Garble that string!



Given a string as input, output one or more variants of the string such that:

  • No character is in it's original position
  • No character is adjacent to a character that it was originally adjacent to

You can assume this will always be possible for the given string, and will only contain single case alphabetical characters ([a-z] or [A-Z] if you prefer)

Note that duplicates of the same character are not considered unique.

For example, given the input programming, the output cannot contain an m at the 7th or 8th character, and cannot contain a g at the 4th or 11th character (1 indexed)


Take the string abcdef

The following would be a valid output: daecfb

However the following would be invalid: fdbcae as in this example c and b are still adjacent.

Adjacency also wraps, meaning you could not do fdbeca as f and a are still adjacent.


Note these are not the only valid outputs for the given inputs

Written as input -> output:

helowi -> ioewhl
mayube -> euabmy
stephens -> nhseespt
aabcdeffghij -> dbfhjfigaeca


This is so fewest bytes in each language wins!


Posted 2017-06-08T15:14:13.397

Reputation: 9 656

No character is adjacent to a character that it was originally adjacent to. Does order not matter for adjacency? So input "abcd" cannot have "ab" anywhere, and cannot have "ba" anywhere either? – DrZ214 – 2017-06-09T07:03:19.867

@DrZ214 that is correct – Skidsdev – 2017-06-09T08:00:25.217



Jelly, 24 23 bytes


Try it online!

Extremely long by virtue of my being awful at Jelly, but it finally works, at least... still in the process of golfing.

link that generates a list of sorted adjacent pairs:
ẋ2            duplicate argument ("abc" -> "abcabc")
  ṡ2          slices of 2 (-> "ab","bc","ca","ab","bc")
    Ṣ€        sort each

link that tests for invalid permutations:
Ç             get sorted adjacent pairs of argument
 ³Ç¤          do the same for the original input
    œ&        set intersection, then...
      ¬       ...inverse; i.e. do they have no elements in common
       ɓ   ȯ  logical OR the result of that with...
        ³=    elementwise equality with original input, and...
          S   ...sum; i.e. are some characters in the same position

main link:
Ẋ             shuffle the input list
  ¿           while
 Ç            the result of the previous link is truthy


Posted 2017-06-08T15:14:13.397

Reputation: 68 138

Tested with all testcases in OP, works for all of them – Skidsdev – 2017-06-08T16:25:13.127

This might be really long for Jelly, but its extremely short for everything else (with the possible exception of 05AB1E, and a few other insane golfing languages.) – Gryphon – 2017-06-08T16:33:16.350

yeah it's insanely short, I didn't expect even Jelly to do it this golfily, even 05AB1E's wrong solution that didn't check original char position was 45 bytes – Skidsdev – 2017-06-08T16:34:24.800

There goes another mod, corrupted by Jelly. How sad. – caird coinheringaahing – 2017-06-08T23:00:42.153


PHP>=7.1, 147 Bytes


PHP Sandbox Online

PHP>=7.1, 184 Bytes

Use the levenshtein distance instead of a Regex way

for($a=$argn;$v=$a[$k];$r[]=$l.$v)$r[]=$v.($l=$a[$k++-1]);for(;!$t&&$s=str_shuffle($a);)for($t=1,$i=0;$v=$s[$i];$t*=$v!=$a[$i++])foreach($r as$x)$t*=levenshtein($x,$s[$i-1].$v);echo$s;

PHP Sandbox Online

PHP, 217 bytes

Version under 7.1


Try it online!

Jörg Hülsermann

Posted 2017-06-08T15:14:13.397

Reputation: 13 026

*Oh my god it works* – Skidsdev – 2017-06-08T16:12:31.070

Why should it not work? I make every possible regex. If it match shuffle the string till it not match – Jörg Hülsermann – 2017-06-08T16:14:20.423

wait, fails on helowi, outputs ioewlh, i and h are adjacent – Skidsdev – 2017-06-08T16:14:53.793

@Mayube Okay that should now make the last case safe – Jörg Hülsermann – 2017-06-08T16:21:43.993

Yup, tested with all testcases in the OP, they all work – Skidsdev – 2017-06-08T16:23:22.203

++$k<$l saves 3 bytes. With PHP 7.1, $l can be rendered obsolete (if you check $a[++$k] instead of ++$k<$l); that should save 16 bytes. – Titus – 2017-06-08T17:41:46.030


Python 2, 185 bytes

from itertools import*
g=lambda m:set(zip(m*2,(m*2)[1:]))
for l in permutations(x):
 if not((g(l)|g(l[::-1]))&(g(x)|g(x[::-1]))or any(a==b for a,b in zip(x,l))):print`l`[2::5]

Try it online!
Prints all valid strings


Posted 2017-06-08T15:14:13.397

Reputation: 17 588

tested for mayube, stephens and helowi, seems to work for all 3. I need to make an output validator to do some more intensive testing though – Skidsdev – 2017-06-08T16:17:46.157

Timed out for aabcdeffghij, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work, just that it takes longer than a minute for that input – Skidsdev – 2017-06-08T16:20:52.353

It takes a LONG time to run "aabcdeffghij" on my machine. So far >2min. Also looks like this prints more than one permutation, which is not according to spec. – Not that Charles – 2017-06-08T17:06:49.983

Rod - You may save some bytes with print next(l for l in permutations(x) if not((g(l)|g(l[::-1]))&(g(x)|g(x[::-1]))or any(a==b for a,b in zip(x,l)))) – Not that Charles – 2017-06-08T17:08:56.013

@NotthatCharles you forgot the \l`[2::5]` =/ – Rod – 2017-06-08T17:36:39.903

i can't count... – Not that Charles – 2017-06-08T17:49:22.553


Brachylog, 21 bytes


Try it online!


I really would have wanted for p.;?z≠ᵐ&j¬{s₂p~s~j} to work for 2 bytes less, but it seems ~j is not smart enough...

p.jP;?z≠ᵐ&j¬{s₂p~s}P∧  Input is a string, say ? = "asdfgha"
p                      Take a permutation of ?, say "sfagadh".
 .                     It is the output.
  j                    Concatenate it to itself: "sfagadhsfagadh"
   P                   Call that string P.
    ;?                 Pair P with the input: ["sfagadhsfagadh","asdfgha"]
      z                Zip, repeating elements of the longer string:
       ≠ᵐ              Each pair must have different elements.
         &             Start new predicate
          j            Concatenate ? to itself: "asdfghaasdfgha"
           ¬{     }    The following cannot be satisfied:
             s₂        Take a substring of length 2
               p       and permute it.
                ~s     It is a substring of
                   P   P.
                    ∧  Do not unify P with the output.


Posted 2017-06-08T15:14:13.397

Reputation: 39 083


PHP 7.1, 136 131 bytes

inspired by Jörg´s solution:


Run as pipe with -r or test it online. (Make sure that PHP version 7.1 or above is selected)

Requires PHP 7.1; add 14 bytes for older PHP: Replace $k-1 with ($k?:strlen($a))-1;
(two more bytes for PHP<5.3: $k?$k-1:strlen($a)-1)


# A: loop through input to collect sub-expressions
    $r.="|$c".($d=$a[$k-1])     # 1. pair of characters
        ."|$d$c"                # 2. reversed pair
        ."|^.{".+$k++."}$c";    # 3. $c is at k-th position
# B: shuffle input until regex does not match the result
while(preg_match("#$a$r#",($s=str_shuffle($a)).$s));    # (input as dummy sub-expression)
# C: print result


Posted 2017-06-08T15:14:13.397

Reputation: 13 814

@JörgHülsermann a lot more ;) – Titus – 2017-06-08T18:21:27.640

@JörgHülsermann The wrapping case is handled in the first iteration ($c=$a[$k=0], $d=$a[$k-1]) via $s.$s. – Titus – 2017-06-08T22:37:00.743

Okay nice trick – Jörg Hülsermann – 2017-06-08T23:00:19.167


PHP 7.1, 187 185 172 178 143 bytes

do for($r=str_shuffle($s=$argn),$p=$i=0;$c=$s[$i];$p+=($c==$z)+preg_match("#$a|$b#",$s.$s))$b=strrev($a=$r[$i-1].$z=$r[$i++]);while($p);echo$r;

Run as pipe with -r or test it online. (Make sure that PHP version 7.1.0 or above is selected!)


    for($r=str_shuffle($s=$argn),   # 2. shuffle input
        $p=$i=0;$c=$s[$i];          # 3. loop through input
        $p+=($c==$z)                        # 2. set $p if char is at old position
            +preg_match("#$a|$b#",$s.$s)    #    or if adjacency occurs in input
        $b=strrev($a=$r[$i-1].$z=$r[$i++]); # 1. concat current with previous character
while($p);                          # 1. loop until $p is falsy
echo$r;                             # 4. print


Posted 2017-06-08T15:14:13.397

Reputation: 13 814

Fails on input mayube, outputs yeuamb, m and a are adjacent – Skidsdev – 2017-06-08T16:00:25.883

1Also your online tester doesn't seem to be very good, every testcase I've tried just timesout after 3 seconds – Skidsdev – 2017-06-08T16:03:10.510

@Mayube I forgot to mention: Use PHP version 7.1 – Titus – 2017-06-08T16:22:31.890


Ruby, 110 97 102 bytes

x.shuffle!while s.size.times.any?{|i|a,b=(x*2)[i,2];a==s[i]||t[a+b]||t[b+a]}

Try it online!


Posted 2017-06-08T15:14:13.397

Reputation: 17 193

This does not follow the rule of "wrapping" adjacency; for example, I got 3594817062 as an output on your TIO link. – Doorknob – 2017-06-08T21:21:03.470

@Doorknob fixed! – daniero – 2017-06-09T19:59:40.917


JavaScript 6, 116 Bytes



console.log (f('abcdef'));


Posted 2017-06-08T15:14:13.397

Reputation: 5 985


Stax, 23 21 bytes


Run and debug online!

Thanks for @recursive for saving 2 bytes.

Takes a very long time to run. A more reasonable/feasible version is (just 2 bytes longer)


Run and debug online!


Uses the unpacked version to explain.

w                            Loop anything before `}` while
 |N                          Next permutation (starting from the input)
   c_:=                      Index where the current array has the same element as the input (*)
                   }ch+2B    Define a block that finds all contiguous pairs in current string, including the pair `[last element, first element]`
       nG                    Apply the defined block to current string                         
         yG                  Do the same for the input
           |*                Outer product, contains pairs (which themselves are pairs) constructed from the last two array.
             {   f           Only keep pairs
              E-!            whose two elements have the same set of characters
                  +          Prepend the array at step (*).
                             This is used as the condition for the while loop

Weijun Zhou

Posted 2017-06-08T15:14:13.397

Reputation: 3 396

Nice. There's an improvement you can make using G. You are doing {...}X!...x! to execute the same block twice. In general, you can rewrite this as G...G with }... at the end of the program, like this.

– recursive – 2018-03-09T02:45:32.537

Thank you. I have seen you used G in another post to save one byte by replacing {...}* with D.... I guess am just still not quite used to it ... – Weijun Zhou – 2018-03-09T03:00:28.767