Element-wise string multiplication



Inspired by this challenge (thanks @cairdcoinheringaahing for the title!), your task is to take two printable ASCII strings and multiply them element-wise with the following rules.

How does it work?

Given two strings (for example split and isbn) you will first, truncate the longer one such that they have equal length and then determine their ASCII codes:

split -> spli -> [115, 112, 108, 105]
isbn  -> isbn -> [105, 115,  98, 110]

The next step will be to map them to the range [0..94] by subtracting 32 of each code:

[115, 112, 108, 105] -> [83, 80, 76, 73]
[105, 115,  98, 110] -> [73, 83, 66, 78]

Now you will multiply them element-wise modulo 95 (to stay in the printable range):

[83, 80, 76, 73] ⊗ [73, 83, 66, 78] -> [74, 85, 76, 89]

Add 32 to get back to the range [32..126]:

[74, 85, 76, 89] -> [106, 117, 108, 121]

And the final step is to map them back to ASCII characters:

[106, 117, 108, 121] -> "july"


  • You will write a program/function that implements the described steps on two strings and either prints or returns the resulting string
  • The input format is flexible: you can take two strings, a tuple of strings, list of strings etc.
  • The input may consist of one or two empty strings
  • The input will be characters in the printable range ([32..126])
  • The output is either printed to the console or you return a string
  • The output is allowed to have trailing whitespaces

Test cases

"isbn", "split"                  -> "july"
"", ""                           -> ""
"", "I don't matter"             -> ""
"             ", "Me neither :(" -> "             "
"but I do!", "!!!!!!!!!"         -> "but I do!"
'quotes', '""""""'               -> 'ck_iKg'
"wood", "hungry"                 -> "yarn"
"tray", "gzip"                   -> "jazz"
"industry", "bond"               -> "drop"
"public", "toll"                 -> "fall"
"roll", "dublin"                 -> "ball"
"GX!", "GX!"                     -> "!!!"
"4 lll 4", "4 lll 4"             -> "4 lll 4"
"M>>M", "M>>M"                   -> ">MM>"

Note: The quotes are just for readability, in the 6th test case I used ' instead of ".


Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 15 345

Are you allowed to have trailing spaces in your output? – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-07-21T15:54:03.950

@EriktheOutgolfer Yes. Sorry, I added that after posting it. – ბიმო – 2017-07-21T15:54:47.670

Can we take an array of arrays of strings? abc, def -> [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']] – totallyhuman – 2017-07-21T16:19:57.677

@totallyhuman I wouldn't say so. Though, if in your language strings are arrays of chars and chars have the same type as strings, then it would be valid I guess. – ბიმო – 2017-07-21T16:23:03.477

Are we allowed to take input as a list of strings? – Zacharý – 2017-07-21T16:44:42.687

@Zacharý If you mean ["tray", "gzip"], yes. That's mentioned in the challenge. – ბიმო – 2017-07-21T16:46:47.737



MATL, 12 bytes


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c      % Implicitly input cell array of 2 strings. Convert to 2-row char matrix.
       % This pads the shorter string with spaces
32-    % Subtract 32, element-wise. Each char is interpreted as its ASCII code.
       % Note that padding spaces will give 0.
p      % Product of each column. Since (padding) spaces have been mapped to 0, the
       % product effectively eliminates those colums. So the effect is the same as
       % if string length had been limited by the shorter one
95\    % Modulo 95, element-wise
32+    % Add 32, element-wise
c      % Convert to char. Implicitly display

Luis Mendo

Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 87 464

1Clever way of managing the string length difference. – Sanchises – 2017-07-21T16:55:39.780


Jelly, 15 12 bytes


Try it online!

-3 thanks to Jonathan Allan.

Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 38 134

Sneaky abuse of trailing whitespace. ;) – Dennis – 2017-07-21T16:20:50.273

@Dennis Well it's in the rules, why not abuse it? – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-07-21T16:21:15.060

I believe you can save 3 bytes by using the niladic atom for printable characters, ØṖ, with z⁶O_32P€‘ịØṖ - you'd best double check that the arithmetic works though. – Jonathan Allan – 2017-07-21T18:34:59.657

@JonathanAllan Of course. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-07-21T18:45:57.047


Python 3, 80 74 71 bytes

lambda*t:''.join(map(lambda x,y:chr((ord(x)-32)*(ord(y)-32)%95+32),*t))

Thanks to @shooqie for golfing off 3 bytes!

Try it online!


Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 196 637

171 if you take (s, t) as a tuple: lambda t:''.join(map(lambda x,y:chr((ord(x)-32)*(ord(y)-32)%95+32),*t)) – shooqie – 2017-07-21T16:30:21.487


Python 2, 75 70 bytes

-3 bytes thanks to Dennis' suggestion of shooqie's suggestion. -2 bytes thanks to Zacharý's suggestion.

lambda*l:''.join(chr((ord(i)-32)*(ord(j)-32)%95+32)for i,j in zip(*l))

Try it online!


Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 15 378

2Same trick that was suggested on my answer: lambda*t:''.join(chr(((ord(i)-32)*(ord(j)-32))%95+32)for i,j in zip(*t)) – Dennis – 2017-07-21T16:36:49.523

2And same one that I suggested a lot: ((ord(i)-32)*(ord(j)-32))%95+32 => (ord(i)-32)*(ord(j)-32)%95+32 ... – Zacharý – 2017-07-21T16:38:27.690

o_o beating Dennis. +1 – Zacharý – 2017-07-21T16:43:49.677

1Eh, not really, I just changed to a list comprehension instead of using map. I was just slightly late. – totallyhuman – 2017-07-21T16:44:45.333


Haskell, 60 57 bytes

zipWith(\a b->toEnum$f a*f b`mod`95+32)

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First line is an anonymous function taking two arguments.

This a straight forward implementation of the algorithm: zipWith takes both strings and applies a given function to the pairs of characters. It handles the truncation and also works for empty strings. fromEnum and toEnum are alternatives to ord and chr to switch between characters and their ASCII values which do not need a lengthy import.

Edit: -3 bytes thanks to Bruce Forte.


Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 23 676

You can save 3 bytes by pulling out -32 and saving those parenthesis, see here.

– ბიმო – 2017-07-21T18:18:52.483


C++, 331 291 282 270 268 bytes, Version 2 = 178 176 150 148 bytes

Original Version :

#define L length()
#define S std::string
S m(S a,S b){S c;int m=a.L<b.L?a.L:b.L;auto l=[m](S&s){s=s.substr(0,m);std::for_each(s.begin(),s.end(),[](char&c){c-=32;});};l(a);l(b);for(int i=0;i<m;++i){c+=a[i]*b[i]%95+32;}return c;}

-40 bytes thanks to Bruce Forte
-39 bytes thanks to Zacharý

Version 2, inspired by other people's answers

#define L length()
using S=std::string;S m(S a,S b){S c;for(int i=0;i<(a.L<b.L?a.L:b.L);++i)c+=(a[i]-32)*(b[i]-32)%95+32;return c;}

If the first version uses a lambda, it's because i wanted to test C++11 std::async function i just learnt before, so i kept it for no reasons...

More readable version :


using namespace std;

#define L length()
#define S string

//Function code for the original version
S m(S a,S b) {
    S c;
    int m = a.L < b.L ? a.L : b.L;

    auto l=[m](S&s){
        s = s.substr(0, m);
            c -= 32;
    for(int i=0;i<m;++i) {
        c += a[i] * b[i] % 95 + 32;
    return c;

//Code for the version 2
S m2(S a,S b) {
    S c;
    for(int i = 0; i < (a.L < b.L ? a.L : b.L); ++i) {
        c += (a[i] - 32) * (b[i] - 32) % 95 + 32;
    return c;

int main() {
    string a, b, c;
    getline(cin, a);
    getline(cin, b);
    c = m(a, b);
    cout << c;


Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 1 891

1Welcome to PPCG! – Martin Ender – 2017-07-21T19:56:10.620

Welcome to the site! Thanks for your answer, I appreciate it. I have no experience in golfing with C++, but here you'll find some tips. Enjoy your time here!

– ბიმო – 2017-07-21T20:09:38.720

Also I'm pretty sure you can just submit a function, like this.

– ბიმო – 2017-07-21T20:10:08.717

Can't you remove the spaces here: #include <string>=>#include<string> and #include <algorithm>=>#include<algorithm>? – Zacharý – 2017-07-21T21:54:23.727

In addition you should be able to create a macro equivalent to string and use it accordingly. – Zacharý – 2017-07-21T22:00:23.543

(a.L<b.L)=>a.L<b.L. – Zacharý – 2017-07-30T20:57:20.290

Also, on the second solution, is algorithm even needed? In addition, on the second solution, I don't think the braces are needed after the for loop. – Zacharý – 2017-09-04T16:16:28.233

Would it be possible to use using S=std::string; like I see you do in your more recent answers? – Zacharý – 2017-10-22T21:02:39.157

@Zacharý yeah, but it just saves one byte – HatsuPointerKun – 2017-10-23T09:03:47.547

(I think two if you remove the newline) – Zacharý – 2017-10-23T12:02:39.230


Dyalog APL, 36 34 33 25 24 bytes

{⎕UCS 32+95|×⌿32-⎕UCS↑⍵}

Try it online (TryAPL)!

Try it online (TIO)!

Input is a list of strings, and has trailing whitespace.

Here's how it works:

{⎕UCS 32+95|×⌿32-⎕UCS↑⍵}
                     ↑⍵ - the input as a 2d array
                 ⎕UCS   - codepoints
              32-       - subtract 32
            ×⌿          - element wise product reduction ([a,b]=>a×b)
         95|            - Modulo 95
      32+               - Add 32
 ⎕UCS                   - Unicode characters


Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 5 710

I didn't get the interface of tryapl.org, so here's a TIO for those that want to try it.

– ბიმო – 2017-07-21T16:18:12.693

There, I put both in there. – Zacharý – 2017-07-21T16:23:21.240


FSharp 275 bytes

let f (p : string, q : string) =     
let l = if p.Length < q.Length then p.Length else q.Length
p.Substring(0,l).ToCharArray() |> Array.mapi (fun i x -> (((int(x) - 32) * (int(q.[i]) - 32)) % 95) + 32) |> Array.map (fun x -> char(x).ToString()) |> Array.fold(+) ""


Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 31

Welcome to PPCG! – Martin Ender – 2017-07-24T11:23:54.897

169 bytes – ASCII-only – 2017-07-26T23:03:39.413

127 bytes – ASCII-only – 2017-07-27T01:09:30.220

126 bytes – ASCII-only – 2017-07-27T01:33:33.420

124 bytes – ASCII-only – 2017-07-27T01:41:10.027


CJam, 23 bytes

{z{2' e]' f-:*95%' +}%}

Try it online!

Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 38 134


C# (.NET Core),100 96 95 bytes

(l,n)=>{for(int i=0;i<l.Length&i<n.Length;)Console.Write((char)((l[i]-32)*(n[i++]-32)%95+32));}

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-4 bytes thanks to @Zacharý

-1 byte by moving the increment

Uses a lambda and abuses the fact that characters are basically ints.


Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 441

Can you use (l[i]-32)*(n[i]-32)%95+32? – Zacharý – 2017-07-21T16:12:28.503

Why yes, I can. Thanks! – jkelm – 2017-07-21T16:14:56.883

1You need to fully qualify the Console and you can use currying to save a byte. Compile to a Action<string, Action<string>> like l=>n=> and call like ("word")("string") – TheLethalCoder – 2017-07-24T07:57:14.143


Mathematica, 114 bytes





Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 15 931

Is there a way to try it online? – ბიმო – 2017-07-21T16:30:29.430

of course, go to https://sandbox.open.wolframcloud.com/app/objects/ paste the code, paste input at the end, press shift+enter

– J42161217 – 2017-07-21T16:36:29.913

what "8 chars"? – J42161217 – 2017-07-21T16:45:44.970

Sorry for the confusion! The message "Thanks!" would have been too short to post just like this, it needed 8 chars more. – ბიმო – 2017-07-21T16:47:46.037

3ok.................................... – J42161217 – 2017-07-21T16:48:30.120


Stacked, 52 bytes

[,:$#'"!MIN$take"![CS#.toarr]"!32-prod 95%32+#:''#`]

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Function that takes two arguments from the stack.


[,:$#'"!MIN$take"![CS#.toarr]"!32-prod 95%32+#:''#`]

Let's look at the first part, assuming the top two items are 'split' and 'isbn':

,:$#'"!MIN$take"!      stack:                      ('split' 'isbn')
,                      pair top two:               (('split' 'isbn'))
 :                     duplicate:                  (('split' 'isbn') ('split' 'isbn'))
  $#'                  length function literal:    (('split' 'isbn') ('split' 'isbn') $#')
    "!                 execute on each:            (('split' 'isbn') (5 4))
      MIN              obtain the minimum:         (('split' 'isbn') 4)
         $take         "take" function literal:    (('split' 'isbn') 4 $take)
                       (e.g. `'asdf' 2 take` is `'as'`)
              "!       vectorized binary each:     (('spli' 'isbn'))

This part performs the cropping.


[CS#.toarr]"!     stack: (('spli' 'isbn'))
[         ]"!     perform the inside on each string
                  string `'spli'`:
 CS               convert to a character string:    $'spli'
   #.             vectorized "ord":                 (115 112 108 105)
     toarr        convert to array:                 (115 112 108 105)
                  (needed for empty string, since `$'' #.` == `$''` not `()`

Then, the last part:

32-prod 95%32+#:''#`  stack: (((115 112 108 105) (105 115  98 110)))
32-                   subtract 32 from each character code:   (((83 80 76 73) (73 83 66 78)))
   prod               reduce multiplication over the array:   ((6059 6640 5016 5694))
        95%           modulus 95:                             ((74 85 76 89))
           32+        add 32:                                 ((106 117 108 121))
              #:      convert to characters:                  (('j' 'u' 'l' 'y'))
                ''#`  join:                                   ('july')

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 36 228


R, 88 bytes


anonymous function; takes input as two strings; third argument is just to ensure this is a one line function and save some bytes.

The TIO link below returns an array with entries named with the first input.

Try all test cases!


Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 21 077


Perl 5, 65 bytes

64 bytes of code + -p flag.

$n=reverse<>;s/./($_=chop$n)&&chr 32+(-32+ord$&)*(-32+ord)%95/ge

Try it online!


Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 8 279


D, 113 bytes

T m(T)(T a,T b){T c;for(int i;i<(a.length<b.length?a.length:b.length);++i)c~=(a[i]-32)*(b[i]-32)%95+32;return c;}

This is a port of HatsuPointerKun's C++ solution, don't forget to upvote them!

Try it online!


Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 5 710


Java 8, 127 115 97 95 bytes

a->b->{for(int i=0;i<a.length&i<b.length;System.out.printf("%c",(a[i]-32)*(b[i++]-32)%95+32));}


Try it here.

a->b->{                       // Method with 2 char-array parameters and no return-type
  for(int i=0;                //  Index-integer, starting at 0
      i<a.length&i<b.length;  //  Loop over both arrays up to the smallest of the two
    System.out.printf("%c",   //   Print, as character:
      (a[i]-32)               //    Current char of `a` minus 32
      *(b[i++]-32)            //    multiplied with current char of `b` minus 32
      %95                     //    Take modulo-95 of that multiplied result
      +32));}                 //    And add 32 again

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 67 575


05AB1E, 16 15 bytes


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-1 for Emigna pointing out pushes 95.

                 # ['hi', 'you']
.B               # [['hi ', 'you']]
  Ç              # [[[104, 105, 32], [121, 111, 117]]]
   32-           # [[[72, 73, 0], [89, 79, 85]]]
      `          # [[72, 73, 0], [89, 79, 85]]
       *         # [[6408, 5767, 0]]
        ₃%       # [[43, 67, 0]]
          32+    # [[75, 99, 32]]
             ç   # [['K', 'c', ' ']]
              J  # ['Kc ']


is another.

Magic Octopus Urn

Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 19 422

saves a byte. Too bad about the empty string input. Otherwise ø would save a few more. – Emigna – 2018-03-29T08:25:55.793


C#, 166 bytes

using System.Linq;s=>t=>{int e=s.Length,n=t.Length,l=e>n?n:e;return string.Concat(s.Substring(0,l).Select((c,i)=>(char)((((c-32)*(t.Substring(0,l)[i]-32))%95)+32)));}

I'm sure there's a lot of golfing to be done but I don't have time right now.

Try it online!

Full/Formatted Version:

using System;
using System.Linq;

class P
    static void Main()
        Func<string, Func<string, string>> f = s => t =>
            int e = s.Length, n = t.Length, l = e > n ? n : e;

            return string.Concat(s.Substring(0, l).Select((c, i) => (char)((((c - 32) * (t.Substring(0, l)[i] - 32)) % 95) + 32)));




Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 6 930

I think (((c-32)*(t.Substring(0,l)[i]-32))%95)+32) can be ((c-32)*(t.Substring(0,l)[i]-32)%95+32) (might have screwed up the parens there ... it's looking like lisp!) – Zacharý – 2017-07-21T16:11:17.603


Python 2, 95 73 bytes

  • Thanks @Zacharý for 4 bytes: unwanted brackets removed
lambda x,y:''.join(chr((ord(i)-32)*(ord(j)-32)%95+32)for i,j in zip(x,y))

Try it online!


Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 2 739

3Goodness gracious ... learn to use order of operations! (((ord(x[i])-32)*(ord(y[i])-32))%95)+32 => (ord(x[i])-32)*(ord(y[i])-32)%95+32 – Zacharý – 2017-07-21T16:25:00.010


Common Lisp, 99 bytes

(lambda(a b)(map'string(lambda(x y)(code-char(+(mod(*(-(#1=char-code x)32)(-(#1#y)32))95)32)))a b))

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Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 2 260


Japt, 24 bytes

¬íVq)®®©c -HÃ×u95 +H dÃq

Returns a string with trailing null-chars (\u0000) when the first input is longer than the second.

Try it online! with the -Q flag to show formatted output, including the null-chars.

Run all the test cases using my WIP CodePen.

Justin Mariner

Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 4 746


Charcoal, 30 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. I actually wrote the calcualation as (32 - ord(q)) * (32 - ord(h)) because it avoids consecutive numeric literals but I guess I could have just written (ord(q) - ord(" ")) * (ord(h) - ord(" ")) instead.


Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 95 035


Perl 5, 95 bytes

@a=<>=~/(.)/g;@b=<>=~/(.)/g;$#a=$#b if@a>@b;print chr 32+(-32+ord$_)*(-32+ord$b[$i++])%95 for@a

Try it online!


@a=<>=~/(.)/g;@b=<>=~/(.)/g;  # Split the strings into 2 arrays
$#a=$#b if@a>@b;              # Truncate the first if longer than the second
print chr 32+(-32+ord$_)*(-32+ord$b[$i++])%95 for@a  # Multiply each character


Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 7 671


I think you're not correctly truncating the result to the length of the smaller string (see here).

– Dada – 2017-07-27T08:42:34.157

You're right. Fixed it at a cost of many bytes – Xcali – 2017-07-27T16:35:31.727


Pip, 19 bytes

(PA$* *(PA@?Zg)%95)

Takes the strings as command-line arguments. Try it online!


(PA$* *(PA@?Zg)%95)
                     g is list of args; PA is string of all printable ASCII characters
            Zg       Zip items of g together: result is list of pairs of characters
        PA@?         Find index of each character in PA
       (      )      (Parentheses to get correct operator precedence)
   $* *              Map (fold on *) to the list: multiplies each pair of numbers
               %95   Take list items mod 95
(PA               )  Use those numbers to index into PA again
                     Print the resulting list of chars, concatenated together (implicit)


Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 21 213


Factor, 45

[ [ [ 32 - ] bi@ * 95 mod 32 + ] "" 2map-as ]

It's a quotation (lambda), call it with two strings on the stack, leaves the new string on the stack.

As a word:

: s* ( s1 s2 -- ps ) [ [ 32 - ] bi@ * 95 mod 32 + ] "" 2map-as ;

"M>>M" "M>>M" s*      ! => ">MM>"
dup s*                ! => "M>>M"
dup s*                ! => ">MM>"

fede s.

Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 945


K (oK), 26 bytes



Try it online!




Evaluation is performed right-to-left:

`c$32+95!*/-32+(&/#:'x)$x: / the solution
                        x: / assign input to variable x
                       $   / pad right to length on left
               (  #:'x)    / count each x (return length of each char list in list)
                &/         / min-over, get the minimum of these counts
           -32+            / subtract 32, this automagically converts chars -> ints
         */                / multiply-over, product of the two lists
      95!                  / modulo 95
   32+                     / add 32 back again
`c$                        / convert to character array


Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 3 635


PHP, 112 bytes

for($i=0;$i<min(strlen($a=$argv[1]),strlen($b=$argv[2]));$i++)echo chr((ord($a[$i])-32)*(ord($b[$i])-32)%95+32);


Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 181

109 bytes: for($i=0;$i<strlen($a=$argv[1])&&$i<strlen($b=$argv[2]);)echo chr((ord($a[$i])-32)*(ord($b[$i++])-32)%95+32); Also, I'm not entirely sure if replacing && with & might also be possible in PHP, reducing it by another byte to 108. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2017-10-23T12:45:58.473


JavaScript (ES6), 89 bytes

Javascript and the curse of the lengthy function names ...

Using currying and the fact that charCodeAt returns NaN when called with an invalid position. There can be trailing nulls in the output.



var f=


;[["isbn", "split"],["", ""],["", "I don't matter"],["             ", "Me neither :("],
["but I do!", "!!!!!!!!!"],['quotes', '""""""'],["wood", "hungry"],["tray", "gzip"],
["industry", "bond"],["public", "toll"],["roll", "dublin"],["GX!", "GX!"],
["4 lll 4", "4 lll 4"],["M>>M", "M>>M"]]
.forEach(([a,b])=>console.log(q(a)+' x '+q(b)+' --> '+q(f(a)(b))))


Posted 2017-07-21T15:30:37.123

Reputation: 31 086