Printing all numbers from N to M in one single expression


Given the integers N and M, can you print all numbers from N to M comma-seperated? The hitch is to use one single expression.

The output for N=23 and M=42 should look like this:

23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42

I'll start with Ruby:

puts (23..42).to_a.join(', ')


Posted 2013-06-27T19:56:23.893

Reputation: 115

Question was closed 2013-06-28T09:59:26.727

@ardnew The special catch of my task is that the solution has to be achieved using only one expression, which is way harder and probably not possible in every language. I don't consider your link as related. – YMMD – 2013-06-27T21:04:15.387

5@YMMD what do you consider a single expression in golfscript? – John Dvorak – 2013-06-27T21:05:33.773

I thought of a nested expression which still could be a code gold issue, but indeed I get your point. I deleted the code-golf-tag. – YMMD – 2013-06-27T21:07:29.463

6so now that the code golf tag has been removed, is there even an objective or winning criteria anymore? – ardnew – 2013-06-27T21:16:04.767

1Quite poorly worded task. As you can see the answers, there are too many variations: n..m vs 23..42, “,” vs “, ”, quoted vs unquoted output, maybe with or without trailing separator. I know, it is not [tag:code-golf] anymore, but I think the answer still should be somehow comparable. – manatwork – 2013-06-28T07:15:58.450

1@manatwork, that's the least of its problems. The biggest problem is that, as Jan pointed out, "expression" is not well defined. – Peter Taylor – 2013-06-28T10:06:29.277

@JanDvorak Single expression in golfscript? "#{(23..42).to_a.join(', ')}" ;-) – Howard – 2013-06-28T10:56:02.123




17 chars. Expression returns 1 but prints output to stdout

1@", "/:$23_!1+42

To return a string with the comma seperated values, simply use:

", "/:$23_!1+42


Posted 2013-06-27T19:56:23.893

Reputation: 4 139


Sage CLI, 14

Edit: Sage has a range shorthand.



Posted 2013-06-27T19:56:23.893

Reputation: 9 038


Tcl, 63 bytes

puts "$n,[join [lmap a [lrepeat [expr {$m-$n}] 0] {incr n}] ,]"

Johannes Kuhn

Posted 2013-06-27T19:56:23.893

Reputation: 7 122

My answer has the problem of putting new lines: while {$n<$m} {puts $n,;incr n};puts $m – sergiol – 2016-12-18T22:43:11.950

Fixed: while {$n<$m} {lappend l $n,;incr n};lappend l $m;puts $l – sergiol – 2016-12-18T22:49:15.543

OK I forgot there is the requirement of 1 single expression; my answers are not acceptable! – sergiol – 2016-12-18T22:50:30.383


Bash, 21 bytes

echo {23..42}|tr \  ,

Martin York

Posted 2013-06-27T19:56:23.893

Reputation: 896

what about seq -s, 23 42 – marcosm – 2017-05-30T13:13:59.993

@marcosm seq is distribution specific and not available everywhere. – Martin York – 2017-05-30T16:50:57.813


Ruby: 18 characters

$><<[*23..42]*", "

Sample run:

bash-4.1$ ruby -e '$><<[*23..42]*", "'
23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42

Forcing the rules: 10 characters

As seen in the other answers:

  • variables instead of numeric literals
  • comma only instead of comma and space
  • no output, just generated value

Sample run:

irb(main):001:0> n=23
=> 23

irb(main):002:0> m=42
=> 42

irb(main):003:0> [*n..m]*?,
=> "23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42"


Posted 2013-06-27T19:56:23.893

Reputation: 17 865


Python: 39



Posted 2013-06-27T19:56:23.893

Reputation: 501


J, 28 characters

echo(,', ',])&":/[23}.i.>:42
  • i.43 creates an array of 43 values 0..42. Unfortunately, we have to compute 43.
  • 23}. drops first 23 of them, leaving 23..42. If precomputation is allowed, 23+i.20 fares better byte-wise (-3 characters)
  • ,', ',] concatenates both arguments with ', ' between them
  • ...&": does that after converting both arguments to strings
  • .../ does that as a reduction step.
  • echo is a built-in to perform standard output. If simply returning is enough, you can drop this (-4 characters)

John Dvorak

Posted 2013-06-27T19:56:23.893

Reputation: 9 048


R: 17 characters

cat(n:m,sep=", ")


> n=23
> m=42
> cat(n:m,sep=", ")
23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42


Posted 2013-06-27T19:56:23.893

Reputation: 8 610