Circularly moving sum



Inspired by a question at Stack Overflow.

Given a non-empty array of integers x and a positive integer n, compute the sum of each sliding block of length n along the array x, circularly filling the missing values at the left with values from the right as follows:

  • the first block contains the first entry of x, preceded by n-1 circularly shifted entries;
  • the second block has the first and second entries of x, preceded by n-2 circularly shifted entries; and so on.

The output array y has the same size as x. It is possible for n to exceed the length of x, and then the values of x are circularly reused several times.


Example 1 (values are reused only once)

x = [2, 4, -3, 0, -4]
n = 3

give as output

y = [-2, 2, 3, 1, -7]


  • -2 is the sum of the block [0, -4, 2] (the first two values come from the circular shifting)
  • 2 is the sum of [-4, 2, 4] (the first value comes from the circular shifting)
  • 3 is the sum of [2, 4, -3] (no circular shifting necessary anymore)
  • 1 is the sum of [4, -3, 0]
  • -7 is the sum of [-3, 0, -4].

Example 2 (values are reused several times)

x = [1, 2]
n = 5


y = [7, 8]


  • 7 is the sum of the block [1, 2, 1, 2, 1] (the first four values have been circularly reused)
  • 8 is the sum of the block [2, 1, 2, 1, 2] (the first three values have been circularly reused)

Additional rules

  • The algorithm should work for arrays of arbitrary size and for arbitrary integer values. It is acceptable if the program is limited by data type or memory restrictions; but positive as well as negative integer values must be handled.
  • Input/output can be taken/produced by any reasonable means.
  • Programs or functions are allowed, in any programming language. Standard loopholes are forbidden.
  • Shortest code in bytes wins.

Test cases

x, n, -> y

[2, 4, -3, 0, -4], 3          ->  [-2, 2, 3, 1, -7]
[1, 2], 5                     ->  [7, 8]
[2], 7                        ->  [14]
[-5, 4, 0, 1, 0, -10, -4], 4  ->  [-19, -15, -5, 0, 5, -9, -13]
[-5, 4, 0, 1, 0, -10, -4], 1  ->  [-5, 4, 0, 1, 0, -10, -4]
[-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3], 5       ->  [4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 5]
[-10, 0, 10], 4               ->  [-10, 0, 10]

Luis Mendo

Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 87 464

6Bah, why did you have to use preceding entries? – Neil – 2017-08-27T10:54:33.447



Jelly, 5 bytes


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How it works

ṙC€}S  Main link. Arguments: A (array), n (positive integer)

   }   Apply the link to the left to the right argument (n).
 C€      Complement each; map (z -> 1-z) over [1, ..., n], yielding [0, ..., 1-n].
ṙ      Rotate A 0, ..., 1-n units to the left (i.e., 0, ..., n-1 units to the
       right), yielding a 2D array.
    S  Take the sum of the rows.


Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 196 637


MATL, 11 10 9 7 bytes

3 Bytes saved thanks to @Luis!


The first input is the size of the window and the second input is the array

Try it at MATL Online


       % Implicitly grab the first input (n)
       %     STACK: { 3 }
:      % Create the array [1...n]
       %     STACK: { [1, 2, 3] }
g      % Convert it to a logical array, yielding an array of 1's of length n
       %     STACK: { [1, 1, 1] }
y      % Implicitly grab the second input and duplicate it
       %     STACK: { [2, 4, -3, 0, -4], [1, 1, 1], [2, 4, -3, 0, -4]}
n      % Determine the length of the array
       %     STACK: { [2, 4, -3, 0, -4], [1, 1, 1], 5}
&Z+    % Perform circular convolution
       %     STACK: { [-2, 2, 3, 1, -7] }
       % Implicitly display the result


Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 10 257


Mathematica, 29 bytes


Or the same length:



Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 23 988


CJam (16 bytes)


Online test suite. This is an anonymous block (function) which takes the array and the length on the stack and leaves an array on the stack.


{       e# Declare a block
  _2$*  e#   Repeat the array n times: this guarantees having enough windows even
        e#   if x is only a single element
  ew    e#   Take each window of n elements
  1fb   e#   Sum each of the windows
  \,~)  e#   Compute -n
  >     e#   Take the last n elements of the array of sums

Peter Taylor

Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 41 901


Haskell, 57 bytes

a#n|l<-length a=[sum[a!!mod j l|j<-[i-n..i-1]]|i<-[1..l]]

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Just some index looping and accessing the input list at indices modulo the length of the list.


Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 34 639


Haskell, 69 65 64 bytes

s#n=r$init[sum$take n$x++cycle(r s)|x<-scanr(:)[]$r s]

Try it online! Example usage: [2, 4, -3, 0, -4] # 3.

Using n succeeding instead of preceding entries could be 50 46 bytes (getting rid of the reverse at the beginning and the end):

s#n=init[sum$take n$x++cycle s|x<-scanr(:)[]s]

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Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 23 676


Pyth, 18 16 bytes

Saved 2 bytes thanks to @FryAmTheEggman!


Try it here or Verify all the test cases.

Fixed all the flaws at a cost of -6 bytes! Thanks a lot to Luis for making me understand the task in chat.

Explanation (to be updated)

KEms<>_*QhK-lQhdKU - Full program.

KE                 - Assign the second input to a variable K.
  m              U - Map over the range [0...len(first input)).
       *QhK        - First input * (Second input + 1).
      _            - Reverse.
     >     -lQhd   - All the elements of the above after len(x)-current element-1
    <          K   - Up until the second input.
   s               - Sum.

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 39 774

Might be a better way before reversing, trying to golf soon. – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-27T12:40:44.373

Got 16 bytes but I feel like there should still be something shorter.

– FryAmTheEggman – 2017-08-27T15:10:40.007

@FryAmTheEggman Thanks. I feel it should be shorter but I cannot figure out how – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-27T16:01:32.807


Japt, 12 bytes

ËVo rÈ+UgE-Z

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TIO doesn't support the Ë, so the TIO link won't work. Instead, try it here.


Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 4 675


Kotlin, 141 140 138 bytes

Just a first go


fun c(a:List<Int>,n:Int):List<Int>{
return (0..(a.size-1)).map{var t=0
for (o in 0..(n-1)){var i=it-o
while(i<0) {i+=a.size};t+=a[i]}


fun c(a: List<Int>, n: Int): List<Int> {
    return (0..(a.size - 1)).map {    // Iterate over the items
        var t = 0                     // Start the total at 0
        for (o in 0..(n - 1)) {       // Start at the item, go over the window backwards
            var i = it - o            // -------------------------
            while (i < 0) {           //  Make the index in range
                i += a.size           //
            }                         // -------------------------
            t += a[i]                 // Add the item to the total
        t                             // Return the total



  • Removed newline on before last closing bracket


Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 915


Java 8, 102 bytes

Lambda (curried) from int[] to lambda from Integer to int[]. Assign to Function<int[], Function<Integer, int[]>>.

a->n->{int l=a.length,o[]=new int[l],i=0,j;for(;i<l;i++)for(j=i-n;j++<i;)o[i]+=a[(j%l+l)%l];return o;}

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Ungolfed lambda

a ->
    n -> {
            l = a.length,
            o[] = new int[l],
            i = 0,
        for (; i < l; i++)
            for (j = i - n; j++ < i; )
                o[i] += a[(j % l + l) % l];
        return o;

(j % l + l) % l computes a nonnegative remainder for any j. Taken from here.


Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 2 428


C, 91 bytes

i,j,k,s;f(a,l,n)int*a;{for(i=0;i<l;printf("%d ",s))for(j=n*l+i++,k=n,s=0;k--;)s+=a[j--%l];}

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Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 15 798


Octave, 53 bytes


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  • The imfilter function with option circular computes the circular convolution at the center of window so the result should be shifted.


Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 5 435


Perl 6, 42 39 bytes

{@^a;[«+»] map {@a.rotate(-$_)},^$^b}

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My first Perl 6 entry. Can probably be improved.


Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 10 037

Note that you can sometimes reduce the length by using a pointy block with sigilless variables rather than a block with placeholder parameters ->\a,\b{[«+»] map {a.rotate(-$_)},^b} Note that it doesn't in this case but it would if there was another instance of $b in the code. – Brad Gilbert b2gills – 2018-03-20T17:51:16.957


05AB1E, 10 bytes


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.×           # repeat input_1 input_2 times
  Ν         # push all sublists of size input_2
    O        # sum each
     R       # reverse the list
      ¹g£    # take the first len(input_1) items
         R   # reverse the list


Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 50 798


R, 101 93 89 bytes

function(x,n,w=sum(x|1)){for(j in 1:w)F=c(F,sum(c(tail(rep(x,n),n-1),x)[1:n+j-1]))

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Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 21 077


Python 2, 69 61 bytes

- 8 bytes Thanks a lot @muru

lambda x,n:[sum((x[-n+1:]+x*n)[i:i+n])for i in range(len(x))]

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First we need to ensure there is enough numbers on the left of the original list, this is acheived by the x*n+x part.

For, example: [2,4,-3,0,4],5:


Then we shall reverse the list:

 -4,0,-3,4,2, -4,0,-3, 4........
           <-2's block->     

Next we obtain corresponding blocks for each element by [len(x)+~i:][:n]. The slice will be reverse i.e. 2 will gain a block: [2,-4,0,-3,4] which is reverse of the expected [4,-3,0,-4,2], but we need the sum after all. So, this works. :)


Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 2 739

Not sure why you have to reverse first? Can't you modify the slices later on in the reverse direction instead? – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-27T12:36:36.390

@Mr.Xcoder I do think there is a way but this way was less tedious so I sticked with this... :D – officialaimm – 2017-08-27T12:38:47.630

1I think x[-n+1:]+x*n should give you the list with sufficient padding on either side, without having to reverse (lambda x,n:[sum((x[-n+1:]+x*n)[i:i+n])for i in range(len(x))]) – muru – 2017-08-28T10:43:59.620

1@muru Did you just edit it? Now, it works. Thanks a lot! – officialaimm – 2017-08-28T10:52:29.250


JavaScript ES6 80 78 bytes


2 bytes saved thanks to Neil



f([2, 4, -3, 0, -4])(3)


Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 1 847

1The ,N looks unnecessary to me... – Neil – 2017-08-27T15:16:49.860

@Neil You're right, thanks – Bálint – 2017-08-27T16:51:43.233


Röda, 52 bytes

f a,n{(a*n)|slide n|tail#a*n|{head n|sum}while open}

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f a,n{
  (a*n)|    /* Push the items in a n times to the stream */
  slide n|  /* Create a sliding block of length n */
  tail#a*n| /* Push the last n*len(a) values in the stream to the stream */
  {         /* While there are elements in the stream (stream is open): */
    head n| /*   Pull n values from the stream */
    sum     /*   Sum them and push the sum to the stream */
  } while open


Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 4 867


Perl 5, 66 + 1 (-a) = 67 bytes

$n=pop@F;$,=$";say map{$q=$c++;$t=0;$t+=$F[$q--%@F]for 1..$n;$t}@F

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Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 7 671


K (oK), 18 bytes



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{+/+y':(1-y+#x)#x}[1 2;5]
7 8
{+/+y':(1-y+#x)#x}[-5 4 0 1 0 -10 -4;4]
-19 -15 -5 0 5 -9 -13
{+/+y':(1-y+#x)#x}[-10 0 10;4]
-10 0 10


Was about to post a 31 byte solution then I remembered that oK has a built-in for sliding windows...

{+/+y':(1-y+#x)#x} / the solution
{                } / lambda with implicit x and y parameters
               #x  / take (#) from list x
       (    #x)    / length of x
          y+       / add y (window size)
        1-         / subtract from 1 to give a negative
    y':            / sliding window of size y
   +               / flip
 +/                / sum


The 31 byte solution that also works in K4:

q)k){+/+x#y#'|+(:':\|(1-y+x:#x)#x)}[2 4 -3 0 -4;3]
-2 2 3 1 -7


Posted 2017-08-27T10:38:27.737

Reputation: 3 635