Counting ways of scoring k points in n games with half-points for draws


If a game can result in a win, worth one point; a draw, worth half a point; or a loss, worth no points; how many ways are there of scoring k points in n games?

Applicable scenarios include NFL and chess.

  • Input is via stdin, and consists of n and k on separate lines.
  • n will be a non-negative integer. (n ≤ 16)
  • k will be either a non-negative integer or a non-negative integer plus a half. (k ≤ n)
  • Output is to stdout. It may, but does not have to, include a trailing newline.

Test cases

In each case, the first two lines are user-supplied input and the third line is the program output.






Posted 2013-06-19T16:56:20.500

Reputation: 41

4 – Peter Taylor – 2013-06-19T17:37:20.370

This is very insightful. I have a working solution in c# which compiles to the requirements outlined within the problem. I'm merely curious if someone can come up with a more compact solution than what I have. Cheers! – glthomas – 2013-06-19T20:07:41.807



Perl 59 bytes


Iteratively generates each row of the triangle of trinomial coefficients up to n, and then prints the correct term, 2k.

Ruby 73 bytes

p r[gets.to_f*2]

Largely equivalent to the Perl solution above.

Python 84 bytes

print r[int(input()*2)]

Same method as both solutions above.

PHP 91 bytes


Despite being the longest, this was actually the most fun to work on.


Posted 2013-06-19T16:56:20.500

Reputation: 30 891


R - 81


A bit longer (106) but I also enjoyed writing it as a recursion:

Z=function(n,k)if(n<1|k<0)0 else if(n<2&k<3)1 else Z(n-1,k)+Z(n-1,k-1)+Z(n-1,k-2);Z(scan(n=1),2*scan(n=1))


Posted 2013-06-19T16:56:20.500

Reputation: 2 345


C# (189 bytes)

Collaborative results from @glthomas, @recursive, @PeterTaylor and @primo

Best Solution (189 Bytes)
@glthomas and @recursive each found an additional 2 Bytes over the weekend. (We're convinced that this is the optimal solution using .Net 4.0 and compiling in VS 2010)!

using S=System.Console;class C{static void Main(){S.Write(G(G(),2*G()));}
static float G(float L=-1,float T=1){return L<0?float.Parse(S.ReadLine())

Improved Solution (193 Bytes)

using System;class C{static void Main(){Func<float,float,float>W=null;W=(n,k)=>n<0?

The additional Byte was saved by combining the input acquisition and static recursive method into a single multipurpose Func<>. Input acquisition is triggered when we pass in a negative value of n

Original Solution (195, 194)

using K=System.Console;class C{static void Main(){K.Write(T(int.Parse(K.ReadLine
()),2*float.Parse(K.ReadLine())));}static float T(int n,float k){return k==1?1:--


Posted 2013-06-19T16:56:20.500

Reputation: 41

You can save one more byte by changing k<1?k+1 to k==0?1. It might be possible to save another if --n could somehow be moved to the front of the expression, i.e. return--n... – primo – 2013-06-21T06:24:37.903

@primo, unfortunately that alters the output, because k can sometimes be -1 because of the T(n,k-2) method call. Therefore we must check for k<1. – glthomas – 2013-06-21T18:50:36.590

I don't think it will. The k<0s will be allowed to propagate, true, but they will eventually be quenched when n reaches zero. Because a k that is less than zero cannot produce a k equal to zero in the successive calls, it cannot change the result. – primo – 2013-06-21T19:03:14.030

@primo I was incorporating both your second suggestion along with your first suggestion. The idea to return--n.. was interfering with my testing. I agree you can save a byte by converting k<1?k+1 to k==0?1. It appears the reason it doesn't work to move --n to the front of the expression is due to order of operation. The condition on k takes precedent over the condition on n. Wait until you see my post on 193 bytes :) – glthomas – 2013-06-21T19:50:15.527

Nice. Here's 7 bytes more: Func<float,float,float>W=null;W=(n,k) => Func<float,float,float>W=(n,k). – primo – 2013-06-21T21:04:56.010

Nice trick with the null. I tried to use a recursive delegate and it didn't compile, so I dropped that line of investigation. – Peter Taylor – 2013-06-21T21:57:32.540

@PeterTaylor Interesting... mono-2.6.7 has no problems, although I see now that VS2010 chokes on it. – primo – 2013-06-22T04:11:23.407

@primo check it out, 189 Bytes :) – glthomas – 2013-06-24T14:10:54.457

@glthomas nice improvements! – primo – 2013-06-25T03:43:51.543


C# (210 209 chars)

More efficient: iterative approach (209 chars):

using K=System.Console;class C{static void Main(){int
n=int.Parse(K.ReadLine()),k=(int)(2*float.Parse(K.ReadLine())),j;var t=new

Less efficient: recursive approach (210 chars);

using K=System.Console;class C{static void Main(){int
int T(int n,int k){return k<1?k+1:--n<0?0:T(n,k)+T(n,k-1)+T(n,k-2);}}

Note that if k is non-integral, it should be supplied in a format applicable to the locale. In my case that means that I have to format the input using , as the decimal separator.

Peter Taylor

Posted 2013-06-19T16:56:20.500

Reputation: 41 901

209 Bytes, you missed an easy 4 bytes :)

using K=System.Console;class C{static void Main(){int n=int.Parse(K.ReadLine()),k=(int)(2*float.Parse(K.ReadLine())),j;var t=new int[k+3];for(t[2]=1;n-->0;)for(j=k+2;j>1;)t[j]+=t[--j]+t[j-1];K.Write(t[k+2]);}} – glthomas – 2013-06-19T21:55:43.620

@user1177611, it wasn't clear that that was permitted. I've edited the question and, among other changes, made that explicit. – Peter Taylor – 2013-06-19T22:33:42.893

An anonymous user suggested saving a character in the iterative version by defining t=new int[99]. Technically with the current spec one could get away with t=new int[35], but I think that limiting the value of n to no more than 16 is a pointless restriction. – Peter Taylor – 2013-06-20T13:39:19.697

Prior to being reworded, this problem started as an NFL win total combinatorics question. As such, 16 is currently the highest Win Total a team can achieve over one season. Though there has been a lot of debate regarding the expansion to an 18 game season. So, t=new int[99] is virtually future proof (at least as it pertains to the NFL) – glthomas – 2013-06-20T14:10:56.670


GolfScript (39 chars)


Online demo

Based on my answer to a previous question about binomial coefficients.

Peter Taylor

Posted 2013-06-19T16:56:20.500

Reputation: 41 901


APL (22)


It's not exactly efficient though (set your workspace size to a couple of gigabytes if you want it to actually work up to N=16).


Posted 2013-06-19T16:56:20.500

Reputation: 30 224