Compute the Discrete Cosine Transform


Implement the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). This may implemented as either a function or a program and the sequence can be given as either an argument or using standard input. Your program must be able to handle sequences of any length (assuming a hypothetical version of your language which has no limits on things like memory and integer size).

There was a previous challenge for DFT, now lets compute DCT! ;-)

Use the DCT-II definition from Wikipedia:


Your program takes a sequence xn as input, and must produce the corresponding sequence Xk. In this formula, the cosine is in radians.


  • This is so the shortest solution wins.
  • Builtins that compute the DCT in forward or backward (also known as inverse) directions are not allowed.
  • Floating-point inaccuracies will not be counted against you.
  • You don't have to use the exact algorithm shown here, as long as you produce the same results.


Posted 2017-05-13T00:25:52.773


2Mind including an explanation on what DCT is? – numbermaniac – 2017-05-13T00:32:40.677

The Wikipedia page shows several different versions. Can you please clarify? Voting to close for now.

– Nick Clifford – 2017-05-13T01:04:10.347

@Nick Clifford lets assume DCT-II from that wikipedia page, as it clearly says: The DCT-II is probably the most commonly used form, and is often simply referred to as "the DCT" – None – 2017-05-13T01:35:12.363

@FryAmTheEggman lets use definition for DCT-II – None – 2017-05-13T01:35:33.170

@numbermaniac it is DCT-II – None – 2017-05-13T01:41:34.307

10Please add some test cases. – Shaggy – 2017-05-13T02:33:33.850

@Shaggy Producing test cases requires working code, which i, unfortunately, dont have by hand right now. – None – 2017-05-13T06:10:16.183

@xakepp35 Why not put it into a CAS system like and get test cases from that?

– numbermaniac – 2017-05-16T08:11:31.263

@numbermaniac too hard to be a challenge. better close it. – None – 2017-05-18T00:56:24.960

very low people even knows what is it, consider it is kind of alchemistry) its almost impossible to compute DCT, as is impossible to get Au from Hg ;-) – None – 2017-05-18T00:57:27.990

please, post test cases as you get ones, from working algorithm, i have none by hand and is too silly for using so hard maths. and we could discuss these cases, if that will be actually required ;-) – None – 2017-05-18T01:00:07.867

3@xakepp35 how do we know if our program is correct, if we don't have at least two test cases to test it against? Specifically, as long as you produce the same results as what? – Stephen – 2017-05-18T01:13:09.997



Mathematica, 79 bytes


Since there are (currently) no test cases, as it turns out, there is a built-in for this: FourierDCT. However, the function "normalizes" the result by dividing it by a value before returning it. Thankfully, the documentation specifies that this division factor is just the square root of the input list's length (for DCT-II).

So, we can verify our results by multiplying the output of FourierDCT by the square root of the length of our input list. For anyone else who tries this problem, here are some test cases:


{10, -2.38896, 0, -2.07193}


{5, 0, 0, 0, 0}

Note that I've slightly edited the output of the last one; the last four values output as very small decimals, around 10-16, due to floating point precision errors around 0. My answer does give 0 for them, if you convert it to a decimal.

This solution gives exact answers when Mathematica can do so. If that's not okay and you want decimals, let me know.


Posted 2017-05-13T00:25:52.773

Reputation: 639


Jelly, 15 bytes


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This uses the identity that cos(pi * x) = real(e^(i * pi * x)) = real((-1)^x)


LḶµ+.×þ÷L-*Ḟ³æ.  Input: array A
L                Length
 Ḷ               Lowered range - [0, 1, ..., len(A)-1]
  µ              Begin a new monadic chain
   +.            Add 0.5
     ×þ          Outer product using multiplication
       ÷         Divide by
        L        Length
         -*      Compute (-1)^x
           Ḟ     Real part
             æ.  Dot product with
            ³    The first argument (A)


Posted 2017-05-13T00:25:52.773

Reputation: 15 654


C (gcc), 88 83 78 77 bytes


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This assumes the output vector is cleared before use.

Thanks to @Peter Taylor for -5


Posted 2017-05-13T00:25:52.773

Reputation: 5 503


Clojure, 100 bytes

#(for[c[(count %)]k(range c)](apply +(map(fn[n x](*(Math/cos(*(/ c)Math/PI(+ n 0.5)k))x))(range)%)))

Sometimes it is difficult to be creative.


Posted 2017-05-13T00:25:52.773

Reputation: 2 361


Octave, 49 46 45 42 bytes

Here we consider the DCT as a matrix multiplication. The matrix is basically the entry-wise cosine of a rank 1 matrix which is very simple to construct.

Thanks @Cowsquack for -1 byte, thanks @ceilingcat for another -3 bytes!


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Posted 2017-05-13T00:25:52.773

Reputation: 40 560

Can you use .5 instead of 1/2? – user41805 – 2017-08-09T11:21:04.373

D'oh, of course! – flawr – 2017-08-09T11:25:56.473

Oh of course, thanks a lot! – flawr – 2017-09-20T16:15:33.753

Suggest rows() instead of numel() – ceilingcat – 2019-10-19T18:55:13.457


Mathematica, 51 49 bytes


Try it online! (Using Mathics)

Based on my solution to DFT.


Posted 2017-05-13T00:25:52.773

Reputation: 15 654