Implement a whitespace golfer



Some two-dimensional esolangs, such as Forked, and some non-esolangs, such as Python, can sometimes require spaces before lines of code. This isn't very golfy. Also, I'm lazy and writing a 2d lang that needs lots of spaces before code. Your task is to write a tool that makes these languages golfier.

Of course, this will not be perfect; it cannot be used, for instance, when a number is the first character on a line of source. However, it will generally be useful.


You will write a program or function that either...

  • ...takes one argument, a filename or a string, or...
  • ...reads from standard input.

Your program will act like cat, except:

  • If the first character on any line is a number, your code will print x spaces, where x is that number.
  • Otherwise, it will simply be printed.
  • As will every other character in the input.

Test cases


foo bar foo bar
1foo bar foo bar foo bar
2foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar


foo bar foo bar
 foo bar foo bar foo bar
  foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar






foo bar
bar foo
foo bar


foo bar
bar foo
foo bar






  • Output must be exactly as input, except for lines where the first character is a number.
  • Your program cannot append/prepend anything to the file, except one trailing newline if you desire.
  • Your program may make no assumptions about the input. It may contain empty lines, no numbers, Unicode characters, whatever.
  • If a number with more than one digit starts a line (e.g. 523abcdefg), only the first digit (in the example, 5) should turn into spaces.


Shortest code in each language wins. Have fun and good luck!


Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 11 605

Sandboxed post – MD XF – 2017-08-08T00:01:45.807

6Of course, this will not be perfect; it cannot be used, for instance, when a number is the first character on a line of source. Not true, just make the first character a 0 (ahem, your last test case) – HyperNeutrino – 2017-08-08T00:16:15.783

Can we read a list of strings from stdin (is this valid)?

– Riley – 2017-08-08T19:16:39.773



Retina, 9 bytes


Try it online! Note: Trailing space on last line.


Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 95 035


Cubically, 69 bytes


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First we do this initialization:


To set up this cube:


The most important thing about this cube is that face 5 sums to 32, which is the value required to print spaces. Coincidentally, it also happens to be fairly short for all other computation. After that is done:

~( . . . )                                    Takes the first input, then loops indefinitely

  +50<7?6{+54>7?6{-002+7~?6{(@5*1-1/1)6}}}    Handle leading digit:
  +50<7?6{                               }    If input is greater than 47 ('0' is 48)
          +54>7?6{                      }     And input is less than 58 ('9' is 57)
                                              Then input is a digit
                  -002+7                      Set notepad equal to value of input digit
                        ~                     Take next input (only convenient place for it)
                         ?6{           }      If the notepad isn't 0
                            (        )6       While the notepad isn't 0:
                             @5                 Print a space
                               *1-1/1           Decrement the notepad by one
                                              Leading digit handled

     (-6>7?6&@7+70-4~)6                       Handle rest of line:
     (               )6                       While the notepad isn't 0:
      -6>7?6&                                   Exit if End of Input
             @7                                 Print the next character
               +70-4                            Set notepad to 0 if it was a newline
                    ~                           Take the next character

Kamil Drakari

Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 3 461

1Wow, that's a good use of nested ... everything. +1 – MD XF – 2017-08-08T03:52:07.173


Husk, 15 13 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to @Zgarb

mΓo+?oR' i;±¶

Try it online!

Uses the same technique as @Jonathan Allan


             ¶  -- split input into a list of lines
m               -- apply the following function to each line
 Γ              --   deconstruct the string into a head and a tail
  o+            --   prepend to the tail of the string ...
    ?      ±    --     if the head is a digit (n)
     oR' i      --       the string of n spaces
                --     else
          ;     --       the head of the string
                -- implicitly print list of strings line-by-line


Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 10 962

213 bytes with the use of Γ. – Zgarb – 2017-08-08T06:39:38.453


JavaScript (ES8), 38 37 bytes


I don't think it can be improved much more.
Saved 1 byte thanks to Shaggy - Use ES8 features.


Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777


"I don't think it can be improved much more." - You could save a byte by using ES8's padEnd like so: s=>s.replace(/^\d/gm,m=>"".padEnd(m)) – Shaggy – 2017-08-08T10:52:40.243

@Shaggy. I didn't know ES8 is allowed already. Thanks. – None – 2017-08-08T15:31:13.123

1If there's any single interpreter (i.e.,browser) out there that supports a feature then that feature is fair game here :) – Shaggy – 2017-08-08T15:32:29.750


Ruby, 24 21+1 = 25 22 bytes

Uses the -p flag. -3 bytes from GB.


Try it online!

Value Ink

Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 10 608

{"%#$&s"%""} saves 1 byte – G B – 2017-08-08T11:06:16.767

And another byte if you use sub instead of gsub – G B – 2017-08-08T11:09:15.200

@GB and another byte by putting %p at the end instead of %"". Thanks for your help! – Value Ink – 2017-08-08T17:10:29.753


Python 2, 98 74 67 65 bytes

-24 bytes thanks to Jonathan Allan. -7 bytes thanks to Mr. Xcoder.

for i in open('f'):print' '*int(i[0])+i[1:]if'/'<i[:1]<':'else i,

Try it online!

Takes input in the file named f.


Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 15 378

Also errors when no digit in the first character of a line (when using a list as a way to choose items all the elements are evaluated) – Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-08T01:24:08.130

back to 89 – Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-08T01:28:49.540

87 bytes - TIO link's header is mocking open; code is expecting a file named 'f'. I think it's OK? – Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-08T01:38:53.620

Ah, true the ' '*0 is falsey. Using [:1] is still a save though. No need for read I believe (and it would be readlines) since the default behaviour of open is to iterate through the lines. Also there is no need for the mode since 'r' is the default. If I'm right that's 73 !

– Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-08T01:57:05.977

Let us continue this discussion in chat.

– Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-08T01:59:55.483

71 bytes. isdigit() can be replaced by lexicographical comparison, which saves tons of bytes – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-08T05:21:21.243

67 bytes: for i in open('f'):print(' '*int(i[0])+i[1:]if"/"<i[:1]<":"else i),. It is better to add the whole string at once, saves 4 bytes. – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-08T06:12:57.867


05AB1E, 10 bytes


Try it online!

Oliver Ni

Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 9 650

1How does one input with empty lines? – Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-08T00:39:18.413

No idea lol... I'll look into it – Oliver Ni – 2017-08-08T07:10:57.217

|vy¬dićú}, works for 10 bytes. – Riley – 2017-08-08T13:45:27.103

OK, it's not one cannot input an empty line, it's that the code does not work for an empty line: if one uses a single zero it works, so it must be something about the head not existing (same goes for @Riley's suggested 10 byter by the way).

– Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-08T15:48:24.833

@JonathanAllan It has something to do with the way | works. It is supposed to push the rest of input as an array with strings, but it stops at empty lines (TIO). I brought this up in the 05AB1E chatroom if you want to know more.

– Riley – 2017-08-08T17:02:46.450

I've confirmed that | does not allow empty lines, since that is the signal to end fetching see this line of code.

– Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-08T17:33:10.257

Furthermore EvyćDdið×}?, or Evy¬dićú}, still dont work because the empty string has no head, so would need replacing with zero prior to the rest of the processing.

– Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-08T17:36:28.420

Using @Riley's 10 byter and modifying to accept a single input as a list of strings works for 12 bytes as Ev0yë¬dićú}, though.

– Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-08T17:47:58.113

@JonathanAllan v0y¬dićú}, should work. And we're back to 10 bytes :)

– Riley – 2017-08-08T17:53:56.113


Python 3, 95 bytes

lambda y:'\n'.join(re.sub('^\d',lambda x:' '*int(,z)for z in y.split('\n'))
import re

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-4 bytes by stealing the regex idea from ThePirateBay


Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 26 575

4You stole from ThePirateBay, how the tables have turned – joH1 – 2017-08-08T10:19:25.833

@Moonstroke HAH lol I didn't even notice that :P – HyperNeutrino – 2017-08-08T13:48:06.127


Jelly, 19 bytes


A monadic link taking and returning lists of characters, or a full program printing the result.

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V⁶ẋ - Link 1, make spaces: character (a digit)
V   - evaluate as Jelly code (get the number the character represents)
 ⁶  - a space character
  ẋ - repeat

Ḣǹe?ØD; - Link 2, process a line: list of characters
Ḣ        - head (get the first character and modify the line)
         -   Note: yields zero for empty lines
     ØD  - digit characters = "0123456789"
    ?    - if:
   e     - ...condition: exists in? (is the head a digit?)
 Ç       - ...then: call the last link as a monad (with the head as an argument)
  ¹      - ...else: identity (do nothing; yields the head)
       ; - concatenate with the beheaded line

ỴÇ€Yḟ0 - Main link: list of characters
Ỵ      - split at newlines
 Ç€    - call the last link (1) as a monad for €ach
   Y   - join with newlines
    ḟ0 - filter out any zeros (the results of empty lines)

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 67 804

beheaded line Is that the actual term? xD – HyperNeutrino – 2017-08-08T01:06:41.913

1Well, it is now :) – Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-08T01:07:08.093

Ahahaha I tried outgolfing you and ended up with a solution essentially identical to yours xD – HyperNeutrino – 2017-08-08T01:23:24.297


Perl 5, 13 + 1 (-p) = 14 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 7 671


Python 2, 76 72 68 bytes

-4 bytes thanks to @ovs!

@DeadPossum suggested switching to Python 2, which saved 4 bytes too.

Just thought it's nice to have a competitive full program in Python 2 that does not explicitly check if the first character is a digit. This reads the input from a file, f.

for i in open('f'):
 try:r=int(i[0])*" "+i[1:]
 print r,

Try it online! (courtesy of @ovs)

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 39 774

@ovs Thanks for that – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-08T07:08:59.543

@ovs What did you change (I will do it by hand) ? It tells me that the permalink cannot be decoded – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-08T07:14:50.847

Instead of printing in every iteration I assigned the output to a variable and printed it all at the end. – ovs – 2017-08-08T07:46:44.250

@ovs I managed to get 72 bytes by printing every iteration, thanks for the variable idea! – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-08T07:52:21.883

Python 2 version of print will give you 68 bytes

– Dead Possum – 2017-08-08T10:54:40.167

@DeadPossum Yeah, I know. Perhaps I'll switch to 2 – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-08T11:05:07.583


Haskell, 63 bytes g.lines
g(x:r)|x<';',x>'/'=(' '<$['1'..x])++r
g s=s

Try it online! The first line is an anonymous function which splits a given string into lines, applies the function g to each line and joins the resulting lines with newlines. In g it is checked whether the first character x of a line is a digit. If this is the case, then ['1'..x] yields a string with length equal to the value of the digit x and ' '<$ converts the string into as many spaces. Finally the rest of the line r is appended. If x is not a digit we are in the second equation g s=s and return the line unmodified.


Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 23 676


Java 8, 105 99 97 93 bytes

Saved few more bytes thanks to Nevay's suggestion,

s->{int i=s.charAt(0);if(i>47&i<58)s=s.substring(1);while(i-->48)s=" "+s;System.out.print(s);}


Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 337

1You have two bugs in your golfed version: The digit check has to use and instead of or; The brackets after the digit check are missing. Besides that you can save a few bytes by using s->{int i=s.charAt(0);if(i>47&i<58)for(s=s.substring(1);i-->48;s=" "+s);System.out.print(s);} (93 bytes). – Nevay – 2017-08-08T12:22:39.127

@Nevay You are right. Thanks. I'll update my answer. – CoderCroc – 2017-08-08T12:26:26.017


Japt (v2.0a0), 11 10 bytes

Japt beating Jelly and 05AB1E? That doesn't seem right!


Test it


Implicit input of string U


Use Regex replace (r) all occurrences of a digit at the beginning of a line (m is the multiline flag - the g flag is enabled by default in Japt).


Pass each match through a function, where Z is the current element.


The postfix increment operator (++). This converts Z to an integer without increasing it for the following operation.


Repeat a space character Z times.

Implicitly output the resulting string.


Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 24 623

Can m@ be shortened? – Oliver – 2017-08-08T15:02:35.720

Not in this case, @Oliver; the m here is the multi-line flag for the regex, not the map method. – Shaggy – 2017-08-08T15:04:28.637

1@Oliver: r/^\d/m_î (or r/^\d/m_ç) would be 2 bytes shorter but Z is a string so, unfortunately, it wouldn't work. r/^\d/m_°ç, for a 1 byte saving, does work, though :) – Shaggy – 2017-08-08T15:15:12.967

°ç is an amazing trick :-) I'd have suggested just \d for the regex, but that leaves out the flag... perhaps I should add support for flags on single-class regexes, like \dm (oh yeah, and that leaves out the ^ too...) – ETHproductions – 2017-08-09T01:55:18.360

@ETHproductions, would it be feasible/possible to make the opening / optional in RegExes? – Shaggy – 2017-08-10T10:58:59.360


R, 138 128 bytes

-9 bytes thanks to CriminallyVulgar

n=readLines();for(d in grep("^[0-9]",n))n[d]=gsub('^.?',paste0(rep(' ',eval(substr(n[d],1,1))),collapse=''),n[d]);cat(n,sep='

This is pretty bad, but it's a bit better now... R is, once again, terrible at strings.

Try it online!


Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 21 077


I am commenting on behalf of CriminallyVulgar, who suggests a 129-byte version, but does not have enough reputation to comment.

– Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-09T10:24:01.163

@Mr.Xcoder Thank you and @CriminallyVulgar! – Giuseppe – 2017-08-09T12:49:07.447

123 Bytes Apparently rep can take a string of an int for the second argument??? – CriminallyVulgar – 2017-08-10T08:23:38.510

@CriminallyVulgar huh. it's right there in the docs for rep, now that I check them again: "other inputs being coerced to an integer or double vector".

– Giuseppe – 2017-08-10T10:26:13.833


Jelly, 19 bytes


Try it online!

-5 bytes total thanks to Jonathan Allan's comments and by looking at his post


Ḣ⁶ẋ;µ¹µḣ1ẇØDµ?  Main link
             ?  Ternary if
       ḣ1       the first 1 element(s) (`Head` would modify the list which is not wanted)
         ẇ      is a sublist of (essentially "is an element of")
          ØD    "0123456789"
  ẋ             repeat
 ⁶              ' '
Ḣ               n times where n is the first character of the line (head)
   ;            concatenate the "beheaded" string (wording choice credited to Jonathan Allan)
     ¹          Identity (do nothing)
    µ µ     µ   Link separators
ỴÇ€Y            Executed Link
Ỵ               Split by newlines
  €             For each element,
 Ç              call the last link on it
   Y            Join by newlines


Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 26 575

no need to swap arguments: Ḣ⁶ẋ; – Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-08T00:33:20.810

The pop then head trick wont work if there is a line containing only a single digit character :( -- ;0Ḣ would work for one byte, maybe there is a single atom, I also tried ¹, no joy there – Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-08T01:14:25.000

1@JonathanAllan Ah right. Thanks. ḣ1ẇØD works for the same bytecount \o/ – HyperNeutrino – 2017-08-08T01:17:12.133

ṚṪ will work :) – Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-08T01:17:23.430

@JonathanAllan That works too :) But I made an explanation already for my method so I'm too lazy to change it :P But thanks anyway :) – HyperNeutrino – 2017-08-08T01:18:45.107


Pyth,  16  15 bytes


Try it online!


jm.x+*;shdtdd.z   - Full program that works by reading everything from STDIN.

             .z  - Read all STDIN and split it by linefeeds.
 m               - Map with a variable d.
  .x             - Try:
     *;shd           - To convert the first character to an Integer and multiply it by a space.
    +     td         - And add everything except for the first character
            d        - If the above fails, just add the whole String.
j                 - Join by newlines.

Let's take an example that should be easier to process. Say our input is:

foo bar foo bar
1foo bar foo bar foo bar
2foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar

The program above will do the following:

  • .z - Reads it all and splits it by newlines, so we get ['foo bar foo bar', '1foo bar foo bar foo bar', '2foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar'].

  • We get the first character of each: ['f', '1', '2'].

  • If it is convertible to an integer, we repeat a space that integer times and add the rest of the String. Else, we just place the whole String. Hence, we have ['foo bar foo bar', ' foo bar foo bar foo bar', ' foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar'].

  • Finally, we join by newlines, so our result is:

    foo bar foo bar
     foo bar foo bar foo bar
      foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 39 774

1Haha, we beat Jelly :) – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-08T05:56:49.167


Cubically, 82 bytes


Note: This will not work on TIO. To test this, use the Lua interpreter with the experimental flag set to true (to enable conditionals). There's currently a bug with conditional blocks on the TIO interpreter. When using the TIO interpreter, you should replace ?6! with !6 and &6 with ?6&, which keeps the byte count the same.

R3D1R1D1          Set the cube so that face 0 has value 1 and the rest of the values are easy to calculate

+0                Set the notepad to 1 so that it enters the conditional below
(                 Do
  ?6{               If the notepad is 1 (last character was \n or start of input)
    ?7@7              Output the current character if it's \n
    ~                 Get the next character
    :1+2<7?6{         If the input is >= '0'
      +35>7?6{          If the input is <= '9'
        :7-120            Set the notepad to the input - '0'
        ?6{               If the notepad isn't 0
          (                 Do
            B3@5              Output a space
            B1-0              Subtract 1 from notepad
          )6                While notepad > 0
        }                 End if
        :0              Set notepad to 1
      }                 End if
    }                 End if
  }                 End if

  ?6!@7             If the notepad is 0 (did not attempt to print spaces), print current character

  ~                 Get next character
  -60=7&6           If there is no more input, exit the program
  +4-3=7            Check if current character is \n, setting notepad to result
)                 Repeat forever

This isn't as short as the other Cubically answer, but I thought I'd give this a try anyway :D


Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 899

What's going on with loops in the TIO interpreter? – MD XF – 2017-08-09T16:19:35.077

@MDXF ) jumps to the most recent ( rather than the matching one I believe. EDIT: I'm in the chat. – TehPers – 2017-08-09T16:20:11.197

@MDXF Maybe it was the conditional blocks, actually. I forgot, I'll update the answer. Regardless, they weren't matching up. – TehPers – 2017-08-09T16:22:24.867

1All right, I'll look at that later. I'm currently finishing Cubically 2. – MD XF – 2017-08-09T16:33:46.487

@MDXF That's... really exciting to hear actually o_O – TehPers – 2017-08-09T16:35:36.717


><>, 60 bytes

>:?!v1-" "o

Try it online!

How It Works:

..i:0(?;... Gets input and ends if it is EOF

.^......::"/")$":"(*0$. If the inputted character is a digit go to the second line
...                     Else go to the fourth

....        If it was a digit
v"0"-       Subtract the character "0" from it to turn it into the corresponding integer
>:?!v1-" "o And print that many spaces before rejoining the fourth line

.^..               On the fourth line,
....               Copy and print the input (skip this if it was a digit)
....v              If the input is a newline, go back to the first line.
;>:o>a=&10&?.i:0(? Else get the input, ending on EOF

Jo King

Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 38 234


V, 9 bytes


Try it online!


ç  /      ' On lines matching
 ^ä       ' (Start)(digit)
    x     ' Delete the first character
     @"   ' (Copy Register) number of times
       é  ' Insert a space


Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 3 274


Gema, 21 characters

\N<D1>=@repeat{$1;\ }

Sample run:

bash-4.4$ gema '\N<D1>=@repeat{$1;\ }' <<< 'foo bar foo bar
> 1foo bar foo bar foo bar
> 2foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar
> --------v
> 8|
> 8|
> 80
> 8,
> 7&'
foo bar foo bar
 foo bar foo bar foo bar
  foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar



Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 17 865


PHP, 83 chars

preg_replace_callback('/^\d/m',function($m){return str_repeat(' ',$m[0]);},$argv);


Posted 2017-08-07T23:59:02.777

Reputation: 147

I think your code is not compliant with the input rules of this challenge, you should enclose this in a function with a $s arg or populate it with the input. And it doesn't print anything – LP154 – 2017-08-09T12:01:31.400

@LP154 is using argv acceptable? – Petah – 2017-08-09T23:36:36.333

@Petah If I'm correct in assuming argv is the command line args, then yes. – totallyhuman – 2017-08-09T23:42:10.303