Mix pi and e to make pie!



Everybody knows pi the mathematical constant, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.


You probably also know e the mathematical constant, the base of a natural logarithm.


But... do you know pie? It is one of the most important constants (to me). It is the digits of pi and e interleaved.


As a decimal expansion:

3, 2, 1, 7, 4, 1, 1, 8, 5, 2, 9, 8, 2, 1, 6, 8, 5, 2...

This is OEIS sequence A001355.

KEYWORD: nonn,base,dumb,easy

It is a very dumb sequence.


Write a program/function that takes a non-negative integer n and outputs the nth digit of pie.


  • Standard I/O rules apply.
  • Standard loopholes are forbidden.
  • Your solution must work for at least 50 digits of each constant which means it should work for at least a 100 terms of the sequence (please, try not to hardcode :P).
  • The output for 2 or 3 is not a decimal point.
  • Your solution can either be 0-indexed or 1-indexed but please specify which.
  • This challenge is not about finding the shortest approach in all languages, rather, it is about finding the shortest approach in each language.
  • Your code will be scored in bytes, usually in the encoding UTF-8, unless specified otherwise.
  • Built-in functions that compute this sequence are allowed but including a solution that doesn't rely on a built-in is encouraged.
  • Explanations, even for "practical" languages, are encouraged.

Test cases

These are 0-indexed.

Input   Output

1       2
2       1
11      8
14      6
21      4
24      9
31      5

In a few better formats:

1 2 11 14 21 24 31
1, 2, 11, 14, 21, 24, 31

2 3 12 15 22 25 32
2, 3, 12, 15, 22, 25, 32


Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 15 378

8According to the OEIS, the keyword dumb simply means uninteresting with no properties special to it. – Okx – 2017-08-11T15:19:05.543

I think hardcoding is the best solution in Python... – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-11T15:24:43.450

You might just be able to get there with Sympy...

– totallyhuman – 2017-08-11T15:31:53.770

1@Downvoter Any reason, perhaps? – totallyhuman – 2017-08-12T00:55:16.967

27One could argue that the result is pei, not pie – Zaid – 2017-08-12T10:35:56.087

1I didn't do the down vote, but maybe because you didn't ask this on 3/14 ;) – txtechhelp – 2017-08-12T20:01:36.173

1At 1:59pm, @txtechhelp? ;) – WallyWest – 2018-08-24T01:16:31.793

Hardcoding the output is a standard loophole. Are you intending to override that by saying "please, try not to hardcode, or should the hardcoded answers be deleted as exploiting a standard loophole.

– pppery – 2019-08-28T03:44:31.473



Mathematica, 50 bytes




Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 15 931

Can you explain how this works? – Stevoisiak – 2017-08-11T16:55:21.517

it's easy. It takes 120(5!) elements of each and riffle them – J42161217 – 2017-08-11T16:57:49.693

Nice! I tried to beat your solution by avoiding Riffle, but my solution comes up one byte short: RealDigits[If[OddQ@#,Pi,E],10,#][[1,Ceiling[#/2]]]& – Mark S. – 2017-08-12T04:06:33.357

This appears not to work. It returns a single digit. – DavidC – 2017-08-12T20:23:09.633

@DavidC Yes!.."outputs the nth digit of pie" Exactly! why did you downvote??? – J42161217 – 2017-08-12T20:26:06.767

Oops, my bad! I misunderstood the goal. – DavidC – 2017-08-12T20:28:15.653



This solution calculates e and pi using infinite series and stores them in arbitrary-precision fixed-point integers (Haskell's built-in Integer type and its Rational extension).

import Data.Ratio
s n=product[n,n-2..1]
f n=(show$round$(*10^50)$sum[[2*s(2*k)%(2^k*s(2*k+1)),1%product[1..k]]!!mod n 2|k<-r])!!div n 2


import Data.Ratio

semifact :: Integer -> Integer
semifact n = product [n, n-2..1]

pi_term :: Integer -> Rational
pi_term i = semifact (2*i) % (2^i * semifact (2*i+1))

--requires 164 terms to achieve desired precision
pi_sum :: Rational
pi_sum = 2 * (sum $ map (pi_term) [0..164])

--requires 40 terms to achieve desired precision
e_sum :: Rational
e_sum = sum [1 % product [1..k] | k<-[0..40]]

-- 51 digits are required because the last one suffers from rounding errors 
fifty1Digits :: Rational -> String
fifty1Digits x = show $ round $ x * 10^50

pi51 = fifty1Digits pi_sum
e51  = fifty1Digits e_sum

-- select a string to draw from, and select a character from it
pie_digit n = ([pi51, e51] !! (n `mod` 2)) !! (n `div` 2)

0-indexed. Accurate for input 0-99, inaccurate for input 100-101, out-of-bounds otherwise.


Calculates pi using this infinite series. Calculates e using the classical inverse factorial series. Theoretically these aren't the ideal formulas to use, as they aren't very terse in terms of bytecount, but they were the only ones I could find that converged quickly enough to make verification of accuracy feasible (other sums required hundreds of thousands if not millions of terms). In the golfed version, e is calculated to a much higher precision than necessary in order to minimize bytecount. Both constants are calculated to slightly more digits than necessary to avoid rounding errors (which are responsible for the awkward tail of incorrect values).

The constants are calculated as arbitrary precision integer ratios (Rational), then multiplied by 10^50 so that all necessary digits remain intact when the ratio is converted to an (arbitrary precision) integer (Integer). This also avoids the issue of avoiding the decimal point in the numbers' string representations, which the function alternatively draws characters from.


Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 951


Taxi, 749 bytes

'3217411852982168523854859970943522338543662062483734873123759256062284894717957712649730999336795919' is waiting at Writer's Depot.Go to Post Office:w 1 l 1 r 1 l.Pickup a passenger going to The Babelfishery.Go to The Babelfishery:s 1 l 1 r.Pickup a passenger going to The Underground.Go to Writer's Depot:n 1 l 1 l 2 l.Pickup a passenger going to Chop Suey.Go to Chop Suey:n 3 r 3 r.[a]Pickup a passenger going to Narrow Path Park.Go to The Underground:s 1 r 1 l.Switch to plan "b" if no one is waiting.Pickup a passenger going to The Underground.Go to Narrow Path Park:n 4 l.Go to Chop Suey:e 1 r 1 l 1 r.Switch to plan "a".[b]Go to Narrow Path Park:n 4 l.Pickup a passenger going to Post Office.Go to Post Office:e 1 r 4 r 1 l.

Try it online!

Trying to compute pi or e programmatically in Taxi would be a nightmare, although I'm sure it can be done. Thus, it's far shorter to just hardcode the first 100 digits in the sequence. It feels pretty cheap but it's definitely the shortest Taxi code that meets the challenge.

It hard-codes the sequence as strings, takes in n, then iterates n down and removes the first character in the string each time. When n=0, output the first character. This is one-indexed.

Un-golfed / formatted:

'3217411852982168523854859970943522338543662062483734873123759256062284894717957712649730999336795919' is waiting at Writer's Depot.
Go to Post Office: west 1st left 1st right 1st left.
Pickup a passenger going to The Babelfishery.
Go to The Babelfishery: south 1st left 1st right.
Pickup a passenger going to The Underground.
Go to Writer's Depot: north 1st left 1st left 2nd left.
Pickup a passenger going to Chop Suey.
Go to Chop Suey: north 3rd right 3rd right.
Pickup a passenger going to Narrow Path Park.
Go to The Underground: south 1st right 1st left.
Switch to plan "b" if no one is waiting.
Pickup a passenger going to The Underground.
Go to Fueler Up: south.
Go to Narrow Path Park: north 4th left.
Go to Chop Suey: east 1st right 1st left 1st right.
Switch to plan "a".
Go to Narrow Path Park: north 4th left.
Pickup a passenger going to Post Office.
Go to Post Office: east 1st right 4th right 1st left.

Engineer Toast

Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 5 769


Python 2, 88 bytes

-4 bytes thanks to the base conversion idea of @EriktheOutgolfer.

lambda n:`int("SVBPXJDZK00YCG3W7CZRA378H4AM5553D52T52ZKAFJ17F4V1Q7PU7O4WV9ZXEKV",36)`[n]

Try it online!

Python 2 + sympy, 92 bytes

0-indexed. Thanks to Rod for reminding me to switch to from sympy import*, which I formerly forgot.

lambda n:sum([('3','2')]+zip(`N(pi,50)`,`N(E,50)`[:47]+'6996')[2:],())[n]
from sympy import*

Try it online!

Python 2, 114 bytes

I honestly think the shortest solution is hardcoding, since Python doesn't have useful built-ins.

lambda n:"3217411852982168523854859970943522338543662062483734873123759256062284894717957712649730999336795919"[n]

Try it online!

Python 2, 114 bytes

Equivalent solution by @totallyhuman.


Try it online!

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 39 774

Before downvoting, take your time to search for a shorter solution. – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-11T15:29:27.860

Equivalent byte count. – totallyhuman – 2017-08-11T15:30:04.793

@totallyhuman Thanks – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-11T15:30:27.497

Yes, they are equivalent :P – Okx – 2017-08-11T15:32:15.630

Found a possibly shorter solution with sympy.mpmath, editing if it becomes shorter – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-11T15:34:08.130

I found a shorter solution with mpmath and posted it below – bioweasel – 2017-08-11T15:45:12.227

using from sympy import* you can save a lot of bytes – Rod – 2017-08-11T15:55:08.170

99 bytes - cmon man :P (or what Rod said) – Stephen – 2017-08-11T15:55:13.203

@Rod Forgot to update from my testing ground :))) - I was convinced mine was shorter and I didn't know why it was over 100 - By mistake I copied my "sandbox" try instead of my golfed approach. Sorry and thanks! – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-11T15:55:42.063

@StepHen Actually 92 – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-11T15:57:12.320

8The equivalent solution that you edited in is actually equivalent code, not equivalent byte count. :P – totallyhuman – 2017-08-11T16:18:24.830

Actually hardcoding would be shorter (88 bytes) using base 36: \int("SVBPXJDZK00YCG3W7CZRA378H4AM5553D52T52ZKAFJ17F4V1Q7PU7O4WV9ZXEKV",36)`.getitemorlambda n:`int("SVBPXJDZK00YCG3W7CZRA378H4AM5553D52T52ZKAFJ17F4V1Q7PU7O4WV9ZXEKV",36)`[n]`. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-08-12T11:35:34.477

@EriktheOutgolfer Thanks. – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-12T11:55:49.907

1@totallyhuman Lol I saw your comment and understood it but I completely forgot to fix, because I was laughing about my own mistake. Thanks for editing in! – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-12T13:58:19.990


05AB1E, 10 bytes



žs          Get the first input digits of pi
  тžt       Get 100 digits of e
     ø      Zip them together
      J     Join into a string
       þ    Remove non-digits
        sè  0-indexed index of input in the resulting list


Try it online!


Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 15 025

1Too many 05AB1Es... :P – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-11T15:12:25.153

@Mr.Xcoder Well, 05AB1E is the language with the pi and e builtin... – Okx – 2017-08-11T15:13:04.293

@Mr.Xcoder There are builtins that's why. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-08-11T15:13:12.857

@totallyhuman no it doesn't. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-08-11T15:16:01.680

@Dorian Your version doesn't work. You're using the legacy version, but žt wasn't an infinite list back then, which is why Okx is using the first 100 digits of e in his program. Changing it to the new version of 05AB1E (where both pi and e are an infinite list) still wouldn't work in your current version, because the zip would create pairs and the Join would join those pairs instead of everything. 9 bytes are still possible by replacing J with S in the new version however, where S makes it a flattened list of chars/digits

– Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-09-25T12:10:11.763

@Kevin Cruijssen Yes, you're right. I didn't test it enough. I deleted my comment now. I just had 65 in my input box by chance and the code gave the correct result for that. – Dorian – 2019-09-25T12:22:15.950

8 bytes – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-11-22T08:48:15.553


Python 3, 83 80 bytes


lambda n:('%d'*51%(*b' )4bD4&6UcF^#!U+B>0%"WK\<>0^GO9~1c]$O;',))[n]

Try it online!

There are some non-printable characters in there that can't be seen properly in a browser.

This works by building the tuple (32, 17, 41, 18, 52, ...) from the ASCII codes of the characters in the hardcoded bytestring. The tuple is converted to the string '3217411852...', from which we select the right digit.


Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 1 467


Polyglot, 108 bytes


Works in:

  • C#
  • JavaScript

I think this is the shortest you can do in C# seeing as it is 252 bytes to find the Nth decimal of pi.


Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 6 930

JS polyglot :-) – Arnauld – 2017-08-11T15:51:11.543

@Arnauld Updated :) – TheLethalCoder – 2017-08-11T15:54:26.360

Polyglot for Java, but with -> – Okx – 2017-08-11T15:55:07.523

@Okx Updated, for some reason I forgot you could index into strings in Java... – TheLethalCoder – 2017-08-11T15:56:15.447

@TheLethalCoder Oh wait, that's because you can't... you've got to use .charAt I believe – Okx – 2017-08-11T15:58:18.473

Would this also be a TypeScript polyglot? And JSX? – TehPers – 2017-08-11T16:01:42.193

7This isn't a Java Polyglot! You can't index into Non-Array Objects in Java. – Roman Gräf – 2017-08-11T20:47:08.357

1This technically works but I downvoted because it's a) not very competitive and b) extremely boring and trivial. – HyperNeutrino – 2017-08-12T02:18:30.330

works also on julia with -> (like java) – Uriel – 2017-08-12T19:53:29.793

4@HyperNeutrino It's C# and JavaScript when are they ever competitive? And boring and trivial maybe but would you rather I did a 500 byte answer in C# that was clever? No because that conflicts with point 1. This is as short as it gets... – TheLethalCoder – 2017-08-13T08:07:19.873

If it's the shortest answer then that's a different situation, but it's not particularly competing in this challenge anyway. – HyperNeutrino – 2017-08-13T16:21:52.590

@HyperNeutrino Did you also downvote the Seed answer then?

– TheLethalCoder – 2017-08-14T07:57:05.697

Does it really matter to you that much? For what it's worth, no, I did not, because Seed is not trivial. I did however down vote the corresponding Befunge answer. Now please stop bothering me about it; if you really care that much about the answer score you can ask on meta how people are "supposed" to vote. – HyperNeutrino – 2017-08-14T08:38:48.330

@HyperNeutrino I know you can vote however you like I was asking to see if I can improve my answer in any way that will satisfy you. However, as both of your criteria for downvoting conflict with this submission, short and trivial, it appears I will never be able to do that... – TheLethalCoder – 2017-08-14T08:41:00.210

Why would I down vote short submissions? This is code golf after all. I am just opposed to hard coding in some cases, though I don't always down vote it because there is too much hard coding to down vote. – HyperNeutrino – 2017-08-14T09:03:21.790

@HyperNeutrino I phrased that wrong I meant, you want it to be short and none trivial and in this case it isn't possible. – TheLethalCoder – 2017-08-14T09:07:47.867


Seed, 6015 bytes

105 41100973201674650461227976639700390615120600528953176107701316721890649738810349651490948904154731057172335535600875054878204557287393379815378680878571406244365932330202793040308312687924242319799562985464135998860369933720376853281630432469462831217924775601393232895404104191613314969008627719099002734936685651970933027922574843126481552407811220371545812798263882325951724505132794956253992779856191832909434513683936955184871247159313261417328850445886987045814618325821125417040265540589403338721758954467831926977078444612065747526326682314711350486782090838673475876960125016098416460032667015813053483457246043486676622061645094043655351781242050448580132075920324099742699960838361839038297355120817832056960516761862493176616153258281345538652844974811030063414112136642097000574165433957710342430709643110444042577685157477268110199017600011209827070311299268347100419887111107237908884608557593677163764286026624394674781868689858494991328505977301270068505397030743037416430245399054325956185200430657008806539374392625804513081295070438243600044274289109395357299275275193717501822777898664715885427884193864182834402097958423697356485767670945673525604620701482288023981110598866625872386643941558021439168402392304238271452444124214301243311025121833097491087918320170873313832323794851508364788578530614246140801266858481189449278157296335592848066512127882306035576754122325822200069362884409931190620435627809384380203617488253034370361172908245852012086081807945576657014184275798330804532115103840313004678040210379846666674881048346897213048386522262581473085489039138251061251160730845385869281787222083186331344552658814775998639661361866503862291670619153718574270905089351133527806484519543645501497150560454761284099358123613642350160410944676702481576280832672884549762767667090615809061739499629798396737503512011645776394176807352443544839957773371384141101627375926404212619777658374366513665083032140398814384622434755543347503025479743718569310129255927244046638238401670388409731849963600790867434678993019370132638962549859363736476668247251402420832876258626149639101811361047924632565285870213656416957893835899254928237592711662454838295046528789720146967061486405916116778722736283489123195985053535189375957277052428901645131462087039117212488839670735246752589931585405440449333046667938628384693216121067951290025349082277568986632815062532963505690244579740140120806885104683071514922412748240497612209609661707922754236180441892543545377867355182682381812487973645406703590150722720330526173957597156314579144484166520730013480681064941752984345205140917291104888971742824066713606933406657345121342075268990055328274845008936364502884461548416337689565392911129757761902576946104722487260155373897552821908338346641549478063474748830482136404008215583192489320750526753663943267086203954602839906762640389978523894333743126288529975769945319614142422443068420170103245659109689433597701350198280212250954698442638475209618790055335813263132865176791663235801963797561493995544185124734214257034901773781134331460320221759556924556747571745834582344275416625351302153332814233497096345055392255809024712740720006219615340819493781244665414077298346378966540544979367367978334759985048507214749726072645238624803791884339024844989975370042133733339339038567691571361407296615851372112592532463329778465699812822089846474961581380707849259093905314170108054540333209088059730272087864344697983074458088984533095183089310714804468718319244214535941276969904638763288063417624586766891798378622613765728303031397998644194508610598078718347204813844240434145846888722334194516524032354042557957058092854659539699310565707914118281251563405735083553254856313838760124953245573676126601070861004186509621892263623745673900572829301771299438501543213489182375655869072568437776298051260531944785904157204006430131566234389896821642210616326951771496269255716808352415001187083781128619236455170025989777631182990311607133740812107138446626302353752098982590371714623080450836912706275397973009559314275978915463843159370230629290376520494894845680706499809017211545204670148071902560908658269183779180493590025891585269507219866461550160579656755846447951259951641828495549544791046179035585611272240116822105364823082512055639047431280117805724371019657801828634946412396263504315569042536942671358095826696817513115447079645898107923447321583282886740680340887700198072304400536529418546232473450984945589794448490331085275232352881571706521961358975744067916422124670374397682877259664913100427726059898474024964867713698696116581478101206003313106174761699804016604950094008714907179862448792216891309734208815522069346791369498202430302292199779590583788518283934542807403049256936179914953814019565550264909025345322516061595136601312434888871667940394250767164496543418483237896796108764367721411969986710930448108645039275082356457263454340220118278471652962484104099512207532103709146426640958406853240342441810465024550617909657901698718289260589269758398513490424434162831332785821428006396653475356712733072469052427934231406388810607688824035522285626563562286337967271308076321307276537761026788485320280603487776428017017298356181654076403306265118978333909378403193559129146468182910851996415072056976175613473847242292911071040966109905552914332596680497156169349277079292398091020434667210493868422848588893205157133171899819212153010393580099455957808703428739456223073813663954919146593698106305501988107196273527346690785289909397140611634970017071011599022429384594426022933102487171920965595473754661194965266230932928905708783854897164127767575976566931916632077914904360565095752466049885656187054491320449776951484812738806536727562344348761718424255018794271994537719709226236497935053971406685810778014002594041715040546776952342303797267458880802314841325359844565479173256964507237937290466116935912176054052746039378370966040054779443633371806403649852746347690237831260027483859907620684197542069045517397230169577918374265220969534695931904

The Seed equivalent to my Befunge answer. Like I mentioned there, the Befunge program this outputs does not work on TIO because TIO seems to have internal line wrapping at 80 characters.


Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 899

How? Just... how? – NieDzejkob – 2017-08-13T14:06:18.437

1https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/193325/61379 Outgolfed – Krzysztof Szewczyk – 2019-09-22T11:07:28.830


Java 8, 420 417 413 404 380 358 (calculated) & 115 110 (hardcoded) bytes

Calculated (420 417 413 404 380 358):

import java.math.*;n->{int i=1,x=99;BigDecimal e,f=e=BigDecimal.ONE;BigInteger p,a=BigInteger.TEN.pow(x);for(p=a=a.add(a);i<x;)e=e.add(e.ONE.divide(f=f.multiply(f.valueOf(i++)),new MathContext(x,RoundingMode.HALF_UP)));for(i=1;a.compareTo(a.ZERO)>0;)p=p.add(a=a.multiply(a.valueOf(i)).divide(a.valueOf(i+++i)));return n==1?50:((n%2<1?p:e)+"").charAt(-~n/2);}

Try it here.
Prove it outputs correct result for required 100 items.

Hardcoded: (115 110 bytes):


Try it online.


-9 and -5 bytes thanks to @Nevay.
-24 bytes thanks to @ceilingcat.

  • Your solution must work for at least 50 digits of each constant which means it should work for at least a 100 terms of the sequence (please, try not to hardcode :P)
  • Built-in functions that compute this sequence are allowed but including a solution that doesn't rely on a built-in is encouraged

You've asked for it.. ;)

Java's built-in Math.PI and Math.E are doubles, which have a max precision of just 16. Therefore, we'll have to calculate both values ourselves using java.math.BigInteger and/or java.math.BigDecimal.
Since I've already calculate PI before in another challenge, I've used that same code using BigInteger. The algorithm for Euler's number uses BigDecimal however.
The resulting p and e are therefore: 31415... and 2.718....

Could probably golf it by only using BigDecimal, but was giving some incorrect answers for PI, so I now use both BigDecimal and BigInteger.


import java.math.*;           // Required import for BigDecimal and BigInteger
n->{                          // Method with integer as parameter and char as return-type
  int i=1,                    //  Start index-integer at 1
      x=99;                   //  Large integer we use three times
  BigDecimal e,               //  Euler's number
                              //  Temp BigDecimal (both `e` and `f` start at 1)
  BigInteger p,               //  PI
                              //  Temp BigInteger (where both `p` and `a` starts at 10^99*2)

       i<x;)                  //  Loop (1) 99 times (the higher the better precision)
    e=e.add(                  //   Add the following to `e`:
                              //    First change `f` by multiplying it with `i`
        new MathContext(x,RoundingMode.HALF_UP))))
                              //    And then add 1/`f` to `e`
                              //    (RoundingMode is mandatory for BigDecimal divide)
  for(i=1;                    //  Reset `i` back to 1
      a.compareTo(a.ZERO)>0;) //  Loop (2) as long as `a` is not 0
    p=p.add(                  //   Add the following to `p`:
                              //    First change `a` by multiplying it with `i`,
                              //    and dividing it by `2*i+1`
                              //    And then add this new `a` to `p`
  // We now have `p`=31415... and `e`=2.718...
  return n==1?                // If the input (`n`) is 1:
          50                  //  Return 2
         :                    // Else:
          ((n%2<1?            //  If `n` is divisible by 2:
             p                //   Use `p`
            :                 //  Else:
             e)               //   Use `e` instead
    +"")                      //  Convert BigDecimal/BigInteger to String:
        .charAt(-~n/2);}      //  And return the `(n+1)//2`'th character in this string

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 67 575

Not sure if it will help you but my C# algorithm for calculating pi came in at 8 bytes shorter than your Java version.

– TheLethalCoder – 2017-08-14T11:17:21.763

Note though to get it to work properly for this question change (d+=2) to ++d and return p%10+1 to just return p%10. – TheLethalCoder – 2017-08-14T11:24:40.347

@TheLethalCoder Feel free to make a C# answer for this challenge. :) Although you'll also have to calculate Euler's number. My answer is kinda for lolz anyway, since hardcoding the output is shorter anyway.. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2017-08-14T11:34:10.410

I'm in the process of making a none hardcoded one. I just posted it to see if it could help you was all :) – TheLethalCoder – 2017-08-14T11:35:10.213

The C# answer came in at 377 bytes with some more golfing possible, maybe some of it will help? Though I don't know for sure. – TheLethalCoder – 2017-08-14T12:19:08.730

1You've asked for it.. ;) Hey, I like your first one better. I got way more hardcoded answers than I expected... – totallyhuman – 2017-08-14T15:45:33.363

1You can save 9 bytes in your calculated answer by using charAt(n+1>>1) and 5 bytes in your hardcoded version by using a method reference "..."::charAt. – Nevay – 2017-08-14T15:59:11.800

@ceilingcat Thanks! And been able to golf 21 more bytes by using .valueOf instead of new BigDecimal (not sure why I didn't had that in my original answer tbh..), and 1 more by using i+++i instead of i-~i++. :) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-11-22T08:40:43.127


Excel, 113 bytes



PI() is only accurate up to 15 digits. Similar for EXP(1).

60 42 byte solution that works for Input <=30 (-18 bytes thanks to @Adam)



Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 2 534

The basic concept in your second approach can be shortened to 46 bytes by only having the pi/e choice inside the if(...) statement: =MID(IF(ISODD(b1),PI(),EXP(1)/10)/10,b1/2+3,1) .Can't get around the imprecision of pi() and exp(), though – Adam – 2017-08-11T21:20:06.933


Python 2 + SymPy, 70 63 bytes

lambda n:int(N([pi,E][n%2],50)*10**(n/2)%10)
from sympy import*

Try it online!


Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 17 588


05AB1E, 13 bytes


Try it online!

Similar to Magic's answer, but kinda different.


Éi<;žtë;žs}þθ Supports 9842 digits of e and 98411 digits of π
É             a % 2
 i    ë   }   if a==1
  <            a - 1
   ;           a / 2
    žt         e to a digits
       ;       a / 2
        žs     π to a digits
           þ  keep chars in [0-9] in a
            θ a[-1]

Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 38 134


Japt, 55 bytes

" ®v4bØUî6UcF^#ß&6$Îø%\"Wí;<>0^GO9G1c]$O;"cs gU

Test it online! Contains a few unprintables.

Works by replacing each character in the string with its charcode, then returning the digit at the correct index. The string was generated by this program:

r"..(?=[^0]0)|25[0-5]|2[0-4].|1..|.(?=[^0]0)|..|."_n d

Test it online!


Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 47 880


Julia, 63 bytes



Converts pi or e to a string, removes the decimal place, and then calls the appropriate digit. Returns a character representation of the digit.


Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 121

1Welcome to PPCG! – Martin Ender – 2017-08-13T19:29:08.077


Seed, 5852 5794

Based on TehPers Befunge answer.

105 113002164871590739314987829049307960037656198834866427236905121954115803425132377811017261267508985918460516699110604069383390959259813211529503372875273808710588124346256307646667819637622583266174711430236542978713371651111138161258814014430791036278292414499656452941169156830257154682891945427168323349789659414918954432721496930284898425790960909241894284781315857049329769224542864680353681534575933422424767707487267105729647869707615701969946632447899025935146610872657847217500147458582162977840688029783675330301220720997622926460983429318136766448664249339408547350925381367609377956773869746595751981270619213926147211890869963881664082555405185043676206172128177189246682247058574292315899935090905437591661266740559405162222996969611028558290091641009922497490272073602109698144136237139892288758564286335997806260176733841267995620802629495311018527105600614517192092649739617993355354764787635487444533658359428565687080154517757890270592773372024921163684788486949109705417597693762970920021249476121718487310885214065572289535961346215683364612315264822079329585462764945219095679916070353286147709600972570614120233113128790126662286156057686903720942137873912511576516301011227356138489027470697247933585954842450741358944012216071769761815733661875419652839052931663415505744712631746787832014322014868591150702573172166945669229230913363344728435313054200429998131904807363769656763488962394934163037250505543518966376704416506376321611183458869639917973770286152983694797090148271251013631504215211063321591324191669491956643311240521006341404267009756225607360091610388650359124819175883509292439414777620417167522685091490259040136036034579692518124798164708926188495203908126898658681865909050531795557967108988591574556866175888346903123079427257115921330028144573070329426929531076740133942295248077792078687841078079268719526879909788542680179524275827358784127273168527872136974672731344708599614215281119934065639520745234349293757970245111171645337101665479132283486591886003364231440299524048129365242579269735889557760669994751103041672868435202250671067797684169074938720299249334705611438978473321117244865600759558291122236484729311642571499634395815652244856036306309426007390684666411239172295850545146441402560560341332328380709310752195557971123590340315335700317013293851268994688275799911771016064582194514876381367454879798122437554725457606331047947374904420197286393544275845842428580614721866647174706186991857454507274563175804998237200744486630048509506143395191487837350195267021654643538881849734231141725424601330485671509495305148131743810493387517147034390010671970517110205867361059474884617856208037099248888176490940290206562546475055852738977573593904440085870522989324367348662198800983879197171460362503731088514814079681375712029106737219687292822832109515671205430310190195987438406367288649547279607011336560384368751332286717619791748985553772693409536049147249735256714714024639568250305940497144973962564739882059896415826530266878391650198495604496902130260192048771738287910630368379535990532534781447331851939134456545892027046327917478474665636031407046424166662224021038524518495928222266639887065627494062967545357424609779938336142901480061872078034629454218589211641784224052477683545808790001800789690114038324361179370588354779145068239226196064382427132818933211646651925556744151561592584028445615402230429197821863456537957514864271133762278972184204869644394521345416271355631691230134619361522785486931887108980824977655507783434249228188856167617108716815094123730600710952108190016969333162591813869968264515792463284254698981261829244948079958090972029228009509584596285072135655480768099128872214767174088557681133949254945492690159492733827441038586327672595878146092413446635826008953390852510674046712247097336867698827720756888212247984007467030021498051100766545723521829074239408920419228250849112577718015149186696163811124496295326839833968618977237298392606857935004740275480306823203459402487279114142809512031125908797313635314972863814303513678473099927026607274900456721755543827098812499754976223002068988166928549986537496305328253011857088410803897580533534109872057730526662956704744519240370047288779478242394065841217642437006215862683465340567540141567908382219161706192517414918920335949928316037480173726078040746055914732675899449554957974703336123447175047024451331108027464919186072451108622235369696655603590410141636686651842707160470522293863594778186952018113745140884964015958604111363959827254006218576819095970777536217638180423889634131748541027983145892759706009491393182243795048903475541887656616509860914555116317017006096855080419242968307668243354850411304416190687499212061972410926839498652918205097786610428363995506942432312411823427047186868840577006626729855054434535548056834448216246518404910539196129433524592691043628016754842890872507304906318742343175154206452151706945249818234640798419739099879992464416047867973147679669193814805760372826774933145903193782399649588923478706079107924185454258124307881293104633301338073776691416142537130145576268465288334517657616632085092685517319761353655436962877242874726395604578641629542918465198557048233824201655936372542110027024362703019743929091896294865287339787424383206745979183701439427840308590723461600323162160013212640322512322745821468600689724015806074498945821524378781714871793675698107420867876597774494057787557965469877984960511884501039590623229374018088813765629152405059007172424233594237883453270762239632440547727976805269692785605606401953257035710157327757004025470677546239616027587603888642814609779889799831508662735822095183804904610021893861075323086016909910447437995018169256183487254051119590377469311351028312018776850026116029689211988391328901764154505776555092490963288792

Krzysztof Szewczyk

Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 3 819

Nice job! I'm a bit curious about how you golfed it. – TehPers – 2019-09-23T00:29:20.017


Malbolge Unshackled (20-trit rotation variant), 3,64E6 bytes

Size of this answer exceeds maximum postable program size (eh), so the code is located in my GitHub repository (note: Don't copy the code using CTRL+A and CTRL+C, just rightclick and click "Save destination element as...").

How to run this?

This might be a tricky part, because naive Haskell interpreter will take ages upon ages to run this. TIO has decent Malbogle Unshackled interpreter, but sadly I won't be able to use it (limitations).

The best one I could find is the fixed 20-trit rotation width variant, that performs very well, calculating (pretty much) instantly.

To make the interpreter a bit faster, I've removed all the checks from Matthias Lutter's Malbolge Unshackled interpreter.

#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

const char* translation = "5z]&gqtyfr$(we4{WP)H-Zn,[%\\3dL+Q;>U!pJS72Fh"

typedef struct Word {
    unsigned int area;
    unsigned int high;
    unsigned int low;
} Word;

void word2string(Word w, char* s, int min_length) {
    if (!s) return;
    if (min_length < 1) min_length = 1;
    if (min_length > 20) min_length = 20;
    s[0] = (w.area%3) + '0';
    s[1] = 't';
    char tmp[20];
    int i;
    for (i=0;i<10;i++) {
        tmp[19-i] = (w.low % 3) + '0';
        w.low /= 3;
    for (i=0;i<10;i++) {
        tmp[9-i] = (w.high % 3) + '0';
        w.high /= 3;
    i = 0;
    while (tmp[i] == s[0] && i < 20 - min_length) i++;
    int j = 2;
    while (i < 20) {
        s[j] = tmp[i];
    s[j] = 0;

unsigned int crazy_low(unsigned int a, unsigned int d){
    unsigned int crz[] = {1,0,0,1,0,2,2,2,1};
    int position = 0;
    unsigned int output = 0;
    while (position < 10){
        unsigned int i = a%3;
        unsigned int j = d%3;
        unsigned int out = crz[i+3*j];
        unsigned int multiple = 1;
        int k;
        for (k=0;k<position;k++)
            multiple *= 3;
        output += multiple*out;
        a /= 3;
        d /= 3;
    return output;

Word zero() {
    Word result = {0, 0, 0};
    return result;

Word increment(Word d) {
    if (d.low >= 59049) {
        d.low = 0;
        if (d.high >= 59049) {
            fprintf(stderr,"error: overflow\n");
    return d;

Word decrement(Word d) {
    if (d.low == 0) {
        d.low = 59048;
    return d;

Word crazy(Word a, Word d){
    Word output;
    unsigned int crz[] = {1,0,0,1,0,2,2,2,1};
    output.area = crz[a.area+3*d.area];
    output.high = crazy_low(a.high, d.high);
    output.low = crazy_low(a.low, d.low);
    return output;

Word rotate_r(Word d){
    unsigned int carry_h = d.high%3;
    unsigned int carry_l = d.low%3;
    d.high = 19683 * carry_l + d.high / 3;
    d.low = 19683 * carry_h + d.low / 3;
    return d;

// last_initialized: if set, use to fill newly generated memory with preinitial values...
Word* ptr_to(Word** mem[], Word d, unsigned int last_initialized) {
    if ((mem[d.area])[d.high]) {
        return &(((mem[d.area])[d.high])[d.low]);
    (mem[d.area])[d.high] = (Word*)malloc(59049 * sizeof(Word));
    if (!(mem[d.area])[d.high]) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: out of memory.\n");
    if (last_initialized) {
        Word repitition[6];
        repitition[(last_initialized-1) % 6] =
                ((mem[0])[(last_initialized-1) / 59049])
                    [(last_initialized-1) % 59049];
        repitition[(last_initialized) % 6] =
                ((mem[0])[last_initialized / 59049])
                    [last_initialized % 59049];
        unsigned int i;
        for (i=0;i<6;i++) {
            repitition[(last_initialized+1+i) % 6] =
                    crazy(repitition[(last_initialized+i) % 6],
                        repitition[(last_initialized-1+i) % 6]);
        unsigned int offset = (59049*d.high) % 6;
        i = 0;
        while (1){
            ((mem[d.area])[d.high])[i] = repitition[(i+offset)%6];
            if (i == 59048) {
    return &(((mem[d.area])[d.high])[d.low]);

unsigned int get_instruction(Word** mem[], Word c,
        unsigned int last_initialized,
        int ignore_invalid) {
    Word* instr = ptr_to(mem, c, last_initialized);
    unsigned int instruction = instr->low;
    instruction = (instruction+c.low + 59049 * c.high
            + (c.area==1?52:(c.area==2?10:0)))%94;
    return instruction;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    Word** memory[3];
    int i,j;
    for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
        memory[i] = (Word**)malloc(59049 * sizeof(Word*));
        if (!memory) {
            fprintf(stderr,"not enough memory.\n");
            return 1;
        for (j=0; j<59049; j++) {
            (memory[i])[j] = 0;
    Word a, c, d;
    unsigned int result;
    FILE* file;
    if (argc < 2) {
        // read program code from STDIN
        file = stdin;
        file = fopen(argv[1],"rb");
    if (file == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "File not found: %s\n",argv[1]);
        return 1;
    a = zero();
    c = zero();
    d = zero();
    result = 0;
    while (!feof(file)){
        unsigned int instr;
        Word* cell = ptr_to(memory, d, 0);
        (*cell) = zero();
        result = fread(&cell->low,1,1,file);
        if (result > 1)
            return 1;
        if (result == 0 || cell->low == 0x1a || cell->low == 0x04)
        instr = (cell->low + d.low + 59049*d.high)%94;
        if (cell->low == ' ' || cell->low == '\t' || cell->low == '\r'
                || cell->low == '\n');
        else if (cell->low >= 33 && cell->low < 127 &&
                (instr == 4 || instr == 5 || instr == 23 || instr == 39
                    || instr == 40 || instr == 62 || instr == 68
                    || instr == 81)) {
            d = increment(d);
    if (file != stdin) {
    unsigned int last_initialized = 0;
    while (1){
        *ptr_to(memory, d, 0) = crazy(*ptr_to(memory, decrement(d), 0),
                *ptr_to(memory, decrement(decrement(d)), 0));
        last_initialized = d.low + 59049*d.high;
        if (d.low == 59048) {
        d = increment(d);
    d = zero();

    unsigned int step = 0;
    while (1) {
        unsigned int instruction = get_instruction(memory, c,
                last_initialized, 0);
        switch (instruction){
            case 4:
                c = *ptr_to(memory,d,last_initialized);
            case 5:
                if (!a.area) {
                    printf("%c",(char)(a.low + 59049*a.high));
                }else if (a.area == 2 && a.low == 59047
                        && a.high == 59048) {
            case 23:
                a = zero();
                a.low = getchar();
                if (a.low == EOF) {
                    a.low = 59048;
                    a.high = 59048;
                    a.area = 2;
                }else if (a.low == '\n'){
                    a.low = 59047;
                    a.high = 59048;
                    a.area = 2;
            case 39:
                a = (*ptr_to(memory,d,last_initialized)
                        = rotate_r(*ptr_to(memory,d,last_initialized)));
            case 40:
                d = *ptr_to(memory,d,last_initialized);
            case 62:
                a = (*ptr_to(memory,d,last_initialized)
                        = crazy(a, *ptr_to(memory,d,last_initialized)));
            case 81:
                return 0;
            case 68:

        Word* mem_c = ptr_to(memory, c, last_initialized);
        mem_c->low = translation[mem_c->low - 33];

        c = increment(c);
        d = increment(d);
    return 0;

Krzysztof Szewczyk

Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 3 819

This looks like more than 3646 bytes – H.PWiz – 2019-09-22T11:57:28.890

1@H.PWiz forgot the E, sorry – Krzysztof Szewczyk – 2019-09-22T12:18:11.187


05AB1E, 14 bytes


Try it online!

This answer is 0-indexed.

žs              # pi to N digits.
  sžt           # e to N digits.
     ‚øJ        # Interleave.
        '.K     # No decimal points.
           s<è  # 0-indexed digit from string.

Magic Octopus Urn

Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 19 422

I know there are already three other 05AB1E answers, so it doesn't really matter, but you can golf 3 bytes by changing '.K to þ and remove the <. (Not sure why you even included the <, since you state your answer is 0-indexed. Your current answer is 1-indexed with the <.) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-11-19T14:16:10.570

Hmm.. you can also remove the , since the zip does this implicitly, but I see it's than almost exactly the same as the other 10-byte answer.. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-11-19T14:17:52.957


Python 3 + SymPy, 109 Bytes

0-indexed Try it online!

from mpmath import*
print(''.join(['32']+[str(pi)[i]+str(e)[i]for i in range(2,51)])[int(input())])

Beat hardcoding by 5 bytes!! But could probably be better. But beating hardcoding makes me feel good :)


Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 307


Pyth, 35 bytes


Test suite

Since Pyth doesn't have built-in arbitrary precision pi and e constants, I calculate them directly.

Calculating pi:


This uses the following recurrence continued fraction to compute pi: 2 + 1/3*(2 + 2/5*(2 + 3/7*(2 + 4/9*(2 + ...)))). I got it from another PPCG answer. It is derived in equations 23-25 here.

I calculate it from the inside out, ommitting all terms beyond the 1024th, since the later terms have little effect on the number, and I maintain 99 digits of precision to make sure the first 50 are correct.

Calculating e:


I sum the reciprocals of the first 1024 numbers, to 99 digits of precision.

Then, I convert both numbers to strings, interlace them, and index.


Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 39 268


Python 2, 82 bytes

lambda n:`7*ord('L?J$rg$"79n*i.71&<B@[>)!Y8l:.pUo4GZ9c0a%'[n/2])`[n%2+1]

Try it online!

Contains some unprintable ASCII characters. flornquake saved two bytes.


Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 55 648

This breaks e.g. for n=64, n=65. Not sure what the best way is to fix that, maybe lambda n:('%02d'%ord('...'[n/2]))[n%2], though there's probably something better. – flornquake – 2017-08-15T20:54:22.177

@flornquake darn, you're right. I wrote a fix that's one byte shorter. can't think of anything better – Lynn – 2017-08-16T05:45:07.880

Nice. Here's something even shorter, based on your idea: TIO

– flornquake – 2017-08-16T11:30:00.637


MATLAB, 93 Bytes

for i=1:length(p)
 c=[c p(i) e(i)];

A simple explanation is that this first converts e and pi to strings, then goes through a for loop concatenating the digits. Here, c is pie, p is pi, and e is e.

I have also broken this up into several lines for readability, but the actual code is all on one line with minimal spacing.


Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 119

Welcome to the site! – James – 2017-08-12T20:17:48.540

Thanks, I've been browsing Code Golf for quite a while, and finally decided to give it a go myself. – a13a22 – 2017-08-12T20:20:08.257

This has some issues, mainly that it appears to take no input. You need to modify your function so that given the integer, n, it will produce the nth digit of the Pie sequence. You can also reduce your bytecount by reducing your variable names to a single char – Taylor Scott – 2017-08-13T17:33:06.273

Sorry, I fixed the variable names for byte count. As for the nth digit, am I just supposed to define n=?, or am I supposed to take a user input? – a13a22 – 2017-08-13T17:41:38.183

Looks like you already figured it out, but you should prompt the user for input, however, it is not necessary to have any formatting attached to that prompt, so you an use input('') in place of input('n') – Taylor Scott – 2017-08-13T18:14:14.263

Thanks, I made that edit as well now and it reduced the byte count by 1. – a13a22 – 2017-08-13T18:24:26.067


C# + BigDecimal, 377 372 bytes

d=>{if(d%2<1){d/=2;int l=++d*10/3+2,j=0,i=0;long[]x=new long[l],r=new long[l];for(;j<l;)x[j++]=20;long c,n,e,p=0;for(;i<d;++i){for(j=0,c=0;j<l;c=x[j++]/e*n){n=l-j-1;e=n*2+1;r[j]=(x[j]+=c)%e;}p=x[--l]/10;r[l]=x[l++]%10;for(j=0;j<l;)x[j]=r[j++]*10;}return p%10;}else{CognitioConsulting.Numerics.BigDecimal r=1,n=1,i=1;for(;i<99;)r+=n/=i++;return(r+"").Remove(1,1)[d/2]-48;}}

Saved 5 bytes thanks to @Kevin Cruijssen.

No TIO link because of the external library, unfortunately C# doesn't have a built in BigDecimal class so this external one will have to do. Probably some golfing still possible but no time right now.

Full/Formatted Version:

namespace System.Linq
    class P
        static void Main()
            Func<int, long> f = d =>
                if (d % 2 < 1)
                    d /= 2;

                    int l = ++d * 10 / 3 + 2, j = 0, i = 0;
                    long[] x = new long[l], r = new long[l];

                    for (; j < l;)
                        x[j++] = 20;

                    long c, n, e, p = 0;

                    for (; i < d; ++i)
                        for (j = 0, c = 0; j < l; c = x[j++] / e * n)
                            n = l - j - 1;
                            e = n * 2 + 1;
                            r[j] = (x[j] += c) % e;

                        p = x[--l] / 10;
                        r[l] = x[l++] % 10;

                        for (j = 0; j < l;)
                            x[j] = r[j++] * 10;

                    return p % 10;
                    CognitioConsulting.Numerics.BigDecimal r = 1, n = 1, i = 1;

                    for (; i < 99;)
                        r += n /= i++;

                    return (r + "").Remove(1,1)[d/2] - 48;

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)



Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 6 930

You can ditch the parenthesis around x[j++]/e at c=(x[j++]/e)*n for -2 bytes; Also, I think you can remove both +"" at the two return statements and return an int instead of string, and then add -48 at the second return statement to convert char to int output (for -1 byte). – Kevin Cruijssen – 2017-08-14T13:04:19.743

@KevinCruijssen Both work fine thanks! – TheLethalCoder – 2017-08-14T13:25:52.547


brainfuck, 402 bytes


Try it online!

Input as character code (e.g. "A" = 65)

Try it online with digit input!


build a value list (3217411852... reversed and each digit incremented by four)

>,                      get input
[                       while input > 0
  <[-]                      set next previous cell = 0
  >[<+>-]                   copy input cell to that cell
  <-                        and decrement it
++++[<+++++++++++>-]    add 44 to it
<.                      print it


Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 1 521


Neim, 45 bytes


neim isn't made for decimal numbers

Try it online!


Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 15 025


Befunge, 105 bytes


Does not work on TIO because it seems to wrap lines internally at 80 characters for some reason. You can get it to work on TIO by putting each digit on a new line, and having the &0g,@ after the 3 on the first line.


Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 899


JavaScript (ES6) + mathjs, 78 bytes


Zero indexed and works up to 128 numbers (max input of 127).

Test Snippet

let f=
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjs/3.16.0/math.min.js"></script>
<input type=number min=0 value=0 oninput="O.innerHTML=this.value.length>0?f(+this.value):''"><pre id=O>3

Justin Mariner

Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 4 746


MATLAB (w/ Symbolic Toolbox), 89 82 bytes

By making use of the Symbolic Toolbox, this answer provides an output without hardcoding the values of pi and e.

As a fun bonus this code as an input can take either a single index, or an array of indices and will simultaneously provide the output value for all index values provided (e.g. providing 1:10 will output the first 10 values).


(new lines added for readability, not required for execution so not included in byte count)

Unfortunately the Octave version used by TIO doesn't support symbolic inputs to the vpa function, so can't provide at TIO link.

In MATLAB indexing into the return vector from a function is not possible in the same way as with Octave which means this is a full program rather than just an anonymous function. The program will ask for an input n during execution - this is a one indexed value for which element is required. At the end of the program the value is implicitly printed.

For the program we use the vpa function which provides to 51 decimal places the value of pi and exp(1) (e). This is done symbolically to allow theoretically infinite precision. To expand for more than 100 elements, simply increase the value 51 in the code to increase the range.

Wrapping vpa in char (i.e. char(vpa(...)) ) is necessary to convert the output of the function to a string rather than a symbolic value. The resulting output is the string:

matrix([[2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369996], [3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937511]])

This includes both e and pi to 51 decimal places - enough to allow 100 digits of our output (we have to do a little extra dp than required to avoid printing out rounded values)

In order to index in to this mess, we need to at least get rid of the decimal points so that both strings of digits are contiguous. Originally I used a simple regex replacement of anything which is not a digit with nothing. However I can save 7 bytes by only getting rid of the decimal point using the code:


resulting string is now:

matrix([[271828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369996], [314159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937511]])

This contains all the digits we need with both pi and e chunks in consecutive indexes.

We can then convert the supplied index such that odd numbers access the pi chunk and even numbers access the e chunk using the calculation:


Accessing that (those) index (indices) in the above string will provide the correct output.

Tom Carpenter

Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 3 990


Google Sheets, 47 Bytes

Note: due to the length of constants stored in Excel and Google Sheets, this solution is only accurate to 20 digits, accordingly

Anonymous Worksheet function that takes input from cell A1 and outputs that digit of Pie to the calling cell


Hardcoded Version, 112 Bytes

This version fully meets the program specification, but is generally not fun.

Anonymous Worksheet function that returns the nth digit in the 1-indexed list of pie


Taylor Scott

Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 6 709

Dividing by 10 to shift decimal point (in stead of SUBSTITUTE) can save a few of bytes in first solution. – Wernisch – 2017-08-14T08:29:53.707


Axiom, 148 bytes

g(x,n)==floor(numeric(x)*10^n)::INT rem 10
f(n:NNI):NNI==(m:=digits((n+4)::PI);x:=n quo 2;if n rem 2=1 then r:=g(%e,x)else r:=g(%pi,x);digits(m);r)

0 based array. Results

(10) -> [f(i) for i in 0..20]
   (10)  [3,2,1,7,4,1,1,8,5,2,9,8,2,1,6,8,5,2,3,8,5]
                                            Type: List NonNegativeInteger
(11) -> f(100001)
   (11)  6
                                                    Type: PositiveInteger


Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 3 036


BFASM, 142 bytes

stk 0
org 0
txt "3217411852982168523854859970943522338543662062483734873123759256062284894717957712649730999336795919"
in_ r1
rcl r2,r1
out r2

Takes input as ascii character, gives output in form of digit.

Krzysztof Szewczyk

Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 3 819


brainfuck, 5971 bytes

Direct translation of my other bfasm answer.


Try it online!

Krzysztof Szewczyk

Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 3 819


C (tcc), 145 bytes

Naive solution

int main(void) {

Try it online!

Krzysztof Szewczyk

Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 3 819

130 bytes – ceilingcat – 2019-09-24T01:42:25.210


Python2, 80 76 bytes

from math import*
lambda n:([(3,2)]+zip('%.49f'%pi,'%.49f'%e)[2:])[n/2][n%2]


EDIT: Saved 4 bytes by removing parens around pi and e. (Thanks LyricLy!)

EDIT: I can't find a python library that matches sequence A001355 past index 33 (math, numpy, sympy, mpmath with increased precision). Thanks to flornquake for pointing out the precision issue.


from math import*    # built-in math module, contains the constants 'pi' and 'e'
lambda n:            # an anonymous function that takes input n
    ( [(3,2)]        # the first digits of the sequence
    zip(             # interleave contents. (1,2,3),(4,5,6) -> (1,4,2,5,3,6)
        '%.49f'%(pi),'%.49f'%(e)    # convert constants to strings with length
                                    # after the decimal == 49.
    )[2:])           # get sequence after first tow sets (3,2) and ('.', '.')
[n/2][n%2]           # sequence is currently like [(3, 2), (1, 7), (4, 1), (1, 8) ...]
                     # get pair indicated by n by dividing by 2 (integer division, floors)
                     # then get item in pair by modding by 2 (0 or 1)
                     # So, sequence item 7 would be pair 3, item 1 == 8.


Posted 2017-08-11T14:54:06.917

Reputation: 765


Welcome to PPCG! Consider adding a try it online link so that users can test your submission. Great first answer, by the way.

– LyricLy – 2017-08-11T22:15:12.893


You can save 4 bytes by removing the parentheses around pi and e: Try it online!

– LyricLy – 2017-08-11T22:24:59.237

6This doesn't quite work because the precision of pi and e isn't enough. For higher n you get false results. – flornquake – 2017-08-11T22:33:57.580