How many Lynch-Bell numbers are there?




Given an integer, n, as input where 36 >= n >= 2, output how many Lynch-Bell numbers there are in base n.

The output must be in base 10.

Lynch-Bell Numbers

A number is a Lynch-Bell numbers if:

  • All of its digits are unique (no repetition of digits)
  • The number is divisible by each of its digits
  • It doesn't contain zero as one of its digits

Since, all of the digits have to be unique, and you have a finite set of single digit numbers in each base, there is a finite number of Lynch-Bell numbers.

For example, in base 2 there is only one Lynch-Bell number, 1, since all other numbers either repeat digits or contain a 0.


Input > Output
2 > 1
3 > 2
4 > 6
5 > 10
6 > 10
7 > 75
8 > 144
9 > 487
10 > 548

Mathematica Online ran out of memory above base 10. You can use the following code to generate your own:

Do[Print[i," > ",Count[Join@@Permutations/@Rest@Subsets@Range[#-1],x_/;And@@(x\[Divides]FromDigits[x,#])]&[i]],{i,10,36,1}]


Shortest code in bytes wins.

Beta Decay

Posted 2017-09-11T15:53:37.490

Reputation: 21 478

1@MagicOctopusUrn Why do we need a dictionary? We don't need to output in that base. – user202729 – 2017-09-11T16:01:54.677

@BetaDecay That will turns the problem into a kolmogorov-complexity one. – user202729 – 2017-09-11T16:02:25.797

@user202729 Yep, I've edited it now – Beta Decay – 2017-09-11T16:03:18.010

@MagicOctopusUrn Sorry I didn't read the problem specification carefully. Output ... in base n. – user202729 – 2017-09-11T16:05:19.317

2could you add an example >10? – Rod – 2017-09-11T16:05:51.697

The output does not actually need to be in base n, right? ("...output how many Lynch-Bell numbers there are in base n" appears to have caused some confusion.) – Jonathan Allan – 2017-09-11T16:07:54.827

1@JonathanAllan I see, I've cleared that up now – Beta Decay – 2017-09-11T16:08:38.583

3If only [2-36] need be supported we may as well list them all. – Jonathan Allan – 2017-09-11T16:09:12.160

Related, also related – James – 2017-09-11T16:11:22.287

That I've said, No, up to 36 should be fine will turns the problem into a kolmogorov-complexity one. – user202729 – 2017-09-11T16:11:23.823 may be helpful. – Magic Octopus Urn – 2017-09-11T16:41:20.180

3Turns out that no one has managed to calculate f(36). Make a fastest-code challenge based on this would be probably interesting. – user202729 – 2017-09-25T10:15:38.947



Jelly, 13 bytes


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Another O(nn) solution.


Q⁼g  Helper link. Input: digits (LHS), integer (RHS)
Q    Unique (digits)
 ⁼   Match
  g  GCD between each digit and the integer

*`Ṗ©bç"®S  Main link. Input: integer n
*`         Compute n^n
  Ṗ        Pop, forms the range [1, n^n-1]
   ©       Store previous result in register
    b      Convert each integer to base n
     ç"    Call the helper link, vectorized, with
       ®   The register's value
        S  Sum


Posted 2017-09-11T15:53:37.490

Reputation: 15 654

16 bytes ṖŒPḊŒ!€Ẏ⁼g¥"ḅ¥³S and faster – miles – 2017-09-11T18:46:14.697


Jelly, 15 bytes


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Complexity O(nn).

Leaky Nun

Posted 2017-09-11T15:53:37.490

Reputation: 45 011

5Only in code-golf is an O(N^N) solution not only acceptable, but good. – James – 2017-09-11T16:55:20.127

5@DJMcMayhem Meh, I think we can pump those numbers up and get O(N↑↑N) – Beta Decay – 2017-09-11T17:15:12.100

Should it be O(N^(N+1)) because check the validity of each generated number takes O(N)? (although I don't understand Jelly) – user202729 – 2017-09-12T09:44:14.837

@user202729 N+1 is just N in big-O notation. – mbrig – 2017-09-12T14:10:39.993

1@mbrig Of course I understand big-O notation, that (N+1 is in O(N)) does not implies N^(N+1) is in O(N^N). – user202729 – 2017-09-12T14:16:33.193


Java, 222 212 190 bytes

-10 bytes thanks to Herman

-22 bytes thanks to Kevin

import java.util.*;a->{int c=0,i=1;A:for(;i<Math.pow(a,a);i++){Set g=new HashSet();for(char b:a.toString(i).toCharArray())if(!g.add(b)|b<49||i%a.parseInt(b+"",a)>0)continue A;c++;}return c;}


a -> {
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < Math.pow(a, a); i++) {
        Set<Character> found = new HashSet<>();
        for (char b : Integer.toString(i, a).toCharArray()) {
            if (!found.add(b) || b == 48 || i % Integer.parseInt(b + "", a) != 0) {
                continue OUTER;
    return count;

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Gets very slow for large numbers.


Posted 2017-09-11T15:53:37.490

Reputation: 15 025

-10 bytes: a->{int c=0,i=1;A:for(;i<Math.pow(a,a);i++){java.util.Set<Character>g=new java.util.HashSet<>();for(char b:Long.toString(i,a).toCharArray())if(!g.add(b)|b<49||i%Long.parseLong(b+"",a)>0)continue A;c++;}return c;} – Herman L – 2017-09-11T18:58:16.157

One of the first times I've seen a label used in a codegolf answer – Justin – 2017-09-11T22:45:04.737

A: and continue A; are 13 bytes while {--c;break;} is 12. Would that instroduce some bug I don't see? – JollyJoker – 2017-09-12T07:58:08.487

This might be worth a separate answer, but you can loop through the digits in base n by each digit being i%a and i/=a at each loop. You can avoid the set by using an int[] and checking that x[b]++<2 – JollyJoker – 2017-09-12T08:14:54.237

java.util.Set<Character>‌​g=new java.util.HashSet<>(); can be import java.util.*; + Set g=new HashSet();; Long.toString can be a.toString; and Long.parseLong can be a.parseInt. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2017-09-12T12:54:18.357

@KevinCruijssen Thanks a lot! – Okx – 2017-09-12T15:34:51.300


Perl 6, 86 84 77 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to Ramillies

->\n{n-1+grep {.Set==$_&&.reduce(* *n+*)%%.all},map {|[X] (1..^n)xx$_},2..^n}

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Works for n=8 on TIO.


Posted 2017-09-11T15:53:37.490

Reputation: 10 037

1I think you can save 2 bytes by doing .all instead of all $_. – Ramillies – 2017-09-11T20:58:45.920


Mathematica, 82 79 76 bytes



Posted 2017-09-11T15:53:37.490

Reputation: 14 620

How do you pass a number into this? (sorry, Mathematica is new to me) – Beta Decay – 2017-09-11T16:12:08.313

Paste the function (e.g., to Wolfram sandbox), and then put [<parameter>] after that. With parameter being a number. – user202729 – 2017-09-11T16:13:46.703

Can you add a TIO, or equivalent? – Shaggy – 2017-09-11T16:21:40.370



– Beta Decay – 2017-09-11T16:24:30.090

1Are f(5) and f(6) both really 10? That's odd... – Magic Octopus Urn – 2017-09-11T16:25:01.610

@BetaDecay The link will likely to expire soon. – user202729 – 2017-09-11T16:27:05.877

@user202729 Hm that's a shame – Beta Decay – 2017-09-11T16:27:53.293

@BetaDecay It works for 2 and 10. – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-09-11T16:36:12.823

@Mr.Xcoder Never mind, I was mistaken – Beta Decay – 2017-09-11T16:38:32.913


Actually, 24 bytes


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This program consists of two main parts: the permutation generation, and the Lynch-Bell test. So, this explanation will look at each part separately, for greater clarity.

Generating Permutations

Input: n (an integer in [2, 36])

Output: all partial and total permutations of [1, n-1] (sequences containing values from [1, n-1] without repetition whose length is in [1, n-1])

;╗            store a copy of n in register 0
  DR          range(1, n)
    ⌠╜DR╨i⌡M  do the following for each element k in range:
     ╜DR        range(1, n)
        ╨       k-permutations of [1, n-1]
         i      flatten

Lynch-Bell Test

Input: a list of base-n integers, represented as lists of base-n digits

Output: the number of Lynch-Bell numbers in base n

⌠;╜@¿♀%ΣY⌡M   for each base-n digit list a:
 ;╜             duplicate a, push n
   @¿           convert a from base-n to decimal
     ♀%         modulo a with each of its base-n digits
       Σ        sum
        Y       boolean negation (1 if all modulo results are 0, else 0)
           Σ  sum (count the 1s in the resultant list)


Posted 2017-09-11T15:53:37.490

Reputation: 32 998


05AB1E, 22 bytes


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O_O was also my face when this finally worked.

<ÝIBJ0Kæ¦Ù€œ˜ is faster than the way I use to generate the numbers in the actual answer but randomly stops working for anything bigger than 7 (for no apparent reason?)


mLIBε0KÙ}ÙvyIöySIö%O_O # (input = i)
m                      # Push i^i
 L                     # ...and get a range from one to this value
  IB                   # Map every element to their base i representation
    ε   }              # Map every element to ...
     0K                 # Itself without 0s
       Ù                # ...and only unique digits
         Ù             # Uniquify the resulting list
          v            # For each element...
           yIö          # Push it converted to base 10
              ySIö      # Push every digit of it converted to base 10 in a list
                  %     # Calculate the modulo for each digit
                   O    # Sum all results together
                    _   # Negate: Returns 0 for every positive number and 1 for 0
                     O  # Sum with the rest of the stack (Basically counting all Lynch-Bell-Numbers)
                       # Implicit print


Posted 2017-09-11T15:53:37.490

Reputation: 1 213

I'm pretty sure a different approach can save more bytes, but in your current solution ε0KÙ} can be 0м€Ù to save a byte. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-02-25T10:44:12.290


Perl 5, 80 76 bytes (75 + -p)

$\+=!grep$_?$;%$_|$|{0,$_}++:1,@@until($@[$}++]+=1)%=$_ and++$;,$}=$}==$_}{

Abusing $; for fun and profit. Times out on inputs > 8.

EDIT: -4 bytes by merging the two loops.


Posted 2017-09-11T15:53:37.490

Reputation: 12 521


Ruby, 80 65 bytes

->n{(1..n**n).count{|i|(d=i.digits n)-[0]==d|d&&d.sum{|j|i%j}<1}}

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Thanks to G B for -15 bytes.

Kirill L.

Posted 2017-09-11T15:53:37.490

Reputation: 6 693

This won't work for n>10 (because of "j.to_i") – G B – 2019-02-25T09:42:16.423

Good catch, too bad it times out well before that :) – Kirill L. – 2019-02-25T09:44:41.783

Anyway: you could call "digits" passing the base as argument and save a lot: ->n{(1..n**n).count{|i|(d=i.digits n)-[0]==d|d&&d.sum?{|j|i%j}<0}} – G B – 2019-02-25T09:58:17.090

Indeed I absolutely missed that digits has this parameter. But I see you had posted this as a separate answer and then deleted. I'd say, go ahead, you beat me to it :) – Kirill L. – 2019-02-25T10:25:49.687

I think my answer is too similar, it's the same approach with a couple of shortcuts, mostly stolen code. – G B – 2019-02-25T11:57:03.763

OK, then thanks for your help. – Kirill L. – 2019-02-25T12:43:08.673


Japt -x, 25 19 bytes

-6 bytes thanks to Shaggy

pU õìU ËeDâ f myDìU

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Posted 2017-09-11T15:53:37.490

Reputation: 4 687

20 bytes? – Shaggy – 2019-02-26T10:52:11.837

Or 19 bytes with the -x flag.

– Shaggy – 2019-02-26T10:54:31.723

wow O_o i'm clearly terrible at golfing japt – ASCII-only – 2019-02-26T11:11:03.807

You're doing well so far :) It takes time to get to grips with a new language, figure out all its features, tricks & quirks. – Shaggy – 2019-02-26T11:14:08.867

@Shaggy but when you use a new language as often as I do it should be expected that I'd be closer to optimal than like 25% XD – ASCII-only – 2019-02-26T11:50:54.673


Python 3, 204 174 bytes

lambda x,r=range,i=chain:sum(0**any(int(''.join(map(str,y)),x)%z for z in y)for y in i(*map(permutations,i(*[combinations(r(1,x),e)for e in r(x)]))))-1
from itertools import*

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For each permutation of each element of powerset of range(1,n) (no zeros, unique), convert to numerical string to base n. Sum all that are divisible by each digit, subtract 1 due to powerset generating the empty set.

-30 bytes thanks to @ovs!

Conner Johnston

Posted 2017-09-11T15:53:37.490

Reputation: 146

184 bytes – ovs – 2017-09-11T19:03:48.843

174 bytes – ovs – 2017-09-11T19:06:58.677


Haskell, 117 bytes

f n=sum[1|x<-id=<<[mapM(\_->[1..n-1])[0..m]|m<-[0..n]],all(\y->[mod(sum(zipWith((*).(n^))[0..]x))y|c<-x,c==y]==[0])x]

Try it online! Works on TIO up to n=7 before timing out.


Posted 2017-09-11T15:53:37.490

Reputation: 23 676


Perl 5, 108 + 1 (-p) = 109 bytes


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It's a pig. Not sure if it will do more than base 8 on TIO without timing out.


Posted 2017-09-11T15:53:37.490

Reputation: 7 671


C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler), 144 bytes

n=>{int j,i,p;for(j=i=0;i++<~0UL;){p=i;var a=new List<int>();for(;p>0;p/=n)a.Add(p%n);j+=a.All(c=>c>0&&i%c<1&a.Count(x=>x==c)<2)?1:0;}return j;}

Goes through all the numbers from 0 to ulong.MaxValue, and selects those that are Lynch-Bell numbers in the specified base. Takes forever to run, even for 2, though if you set the ~0UL part in the for loop to something smaller, you can get output for input up to 7 within a minute on TIO.

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Embodiment of Ignorance

Posted 2017-09-11T15:53:37.490

Reputation: 7 014