Find prime gaps



A prime gap is the difference between two consecutive primes. More specifically, if p and q are primes with p <q and p+1, p+2, ..., q−1 are not primes, the primes p and q define a gap of n = qp. The gap is said to be started by p, and to have length n.

It is known that arbitrarily large prime gaps exist. That is, given n there exists a prime gap of length n or larger. However, a prime gap of length exactly n may not exist (but a larger one will).

The challenge

Given a positive integer n, output the first prime that starts a gap of length n or larger.

As an example, for input 4 the output should be 7, because 7 and 11 are the first consecutive primes that differ by at least 4 (the previous gaps are 1, from 2 to 3; 2, from 3 to 5; and 2, from 5 to 7). For input 3 the answer should also be 7 (there are no gaps of length 3).

Aditional rules

Test cases

Input -> Output

1        2
2        3
3        7
4        7
6        23
10       113
16       523
17       523
18       523
30       1327
50       19609
100      370261
200      20831323

Luis Mendo

Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 87 464

Related – Luis Mendo – 2017-08-03T18:32:15.463

By p-q you mean q-p right? – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-08-03T18:39:20.217

@EriktheOutgolfer Yes; corrected, thanks! – Luis Mendo – 2017-08-03T18:41:02.410

OEIS A104138 – Luis Mendo – 2017-08-03T18:49:35.710

OEIS A002386 (Related) – Stephen – 2017-08-03T18:52:35.690

Gaps of most odd lengths will not exist. – Paŭlo Ebermann – 2017-08-03T21:33:17.723

@PaŭloEbermann Yes, all gaps except the first are even, because all primes except the first (2) are odd, so they are separated by even lengths – Luis Mendo – 2017-08-03T23:39:33.563



Gaia, 6 bytes


This is extremely inefficient (the 16 test case took over an hour to compute on my machine).

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The sequence seems to have the property that a(n) <= 2^n.

z       Push 2^input.
 ṅ      Get the first 2^input prime numbers.
  ọ     Get the deltas of the list.
   ⊃∆   Find the index of the first that is greater than or equal to the input.
     ṇ  Push the index-th prime number.

Business Cat

Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 8 927


Jelly, 10, 9, 8 10 bytes


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Two bytes saved thanks to @Dennis! (and then added back again due to edge-cases)


Æn          #   The next prime after 'P'
  _$        #   Minus 'P'
    :       #   Divided by 'N'
            # This will give a falsy value unless the distance to the next prime is >= N
     ð      # Treat all of that as a single dyad (fucntion with two arguments). 
            # We'll call it D(P, N)
      1#    # Find the first 'P' where D(P, input()) is truthy
        »2  # Return the maximum of that result and 2


Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 54 537

Do we know for certain that the result will always be greater-than-or-equal-to the input? (# will count up from the input here) It seems reasonable to assume this but I for one have no idea if it's a valid assumption. EDIT: FYI to fix (if necessary) prefix with – Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-03T18:55:52.553


@JonathanAllan Bertrand's postulate implies that a prime's gap is strictly less than the prime itself.

– Dennis – 2017-08-03T19:08:56.817

@Dennis brilliant thank you very much! TMYK... – Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-03T19:47:44.683


Mathematica, 30 bytes

2//.x_ /;NextPrime@x-x<#:>x+1&

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Mathematica, 35 bytes


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Mathematica, 77 bytes



Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 15 931

Clever clever... you don't even need to make sure both p and q are prime... The first code seems invalid, though, because it only goes up to 65535 unless you explicitly feed the argument MaxIterations. – JungHwan Min – 2017-08-04T15:42:19.863

Also, -2 bytes for the 35-byte version: (For[t=2,NextPrime@t-t<#,t++];t)& – JungHwan Min – 2017-08-04T15:43:58.523


Haskell, 106 102 93 77 73 72 bytes

This generates an infinite list of primes first, then looks for the prime gaps. The prime list was taken from here. It can probably be shortened, but I haven't figured out how yet:)

Thanks to @BruceForte for -4 bytes and @Zgrab for -1 byte!

f n=[x|(y,x)<-zip=<<tail$[n|n<-[2..],all((>0).rem n)[2..n-1]],y-x>=n]!!0

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Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 40 560

Of course there is some monad magic, thanks :) – flawr – 2017-08-03T23:02:40.213

zip=<<tail$[...] saves a byte. – Zgarb – 2017-08-04T04:58:35.307

"This generates an infinite list of primes first, then ..." : well, then should never happen ? (ie, it will only happen after an infinitely long time, the time to "first generate" procedurally an infinite list of primes) – Olivier Dulac – 2017-08-04T13:01:40.677

1Haskell uses lazy evaluation, so only as many entries of that list are generated as are actually used. So those primes are generated up to the point where we actually find the points. If you try it you'll see that for any n it will stop after a finite amount of time :) (Haskell is not a procedural, but a functional language with lazy evaluation.) – flawr – 2017-08-04T13:36:29.260

PS: I highly recommend learning Haskell, as it has a lot of concepts that are just no applicable in the more (up to known) widely known procedural or imperative languages! – flawr – 2017-08-04T13:39:46.137

@flawr: I guessed it was something like it (like pipelining in unix), but I was "tongue-in-cheek"ly pointing out that the wording "generate ... first, then" is not 100% correct ^^ just change "then" to "while it" ? ) – Olivier Dulac – 2017-08-04T14:01:55.133

1Well it is an infinite list, by definition it does not have an end. What I described is just what is happening under the hood in the usual interpreters, but that is not specified as part of the language so you cannot tell that! – flawr – 2017-08-04T14:23:22.560


Pyth - 14 bytes

It filters from [1, inf), filtering by primality(P_) and that the next prime filtered from (n, inf), has a different >= to the input.


Test Suite.


Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 25 023


PowerShell, 97 96 91 bytes


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Takes input $n, sets $a and $b equal to 2, then enters an infinite for loop. Inside, we loop up on $b until we get to the next prime. Then we check if $b-$a (i.e., the gap) is -greaterthanorequal to $n. If it is, we output $a and exit. Otherwise we set $a to be $b and increment $b and start our next search.

Warning: This is slow for large input. In fact, it can't complete the 50 or higher tests within the 60s timeout on TIO. Oh well.


Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 41 581


Husk, 13 11 10 bytes


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´       İp  -- with the primes
 ȯ!         -- get the value at position
      Ẋ-    -- where the difference of the current and next prime
   V≥⁰      -- is greater or equal than the input N


Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 15 345


Mathematica, 39 bytes

(* or *)

33 byte version (not valid because it only goes up to the 65535th prime)


JungHwan Min

Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 13 290


Python 2, 96 88 bytes

- 8 bytes Thanks to @Maltysen

while p-r[-1]<n:r+=[p]*all(p%i for i in range(2,p));p+=1
print r[-1]

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Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 2 739


saved a bunch of bytes:

– Maltysen – 2017-08-03T19:00:49.457


Perl 6, 63 bytes

->\d{(grep &is-prime,^∞).rotor(2=>-1).first({-d>=[-] $_})[0]}

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Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 4 136


R + gmp, 55 bytes

Makes use of the nextprime function from the gmp library



Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 11 735

You need to add cat(s) at the end. Implicit printing doesn't work in full programs. – JAD – 2017-08-03T21:28:25.077


Mathematica, 37 bytes


Function with first argument g. Starting with 2, applies the function p=NextPrime repeatedly as long as p@#-#<g& gives True (the gap between the current prime and the next prime is less than g).


Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 4 600


C = 141 109 bytes ; C++, D = 141 bytes ; C#, Java = 143 bytes


This code was not able to calculate the prime gap for g(200) within 10 minutes. For g(100), it needed 10 seconds ( C++ version )

C++ and D version :

int p(int d){for(int i=2;i<=d/2;++i){if(!(d%i))return 0;}return 1;}int g(int d){int f=2,n=3;while(n-f<d){f=n;do{++n;}while(!p(n));}return f;}

C# and Java version :

int p(int d){for(int i=2;i<=d/2;++i){if(d%i==0)return 0;}return 1;}int g(int d){int f=2,n=3;while(n-f<d){f=n;do{++n;}while(p(n)==0);}return f;}

C version, -32 bytes thanks to ceilingcat :

i;p(d){for(i=2;d/2/i;)if(!(d%i++))return 0;return 1;}f;n;g(d){for(f=2,n=3;n-f<d;)for(f=n;!p(++n););return f;}

Differences between the C#/Java and C/C++/D version : !p(n) <==> p(n)==0


Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 1 891

Can reverse return 0; return 1 and remove the ! before p(++n) – ceilingcat – 2017-08-04T17:02:26.400

d%i==0 and !(d%i) can be d%i<0. Also, using D's template system the solution in D can be: T p(T)(T d){for(T i=2;i<=d/2;++i)if(d%i<1)return 0;return 1;}T g(T)(T d){T f=2,n=3;while(n-f<d){f=n;do++n;while(!p(n));}return f;. (The removal of braces after the for and the do might apply to C++ as well) – Zacharý – 2017-08-04T21:03:44.053

I posted the separate D version, which utilizes D specific tricks that can't be found in C/C++/C#/Java. – Zacharý – 2017-08-05T15:16:36.653

int p(int d){for(int i=2;i<=d/2;++i)if(!(d%i))return 0;return 1;}int g(int d){int f=2,n=3;while(n-f<d){f=n;do++n;while(!p(n));}return f;} <- that should work for the C++ version – Zacharý – 2018-06-06T20:10:21.767


Ruby, 61 bytes

->g{*r,f=2,3;f+=1while r.find{|n|f%n<1}||r<<f&&g>f-z=r[-2];z}

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Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 11 099


D, 127 125 122 bytes


T p(T)(T d){T r;for(T i=2;i<=d/2;)r=d%i++<1||r;return r;}T g(T)(T d){T f=2,n=3;while(n-f<d){f=n;while(p(++n)){}}return f;}

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HatsuPointerKun again, but I'll do the D specific sorcery.

  • Template system can infer types T p(T)(T d), and is shorter than C++
  • r=d%i++<1||r, D specific shenanigans, might work in C/C++, but I don't know.
  • p(++n), same as above, not sure if it works in C/C++
  • while(p(++n)){}, here one sees why D is bad at golfing, one can't use ; as an empty statement.


Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 5 710


Perl 6, 41 37 bytes

{+(1...(^$_+*)>>.is-prime eqv!<<^$_)}

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{                                   }  # Block taking n as $_
   1...   # Sequence 1,2,... until
       (^$_+*)  # Range [i,i+n)
              >>.is-prime  # is-prime for each
                          eqv!<<^$_  # Equals (True,False,False,False,...)?
 +(                                )  # Length of sequence


Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 10 037


QBIC, 28 bytes



{         DO
~µs||     IF s is prime THEN (note, s starts as 3)
~s-r>=:   IF the gap between s (current prime) and r (prev prime) is big enough
|_Xr      THEN QUIT, printing prev prime r
\r=s      ELSE (gap too small, but s is prime), set r to prime s
]]        END IF x2, leaving us in the WHILE
s=s+1     increment s, retest for primality ...


Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 7 772


05AB1E, 9 bytes


Try it online or verify all test cases. (Test Suite doesn't contain the last two test cases, because TIO times out for those.)

Since the other question is closed as a dupe of this one, I'm posting my answer here as well.


∞           # Get an infinite list in the range [1, ...]
 <          # Decrease it by one to make it in the range [0, ...]
  Ø         # Get for each the (0-indexed) n'th prime: [2,3,5,7,11,...]
   D        # Duplicate this list of primes
    ¥       # Get all deltas (difference between each pair): [1,2,2,4,2,...]
     I@     # Check for each if they are larger than or equal to the input
            #  i.e. 4 → [0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,...]
       Ï    # Only keep the truthy values of the prime-list
            #  → [23,31,47,53,61,...]
        н   # And keep only the first item (which is output implicitly)
            #  → 23

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 67 575


Java 8, 99 92 bytes

n->{int a=2,b=3,f,k;for(;b-a<n;)for(f=0,a=b;f<2;)for(f=++b,k=2;k<f;)f=f%k++<1?0:f;return a;}

Try it online. (Largest test case is excluded, because it times out in TIO.)


n->{               // Method with integer as both parameter and return-type
  int a=2,b=3,     //  Prime-pair `a,b`, starting at 2,3
      f,           //  Prime-checker flag `f`, starting uninitialized
      k;           //  Temp integer, starting uninitialized
  for(;b-a         //  Loop as long as the difference between the current pair of primes
          <n;)     //  is smaller than the input
    for(f=0,       //   (Re)set the prime-checker flag to 0
        a=b;       //   Replace `a` with `b`, since we're about to search for the next prime-pair
        f<2;)      //   Inner loop as long as the prime-checker flag is still 0 (or 1)
                   //   (which means the new `b` is not a prime)
      for(f=++b,   //    Increase `b` by 1 first, and set this value to the prime-checker flag
          k=2;     //    Set `k` to 2
          k<f;)    //    Inner loop as long as `k` is still smaller than the prime-checker flag
        f=         //     Change the prime-checker flag to:
          f%k++<1? //      If the prime-checker flag is divisible by `k`
           0       //       Set the prime-checker flag to 0
          :        //      Else:
           f;      //       Leave it unchanged
                   //    (If any integer `k` in the range [2, `b`) can evenly divide `b`,
                   //     the prime-checker flag becomes 0 and the loop stops)
  return a;}       //  And finally after all the nested loops, return `a` as result

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 67 575


Tidy, 33 bytes


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Or, 28 chars/34 bytes: {x:({v:⊟v≤-x}↦primes+2)@0@0}

I'll explain this using an equivvalent, ASCII equivalent:

{x:({v:(-)over v<=-x}from primes+2)@0@0}
{x:                                    }    lambda w/ parameter `x`
                          primes+2          overlapping pairs of primes
                                            [[2, 3], [3, 5], [5, 7], ...]
    {v:             }from                   select prime pairs `v = [a, b]`...
       (-)over v                            ...where `a` - `b`...
                <=-x                        is <= `x`
   (                              )@0@0     select the first element of the first pair

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 36 228


APL(NARS), 36 char, 72 bytes

∇r←h w;k

1π is the function "next prime"; test:

  h¨1 2 3 4 6 10 16 17 18 30 50 100 200
2 3 7 7 23 113 523 523 523 1327 19609 370261 20831323  


Posted 2017-08-03T18:31:13.517

Reputation: 3 036