x86 16 bit machine code on MS-DOS - 21 bytes
00000000 53 1f a1 6c 04 05 8e 03 3b 06 6c 04 77 fa b2 6e |S..l....;.l.w..n|
00000010 b4 02 cd 21 c3 |...!.|
Commented assembly:
org 100h
section .text
push bx ; notice: bx starts as 0
pop ds ; set the data segment to 0; this allows us to
; read the tick count without segment selectors
mov ax,word [046ch] ; read the low 16 bit of the tick count
add ax,910 ; 910 ticks = 49.98 seconds
; here we used ax because the encoding for both
; the mov and the add is one byte shorter
cmp ax,word [046ch] ; compare the stop time with the current time
ja lop ; loop if still above
mov dl,'n' ; n is for noodles
mov ah,2
int 21h ; print
ret ; quit
This could be shaved down to 16 bytes by replacing the final three instructions with int 18h
, which on ancient machines would invoke the ROM built-in BASIC interpreter and almost everywhere else prints something like "No ROM BASIC" and reboot after a key press, but after discussing this with OP it was decided that this wouldn't be allowed.
Interrupt + self-modifying code approach - 23 bytes
This is another approach; it turns out to be bigger, but I post it anyway because it is way more fun.
00000000 b8 1c 25 ba 12 01 cd 21 b9 8e 03 e2 fb b4 02 cd |..%....!........|
00000010 21 c3 ff 0e 09 01 cf |!......|
org 100h
section .text
%define counter lop+1 ; see below
; setup interrupt handler
mov ax,251ch ; function 25h (replace interrupt vector)
; interrupt 1ch (user timer)
mov dx,interrupt_handler ; timer ISR
int 21h
mov cx,910 ; the 910 immediate value is actually pointed by counter,
; which is decremented in interrupt_handler
loop lop ; decrement and loop as long as cx is nonzero (the decrement is
; not relevant, we are always resetting cx at each iteration)
mov ah,2 ; function 2 (print character); dl is already a printable character
int 21h
ret ; quit
dec word[counter] ; at every tick decrement the counter
Can the output be non-deterministic (something different every time)? – Comrade SparklePony – 2017-05-07T14:49:07.470
@ComradeSparklePony if it always outputs at least 1 visible character, sure – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-05-07T14:50:51.507
26The problem with this approach is the risk that the CPU fan will wake you up early... – Neil – 2017-05-07T15:35:50.710
4Is it ok to reboot the machine after printing the "visible characters"? – Matteo Italia – 2017-05-07T16:24:37.987
@MatteoItalia would the SO print the characters or your program? – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-05-07T16:26:54.653
@FelipeNardiBatista: difficult to say, it's always the OS that prints the characters in response to an interrupt. – Matteo Italia – 2017-05-07T16:28:18.740
@MatteoItalia if you try to shutdown the computer, your program will close, and the SO will print it's log msgs (unix i mean). so that would not be your program that is printing. what do you have in mind? – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-05-07T16:29:59.560
@FelipeNardiBatista: with
int 21h
/ah=2 I tell DOS what character and it'll print it, withint 18h
it prints some stuff and then (usually) reboots. – Matteo Italia – 2017-05-07T16:31:10.683@MatteoItalia i'll say you can't reboot your computer, if i'd allow that,
shutdown 50
in linux would be a valid answer – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-05-07T16:34:29.263@FelipeNardiBatista: jeez, that would actually be a great answer. :-( – Matteo Italia – 2017-05-07T16:36:47.733
Can we return a value from a method or do we have to print to screen or similar? – TheLethalCoder – 2017-05-08T14:32:54.197
1@TheLethalCoder it can be a value returned by a method, but when printed must have at least 1 visible character – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-05-08T14:33:53.217
@FelipeNardiBatista Awesome saved 14 bytes from that :) – TheLethalCoder – 2017-05-08T14:40:30.680
Can it be printed to STDERR? – totallyhuman – 2017-05-08T21:15:04.710
@totallyhuman stdout, i'm waiting my cup noodles, not errors ;D – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-05-08T21:18:39.503
Is input allowed? – Robert Benson – 2017-05-08T21:22:22.370
@RobertBenson no – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-05-10T11:01:44.377