Interleave numbers from 1 to n, with the same numbers reversed



A simple one:

Take a positive integer n less than 1000, and output the integers from 1 to n interleaved with the integers from n to 1. You must concatenate the numbers so that they appear without any delimiters between them.

Test cases:

n = 1

n = 4

n = 26

n = 100

This is so the shortest submission in bytes in each language wins. Explanations are encouraged.

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

Reputation: 43 471



JavaScript (ES6), 30 bytes



This is pretty straightforward but it's worth noting that the string is built from tail to head. An empty string at the beginning is appended last and allows the coercion of the final result to a string to happen.

Below is the detail of the recursion for f(4):

f(4) =                                            // initial call
f(4, 1) =                                         // applying the default value to k
f(3, 2) + 4 + 1 =                                 // recursive call #1
(f(2, 3) + 3 + 2) + 4 + 1 =                       // recursive call #2
((f(1, 4) + 2 + 3) + 3 + 2) + 4 + 1 =             // recursive call #3
(((f(0, 5) + 1 + 4) + 2 + 3) + 3 + 2) + 4 + 1 =   // recursive call #4
((('' + 1 + 4) + 2 + 3) + 3 + 2) + 4 + 1 =        // n = 0 --> end of recursion
'' + 1 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 1 =              // final sum
'14233241'                                        // final result

Test cases




Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

Reputation: 111 334


Python 2, 46 bytes

lambda n:''.join(`x+1`+`n-x`for x in range(n))

Thanks to ovs for 4 bytes

Try it online!


lambda n:''.join(`x+1`+`n-x`for x in range(n))
lambda n:                                      # anonymous lambda taking one parameter n
                 `x+1`+`n-x`                   # `x` is repr(x) which is equivalent to str(x) for integers less than INT_MAX
                            for x in range(n)  # integers x in [0, n)


Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

Reputation: 32 998

1Two bytes more in Python 3: f'{x}{n-~-x}' – L3viathan – 2017-05-30T11:02:07.203

2@L3viathan That's a new feature added in 3.6. – Mego – 2017-05-30T11:03:27.083

1Python 3.6 is not Python 3? – L3viathan – 2017-05-30T11:04:20.520

1@L3viathan It is, but it's a specific version. Python 3.5 and below don't have that string interpolation feature. – Mego – 2017-05-30T11:04:59.910

It is the most recent version. Generator comprehensions, which you use, were added in Python 2.4, Python 2.3 and below don't have that feature, but you still categorize your answer as "Python 2". – L3viathan – 2017-05-30T11:06:51.590

1@L3viathan That's because Python 2.7 is in wide use. The same cannot be said for 3.6 yet. For example, the Ubuntu Main repo only has 3.5. 2.4 was released in 2004; 3.6 was released 5 months ago. There's a stark difference. – Mego – 2017-05-30T11:10:32.663

6lambda n:''.join('x+1'+'n-x'for x in range(n)) for 46 bytes .(replace the ' in the list comprehension with backticks) – ovs – 2017-05-30T11:53:59.857

6@ovs hey, you can escape the backtick -> \\`x+1\``` renders to \x+1`` – Rod – 2017-05-30T12:29:19.373


-5 thanks to Ørjan Johansen

Haskell, 33 bytes

f n=do a<-[1..n];[a,n-a+1]>>=show

Try it online!


Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

Reputation: 1 261

3(1) A do expression is shorter than >>= plus a lambda. (2) However, the shows can be combined by using >>=show. – Ørjan Johansen – 2017-05-30T12:18:59.750


R, 35 bytes


Try it online

rbind(1:n,n:1) creates a 2 row matrix with 1 to n in the first row and n to 1 in the second. The cat function collapses this matrix, reading down each column.


Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

Reputation: 1 391

1Note that this only works in interactive mode, and requires the user to enter n on the command line (instead of passing via stdin). – shadowtalker – 2017-05-30T19:54:33.513

@ssdecontrol Yes, I think that's usually allowed, but I'm fairly new here, could be wrong. – user2390246 – 2017-05-30T20:16:26.087

I think it's generally acceptable, but NB, to run it properly in TIO you have to put the input(s) in the Footer field (and it's always good to include a link!)

– Giuseppe – 2017-05-30T20:28:06.173


Bash, 25 bytes

printf %s`seq $1 -1 1|nl`

Try it online!

Prints decreasing sequence, number lines increasing and printf joins lines

Space delimited, 20 bytes : seq $1 -1 1|nl|xargs


Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

Reputation: 986

if that is not acceptable i can change it for seq $1 -1 1|nl|tr -d ' \n\t' 8 bytes more – marcosm – 2017-05-30T12:24:28.767

1The 20 byte submission is invalid. My upvote is for the 25 byte submission. – Digital Trauma – 2017-05-31T00:03:27.180

As Digital Trauma noted, the 20-byte solution is invalid. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-05-31T11:49:51.913

time printf %s'seq 1000000 -1 1|nl'; grep name /proc/cpuinfo real 0m7.985s user 0m6.092s sys 0m0.392s model name : Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.00GHz model name : Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.00GHz – marcosm – 2017-05-31T14:06:48.223


05AB1E, 6 5 bytes

Saved a byte using the new interleave built-in as suggested by rev


Try it online!


L        # range [1 ... input]
 Â       # create a reversed copy
  .ι     # interleave the lists
    J    # join


Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

Reputation: 50 798

A user by the name of rev suggested LÂ.ιJ.

– Jonathan Frech – 2019-03-06T22:20:43.717

@JonathanFrech: I know the consensus now is that we can use features newer than the challenge, but I'm usually hesitant to edit old answers because a new built-in completes the challenge better. There are so many answers in all that could be improved that way :) – Emigna – 2019-03-07T07:10:20.270

Well, I only was the messenger; possible @rev should post their own answer. – Jonathan Frech – 2019-03-07T07:56:58.973

@JonathanFrech: I didn't mean it as a reproach. Rev did it correctly when he suggested the edit as it is better to edit an existing answer than post a new one whenever a new built-in is made. I really should get better at fixing old answers, at least when suggestions are made. – Emigna – 2019-03-07T08:10:45.700


CJam, 10 bytes


Try it online!


ri   e# Read input and convert to integer N.
,    e# Turn into range [0 1 ... N-1].
:)   e# Increment to get [1 2 ... N].
_W%  e# Duplicate and reverse the copy.
]    e# Wrap both in an array to get [[1 2 ... N] [N ... 2 1]]
z    e# Transpose to get [[1 N] [2 N-1] ... [N-1 2] [N 1]]
     e# This list is printed implicitly at the end of the program,
     e# but without any of the array structure (so it's essentially flattened,
     e# each number is converted to a string and then all the strings
     e# are joined together and printed).

Martin Ender

Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

Reputation: 184 808


Ruby, 29 bytes



->n{n.times{|x|                # x in range [0..n-1]
               $><<            # output on console
                   x+1<<n-x}}  # x+1, then n-x

Try it online!


Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

Reputation: 11 099


Haskell, 65 48 47 bytes

1 byte saved thanks to Laikoni:

f n=show=<<(\(l,r)->[l,r])=<<zip[1..][n,n-1..1]

6 bytes saved thanks to nimi:

f n=show=<<(\(l,r)->[l,r])=<<zip[1..n][n,n-1..1]

Previous answer and explanation:

f n=concatMap show$concatMap(\(l,r)->[l,r])(zip[1..n][n,n-1..1])

There's already a better Haskell answer here, but I'm new to both Haskell and code golfing, so I may as well post it :)

This function zips the list [1..n] with its reverse, resulting in a list of tuples.


Then it uses concatMap to map a lambda to this list of tuples that results in a list of lists...


...and concatenates it.


Then a final concatMap maps show to the list and concatenates it into a single string.

f 26 "12622532442352262172081991810171116121513141413151216111710189198207216225234243252261"

Dan Ambrogio

Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

Reputation: 141

2The infix function =<< is the same (within the list monad) as concatMap: f n=show=<<(\(l,r)->[l,r])=<<zip[1..n][n,n-1..1]. – nimi – 2017-05-30T14:37:27.743



  • Your current solution is only 48 bytes. 2) You can drop the n in [1..n]: Try it online!
  • – Laikoni – 2017-05-31T19:34:26.477


  • Dang off-by-one errors... 2) Good call!
  • < – Dan Ambrogio – 2017-05-31T19:59:32.697


    Whitespace, 71 bytes


    Try it online!


    sssn  ; push 0 - seed the stack with 0 (this will be our 1->n counter, a)
    sns   ; dup
    tntt  ; getnum - read n (stored on the heap)
    sns   ; dup
    ttt   ; retr - pull n onto the stack (this will be our n->1 counter, b)
    nssn  ; label 'loop'
    snt   ; swap - bring a to the top
    ssstn ; push 1
    tsss  ; add - increment a
    sns   ; dup
    tnst  ; putnum - output a as a number
    snt   ; swap - bring b to the top
    sns   ; dup
    tnst  ; putnum - output b as a number
    ssstn ; push 1
    tsst  ; sub - decrement b
    sns   ; dup
    ntstn ; jez 'exit' if b is 0
    nsnn  ; jmp 'loop'

    The first couple of instructions are needed to set up the stack correctly, Whitespace's input commands write to the heap so we need to copy b (the input value) back onto the stack. We start with a = 0 since it is shorter to declare 0 instead of 1 (saves a byte) and we only need to reorder the increment instruction to cope. After that we just loop and increment a, output a, output b, decrement b, until b reaches 0 (checked after the decrement).


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 581

    this could be much more golfed if you removed all that trailing whitespace :P – cat – 2017-06-01T13:59:16.097


    Röda, 21 19 bytes

    {seq 1,_<>seq _1,1}

    Try it online!

    This is an anonymous function that takes input from the stream.


    {seq 1,_<>seq _1,1}               Anonymous function, takes integer n from the stream
            <>                        Interleave
     seq 1,_                            the range 1 .. n with
              seq _1,1                  the range n .. 1


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 16 320


    Pyth, 7 bytes


    Try it online: Demonstration


    jksC_BSQ   implicit Q (=input number) at the end
          SQ   create the range [1, ..., Q]
        _B     bifurcate by inversion, this gives [[1, ..., Q], [Q, ..., 1]]
      sC       zip and flatten result
    jk         join to a string


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 21 462


    Octave, 29 bytes


    Try it online!


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 5 435

    1My implementation was so, so much longer! Nice! =) – Stewie Griffin – 2017-05-30T18:56:02.453


    Perl 6, 20 bytes

    {[~] 1..*Z~($_...1)}

    Test it

    With an input of 100000 this takes roughly 10 seconds, including compilation and printing the output.


    {                # bare block lambda with implicit parameter 「$_」
      [~]            # reduce using concatenation operator 「&infix:«~»」
                     # (shorter than 「join '',」)
        1 .. *       # Range from 1 to infinity
        Z~           # zip using concatenation operator
        ( $_ ... 1 ) # deduced sequence starting at the input
                     # going down to 1

    The Z~ needs the ~ because otherwise it generates a list of lists which will stringify with spaces.

    There is no need to limit the Range starting at 1, because Z stops when any of the input lists run out.
    This saves two bytes (a space would be needed after $_)

    Brad Gilbert b2gills

    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 12 713


    Java 61 bytes

    (int n)->{for(int i=0;i<n;System.out.print(i+1+""+(n-i++)));}


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 49

    2Also, welcome to PPCG! :) – Stewie Griffin – 2017-05-30T15:39:20.507

    We allow anonymous functions, so (int n)->{//for loop} should work here. – Nathan Merrill – 2017-05-30T15:39:44.563

    Is that better? – cheemcheem – 2017-05-30T15:45:31.087

    2Yep! You can potentially put your System.out.print() in the last statement of the for loop, but it gets complicated because you are using i twice (and you need to increment it in the expression). – Nathan Merrill – 2017-05-30T15:48:16.030

    I put the print inside the loop and incremented i at the last possible place then checked it with the Test cases to make sure it worked, thanks @NathanMerrill – cheemcheem – 2017-05-30T15:58:08.157

    don't need the parens around int n iirc. Or int for that matter. – Cyoce – 2017-06-07T07:30:50.643


    Jelly, 5 bytes


    Try it online!

    How it works

    RṚĖVV  Main link. Argument: n
    R      Range; yield [1, ..., n].
     Ṛ     Reverse; yield [n, ..., 1].
      Ė    Enumerate; yield [[1, n], ..., [n, 1]].
       V   Eval; convert each flat array to a string, interpret it as a Jelly program,
           and yield the output. This concatenates the integers in each pair, yielding
           a flat array of integers
        V  Repeat the previous step, concatenating the intgegers from before.


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 196 637


    Clojure, 61 bytes

    #(let[a(range 1(+ 1 %))](apply str(interleave a(reverse a))))

    Literally does what is asked. I believe it can be outgolfed by a less trivial solution.

    See it online


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 1 080


    PHP, 36 35 29 bytes


    Saved one byte thanks to Jörg Hülsermann.
    Saved six bytes thanks to Christoph.


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 1 571

    3Uhm... for(;$argn;)echo++$i,$argn--; ? – Christoph – 2017-05-30T13:13:39.210


    Aceto, 25 22 bytes



    We read an integer and put it on two stacks.


    On one, we call range_up (Z), on the other range_down (z), then we set a catch mark to be able to return to this place later:


    We then check if the current stack is empty and exit if so:


    Otherwise, we print from both stacks and jump back to the catch mark:



    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 3 151


    Brachylog, 10 9 bytes


    Try it online!


    ⟦₁           [1, …, Input]
      g↔ᶻc       [[1, …, Input],[Input, …, 1]]
          z      Zip
           cc    Concatenate twice


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 32 976


    R, 41 bytes

    pryr::f(for(i in 1:x){cat(i);cat(x-i+1)})

    pryr::f() creates a function that takes one input. Loops over 1:x and prints each element of 1:x along with each element of x:1. Prints to STDOUT.


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 2 898

    +1, nice use of pryr – shadowtalker – 2017-05-30T19:48:10.987

    @ssdecontrol its pretty much staple replacement of function(x) :) – JAD – 2017-05-30T19:57:28.260


    MATL, 13 11 9 bytes

    2 bytes saved thanks to @Luis


    Try it at MATL Online


            % Implicitly grab input as a number, N
    :       % Create an array from 1..N
    tP      % Create a reversed copy
    v       % Vertically concatenate the two
    1e      % Reshape it into a row vector
    V       % Convert to a string
    Xz      % Remove whitespace and implicitly display


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 10 257

    @LuisMendo Ah! I thought there was a function that removed whitespace but couldn't find it. Thanks! – Suever – 2017-05-30T13:09:39.913


    V, 20 bytes


    Try it online!


    yw                    ' Copy the input number (for looping later)
      o1                 ' Insert a 1 under the input (on a newline)
         @"               ' [Copy register] number of times
           ­ñ      ñ       ' Do the thing inside of this loop
            ykP           ' Copy the current line and line above it, and paste above both
               j        ' decrement the current (top) number, and increment the one below
                   k      ' Go to the top line
                    ògJ   ' recursively join all of the lines


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 3 274


    Scala, 43 bytes

    It's not the best but it's my first code golf.



    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 151


    Cubix, 17 bytes


    Try it online!


        . .
        . .
    1 I > s O ) s u
    . @ ? ( O . . .
        . .
        . .

    Pushes 1, reads in the input (I), then enters the loop which swaps the top of the stack, outputs it, increments, swaps, outputs the top of the stack, decrements, and stops if the top of the stack is 0.


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 21 077


    Common Lisp, 63 54 bytes

    (lambda(n)(dotimes(i n)(format t"~a~a"(1+ i)(- n i))))

    Try it online!


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 2 260


    K (ngn/k), 16 bytes


    Try it online!


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 421

    r,'|r: -> +|:\ – ngn – 2018-11-09T13:47:52.897


    MathGolf, 5 bytes


    Try it online!


    {      Run a for loop over implicit input
     î     Push 1 based index of loop
      k    Push inputted number
       ï-  Subtract 0 based index of loop
           Implicitly output all this joined together

    Jo King

    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 38 234

    1I've been able to find 13 programs of length 5 which yield the same result: ╒{ïí,, ╒{ïk,, ╒{íï-, ╒{kï-, ╒{┐í,, ╒{┐k,, ╒x{î\, {îïí,, {îïk,, {îíï-, {îkï-, {î┐í,, {î┐k,. However, I have not been able to find any program of length 4 or less. I haven't done a full search, but it is very probable that 5 bytes is optimal for MathGolf. – maxb – 2019-03-07T09:53:15.683


    Mouse-2002, 32 30 bytes

    -2 moved conditional to start of loop (z.^ ... ) instead of (... z.0>^)


    Try it online!


    ?n:                                 ~ get input and store in n
       n.z:                             ~ copy n into z
           (z.^                         ~ stop if z equals 0
               a.1+a:                   ~ add 1 to a
                     a.!                ~ print a
                        z.!             ~ print z
                           z.1-z:)      ~ substract 1 from z


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 191


    Actually, 9 bytes


    Try it online!, or run all test cases


    R          range(1, n+1)
     ;R        duplicate and reverse
       @Z      swap and zip
         ♂i    make 1D
           εj  join with empty string


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 32 998


    QBIC, 18 bytes



    [:|       FOR a = 1 to n
    Z=Z+      Add to Z$ 
    !b$+      a cast of the loop counter as string
    !b-a+1$   and a cast of (n+1) minus the loop counter to string
              Z$ is printed implicitly at the end of QBIC


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 7 772


    Mathematica, 36 32 bytes


    thanks Martin


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 15 931

    #+1-x is more efficient than Reverse@x. ------- Note: Row does not even make it a string, just a formatting. It looks identical to a string on some platforms, but it show as multiplication sign between on Wolfram sandbox. However it takes less bytes than ToString/@(""<>...) or ""<>ToString/@.... – user202729 – 2017-06-10T15:32:33.207


    CJam, 13 12 bytes

    1 byte removed thanks to Martin Ender


    Try it online!


    ri               e# Read integer n
      :X             e# Copy n into variable X
         {     }%    e# Map over the array [0 1 2 ... n-1]
          _          e# Duplicate
           )         e# Add 1
            X        e# Push n
             @       e# Rotate
              -      e# Subtract

    Luis Mendo

    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 87 464


    Perl 5, 28 bytes

    27 bytes code + 1 byte for -a.


    Try it online!

    Dom Hastings

    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 16 415


    Braingolf v0.7, 18 bytes [non-competing]


    Try it online!


    VR.MUvU&,R{vMR}>&_  Implicit input of n to stack
    VR                  Create new stack then return to main
      .M                Duplicate n and move duplicate to new stack
        U               Replace stack with 1-n, where n is last item on stack
         vU             Replace 2nd stack with 1-n
           &,           Reverse second stack
             R          Return to main
              {   }     Map loop, runs for each item in the stack
               vMR      Move to next stack, move last item to main stack
                   >    Cleanup after loop
                    &_  Print all items in stack with no delimiter


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 9 656

    Did you just add the entire interpreter in the header in TIO? I guess that's why it's non-competing? – Stewie Griffin – 2017-05-30T19:02:19.000

    Yes I did, the language isn't on TIO yet, but that doesn't make it non-competing, it's nc because braingolf v0.7, which adds the {} loop, was released after the challenge was posted. – Skidsdev – 2017-05-30T21:52:00.177


    Japt -P, 11 8 bytes

    Saved 2 byte thanks to @Shaggy

    õ í1õU)c

    Try it online!


    õ í1õU)c
    õ              Range [1...Input]
      í            Pair with:
       1õU           Range [Input...1]  
          )c       Flatten   
    -P             Join into a string  


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 7 160

    Use the -P flag to save a byte. Link

    – Shaggy – 2017-06-06T16:11:17.897

    @Shaggy Thanks! When I wrote it, I tried this and assumed it wasn't joining due to a bug.

    – Oliver – 2017-06-06T16:26:29.980

    18 bytes – Shaggy – 2018-11-06T17:48:38.343


    Powershell, 37 bytes


    Danko Durbić

    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 10 241


    Jelly, 6 bytes


    Try it online!


             Example: n = 6
    R        Create a range from 1 to n             [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
      U$     and a reversed copy of that same range [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
     ż       and interleave them                    [ [1, 6], [2, 5, ... ]
        F    Flatten the list                       [1, 6, 2, 5, 3, 4 ...]
         V   And Eval: Jelly code consisting of only numbers would simply print those numbers,


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 7 772


    Retina, 20 bytes


    Try it online! Includes test cases. Explanation: Each pair of numbers sums to n+1, so we convert n to unary and add 1. Then, we match between each pair of _s, counting the number of _s to the left and right. This generates the pairs of numbers. Finally we delete the _s now that they've served their purpose.


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 95 035


    ><>, 16 12+3 = 19 15 bytes


    Input is expected on the stack, so +3 bytes for the -v flag.

    Thanks to @TealPelican for pointing out a very clever way to save 4 bytes by using the size of the stack itself - on the first iteration it'll be 1, then 2, then 3... That way, the first number in each pair manages itself, no manual incrementing required!

    Previous version:


    Try it online!


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 5 592

    1Surprisingly I came up with something fairly similar before checking the answers for ><> but you can save a few bytes by replacing the; 1+$ with } and then removing the final; $! at the end to come up with this; l:n}:n1-:?!; – Teal pelican – 2017-06-02T15:25:51.250

    ln:n1-::?!; – Jo King – 2018-11-06T21:40:05.130


    Perl 5, 25 21 + 1 = 26 22 bytes

    Takes input from stdin, without a trailing newline.

    Runs with the -n flag:


    4 bytes saved thanks to Dada.


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 1 313

    It doesn't work for numbers greater than 9. That's because the precedence of . is higher than the one of +. Adding parenthesis around $_+1 would solve this. Also, you can remove the parenthesis around $_--. But even shorter, you can take the input without final newline (with echo -n for instance), and then you can do print++$x.$_--while$_. – Dada – 2017-06-01T08:01:06.543


    C (gcc), 43 bytes


    Try it online!

    Leaky Nun

    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 45 011

    1You can save a byte by putting the ++ on the a in the printf. – Ørjan Johansen – 2017-06-10T15:00:34.457


    Python 3, 51 bytes

    lambda n:''.join("%d%d"%(x+1,n-x)for x in range(n))

    Try it online!

    Port of Mego's Python 2 answer.

    Leaky Nun

    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 45 011


    Japt -mP, 8 6 bytes


    Try it

               :For each U in the range [0,input)
    °U         : Prefix increment U
      s        : Convert to a string
       +       : Append
        N´     :  Postfix decrement the (singleton) array of inputs
               :Implicitly join and output


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 24 623


    C# (.NET Core), 53 bytes

    a=>{for(int i=0;++i<=a;)Console.Write(i+""+(a-i+1));}

    Try it online!

    Uses an Action delegate to pull in the input and not require a return.


    a => {
        for(int i = 0; ++i <= a;)           // initialize i and increment until a
            Console.Write(i + "" + (a - i + 1));    // output i and "inverse" of i
                                                        // empty string required to set as string
                                                        // parentheses required because C# is dumb and can't figure out what a minus sign is supposed to do without them


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 371


    Forth (gforth), 41 bytes

    : f 1+ dup 1 do i 1 .r 1- dup 1 .r loop ;

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    Loops from 1 to n and outputs the index as well as n-index in a right-aligned space of size 1 (forces no space after output)

    Code Explanation

    : f               \ start new word definition
      1+ dup 1        \ set up arguments to loop from 1 to n
      do              \ start loop
        i 1 .r        \ output the index in a right-aligned space of size 1
        1- dup        \ subtract 1 from current value of n and duplicate
        1 .r          \ output new n in right-aligned space of size 1
      loop            \ end loop
    ;                 \ end word definition


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 1 361


    Kotlin, 52 50 bytes

    fun g(e:Int)=(1..e).forEach{print("$it${e-it+1}")}

    Try it online

    Older version, the one above also prints it, the one below produces a string.

    fun y(n:Int)=(1..n).joinToString(""){"$it${n-it+1}"}

    Try it online!


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 11


    APL (Dyalog Unicode), 10 bytesSBCS


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    (∊⍪,⌽)⍕¨∘⍳  ⍝ Monadic function train
           ⍕¨∘⍳  ⍝ Generate integers from 1 to input, convert each to string
                 ⍝ Call this vector "X"
      ⍪          ⍝ "Table" X, making a single-column matrix
       ,⌽       ⍝ Reverse X and concatenate it with the above table
                 ⍝ This results in a two-column matrix with integers from
                 ⍝ 1 to N and N to 1 side-by-side
     ∊           ⍝ "Enlist" the above - left-to-right, top-to-bottom,
                 ⍝ recursively concatenate all items in the matrix


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 1 796

    Don't forget to claim your bounty!

    – Adám – 2019-03-09T21:05:03.007

    here's a shorter one: ∊⍕¨⌽,⌸⌽⍳⎕ – ngn – 2019-03-14T12:00:35.433


    AWK, 34 30 bytes

    {for(i=1;i<=$1;i++)printf i$1-i+1}

    {for(;i<$1;i++)printf i+1$1-i}

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    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 381

    could shave 4 with {for(;i<$1;i++)printf i+1$1-i} – marcosm – 2017-05-30T13:50:18.800


    Clojure, 52 bytes

    #(apply str(mapcat(fn[i][(inc i)(- % i)])(range %)))

    Concatenates pair-wise integers (head and tail of the seq).


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 2 361


    Python 2.7, 39 bytes

    x=''.join(`i+1`+`n-i`for i in range(n))


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 879

    4I think you must either use input or make this a lambda. Assuming the variable exists in the workspace is not acceptable I'm afraid. – Stewie Griffin – 2017-05-30T15:45:58.190


    Pyke, 9 bytes


    Try it here!


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 26 661


    Mathematica, 52 bytes

    As a traditional function:

    f[x_] := StringJoin[ToString /@ Riffle[Range[x], Reverse[Range[x]]]]

    As an anonymous function

    (x = Range[#]; StringJoin[ToString /@ Riffle[x, Reverse[x]]]) &

    As a code block that accepts the input in the variable n

    x = Range[n]; StringJoin[ToString /@ Riffle[x, Reverse[x]]]

    The code is pretty simple -- generate the list of integers with Range[], interleave this list (using Riffle[]) with a copy of the list that has been reversed, then convert all the integers to strings and concatenate them with StringJoin[].

    Could have done it in 30 bytes if we were allowed to leave the answer in the form of a list (thus, {1,4,2,3,3,2,4,1} rather than "14233241"). Also, in the hypothetical Mthmtca with short command names it would have been something like 21 bytes.

    Performance is tolerable for n <= 1,000,000. I didn't test past that.

    Michael Stern

    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 3 029

    1This should be a function that takes an integer argument, rather than having a 4 hardcoded. – Greg Martin – 2017-05-30T21:38:36.437

    This isn't golfed either, which makes it invalid – cat – 2017-06-01T01:34:38.647

    @cat if you think you can write it more concisely, please do so. If you can't, why do you think it's not golfed? – Michael Stern – 2017-06-01T03:29:45.763

    Yeah, f[x_]:=StringJoin[ToString/@Riffle[Range[x],Reverse[Range[x]]]], I think I counted the close braces right from my phone. Either way I know for a fact that MMA doesn't rely on whitespace, and I can say that as a communiry member – cat – 2017-06-01T10:53:00.720

    2None of these are 52 bytes, even with whitespace stripped. I get 56 bytes for the middle one (the last one not being valid). – Ørjan Johansen – 2017-06-01T17:05:38.337


    R, 43 39 37 bytes

    This is an anonymous function.


    It's 35 bytes if I use pryr::f() like in the other answer:


    but needs to be installed (Enter install.packages("pryr") in the R console).


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 461

    1You could save some bytes by not defining s and just using 1:n directly. – user2390246 – 2017-05-30T19:54:46.790

    1you can also save a couple bytes by removing the curly braces from your first answer – Giuseppe – 2017-05-30T19:58:47.557


    Python 2, 67 bytes

    A simple one, just for the collection :)

    while i<n:
    print s

    Mikhail V

    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 251

    you can use while i<n:s+=`i`+`n-i`;i+=1 to golf off some bytes – Leaky Nun – 2017-06-10T14:48:03.610


    Hexagony, 15 bytes



       { ? \
      " ! \ {
     $ . ( . @
      ) . ! .
       . . .

    Try it online!


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 5 592


    LOGO, 48 bytes

    to f :n
    for[i 1 :n][(type :i :n+1-:i)]show "

    Define a function f that when invoke with parameter = number n, print the result string.


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 14 620


    braingasm, 9 bytes


    Simple: Read a number from stdin to the current cell; While the current cell is not zero, go to next cell (initially 0), increase it, output its value, go back, output that value and decrease it.


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 17 193


    Java 8, 53 52 bytes

    n->{for(int i=1;n>0;System.out.print(n--+""+i++));};

    Try it online!

    -1 bytes thanks to Sara J!

    Benjamin Urquhart

    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 1 262

    52 bytes – Sara J – 2019-04-02T21:57:30.433

    @SaraJ thanks, I forgot about the for-loop trick – Benjamin Urquhart – 2019-04-02T23:57:47.357


    Kotlin, 44 bytes

    {n->                                          // n is Int input
        (1..n)                                    // range from 1 to end
              .joinToString("")                   // join items with no separator
                               {                  // transform by
                                "$it${n-it+1}"    // current number and number from end of range

    Lambda that takes an Int and returns a String.

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    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 1 982

    42 (btw it's basically identical to the other kotlin answer) – ASCII-only – 2019-03-15T07:16:45.450


    dc, 17 bytes


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    Sophia Lechner

    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 1 200


    APL(NARS), 13 chars, 26 bytes


    How to use & test:

      f 1
      f 26


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 3 036


    Ink, 47 bytes

    ~temp i=n

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    Sara J

    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 2 576



    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 8 616


    Zsh, 32 bytes

    repeat $1 printf $[++i]$[$1+1-i]

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    I like trying to beat Bash+coreutils with pure zsh, but sadly that is not the case here.

    Cooler, but one byte longer (33 bytes):


    Try it online!


    Posted 2017-05-30T10:32:31.487

    Reputation: 2 838