Plot the Gaussian Distribution in 3D



In probability theory, the normal (or Gaussian) distribution is a very common continuous probability distribution. Normal distributions are important in statistics and are often used in the natural and social sciences to represent real-valued random variables whose distributions are not known.

The challenge

Your challenge is to plot the probability density of the Gaussian Distribution on a 3-dimensional plane. This function is defined as:


A = 1, σx = σy = σ


  • Your program must take one input σ, the standard deviation.
  • Your program must print a 3D plot of the Gaussian Distribution in the highest quality as your language/system allows.
  • Your program may not use a direct Gaussian Distribution or probability density builtin.
  • Your program does not have to terminate.
  • Your plot may be in black and white or color.
  • Your plot must have grid lines on the bottom. Grid lines on the sides (as shown in the examples) are unnecessary.
  • Your plot does not need to have line numbers next to the grid lines.


As usual in , the submission with the least bytes wins! I may never "accept" an answer using the button, unless one is incredibly small and intuitive.

Example output

Your output could look something like this:


Or it could look like this:


More valid outputs. Invalid outputs.


Posted 2017-05-27T00:20:42.273

Reputation: 11 605

I was confused that you just showed the function for the X-axis. Do we need to take separate input/outputs for the X and Y sigma and mu's? – Scott Milner – 2017-05-27T02:00:18.983

So are we to assume that μ equals 0? And what scale do you require for x and y? If the x-and y-ranges are chosen very small relative to σ, then the graph will essentially look like a constant function. – Greg Martin – 2017-05-27T02:32:06.667

(For the two-dimensional distribution, I think it is clearer if you use |x-μ|^2 in the definition rather than (x-μ)^2.) – Greg Martin – 2017-05-27T02:33:05.220

@GregMartin Edited. – MD XF – 2017-05-27T03:03:16.637

@ScottMilner Edited. – MD XF – 2017-05-27T03:03:26.823

2Still not clear ... what are x_o and y_o and θ? – Greg Martin – 2017-05-27T04:28:33.433

@GregMartin Well, from what I can make out, (x_o,y_o) seems to be the center of the plot on the xy-plane (which seems to be (0,0) in this case based on the sample outputs provided) and θ can be ignored since σ_x = σ_y = σ making the trigonometric functions cancel out. – R. Kap – 2017-05-27T06:56:19.310

Can we do a top down view of it? – Rohan Jhunjhunwala – 2017-05-27T14:09:08.240

@RohanJhunjhunwala No, then it'd just be a grid :P – MD XF – 2017-05-27T14:10:10.613

@MDXF I mean if we color code it. As opposed to a three D height map, can we do a series of boxes whose color correspond to a probability. I'm going to guess no, but it's worth asking – Rohan Jhunjhunwala – 2017-05-27T14:26:56.050

@RohanJhunjhunwala No, that would completely defeat the purpose of the challenge, sorry. – MD XF – 2017-05-27T14:27:28.833

@MDXF it's ok, I figured that it wouldn't make much sense. – Rohan Jhunjhunwala – 2017-05-27T14:28:14.027

Someone has to do a Python answer if we have an R one! – None – 2017-06-01T12:01:45.443

@Lembik Well, a few months later it has still not been done; want to give it a shot? – MD XF – 2017-09-29T00:39:26.137



Gnuplot 4, 64 62 61 60 47 bytes

(Tied with Mathematica! WooHoo!)

se t pn;se is 80;sp exp(-(x**2+y**2)/(2*$0**2))

Save the above code into a file named and invoke it with the following:

gnuplot -e 'call "" $1'>GnuPlot3D.png

where the $1 is to be replaced with the value of σ. This will save a .png file named GnuPlot3D.png containing the desired output into the current working directory.

Note that this only works with distributions of Gnuplot 4 since in Gnuplot 5 the $n references to arguments were deprecated and replaced with the unfortunately more verbose ARGn.

Sample output with σ = 3:

Sample Output

This output is fine according to OP.

Gnuplot 4, Alternate Solution, 60 bytes

Here is an alternate solution which is much longer than the previous one but the output looks much better in my opinion.

se t pn;se is 80;se xyp 0;sp exp(-(x**2+y**2)/(2*$0**2))w pm

This still requires Gnuplot 4 for the same reason as the previous solution.

Sample output with σ = 3:

Sample Output # 2

R. Kap

Posted 2017-05-27T00:20:42.273

Reputation: 4 730

I am not sure if it molds to the specifications required what specifications do you think it does not meet? – MD XF – 2017-05-29T00:27:18.553

@MDXF Firstly, I am not sure if the transparency of the graph is okay. I honestly don't really like it, which is why I was not sure if it would be okay here. Secondly, the graph begins one unit high from the bottom by default, and I am not sure if that is all right either. Thirdly, because the graph begins one unit high, I am not sure the disproportionality of the graph compared to the graphs given in the original post is all right. However, if this is all okay with you, I will happily make it the main answer. – R. Kap – 2017-05-29T06:23:48.437

@MDXF In fact, I was going to post it as the original answer, but for these reasons I chose not to and posted by current answer instead. – R. Kap – 2017-05-29T06:24:03.027

@MDXF Actually, I can make it even shorter if this is okay. I understand if it won't be, but it does not hurt to ask. It is the default way Gnuplot would plot the probability density of the Gaussian distribution with a Sigma of 2 without any environment modifications.

– R. Kap – 2017-05-29T06:33:03.390

@MDXF I guess I could have asked before posting my original answer, but at the time I was very eager to post an answer. – R. Kap – 2017-05-29T09:06:29.410

For your first comment, all of those are perfectly all right. Third coomment... nope, that doesn't really work... sorry. Feel free to make your 47-byte solution the main one. You'll be tied for first, too... and if you golf it I'd be happy to see a non-Mathematica solution win a [tag:math] contest :P – MD XF – 2017-05-30T02:27:19.740

@MDXF All right, great! Thanks for the clarification! :) – R. Kap – 2017-05-30T02:29:57.140


C++, 3477 3344 bytes

Byte count does not include the unnecessary newlines.
MD XF golfed off 133 bytes.

There's no way C++ can compete for this, but I thought it would be fun to write a software renderer for the challenge. I tore out and golfed some chunks of GLM for the 3D math and used Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm for rasterization. The program outputs the result to a PGM file named g.


#define L for
#define A auto
#define E swap
#define F float
#define U using
U namespace std;
#define K vector
#define N <<"\n"
#define Z size_t
#define R return
#define B uint8_t
#define I uint32_t
#define P operator
#define W(V)<<V<<' '
#define Y template<Z C>
#define G(O)Y vc<C>P O(vc<C>v,F s){vc<C>o;L(Z i=0;i<C;++i){o\
[i]=v[i]O s;}R o;}Y vc<C>P O(vc<C>l, vc<C>r){vc<C>o;L(Z i=0;i<C;++i){o[i]=l[i]O r[i];}R o;}
Y U vc=array<F,C>;U v2=vc<2>;U v3=vc<3>;U v4=vc<4>;U m4=array<v4,4>;G(+)G(-)G(*)G(/)Y F d(
vc<C>a,vc<C>b){F o=0;L(Z i=0;i<C;++i){o+=a[i]*b[i];}R o;}Y vc<C>n(vc<C>v){R v/sqrt(d(v,v));
}v3 cr(v3 a,v3 b){R v3{a[1]*b[2]-b[1]*a[2],a[2]*b[0]-b[2]*a[0],a[0]*b[1]-b[0]*a[1]};}m4 P*(
m4 l,m4 r){R{l[0]*r[0][0]+l[1]*r[0][1]+l[2]*r[0][2]+l[3]*r[0][3],l[0]*r[1][0]+l[1]*r[1][1]+
l[1]*r[3][1]+l[2]*r[3][2]+l[3]*r[3][3]};}v4 P*(m4 m,v4 v){R v4{m[0][0]*v[0]+m[1][0]*v[1]+m[
m4 at(v3 a,v3 b,v3 c){A f=n(b-a);A s=n(cr(f,c));A u=cr(s,f);A o=m4{1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,
[2]=-f[0];o[1][2]=-f[1];o[2][2]=-f[2];o[3][0]=-d(s,a);o[3][1]=-d(u,a);o[3][2]=d(f,a);R o;}
m4 pr(F f,F a,F b,F c){F t=tan(f*.5f);m4 o{};o[0][0]=1.f/(t*a);o[1][1]=1.f/t;o[2][3]=-1;o[2
][2]=c/(b-c);o[3][2]=-(c*b)/(c-b);R o;}F lr(F a,F b,F t){R fma(t,b,fma(-t,a,a));}F fp(F f){
R f<0?1-(f-floor(f)):f-floor(f);}F rf(F f){R 1-fp(f);}struct S{I w,h; K<F> f;S(I w,I h):w{w
},h{h},f(w*h){}F&P[](pair<I,I>c){static F z;z=0;Z i=c.first*w+c.second;R i<f.size()?f[i]:z;
}F*b(){R;}Y vc<C>n(vc<C>v){v[0]=lr((F)w*.5f,(F)w,v[0]);v[1]=lr((F)h*.5f,(F)h,-v[1]
);R v;}};I xe(S&f,v2 v,bool s,F g,F c,F*q=0){I p=(I)round(v[0]);A ye=v[1]+g*(p-v[0]);A xd=
rf(v[0]+.5f);A x=p;A y=(I)ye;(s?f[{y,x}]:f[{x,y}])+=(rf(ye)*xd)*c;(s?f[{y+1,x}]:f[{x,y+1}])
+=(fp(ye)*xd)*c;if(q){*q=ye+g;}R x;}K<v4> g(F i,I r,function<v4(F,F)>f){K<v4>g;F p=i*.5f;F
q=1.f/r;L(Z zi=0;zi<r;++zi){F z=lr(-p,p,zi*q);L(Z h=0;h<r;++h){F x=lr(-p,p,h*q);g.push_back
(f(x,z));}}R g;}B xw(S&f,v2 b,v2 e,F c){E(b[0],b[1]);E(e[0],e[1]);A s=abs(e[1]-b[1])>abs
(e[0]-b[0]);if(s){E(b[0],b[1]);E(e[0],e[1]);}if(b[0]>e[0]){E(b[0],e[0]);E(b[1],e[1]);}F yi=
0;A d=e-b;A g=d[0]?d[1]/d[0]:1;A xB=xe(f,b,s,g,c,&yi);A xE=xe(f,e,s,g,c);L(I x=xB+1;x<xE;++
g;}}v4 tp(S&s,m4 m,v4 v){v=m*v;R s.n(v/v[3]);}main(){F l=6;Z c=64;A J=g(l,c,[](F x,F z){R
v4{x,exp(-(pow(x,2)+pow(z,2))/(2*pow(0.75f,2))),z,1};});I w=1024;I h=w;S s(w,h);m4 m=pr(
1.0472f,(F)w/(F)h,3.5f,11.4f)*at({4.8f,3,4.8f},{0,0,0},{0,1,0});L(Z j=0;j<c;++j){L(Z i=0;i<
c;++i){Z id=j*c+i;A p=tp(s,m,J[id]);A dp=[&](Z o){A e=tp(s,m,J[id+o]);F v=(p[2]+e[2])*0.5f;
xw(s,{p[0],p[1]},{e[0],e[1]},1.f-v);};if(i<c-1){dp(1);}if(j<c-1){dp(c);}}}K<B> b(w*h);L(Z i
=0;i<b.size();++i){b[i]=(B)round((1-min(max(s.b()[i],0.f),1.f))*255);}ofstream f("g");f 
W("P2")N;f W(w)W(h)N;f W(255)N;L(I y=0;y<h;++y){L(I x=0;x<w;++x)f W((I)b[y*w+x]);f N;}R 0;}
  • l is the length of one side of the grid in world space.
  • c is the number of vertices along each edge of the grid.
  • The function that creates the grid is called with a function that takes two inputs, the x and z (+y goes up) world space coordinates of the vertex, and returns the world space position of the vertex.
  • w is the width of the pgm
  • h is the height of the pgm
  • m is the view/projection matrix. The arguments used to create m are...
    • field of view in radians
    • aspect ratio of the pgm
    • near clip plane
    • far clip plane
    • camera position
    • camera target
    • up vector

The renderer could easily have more features, better performance, and be better golfed, but I've had my fun!

Patrick Purcell

Posted 2017-05-27T00:20:42.273

Reputation: 639

2Wow, that is incredible! – MD XF – 2017-05-29T03:56:38.423

Thanks, I probably won't golf this any further, but it was a good opportunity to set up some pre-golfed code for future challenges. – Patrick Purcell – 2017-05-30T03:05:58.567

In that case, do you mind if I golf it and edit my golfs in? Oh, on top of that, you messed up your byte count - it should be 3415 bytes. – MD XF – 2017-06-03T18:59:00.837

1Not at all...go for it! – Patrick Purcell – 2017-06-04T20:33:35.507

1There you go, 133 bytes off! – MD XF – 2017-06-04T21:13:54.817


This is terrific ! If you could tell me where you learnt all of that, that would be great !

– HatsuPointerKun – 2017-08-01T22:00:12.813


@HatsuPointerKun Glad you enjoy it! This tutorial... a great place to start.

– Patrick Purcell – 2017-08-02T02:23:27.567


Mathematica, 47 bytes


takes as input σ



enter image description here

-2 bytes thanks to LLlAMnYP


Posted 2017-05-27T00:20:42.273

Reputation: 15 931

1Mathematica winning? No surprises there :P – MD XF – 2017-05-28T00:50:15.983

3Saving 2 bytes with E^(-(x^2+y^2)/2/#^2) – LLlAMnYP – 2017-05-29T07:54:14.320


R, 105 102 87 86 bytes


Takes Sigma from STDIN. Creates a vector from -6 to 6 in steps of .1 for both x and y, then creates an 121x121 matrix by taking the outer product of x and y. This is shorter than calling matrix and specifying the dimensions. The matrix is now already filled, but that's ok, because we are overwriting that.

The for-loop loops over the values in x, making use of the vectorized operations in R, creating the density matrix one row at a time.

(s)apply again is a shorter method for vectorized operations. Like the hero it is, it handles the creation of the matrix all by itself, saving quite a few bytes.

enter image description here

128 125 110 109 bytes, but way more fancy:

This plot is created by the plotly package. Sadly the specification is a bit wordy, so this costs a lot of bytes. The result is really really fancy though. I would highly recommend trying it out for yourself.




Posted 2017-05-27T00:20:42.273

Reputation: 2 898

I specified in the question that the graph does not need to have line numbers, your second submission is fine. – MD XF – 2017-05-27T14:13:46.173

Oh, I must've missed that. I swapped my solutions around. I think the plotly plot is fancy enough to warrant still being included here. – JAD – 2017-05-27T15:46:03.637

Well, both are much, much fancier than mine :P

– MD XF – 2017-05-28T00:51:31.623

Since you only use s once, could you do 2*scan()^2 and remove the s=scan(); at the start? It would save 3 bytes. – KSmarts – 2017-09-29T14:49:16.857


Applesoft BASIC, 930 783 782 727 719 702 695 637 bytes

-72 bytes and a working program thanks to ceilingcat spotting my error and a shortened algorithm

0TEXT:HOME:INPUTN:HGR:HCOLOR=3:W=279:H=159:L=W-100:Z=L/10:B=H-100:C=H-60:K=0.5:M=1/(2*3.14159265*N*N):FORI=0TO10STEPK:X=10*I+1:Y=10*I+B:HPLOTX,Y:FORJ=0TOL STEP1:O=10*J/L:D=ABS(5-I):E=ABS(5-O):R=(D*D+E*E)/(2*N*N):G=EXP(-R)*M:A=INT((C*G)/M):X=10*I+Z*O+1:Y=10*I+B-A:HPLOTTOX,Y:IF(I=0)GOTO4
3D=ABS(5-I+K):E=ABS(5-O):R=(D*D+E*E)/(2*N*N):U=EXP(-R)/(2*3.14159*N*N):S=INT((C*U)/M):P=10*(I-K)+Z*O+1:Q=10*(I-K)+B-S:HPLOT TOP,Q:HPLOTX,Y

Ungolfed version here.

When given input 1:


When given input 2:



Posted 2017-05-27T00:20:42.273

Reputation: 11 605

1This yet again shows the superiority of BASIC .... – None – 2017-05-29T07:20:27.380

Can save a few more bytes by setting one or more variables to some frequently used value, such as 10. Also, suggest replacing EXP(X)/(2*3.14159*S1*S1) with EXP(X)*M – ceilingcat – 2017-06-05T21:37:40.847