Replace twos with threes



Given a positive integer n write some code to take its prime factorization and replace all of its factors of 2 with 3.

For example

12 = 2 * 2 * 3 -> 3 * 3 * 3 = 27

This is so the goal is to minimize the byte count of your answer.

Test cases

1 -> 1
2 -> 3
3 -> 3
4 -> 9
5 -> 5
6 -> 9
7 -> 7
8 -> 27
9 -> 9
10 -> 15
11 -> 11
12 -> 27
13 -> 13
14 -> 21
15 -> 15
16 -> 81
17 -> 17
18 -> 27
19 -> 19
20 -> 45
21 -> 21
22 -> 33
23 -> 23
24 -> 81
25 -> 25
26 -> 39
27 -> 27
28 -> 63
29 -> 29

Post Rock Garf Hunter

Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 55 382



Fractran, 3 bytes


Fractran literally only has one builtin, but it happens to do exactly what this task is asking for. (It's also Turing-complete, by itself.)

The language doesn't really have a standardised syntax or interpreter. This interpreter (in a comment to a blog post – it's a very simple language) will accept the syntax shown here. (There are other Fractran interpreters with other syntaxes, e.g. some would write this program as 3 2, or even using 3 and 2 as command line arguments, which would lead to a score of 0+3 bytes. I doubt it's possible to do better than 3 in a pre-existing interpreter, though.)


 /   Replace a factor of
  2  2
3    with 3
     {implicit: repeat until no more replacements are possible}


Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043


10Talk about right tool for the job.. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2017-05-05T07:02:58.527

23"Don't upvote trivial solutions that only uses a simple builtin." Well, in this case: Knowing that there's a language "Fractran" that has a single builtin that solves this specific task is by itself impressive. – Stewie Griffin – 2017-05-05T08:51:16.570

Does this do primer factorization? – Pandya – 2017-05-05T12:09:17.553

@Pandya: Some Fractran implementations use prime factorization internally (as an optimization), but they don't have to; the language operates on factors, not prime factors. (It just happens that 2 and 3 are prime.) – None – 2017-05-05T12:23:25.667


Related SO code golf (pre-PPCG): Write a Fractran interpreter.

– hobbs – 2017-05-08T05:29:33.573

Why does this exist? Its confusing. What was Conway looking for/studying? – Brain Guider – 2017-05-08T10:31:59.353

1@AnderBiguri: Likely looking for a Turing-complete language that's very simple/easy to implement. Fractran is really elegant as Turing tarpits go; most have a lot more rough edges, special cases, or details that could be changed without making a large difference. – None – 2017-05-08T13:25:54.983

3@AnderBiguri It looks like it came out of his studies of the Collatz conjecture; he proved that a generalization of Collatz is equivalent to Fractran and that Fractran is Turing-complete, therefore generalized Collatz is undecidable. – hobbs – 2017-05-08T18:00:38.247


Python 2, 28 bytes

f=lambda n:n%2*n or 3*f(n/2)

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Recursively divide the number by 2 and multiplies the result by 3, as long as the number is even. Odd numbers return themselves.

32 byte alt:

lambda n:n*(n&-n)**0.58496250072

Try it online. Has some float error. The constant is log_2(3)-1.

Uses (n&-n) to find the greatest power-of-2 factor of n, the converts 3**k to 2**k by raising it to the power of log_2(3)-1.


Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 115 687

Nice this is my solution exactly! – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2017-05-04T21:50:15.710

@WheatWizard Me as well, aha! – Graviton – 2017-05-05T04:26:43.447


05AB1E, 4 bytes


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How it works

Ò     Compute the prime factorization of the input.
 1~   Perform bitwise OR with 1, making the only even prime (2) odd (3).
   P  Take the product of the result.


Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 196 637

This beats Jelly by 1 byte simply because prime factorization is only one byte here :( – HyperNeutrino – 2017-05-04T23:43:43.563

5@HyperNeutrino: I noticed that too: "why is Dennis using 05AB1E? Oh, identical algorithm, shorter builtin names". So I had to go and find a language where I could do it in even fewer bytes, via the use of an even more appropriate set of builtins. – None – 2017-05-05T00:05:33.993


Haskell, 24 23 bytes

until odd$(*3).(`div`2)

The divide by two and multiply by 3 until odd trick in Haskell.

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Alternative with a lambda instead of a pointfree function and with the same byte count:


Edit: @ais523 saved a byte in the original version and @Ørjan Johansen one in the alternative version, so both version have still the same length. Thanks!


Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 34 639

3The lambda version can be shortened to odd`until`\x->div(x*3)2. – Ørjan Johansen – 2017-05-04T23:55:07.493


The original version can also be shortened one byte via using $ to replace a pair of parentheses: Try it online!

– None – 2017-05-05T03:39:43.540

@ØrjanJohansen: ah, nice! Thanks. – nimi – 2017-05-05T05:04:27.700

@ais523: How could I have missed that one, Thanks! – nimi – 2017-05-05T05:05:34.190

2I think you forgot to remove a pair of () from the lambda version – CAD97 – 2017-05-05T06:41:34.580

@CAD97: Yes, I did. Thanks! – nimi – 2017-05-05T12:41:47.610


JavaScript (ES6), 19 bytes


While the input is divisible by two, multiplies it by 1.5, which is equivalent to dividing by 2 and multiplying by 3.


Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 47 880

2x*3/2 has the same bytecount – Leaky Nun – 2017-05-05T03:42:05.847

1f= is usally not needed for js. – Christoph – 2017-05-05T06:18:20.883

3@Christoph Thanks, but in order to call itself f(x*1.5) it needs to have the name f, hence why the f= is included. – ETHproductions – 2017-05-05T11:45:27.297

@ETHproductions Uhm ... of course ! I missed that. Is there any meta on what the calling code exactly looks like? – Christoph – 2017-05-05T12:17:26.897


@Christoph Here is the relevant meta post.

– ETHproductions – 2017-05-05T14:48:24.443

Try it online! – Tom Anderson – 2017-05-08T06:46:15.823


Brain-Flak, 76 bytes


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This program works by dividing the number by two and tripling until it gets a remainder of one from the division. Then it stops looping and doubles and adds one to the final number.

More detailed explanation eventually...

0 '

Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 3 439


Coming soon ...

– Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2017-12-23T22:38:19.603


Mathematica, 22 19 bytes

Thanks to lanlock4 for saving 3 bytes!


Pure function that does the replacement repeatedly, one factor of 2 at a time. Works on all positive integers less than 265537.

Greg Martin

Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 13 940

Would x_?EvenQ work instead of x_/;EvenQ@x? – Not a tree – 2017-05-05T03:25:18.167

1You're totally right, thanks! – Greg Martin – 2017-05-05T04:23:05.487


05AB1E, 6 5 bytes

Saved a byte thanks to Adnan.


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Ò       # push list of prime factors of input
 D      # duplicate
  È     # check each factor for evenness (1 if true, else 0)
   +    # add list of factors and list of comparison results
    P   # product


Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 50 798

2ÒDÈ+P should save a byte – Adnan – 2017-05-04T22:28:18.330

@Adnan: Thanks! – Emigna – 2017-05-05T06:02:17.697


MATL, 7, 6 bytes


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1 byte saved thanks to Dennis's genius observation

The best way to explain this is to show the stack at various points.

Yf  % Prime factors

[2 2 2 3]

1Z| % Bitwise OR with 1

[3 3 3 3]

p   % Product


Alternate solution:



Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 54 537

Nice! I had Yf3H$X>p for 8 bytes – Luis Mendo – 2017-05-04T22:20:12.250


Alice, 9 bytes

2/S 3

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Alice has a built-in to replace a divisor of a number with another. I didn't think I'd actually get to make use of it so soon...

Using the code points of characters for I/O, this becomes 6 bytes: I23SO@.


2   Push 2 (irrelevant).
/   Reflect to SE. Switch to Ordinal.
i   Read all input as a string.
    The IP bounces up and down, hits the bottom right corner and turns around,
    bounces down again.
i   Try to read more input, but we're at EOF so this pushes an empty string.
/   Reflect to W. Switch to Cardinal.
2   Push 2.
    The IP wraps around to the last column.
3   Push 3.
S   Implicitly discard the empty string and convert the input string to the integer
    value it contains. Then replace the divisor 2 with the divisor 3 in the input.
    This works by multiplying the value by 3/2 as long as it's divisible by 2.
/   Reflect to NW. Switch to Ordinal.
    Immediately bounce off the top boundary. Move SW.   
o   Implicitly convert the result to a string and print it.
    Bounce off the bottom left corner. Move NE.
/   Reflect to S. Switch to Cardinal.
@   Terminate the program.

Martin Ender

Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 184 808

1Your obsession is officially confirmed. – Leaky Nun – 2017-05-05T03:38:18.113


Pyth - 14 10 9 bytes


Counts the number of 2s in the prime factorization (/PQ2). Multiplies the input by 1.5^(# of 2s)

Try it


Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 644

Interesting approach - too bad it's not as short as the existing Pyth solution. – Esolanging Fruit – 2017-05-05T02:31:42.923

@Challenger5 I'm not seeing any other Pyth solution here. – Maria – 2017-05-05T04:25:01.127

1Oh, OK then. It's a more interesting approach than the typical one for this challenge. – Esolanging Fruit – 2017-05-05T04:27:18.193


Jelly, 8 5 bytes


Æf3»P  Main Link, argument is z
Æf     Prime factors
  3»   Takes maximum of 3 and the value for each value in the array
    P  Takes the product of the whole thing

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-3 bytes thanks to a hint from @Dennis!


Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 26 575

2Hint: 2 is both the only even and the smallest prime number. – Dennis – 2017-05-04T22:15:07.267

@Dennis I see. Yes, got it now. Thanks! :) – HyperNeutrino – 2017-05-04T23:42:57.310

Congratulations on learning Jelly. – Leaky Nun – 2017-05-05T03:49:19.983

@LeakyNun Thanks! And thanks for teaching it to me. :) – HyperNeutrino – 2017-05-05T03:50:21.927

Congrats on this answer! – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-05-07T11:08:08.503

Thanks @EriktheOutgolfer! Thanks for getting me started off with Jelly! – HyperNeutrino – 2017-05-07T11:46:16.070


Java, 38 bytes

int f(int n){return n%2>0?n:f(n/2*3);}

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Previous 43-byte solution:

int f(int n){for(;n%2<1;)n=n/2*3;return n;}

Try it online!

Leaky Nun

Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 45 011


Hexagony, 112 91 bytes

Grid size 6 (91 bytes)

      ? { 2 . . <
     / = { * = \ "
    . & . . . { _ '
   . . { . . } ' * 2
  _ } { / . } & . ! "
 . > % . . < | . . @ |
  \ . . \ . | ~ . . 3
   . . " . } . " . "
    . & . \ = & / 1
     \ = { : = } .
      [ = { { { <

Compact version


Grid size 7 (112 bytes)

       ? { 2 " ' 2 <
      / { * \ / : \ "
     . = . = . = | . 3
    / & / { . . } { . "
   . > $ } { { } / = . 1
  _ . . } . . _ . . & . {
 . > % < . . ~ & . . " . |
  | . . } - " . ' . @ | {
   . . . = & . . * ! . {
    . . . _ . . . _ . =
     > 1 . . . . . < [
      . . . . . . . .
       . . . . . . .

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Compact Version:


Ungolfed Version for better readability:


Approximate Memory Layout

enter image description here

Grey Path (Memory initialization)

?     Read input as integer (Input)
{     Move to memory edge "Divisor left"
2     Set current memory edge to 2 
" '   Move to memory edge "Divisor right" 
2     Set current memory edge to 2
"     Move to memory edge "Multiplier" 
3     Set current memory edge to 3
"     Move to memory edge "Temp 2" 
1     Set current memory edge to 1 
{ { { Move to memory edge "Modulo"
=     Turn memory pointer around 
[     Continue with next instruction pointer

Loop entry

%     Set "Modulo" to Input mod Divisor
<     Branch depending on result

Green Path (value is still divisible by 2)

} } {     Move to memory edge "Result"
=         Turn memory pointer around 
*         Set "Result" to "Temp 2" times "Multiplier" (3) 
{ = &     Copy "Result" into "Temp2" 
{ { } } = Move to "Temp"
:         Set "Temp" to Input / Divisor (2)
{ = &     Copy "Temp" back to "Input"
"         Move back to "Modulo"

Red Path (value is no longer divisible by 2)

} = & " ~ & ' Drag what's left of "Input" along to "Multiplier"
*             Multiply "Multiplier" with "Temp 2"
! @           Output result, exit program

Manfred Radlwimmer

Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 403

1Welcome to PPCG! :) – Martin Ender – 2018-03-23T11:12:57.753

@MartinEnder Thanks, awesome language btw. :) – Manfred Radlwimmer – 2018-03-23T11:13:54.457

1Thanks for using it! :) Can't you simplify the memory layout (and thereby the amount of movement you need to do) if you compute %2 and :2 both into the "modulo" edge? (So you can just get rid of the top two edges.) And then, could you attach the "multiplier" branch onto the "modulo" edge instead of the "divisor" edge so you need less movement after each branch? (You could possibly even rotate that section, so that "result" or "temp 2" touches "modulo" which would mean you only need to copy the final result once before being able to compute the product.) – Martin Ender – 2018-03-23T11:20:35.747

@MartinEnder Uhhhm probably. I'm still getting around the "Agony" part of the language so for now I'll probably stick to making the grid smaller without touching the logic ^^ – Manfred Radlwimmer – 2018-03-23T11:35:17.813


Retina, 23 bytes


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Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 95 035


Brachylog, 7 bytes


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How it works

~×₂×₃↰|      original program
?~×₂×₃↰.|?.  with implicit input (?) and output (.) added

?~×₂         input "un-multiplied" by 2
    ×₃       multiplied by 3
      ↰      recursion
       .     is the output
        |    or (in case the above fails, meaning that the input
                 cannot be "un-multiplied" by 2)
         ?.  the input is the output

Leaky Nun

Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 45 011

Related. – None – 2017-05-05T10:27:52.173


Japt, 19 16 10 9 7 bytes

k ®w3Ã×

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 k ®   w3Ã ×
Uk mZ{Zw3} r*1
U              # (input)
 k m           # for every prime factor
    Z{Zw3}     # replace it by the maximum of itself and 3
           r*1 # output the product


Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 4 675

Hah, JS is tied with Japt. A sure sign there's a much shorter solution ;-) – ETHproductions – 2017-05-04T21:55:09.037

Hints: × is a shortcut for r@X*Y}1 (or just r*1), which might come in handy. There's also XwY which is Math.max(X,Y). – ETHproductions – 2017-05-04T21:59:14.790

Thanks, though the recursive solution really is the shortest. – Luke – 2017-05-04T22:05:19.760

Nice one! I think you can do k m_w3Ã× to save a byte. Also, m_ can be shortened to ®. – Oliver – 2017-05-05T00:43:31.633


J, 15 12 10 bytes


Try it online! Works similar to below, just has different logic concerning replacement of 2 with 3.

15 bytes


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           &.    "under"; applies the verb on the right, then the left,
                 then the inverse of the right
             q:  prime factors
(       )"+      apply inside on each factor
     ,&3         pair with three: [factor, 3]
 2&=             equality with two: factor == 2
    {            list selection: [factor, 3][factor == 2]
                 gives us 3 for 2 and factor for anything else
           &.q:  under prime factor

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 36 228

Huh, you switched algorithm while I was writing up mine. Now we use the same. – Adám – 2017-05-04T22:24:42.287

@Adám Oh, haha. Nice answer! I couldn't resist the opportunity to use roll here. :) – Conor O'Brien – 2017-05-04T22:26:50.310

Actually I might be able to save some more bytes...[edit] saved some :D – Conor O'Brien – 2017-05-04T22:27:11.413

Funny you call it Roll, I call it Under. Hope to get it into APL soon. – Adám – 2017-05-04T22:28:57.327

@Adám Haha it's actually called under. I got the terms confused – Conor O'Brien – 2017-05-04T22:29:35.940

As in do this while under the influence of that Open fridge, take beer, close fridge. Take a beer while the fridge is open. – Adám – 2017-05-04T22:30:51.267


J, 11 bytes


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[: cap (placeholder to call the next verb monadically)

*/ the product of

q: the prime factors

+ plus (i.e. with one added where)

2 two

= is equal to (each of)

q: the prime factors


Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 37 779

I thought you find [: disgusting. – Leaky Nun – 2017-05-05T03:39:34.867

@LeakyNun I do, but I wasn't as clever as Conor O'Brien.

– Adám – 2017-05-05T05:37:08.743


PHP, 36 Bytes


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Jörg Hülsermann

Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 13 026

1for($a=$argn;!1&$a;)$a*=3/2;echo$a; renaming $argn saves a single byte. – Christoph – 2017-05-05T06:24:11.447


CJam, 10 9 bytes


Really simple.


ri  e# Read integer:         | 28
mf  e# Prime factors:        | [2 2 7]
1   e# Push 1:               | [2 2 7] 1
f|  e# Bitwise OR with each: | [3 3 7]
:*  e# Product:              | 63

Esolanging Fruit

Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 13 542


Pyth, 9 bytes

Integer output \o/


Test suite.

How it works

        P   prime factorization
    .|R1    bitwise OR each element with 1
*F+1        product

Leaky Nun

Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 45 011


Hexagony, 28 27 26 bytes


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Laid out:

    ? ' 2 {
   { ( \ } }
  > = ' ! : @
 = $ \ % < . .
  > ) " * . .
   . . . . .
    . . . .

This basically runs:

num = input()
while num%2 == 0:
    num = (num/2)*3
print num

At this point it's an exercise on how torturous I can get the loop path to minimise bytes.

Jo King

Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 38 234

Well damn, I didn't think of that – Manfred Radlwimmer – 2018-03-23T12:04:19.173

1@ManfredRadlwimmer Don't worry, coding anything in Hexagony is an achievement in itself – Jo King – 2018-03-23T12:28:56.927


Japt, 7 bytes

k mw3 ×

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k mw3 ×

k        // Factorize the input.
  mw3    // Map each item X by taking max(X, 3).
      ×  // Take the product of the resulting array.
         // Implicit: output result of last expression


Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 47 880


APL (Dyalog Unicode), 26 bytes


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This is too verbose, I must be doing something wrong...


Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 16 320


R, 42 bytes

The only right amount of bytes in an answer.


Pretty straightforward, uses the gmp package to factorize x, replaces 2s by 3s, and returns the product.


Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 2 898


Befunge-93, 20 bytes

 ^*3/2 <

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& - take in input and add it to the stack
> - move right
: - duplicate the top of the stack
2 - add two to the stack
% - pop 2 and the input off the stack and put input%2 on the stack
! - logical not the top of the stack
# - jump over the next command
_ - horizontal if, if the top of the stack is 0 (i.e. input%2 was non zero) go 
    right, else go left

If Zero:
. - output the top of the stack
@ - end code

If Not Zero:
v - move down
< - move left
2 - add 2 the top of the stack
/ - pop top two, add var/2 to the stack
3 - add 3 to stack
* - pop top two, add var*3 to the stack
^ - move up
> - move right (and start to loop)


Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 11

17 bytes – Jo King – 2018-03-23T12:32:56.380


Perl 6, 14 bytes


lsb returns the position of the least-significant bit, counted from the right. That is, how many trailing zeroes in the binary representation, which is the same as the number of factors of 2. So raise 3/2 to that power and we're done.

say {$_*1.5**.lsb}(24);
> 81

Phil H

Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 1 376


Pyke, 5 bytes


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Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 26 661


Actually, 9 bytes


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w          factor into [prime, exponent] pairs
 ⌠i1|ⁿ⌡M   for each pair:
  i          flatten
   1|        prime | 1 (bitwise OR)
     ⁿ       raise to exponent
        π  product


Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 32 998


Pari/GP, 23 bytes


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Pari/GP, 23 bytes


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Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 23 988


C (gcc), 23 bytes


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Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 3 264


Chip -z, 123 bytes

   C  D  E  F  G  H

Try it online! (Includes a bashy wrapper for numeric conversion).


This solution uses Chip's 'native' data type, an unsigned 8-bit integer. Any input or output that would be outside the bounds of that type will produce undefined results.

I and O are done via raw bytes values, hence the wrapper in the TIO.

The algorithm, in C-ish looks something like this:

uchar byte = in();
while(!(byte & 0x1)) {
  byte += byte>>1; // logical shift

The bulk of this program are the eight full adders (##) and their wiring (L, ), x, ...).

To see all steps of the computation, delete the S. You may want to adjust the hexdump format to "%d\n" for nicer output.


Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 1 366


Ruby, 23 bytes


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A recursive lambda, nothing shocking.


Posted 2017-05-04T21:45:59.043

Reputation: 801