as we count up.

i is the input: it is decremented each time n is an SBP.

We loop over bases b from 2 to n inclusive* and compute the (backwards) base-b representation of n: this is l. The only real magical part is the chained comparison {n%b}<set(l)>l==l[::-1]:

  • {n%b}<set(l) makes sure l contains at least two distinct digits (i.e. n is not a repdigit), by checking that {n%b} is a strict subset of set(l). (We know n%b is in l as n%b is the last digit of n in base b.)

  • set(l)>l is always true because of how Python sorts types.

  • l==l[::-1] checks that l is a palindrome.

One final trick is using b=n instead of break to exit the loop.

(*It’s safe to include n in the loop, as n in base n is always 10, which isn’t a palindrome. (while b<n looks like we exclude n, but note where the b+=1 is!))


Posted 2017-10-09T13:59:44.227

Reputation: 55 648

wut? 2 little changes from mine deserved another answer? but the explanation was nice – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-10-09T16:37:36.097

I didn’t base my answer off yours. I just read the challenge, wrote an answer, and posted it. – Lynn – 2017-10-09T16:42:03.530

but they were identical, except for the while b<n instead of a for and the break bit – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-10-09T16:42:41.890

Yes, because almost everything about this problem is about as straightforward as it gets. (What am I gonna do, not loop while i:? Not increment n? :)) Over on anarchy golf users regularly come up with nearly identical answers. (See also: our policy on duplicate answers.)

– Lynn – 2017-10-09T16:47:05.613


Dyalog APL, 53 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2017-10-09T13:59:44.227

Reputation: 11 708


Perl 6, 83 bytes

{(5..*).grep({grep {.Set>1&&[.reverse]eqv$_},map {[.polymod($^a xx*)]},2..$_})[$_]}

Try it


  # create a list of SBPs
  (5 .. *).grep(
      # find out if the current value is a SBP

      {    # parameter is $_
        .Set > 1              # is there more than one distinct digit?
        [.reverse] eqv $_     # is it the same in reverse?
      {    # parameter is $a
        [                     # put into an Array so it is not a one shot Seq
          .polymod( $^a xx *) # convert into new base
      2 .. $_                 # possible bases
                              # (don't need to exclude $_ here)

  )[ $_ ]                     # index into the list of SBPs

Brad Gilbert b2gills

Posted 2017-10-09T13:59:44.227

Reputation: 12 713