Convert to and from the factorial number system



The Factorial Number System, also called factoradic, is a mixed radix numeral system. The factorials determine the place value of a number.

In this system, the right most digit can be either 0 or 1, the second rightmost digit can be 0, 1 or 2, and so on. This means that an n digit factoradic number can have a maximum value of (n + 1)!.

For example, to convert the factoradic number 24201 to decimal you would do this:

2 * 5! = 240
4 * 4! = 96
2 * 3! = 12
0 * 2! = 0
1 * 1! = 1
240 + 96 + 12 + 0 + 1 = 349

Hence the factoradic number 24201 is 349 base 10.

To convert a decimal number (with 349 as an example) into a factoradic number, you would do this:

Take the largest factorial less than the number. In this case it is 120, or 5!.

349 / 5! = 2 r 109
109 / 4! = 4 r 13
13 / 3! = 2 r 1
1 / 2! = 0 r 1
1 / 1! = 1 r 0

Hence 349 base 10 is the factoradic number 24201.

Your challenge is to create the shortest program or function that converts an input number to the other base.

The input will be a string representation of a non-negative integer. A factoradic number will be preceded by a ! (eg. !24201), while a decimal number will not be preceded by anything. You may assume that the maximum input will be 10! - 1 - 3628799 in decimal and 987654321 in factoradic. This means that letters will not appear in a factoradic input/output.

The program doesn't need to prepend a ! to a factoradic output, and may output a string or an integer. The input may be in any reasonable format.

Test cases:

Input: 1234
Output: 141120

Input: 746
Output: 101010

Input: !54321
Output: 719

Input: !30311
Output: 381


Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

Reputation: 3 206



APL, 39 37 characters

{A B←(9⍴10)(⌽1+⍳9)⌽⍨'!'∊⍵⋄A⊥B⊤⍎⍵~'!'}


      {A B←(9⍴10)(⌽1+⍳9)⌽⍨'!'∊⍵⋄A⊥B⊤⍎⍵~'!'}'1234'
      {A B←(9⍴10)(⌽1+⍳9)⌽⍨'!'∊⍵⋄A⊥B⊤⍎⍵~'!'}'!54321'


Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

Reputation: 23 109

1I agree with ejrb. Would you break this down please? – Titus – 2016-07-02T13:38:17.217

1I think you can replace ⍴⍵∩'!' with '!'∊⍵ to save a character. – Volatility – 2013-05-19T23:17:34.057

@Volatility Yes you can. I also found another one. – Howard – 2013-05-20T06:58:04.647

11IMO having the word "pwn" in your script is well worth the extra character. – ejrb – 2013-05-23T12:42:47.400

1Replace ~'!' with ∩⎕D to save a character. – Adám – 2017-06-07T18:13:56.077


Python 2.7 (163 157 152)

exec("b='';a=362880;j=int(i);x=9;"+'b+=`j//a`;j%=a;a/=x;x-=1;'*9,"a=x=1;b=0;"+'b+=a*int(i[-x]);x+=1;a*=x;'*~-len(i))['!'in i]
print int(b)

More readable version:

if'!'in i:a=x=1;b=0;c='b+=a*int(i[-x]);x+=1;a*=x;'*~-len(i)
exec c;print int(b)


Factoradic -> Decimal, when i is in the form !(number)
a=1   #Factorial value (multiplied every iteration)
x=1   #Index value
b=0   #Output
iterate ~-len(i) times:    #PSEUDOCODE! bitwisenot(a) = ~a = -a-1
    b+=a*int(i[-x])        #add the value of the xth last character in the factoradic #
    x+=1                   #Increment x
    a*=x                   #Set a to x!, (x-1)! * x = x!

Decimal -> Factoradic
b=''                       #Output
a=362880                   #Factorial value, set to 9! here
j=int(i)                   #Integer value of the input
x=9                        #Index value
iterate 9 times:           #PSEUDOCODE! This block is in an exec() loop
    b+=`j/a`               #Add floor(j/a) to b
    j%=a                   #Take out all multiples of a in j
    a/=x                   #Set a to (x-1)!, x! / x = (x-1)!
    x-=1                   #Decrement x


Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

Reputation: 3 904

1Nice solution. I think you can replace '!'==i[0] with '!'in i, and can use a=x=1. Also, you don't need brackets around the exec statement. – grc – 2013-05-19T03:52:25.123

1You could also replace (len(i)-1) with ~-len(i). – Volatility – 2013-05-19T04:11:14.190

@Volatility, grc: Thanks! I should learn my bitwise operators :) – beary605 – 2013-05-19T05:48:03.303


Nice answer, I took the liberty of trying to replace the if statement with (a,b)['!'in i] and managed to shave off 6 characters. It's not as readable as it was though... pastebin link

– ejrb – 2013-05-20T12:15:01.530

@erjb: Thanks for the suggestion! I used a 2-tuple with the code as a string in-line with the exec function, which saves two more characters :) – beary605 – 2013-05-20T21:18:45.207


GolfScript (48 44 43 chars)


This is a self-contained program. The factoriadic => decimal conversion is quite slow, because it does a search using the decimal => factoriadic conversion rather than a direct base conversion.

The input format allows for a very short mode switch: .~ copies the input string and evaluates it, so if the input is just a number we end up with e.g. "1234" 1234 on the stack, and if it starts with ! (logical not, with any non-empty string being truthy) we end up with e.g. 0 30311 on the stack. Then the value at the bottom of the stack is truthy for decimal => factoriadic and falsy for factoriadic => decimal.

Peter Taylor

Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

Reputation: 41 901


PHP <7.1 178 171 170 168 164 155 147 144 138 126 123 bytes


Run as pipe with -r or test it online.

  • no extension required
  • no sub function needed: the factorial base is being reused (incresed/decreased in the loops)
  • pure integer and string arithmetics, should even work in php 3 (and still works in php 7):
  • decimal 0 returns empty string instead of 0. (both other PHP answers do too.) If that is unacceptable, add +5 for the extra case.


// two loops in one: compute the decimal number from a factorial
// or find the first factorial larger than a decimal $x
// the latter inits $r with '0': $i=strlen -> $x[$i]=='' -> (int)$x[$i]==$x[$i]*$b==0
// $b is the current digit´s base; $j is the bases´ latest factor
// and now for dec->fact ...
        // both $b and $j are one step too far in the first iteration;
        // -> decrement must precede the actual loop body
        // -> can be merged into the digit calculation -> all braces golfed
        // now: go on with the remainder (see loop head)
echo+$r; // final type cast removes leading zeros (from the first loop)
    // and fixes the '0' result (no operations at all on that input!)

abandoned golfing ideas:

  • $b<=$x --> $b<$x (-1)
    would break pure decimal factorials (i.e. those that result in a factorial number with only one non-zero digit). JMPC´s solution suffers from that; HamZa´s does not.
  • floor($x/$b) -> (int)($x/$b)
    could be a bit faster, but type casting precedes division, so I need the parentheses and don´t gain a byte.
    $x/$b|0 does the trick
  • The loop in fact->dec is similar to the factorial-find in dec->fact. Same increment, body does not matter, but unfortunately different preset and different post condition. Dang; could have golfed -21 there.
    YAY I found a solution. Took quite a bit of golfing, but chopped off another -4 (no: -9) and closed all bugs/loopholes.

Any more potential ... or am I done golfing?


Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

Reputation: 13 814

@JörgHülsermann Thanks for the hint. – Titus – 2017-06-07T17:49:42.703

1+$r instead of $r|0 save one byte. Same for if($x|0) – Jörg Hülsermann – 2017-06-07T21:06:43.690


JavaScript (ES 6) 139 137 122 113 111

tried a different approach using some array magic; but I ended up at 174 172 bytes with that:

f=x=>{if('!'==x[0]){a=x.split``.reverse();i=b=1;r=0;a.pop();>{r+=d*b;b*=++i})}else{t=[];for(i=b=1;b<=x;b*=++i){t.unshift(b)}r='';>{r+=x/b|0;x%=b})}return r}

So I just took my PHP code and translated it. Could remove all the $s and a few ;, but the necessity to initialize vars ate up some of that benefit. Managed to golf both answers down a bit further, though.


f=x=>{for(r=0,b=j=1,i=x.length;x|0?b<=x:--i;b*=++j)r+=x[i]*b;if(x|0)for(r='';j>1;x%=b)r+=x/(b/=j--)|0;return r}
  • first version returns '' for decimal 0; add +2 to fix
  • second version requires string input
  • both tested in Firefox, Edge and Opera


    return r

test suite

<table id=out border=1><tr><th>dec</th><th>result<th>expected</th><th>ok?</th></tr></table>
    addR=(r,s)=>{var d=document.createElement('td');d.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s));r.appendChild(d)}
    test=(x,e)=>{var y=f(x),r=document.createElement('tr');addR(r,x);addR(r,y);addR(r,e);addR(r,e==y?'Y':'N');document.getElementById('out').appendChild(r)}
    for(d in samples){test(d,samples[d]);test('!'+samples[d],d)}


Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

Reputation: 13 814

1ES5 doesn't have arrow notation IIRC. And if you're going to use ES6, then .split('') => .split\`` – Zacharý – 2017-07-11T19:58:15.103

@Zacharý Gna I should have noted what browser I tested it in ... probably Firefox or Opera. So ES 6? – Titus – 2017-07-11T20:03:28.920

Yeah, arrow notation is ES6. – Zacharý – 2017-07-11T20:05:44.360

1Oh, that caught me off guard, I thought the code block at the top was your solution! Regardless, I don't think you need to say f=. Also, can r+=(x/(b/=j--)|0) be r+=x/(b/=j--)|0? – Zacharý – 2017-07-12T12:38:12.440


Perl 6, 66 65 60 bytes

-1 byte thanks to Jo King

{/\!/??:1[.flip.chop.comb Z*[\*] 1..*]!![R~] .polymod(2..*)}

Try it online!


Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

Reputation: 10 037


Mathematica 213 177 175

A factorial number is wrapped in f[], whether it is input or output.

z@n_:=If[!IntegerQ@n, g[{n[[1]],9,{}}], f@Tr@(p=1;# (p++)!&/@Reverse@IntegerDigits@n)]






Conversion of factorial to decimal number. QuotientRemainder[n,j!] recursively acts on the digits of the factorial number from left to right, decrementing j at each step. QuotientRemainder[349, 5!], for instance, returns {2, 109} and so on.

Conversion of decimal to factorial number. Moving right to left, the pure function, # (p++)! &, multiplies each digit,#, by the appropriate factorial.


Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

Reputation: 24 524


GolfScript, 69 characters


Takes input from STDIN as usual and prints the result. Online test.


Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

Reputation: 23 109


Haskell, 221 chars

Code Golf

m v@(a:b)|a=='!'=(sum.zipWith(*)[])).reverse) b|True=(fst.until((<0).fst.snd)(\(s,(i,b))->(s*10+b`quot`f i,(i-1,b`rem`f i))).(\n->(0,((1+).last.takeWhile((n>=).f)$[1..], n))).read) v;g=scanl1(*)[1..];f=(g!!)


$ ghci factorial.hs
ghci> m "1234"
ghci> m "!54321"

Ungolfed code

parse v@(a:b) | a == '!' = to b
              | otherwise = from v

to = sum . zipWith (*) factorials . map (read . (:[])) . reverse

from = fst . until finished next . boostrap . read
    where finished = ((<0) . fst . snd)
          next (s,(i,r)) = (s * 10 + r `quot` factorial i, (i-1 ,r `rem` factorial i))
          bootstrap n = (0, (lastFact n, n))
          lastFact n = (1+) . last . takeWhile ((n>=) . factorial) $ [1..]

factorials = scanl1 (*) [1..]

factorial = (factorials!!)


Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

Reputation: 226

By far the most readable entry. Haskell FTW! – Soham Chowdhury – 2013-05-23T01:57:43.890


Python, 128 chars

This takes about half an hour to run, but it's small:

A=[`x`for x in xrange(10**9)if all(x/10**d%10<d+2 for d in range(9))]
print A.index(i[1:])if'!'in i else A[int(i)]

It builds a list of all <= 9 digit factoradic numbers in numeric order, then does a lookup or index to convert.

If you want to test, just replace 10**9 with 10**6 and restrict yourself to 6-digit variadic numbers.

I could technically save a character by using range(10**9) instead of xrange(10**9). Don't try this at home.

Keith Randall

Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

Reputation: 19 865

No space is needed between d+2 and for – Zacharý – 2017-07-11T20:06:50.310


JELLY, 5 bytes



Æ!     -Convert to factoriadic (list form)
  ŒṘ€  -Construct string

*Jelly is younger than the age of the question therefore my answer is noncompeting.


Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

Reputation: 131

1Welcome to PPCG! I think Jelly is younger than this challenge, hence you should mark your answer as non-competing. – Laikoni – 2017-06-07T16:11:36.303

Oh I didn't realize that that was a rule. Will do. – DaggerOfMesogrecia – 2017-06-07T16:35:22.710

Aren't answers to this challenge meant to work both ways? This only seems to work one way; you might want to fix that. (On a separate note, if you're converting between integers and strings in Jelly, it's normally tersest to use some combination of V and .) – None – 2017-06-08T01:51:34.590


Jelly, 15 bytes


Try it online!

How it works

ḊV€;0Æ¡µÆ!ṖḌƊ¬?     Main link (monad). Input: integer or string
             ¬?  *) If the given input is a string, run 1); otherwise run 2)

ḊV€;0Æ¡  1) Factorial base -> integer
ḊV€         Remove "!" and map each char to number
   ;0       Append zero (this is needed to run the built-in correctly)
     Æ¡     Built-in conversion

Æ!ṖḌ  2) Integer -> factorial base
Æ!       Built-in conversion
  ṖḌ     Remove a zero at the end, and convert to decimal

Why *) works

¬ is element-wise logical NOT. When given a single integer, it becomes a single zero, which is false. However, when given a string, each element (character) is turned to a zero, and the whole result is an array of zeroes which is true.

Zero as an integer is a special case. It goes through the "factorial -> integer" route, but it still gives zero which is correct.

Without factorial base built-in, 25 bytes


Try it online!

How it works

⁵R!µ³%Ḋ:ṖUḌ  Aux. link (monad). Integer -> factorial base
⁵R!µ         Set (1..10)! as left argument
    ³%Ḋ:Ṗ    Compute each digit: (input % (2..10)!) // (1..9)!
         UḌ  Reverse and convert the digit array to decimal

⁵R!ḋḊUV€ƊµÇ¬?  Main link (monad).
         怪?  If the input is a string, apply the left chain;
               otherwise, apply the aux. link above
⁵R!            (1..10)!
   ḋ           Dot product with...
    ḊUV€Ɗ      Remove "!", reverse, map each character to digit


Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

Reputation: 16 616


PHP 231 214 204

Newest Answer

function g($x){return $x?$x*g($x-1):1;}function f($x,$e){if($x[0]=="!"){for($t=1;$t<$c=strlen($x);$t++){$e+=$x[$t]*g($c-$t);}}else{while(g(++$p)<=$x);while(--$p){$e.=floor($x/g($p));$x%=g($p);}}return$e;}

Old Answer

 function f($n){if($n[0]=="!"){$n=str_split($n);$c=count($n);$f=$y=1;while($c-->1){$e+=($f*$n[$c]);$f*=++$y;}return$e;}else{for($i=$c=1;$i<$n;$i*=$c){$r[$c++]=$i;}foreach(array_reverse($r)as$t){$e.=floor($n/$t);$n=$n%$t;}return$e;}}


echo f('349')."\n"




Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

Reputation: 161

2I count 212 for the new answer, not 214. $e needs no initialization (-6) and the foreach(range()) can be replaced with a simple for loop (-9). I like the idea, though. – Titus – 2016-07-02T14:00:01.337

2wrong result for pure factorials. 24 should return 1000 but returns 400. fix: g(++$p)<$x --> g(++$p)<=$x (+1) – Titus – 2016-07-04T14:29:20.830

@Titus Thanks for both of your replies! I updated my answer. I appreciate you helping me improve my answer when yours seems far superior. – JPMC – 2016-07-05T14:52:14.027


  • I count 2 less than you, again: 204, not 206. Do You include a Windows line break in your byte count?
  • syntax error in for construct: , should be ;
  • I have another 7 changes saving 20 bytes on that code. Want them?
  • < – Titus – 2016-07-05T20:27:51.957

    D'oh! I fixed those when testing it, but forgot to copy it back. Well spotted. Also sure, I'll be grateful for any suggestions you provide. – JPMC – 2016-07-05T20:49:38.123

    2Well, it´s actually only 5 changes, but one of them has three parts. a) obsolete second argument for f() (-3) b) obsolete blank in function g (-1) c) obsolete braces in the true branch (-4) d) swap true and false branches, invert the if condition, then use my sexy type cast to int (-6) This will not affect the decimal 0 result! e) the remaining for construct can be rewritten with a very nice while(++$t<$c=strlen($x)): increment before body --> $t needs no initialization (-6) – Titus – 2016-07-05T21:26:09.973

    sorry, d) gives only -5. forgot that you have to add a whitespace between else and for. but f) replace floor() with a sexy type cast (-5) – Titus – 2016-07-05T21:42:31.137


    K, 102


    Could definitely be improved.

    k)"I"$,/$*:'|:'{{,[;g]x-y*g:_(x:*x)%y:*/1+!y}\[(x;0n);|1+!{{$[(x>(*/1+!y))&x<*/1+!y+1;y;.z.s[x;1+y]]}[x;0]}x]} 349
    k)"I"$,/$*:'|:'{{,[;g]x-y*g:_(x:*x)%y:*/1+!y}\[(x;0n);|1+!{{$[(x>(*/1+!y))&x<*/1+!y+1;y;.z.s[x;1+y]]}[x;0]}x]} 746
    k)"I"$,/$*:'|:'{{,[;g]x-y*g:_(x:*x)%y:*/1+!y}\[(x;0n);|1+!{{$[(x>(*/1+!y))&x<*/1+!y+1;y;.z.s[x;1+y]]}[x;0]}x]} 1234


    Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

    Reputation: 3 917


    VBA 225

    Thanks to Titus for the help! Still looking to golf some more.

    Sub a(b)
    Set w=WorksheetFunction
    If IsNumeric(b) Then
    For d=0To 8
    g=b Mod h
    If g<b+i Then
    f=f &Int(b/h)
    End If
    For d=2To e
    End If
    MsgBox f
    End Sub


    Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

    Reputation: 3 411

    I don´t know VBA, but is there a way to check b for a numeric value instead of comparing the first character? – Titus – 2016-07-03T13:20:09.157

    @Titus There is a numeric check, and the equivalent here would be: If Not IsNumeric(b) Then, but that takes more characters. Now, I didn't go in and re-examine all the code; there may be a slightly better way to do this with IsNumeric overall. -- Correction, there is a slight improvement here. Thanks! – Gaffi – 2016-07-03T13:44:50.987

    I found another four bytes: For d=9To 1Step-1 and Fact(d) --> For d=0To 8 and Fact(9-d) and another two if you do For d=2To e and Fact(e-d+1)*Mid(b,d,1) – Titus – 2016-07-03T14:00:34.113

    Can the type cast to Int be written in another way? – Titus – 2016-07-03T14:02:24.177

    @Titus Look at you, running circles around me. :) I'm tweaking now... As for Int(), I don't think there is a simpler(smaller) method, no. – Gaffi – 2016-07-03T14:06:08.450

    I thought about an implicit type cast like the |0 in PHP and JS; looked it up and that is clearly no option in VB. But there could be two more white spaces to drop. Done running. ;) – Titus – 2016-07-03T14:24:29.827


    PHP, 124 bytes


    Try it online!


    for($f=1;("$">$a=$argn)&&~$c=strrev($a)[$n];) # runs in case of "!" at the beginning
      $r+=$c*$f*=++$n; #reverse string multiply with the next factorial "!"*$f=0
    for(;$a>=$f*=++$i;); # runs not in case of "!" at the beginning string comparing. search the factorial that is higher as input value
    for(;~-$i;$a%=$f) # runs only when the second loop had runs
      $r.=0|$a/$f/=$i--; # concat the value of the division with the highest factorial used
    echo+$r; # Output result

    Jörg Hülsermann

    Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

    Reputation: 13 026


    Perl 6, 150 bytes

    {/^\!/??([+] [Z*] .comb.skip.reverse,[\*] 1..*)!!(reduce
    ->\a,\b{a[0]~a[1] div b,a[1]%b},("",+$_),|(first
    *[*-1]>$_,[\,] [\*] 1..*).reverse[1..*])[0]}


    Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

    Reputation: 4 136


    D (159 chars)

    int x(string n){import std.conv;int r,i=9,f=9*'鶀',d;if(n[0]<48){while(r.text.x<n[1..$].to!int)r++;}else{!int;while(i){r=r*10+d/f;d%=f;f/=i--;}}return r;}

    Ungolfed and with program entry point

    All command line arguments are printed as <original> -> <converted>. Only decimal to factoradic is actually implemented in x. The other way round just calls x with all decimal numbers (0..*) until the result equals the input. This takes ~3 seconds for the largest input (!987654321).

    Executable online version:

    void main(string[] args) {
        import std.stdio;
        foreach (arg; args[1 .. $]) {
            writefln("%s -> %s", arg, x(arg));
    int x(string n) {
        import std.conv;
        int r, i=9, f=9*'鶀', d;  // 鶀's Unicode index equals 8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1
        // If the first character value is less than 48 ('0') it should be a '!'.
        if (n[0] < 48) {
            // Call x with different input (0..*) until it matches our n.
            // r.text.x is rewritten as x(text(r)).
            while (r.text.x < n[1..$].to!int) r++;
        } else {
            d =!int;
            // Try d / 9!, d / 8!, etc. just as in the problem description.
            while (i) {
                r = r*10 + d/f;
                d %= f;
                f /= i--;
        return r;


    Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

    Reputation: 111

    I think it might be possible to change string n to char[]n to save one byte (I know I'm late here). – Zacharý – 2017-07-12T12:42:33.070

    Also, I think if(n[0]<48){while(r.text.x<n[1..$].to!int)r++;} can become if(n[0]<48)while(r.text.x<n[1..$].to!int)r++; to save two bytes. – Zacharý – 2017-07-12T12:47:16.000


    APL(NARS), 36 chars, 72 bytes


    it seems that 10⊥(9..2)⊤ is better than the recursive function, thanks to Howard for the other APL solution that show that... (even if i not understand 100%). Input for numbers without '!' <10!. Test:

      u¨'1234' '746' '!54321' '!30311' '!24201'    
    141120 101010 719 381 349 
      u '0'
      u '!0'
      u '9'
      u '!111'
      u '!9'


    Posted 2013-05-19T00:05:34.247

    Reputation: 3 036