You can skip this part if you already know what a cyclic group is.
A group is defined by a set and an associative binary operation $
(that is, (a $ b) $ c = a $ (b $ c)
. There exists exactly one element in the group e
where a $ e = a = e $ a
for all a
in the group (identity). For every element a
in the group there exists exactly one b
such that a $ b = e = b $ a
(inverse). For every two elements a, b
in the group, a $ b
is in the group (closure).
We can write a^n
in place of a$a$a$...$a
The cyclic subgroup generated by any element a
in the group is <a> = {e, a, a^2, a^3, a^4, ..., a^(n-1)}
where n
is the order (size) of the subgroup (unless the subgroup is infinite).
A group is cyclic if it can be generated by one of its elements.
Given the Cayley table (product table) for a finite group, determine whether or not it's cyclic.
Let's take a look at the following Cayley table:
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 1 6 4 5
3 1 2 5 6 4
4 5 6 1 2 3
5 6 4 3 1 2
6 4 5 2 3 1
(This is the Cayley table for Dihedral Group 3, D_3).
This is 1-indexed, so if we want to find the value of 5 $ 3
, we look in the fifth column on the third row (note that the operator is not necessarily commutative, so 5 $ 3
is not necessarily equal to 3 $ 5
. We see here that 5 $ 3 = 6
(also that 3 $ 5 = 4
We can find <3>
by starting with [3]
, and then while the list is unique, append the product of the last element and the generator (3). We get [3, 3 $ 3 = 2, 2 $ 3 = 1, 1 $ 3 = 3]
. We stop here with the subgroup {3, 2, 1}
If you compute <1>
through <6>
you'll see that none of the elements in the group generate the whole group. Thus, this group is not cyclic.
Test Cases
Input will be given as a matrix, output as a truthy/falsy decision value.
[[1,2,3,4,5,6],[2,3,1,6,4,5],[3,1,2,5,6,4],[4,5,6,1,2,3],[5,6,4,3,1,2],[6,4,5,2,3,1]] -> False (D_3)
[[1]] -> True ({e})
[[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,1],[3,4,1,2],[4,1,2,3]] -> True ({1, i, -1, -i})
[[3,2,4,1],[2,4,1,3],[4,1,3,2],[1,3,2,4]] -> True ({-1, i, -i, 1})
[[1,2],[2,1]] -> True ({e, a} with a^-1=a)
[[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],[2,3,4,1,6,7,8,5],[3,4,1,2,7,8,5,6],[4,1,2,3,8,5,6,7],[5,8,7,6,1,4,3,2],[6,5,8,7,2,1,4,3],[7,6,5,8,3,2,1,4],[8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]] -> False (D_4)
[[1,2,3,4,5,6],[2,1,4,3,6,5],[3,4,5,6,1,2],[4,3,6,5,2,1],[5,6,1,2,3,4],[6,5,2,1,4,3]] -> True (product of cyclic subgroups of order 2 and 3, thanks to Zgarb)
[[1,2,3,4],[2,1,4,3],[3,4,1,2],[4,3,1,2]] -> False (Abelian but not cyclic; thanks to xnor)
You will be guaranteed that the input is always a group.
You may take input as 0-indexed values.
Is 0-indexed input allowed? (e.g.
)? – Neil – 2017-09-24T18:52:02.170@Neil Yes; I forgot to specify. Thanks! – HyperNeutrino – 2017-09-24T18:52:26.607
:P – HyperNeutrino – 2017-09-24T18:56:09.410Truthy test case:
(product of cyclic groups of orders 2 and 3). – Zgarb – 2017-09-24T19:44:40.553@Zgarb Thanks, I'll add that – HyperNeutrino – 2017-09-24T19:45:39.427
5You should premute the labels of your group elements more in the test cases. Right now the first row and column of the table is always
which may be hiding flaws in some answers. – Lynn – 2017-09-24T19:51:53.710@Lynn Hmm good idea. I'll take one of my truthy cases and permute it. thanks for the suggestion – HyperNeutrino – 2017-09-24T19:53:48.130
3It looks like checking if the group is abelian suffices to pass the test cases. Test cases like Z_2 * Z_2 would fix this. – xnor – 2017-09-25T03:34:51.347
@xnor That does seem to be an issue; thanks. However, I'm not quite sure what Z_2 * Z_2 means? – HyperNeutrino – 2017-09-25T12:00:03.827
@HyperNeutrino: That's the direct product of the two-element group with itself -- also known as the Klein four-group.
– hmakholm left over Monica – 2017-09-25T15:47:10.660@Lynn the 0 and 1 rows/columns of a Cayley table are always trivial: 0e = 0, 1e = e. We could have a bonus problem where one has to decide whether the Cayley table corresponds to a group. Or even decide between {cyclic, non-cyclic abelian, non-abelian, not a group}. – Acccumulation – 2017-09-25T19:09:09.290
@HenningMakholm thanks – HyperNeutrino – 2017-09-25T22:39:21.183
@xnor Isn't Klein 4 abelian too though? – HyperNeutrino – 2017-09-25T22:39:33.587
@HyperNeutrino It is, but it isn't cyclic. – xnor – 2017-09-25T22:46:25.773
@xnor facepalm right. thanks; I'll add that! – HyperNeutrino – 2017-09-25T22:59:51.570